Gordon Ramsay's Guide To Steak

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my guide to buying the best beef and steaks if you want the ultimate brunch you can't do any better than start with a perfect steak and one man who really knows his steak is master butcher danny lidgate steak is my favorite type of meat and i think it's really good to enjoy different varieties of steak when choosing a steak that you want you need to look at exactly what you want out of it for my ultimate steak sandwich i used to fill it because it's the most tender the philip does the least amount of work than all the other muscles is tucked away in the rib cage this means that when you find a phillips it's incredibly soft like butter it's the most expensive but you get what you pay for there's a wide array of cuts to choose from all different in taste and texture if in doubt ask your butcher this would be the rump section where the rump comes from which is basically the back side take the bone out and what you're left with is a wonderful steak rum steak characteristically a little bit tougher than the sirloin or a little bit chewier than the rib eye but a really strong flavor for the steak again when frying rump look for the marbling try and get some fat covering on the steak you can always cut it off after it's cooked rumps one of the best value steaks i love it thinly cut and flash fried in stir fries or simply marinated and whacked on the barbecue another great value but delicious cut is the hangar steak known as the butcher's cut because they often keep it for themselves it's great marinated and cooked quickly [Music] with the sirloin which is basically the back of the animal a nice sirloin like this really well marbled don't buy too lean so once the sirloin is trimmed up it looks something like this not too much fat but you need a little bit to cook in it next to the sirloin is the rib really popular now with rib eyes small nice really tender juicy steaks it's really special for barbecuing or grilling fantastic probably my favorite steak would be a ribeye rib eye is especially delicious because the marbling in the meat loads it with flavor for a full-on steak experience try the t-bone steak with a small tender fillet steak on one side of the bone and a larger flavor some sirloin on the other [Music] take your butcher's advice and you won't go wrong the final word has to go to danny when buying me knowledge really is power so it's important to ask as many questions about the meet you're buying find out the breed how it's aged and decide exactly what you want to do each particular job that should then give you a really amazing end product one of my all-time favorites a dish that always creates a stir is the daddy of all brunches steak sandwiches [Music] for me the secret of a great brunch is fun and casual fuss-free cooking and everyone helping themselves this is the ultimate steak sandwich you want the rolls royce of beef it has to be fillet now season it beautifully i like to open up the top of the peppermill to increase the size of the pepper in the steak so it gives that bit of heat nice little chunks you just roll now nicely all the way around now slice the garlic in half pan nice and hot olive oil in hold the steak and just place it into the pan don't drop it at the front of the pan we're going to tilt the pan forward to cook the back of the steak dual purpose now roll it back and sear underneath next my garlic and roast that garlic time fry that time i want to hear it we're not looking for a lot of color because you're going to dry out the fill it so just one end turn it back down and stir the other end in lift up your time place it on top of the garlic there lift up your fillet and sit there on top of your garlic butter in take a spoon tilt the pan gently lift up and baste i've got that scented garlic thyme flavor the steak is going gonna cook evenly because it's sat on a little a little bed in the oven for eight to ten minutes [Music] pan on for the relish you think of a steak sandwich you think of a sort of nice heated tomato relish to make the relish finely dice a red onion three finger rule one in front two behind through and chop wow next roughly chop a chilli keeping the seeds in for extra heat start off with the olive oil into a pan onion chilies generous with the olive oil i want a nice sort of rich silky relish from there take your tomatoes you can't just use red tomatoes but these yellow and red make the perfect combination now put your salt in cut that and then roast those tomatoes off take a wooden spoon and just sort of break them up once the skins blister the whole tomato just starts to release all that really nice sweet texture a little teaspoon of cherry vinegar gives that nice acidic balance the sweetness of the tomatoes turn down the gas and just let them sort of stew perfectly now a steak sandwich would not be complete unless it had the most amazing mustard mayonnaise simply add three tablespoons of mayonnaise to three teaspoons of whole grain mustard [Music] now i've got the reddish almost down to like a really nice jam now i want to make that reddish a little bit more fragrant some basil slice it through sprinkle that basil in there beautiful look at this there she is my crown jewels time to take it out smell is incredible just based one more time to fill it touch is quite soft in the center so it's just coming up to mid-rare let it rest at the same time you cooked it it'll be nice and pink evenly throughout the steak to make my sandwich i'm going to char grill some sliced chipatta bread season it nicely just a little drizzle of olive oil i want to get that bread nice and crispy pan nice and hot bread in push it down smell is amazing that char sort of charcoal flavor once you've got those marks on the bread it just stops the bread from becoming soggy and look at this here it is stunning on slice it gently one beautiful slice wow it's nice and pink all the way through and the beef is so soft it's almost like slicing through butter let the knife do the work take a little bit of mayonnaise spread that the back of the spoon on both sides next lettuce take that beautiful slice of beef and then relish on top of that beef and just slice the sandwich in half beautiful now that's what i call a steak sandwich trust me serve the sublime sandwich for brunch and you'll put a smile on everyone's face you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 8,390,275
Rating: 4.9325709 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay, Steak, gordon ramsay recipeSteak, gordon ramsay cookingSteak, gordon ramsay how to cookSteak, recipe Steak, how to cook Steak, steak, cuts of steak, different steaks, steak guide, gordon ramsay steak guide, easy steak recipes, quick steak recipes, gordon ramsay easy steak, gordon ramsay steak
Id: uNT_AxXrUGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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