How to Season Steak Experiment - Which Salt is the BEST on Steak!?!?

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hey everybody I'm Joey and today we're gonna do a little experiment using different kinds of salt to season these strip steaks and then my favorite part tests the results so follow me and let's turn up the tasty [Music] why does buying something as simple assault have to be so confusing I mean there's so many different kinds you have kosher salt seasoned salt sea salt garlic salt pink Himalayan salt and iodized salt just to name a few look I can't tell you the differences between every single different type of salt but I can tell you that salt tastes great on steak well how do I know that because salt and steak have been paired together for literally centuries and there is no way billions of people could be wrong but which salt tastes the best with steak and that's the question we're here to answer today we're gonna do a little experiment look I've always just season my steaks with coarse ground kosher salt why because I've just always heard it was the best but how do I know if I haven't experimented so that's what we're gonna do today again we have coarse ground kosher salt right here coarse ground pink Himalayan salt right here and over here we have coarse ground sea salt now there are all coarse ground maybe not to the same level but I try to get it as close as possible the one thing that is the same is the amount of salt in each one of these containers they each contain one tablespoon of salt so I know that the salt it's the amount of the salt is it impacting the flavor so we're going to go ahead and get these seasoned and then we're gonna get them on a hot grill and then my favorite part tests the results [Music] ready to drop our steaks on the grill but before we do make sure you start with the clean grill great you don't want yesterday's food on tonight's meal and by the way never ever use one of those wire brushes we made a video that shows you a real simple safe way to clean your grill without that dangerous wire brush the other thing is we're using a vortex here I cooked up some amazing chicken wings for my family earlier today I made a video about it can check that out but we have this vortex which really keeps the heat isolated in the center and in direct heat all the way around so I'm just going to go ahead and sear each steak for about a minute per side and move it over to indirect heat and we're gonna start first with the kosher salt steak [Music] [Music] look at that we have those nice diamond sear marks right there and that's where the neat things about this vortex it gets so hot you can really make very pretty steaks with it well place the control stake over here away from the heat over indirect heat next up is our pink Himalayan salt steak going down now [Music] [Music] finally we have our sea salt steak right here [Music] [Music] now we're just gonna close the dome let these cook they'll take about five to seven minutes to get to a nice medium-rare internal temperature and once they do I'll pull them off the grill and be ready for a test [Music] a couple quick notes first of all I did use a clean pair of tongs they look the same but they are clean and the same thing for the cutting board I want to thank my beautiful wife for cleaning that while these were cooking thank you baby now let's go ahead and get these hot and in my belly let's see how they taste okay so we've cooked these steaks they've been resting for about five minutes and now it's time for my favorite part let's cut them open see how they look and give them a try first is our kosher salt you can tell we have a really nice medium-rare color on that and let's take a bite here it's a good steak it's what I'm used to kosher salt it tastes about the same as the other steaks that I've made so let's go ahead and give this pink Himalayan salt let's take a shot as we can see we have a nice medium-rare temperature on that as well turn it around at home so everyone at home can see it [Music] maybe there wasn't a lot of salt on that particular piece I'm gonna try over here I did not get a lot of salt flavor on that so maybe was just the end of the steak that didn't get a lot of salt let's try here it is a slightly different flavor it's not a bad flavor it's very good actually I'm gonna try to go again here right here for the center I really want to try to give you guys a sense of what this tastes like honestly it's really hard to tell any difference between the pink Himalayan and the kosher they taste really about the same maybe the kosher salt has a just a slightly more intense salty flavor the pink Himalayan tends to have like an earthy or flavor I'm really kind of stretching for distinctions but very very similar so over here we have our sea salt steak let's give that a shot again look we have a great color on that right there as you can see another nice medium-rare steak I'll let you guys see it at home that turned around let's see how do they look pretty close maybe that one's closer to a rare but very close let's see how this one takes I'm I'm getting a little bit more salt per bite here and it's really hard to draw any distinctions from any of these salts I think that I noticed that in its pure form the sea salt was maybe a little bit coarser than the Himalayan and the kosher but and maybe that's some adding some impact to the flavor per bite but I have to say these all taste the same they taste like they were all made with the exact same salt I taste no difference at all so that's our test I would say use kosher salt use pink Himalayan you sea salt I think the real key when using salt is that you use coarse ground salt I mean maybe we'll have to do another experiment using fine ground salt but I think what happens there is you tend to get more salt per pinch with finely ground salt than you do with coarse ground salt but hey salt the way you use what you have in your cabinet as long as it's coarsely ground at least that's the results I'm coming up with right now look if you like this video you know the drill go ahead and hit that big thumbs up like button or even better subscribe to our channel so you'll never miss another update ever again here a red meat lover we're all about cooking meat made easy and that's just what you'll see in every video when you hit that subscribe button your subscription goes a long way to support our channel so we can keep on cooking meat made easy I'll see you guys next time I'm gonna get back to these steaks [Music] look I hope you liked this video and if you did you know the drill go ahead and give us that big thumbs up like or even better subscribe to our channel here at red meat lover we're all about cooking meat made easy and when you subscribe that's just what you'll see in every video we make we release one video every week and I don't know what to say no yeah let's I'm just gonna try the outro again okay alright look
Channel: Red Meat Lover
Views: 139,215
Rating: 4.8670788 out of 5
Keywords: how to season steak experiment, salt experiment, steak experiment, best steak, new york strip, dry salt brine steak, salt brine steak, kosher salt, pink himalayan salt, himalayan salt, sea salt, coarse salt, pink himalayan, cooking show, steak seasoning, how to season steak, red meat lovers, meat lovers, steak lover, when should you salt your steak, how to cook steak, grilling, cast iron skillet, steak recipes, season steak, salt experiments,
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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