How to Seal Your Rice and Beans

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did you buy a bunch of rice and beans due to our current situation and are you wondering how to properly seal them for long-term food storage purposes stick around to find out how hey everybody its magic prepper and today we're going to talk about how to seal your rice and beans that you just picked up due to the current situation we're all experiencing right now this is kind of a refresher video as I have another video on a channel that kind of explains this in detail however there's a lot of new people to preparation and there's a lot of new people getting food storage taken care of right now that might not know how to do it properly I wanted to share a quick video about how to do it while also staying under a budget okay so sealing and vacuum sealing food is definitely the best way to preserve it long term however it can be very expensive if you buy all the high-end gear that you can find at your local big box store there's a lot of very expensive vacuum sealers out there and today we're going to use everything very cheaply made and the reason for that is because we're on a budget we want to save money but we don't want to spend a bunch of money on a vacuum sealer when really what we need to spend our money on is food and I have here a vacuum sealer that cost me about $20 now I'll find a few examples of this for sale online and post them in the description below but I just want you guys to be aware you don't have to spend a hundred and eighty dollars on a vacuum sealer like the ones you'll find from the food saver brand over at your local big box store this does the job I've been stealing stuff with it for months now and it has held up and still seals everything the way it's supposed to so I'll go ahead and post those in the description but I wanted you to get an idea of what you need to get started and then I also wanted you to think about the fact that you don't have to spend a ton of money to do this the right way so here's what we're gonna basically need we're gonna need the vacuum sealer itself okay we're gonna need vacuum seal bags oxygen absorbers or silica packets one or the other only pair of scissors is good to have for this obviously the food product today were doing dry products rice and beans these are the most popular thing people are storing right now these are the things that were harder to find on the shelves just a few weeks ago and if you have a stockpile these at home and you want onto them in case you do need them in the future this is what we're gonna seal up today so you know the best way to do it on a budget without having to spend tons of money okay and besides that you're gonna need gloves because it's not a good idea to cross contaminate your food especially when you're gonna store it away for a long term period of time and we're also going to need some five gallon paint buckets now you want your five gallon buckets to obviously not be see-through so if you have options to find some that are maybe opaque or somewhat clear don't use those a more light you can keep out the better and the whole point of the buckets isn't necessarily to have an airtight seal or anything like that we're not storing the food in here by itself and locking it in the whole point of the bucket is so you have a container that protects the food inside that you've sealed into your bags it keeps things like rodents and insects out of the bucket and it allows for that food to be stored away with less environmental concerns and less light pollution so once you have all those items put together you'll be ready to go to start sealing so what I'll do is I'll go ahead and just show you a couple examples of sealing up your rice and sealing up your beans I'll show you how use the oxygen absorbers how we can modify the vacuum seal bags if you would like and at the same time just kind of go over some basics of how this works and bring to your attention the fact that this $20 vacuum sealer will do the job for you especially if this is your first go around when it comes to storing away food for long term survival purposes okay so we're all set up and ready to start vacuum sealing you wouldn't move some of the stuff out of the way and make sure you buy the bags I honestly prefer the ones that are pre-cut you can get a roll and cut them to size however you like but there is something to be said about having a factory seal on each one of these bags at one end so that you only have to worry about one seal that your vacuum sealer is putting together and when it comes to having a lower budget vacuum sealer it's probably better to let the bag factory do their best using your expensive machinery to seal up their bags properly and then use your cheap vacuum sealer to just seal one edge I mean that's in my opinion the best way to go now this vacuum sealer can handle if you cut down your bags and stuff like that to change the size however I've just found that the factory seals on these bags are stronger than what the vacuum sealer can put together itself so we'll grab a bag out real quick okay then oxygen absorbers so I buy the oxygen absorbers I was able to get a bulk buy on these a while ago for less money than the silica packets so I went with these you can only use one or the other if you use both they kind of cancel each other out so the whole idea of the oxygen absorbers it gets all the extra oxygen out of the bag once it's sealed so that way there's no contamination inside of your bag which you know obviously with oxygen it allows for things like small bugs or mites or something like that to grow inside of the food if it's got you know eggs contaminated in it so this helps take care of that problem while also keeping the food dry so that it can last longer which is why I went with the oxygen absorbers they're a little bit harder to find nowadays but you have to have one of these or the silica packets if you want you don't necessarily have to per se but you really want to so if you're talking about long-term you want these kind of additives to be in your long-term food storage should just make it as invulnerable to environmental issues as possible okay so I'll set this down over here and with these one thing you're gonna want to keep in mind is that you're gonna have to cut the bag open and as soon as you cut that bag open those things start to absorb oxygen and you'll feel that they get very hot so you're gonna want to go ahead and take them out and reseal them as soon as you have the amount you need out okay so go ahead we're gonna grab a couple out just for the demonstration here okay and then seal this back up right away because it will start to gain oxygen and heat basically while this bag is open and I have had I got to the point where it was so hot that I was worried about putting it back away okay and as you can see the vacuum seal is working like I said for 20 bucks this thing does the job and if I don't know what to say I mean you don't have to spend 170 dollars on a food saver one at your Walmart when you can just go ahead and buy one of these on Amazon for that twenty to thirty dollar range and like I said in the description below I'll try to find the best option for you guys that's in that budget price range okay so sealed up these are good to go now don't have to worry about them absorbing a bunch of oxygen getting super hot and not being effective any longer okay so pop that open got a nice seal to it bags hard as a rock good to go okay so throw that over here out of the way we got our oxygen absorbers ready we have our bag ready and here we have some navy beans I just picked these up at the grocery store uh a few weeks ago and honestly they're ready to get sealed up because this this will hold of course but this is not the ideal way to keep your beans stored for a long period of time these bags are loose they're full of extra air and moisture and who knows what else also the material used to make these bags is not as impermeable to air or moisture as the vacuum seal bags are so we'll go ahead open this up we're going to dump it right in here another reason why you have the scissors not just to cut the bags down but to open up the food okay and then you know I kind of like to cut like a little corner off make myself a little pour spout to make it easy okay open the bag up and this way you wear gloves you can pop the bag open and not feel bad about the fact that you're literally sticking your hand in the bag that you're planning on storing food in for a long period of time okay and fumbling around while on camera is always part of the deal here okay let's pour it in now you can use a funnel or something like that that makes it easier for you obviously it's like make a cardboard funnel if you have some extra cardboard or construction paper laying around but honestly if you get used to doing it you don't really need a funnel but up to you if you have one laying around and it makes your life easier go for it okay go ahead pop that in there okay oxygen absorber okay I only put one in you can put more than one if you feel the need but I don't I feel to need that one will do the job and the one thing I will say is that these little foil packets have kind of sharp edges and one thing you want to try to mitigate is the risk of puncturing the the vacuum seal bag so what I do is actually Arius inside of the beans it keeps the edges from being exposed to the bag and it also helps with oxygen absorption because the air pockets in between each bean are now being drawn from when it comes to this oxygen absorber rather than it just sitting here on the outside of the bag and only being able to you know get to a certain amount of the beans so I try to get it down there towards the center okay there we go you shouldn't be able to see it basically once you put it in there correctly okay awesome and then there's two sides of these vacuum sealed bags there's a soft like or a smooth side and then there's this rough side this textured side so for this vacuum sealer the texture side goes up and the reason for that is because it makes a better seal when the when the heat is applied so we're gonna go ahead and when you're using your vacuum sealer there's just like basically a gasket around it foam gasket that helps make sure that the air is sealed in here and then there's this little vacuum crevice or cavity here that allows for there to be pulled from the bag so you want to put the edge of the bag right inside of the center of that gasketed area because if you go too far it won't get it won't get any air out of it and if you have it pull out too little it might take all the air out but then it won't seal properly so we'll go ahead and stick that just about midway in there okay close it down and you got to put the latches back on on the side so it has a nice seal and then I always just hold it not super hard but just enough to have a little bit more of a seal here right in the center okay and then we're gonna go ahead and set it and as you can see here is getting pulled out of the bag right now and what you're looking for is so much air to get pulled out that the bag becomes basically rock-hard you don't want any excess space or any excess air pockets in there so you got to give it enough time to do that and you can hear it it's still pulling more air out even if it looks like it's already done there's still air in there that it can get rid of so give it time try to be patient okay now the the the heat-seal has started that means that the vacuum sealer could not feel like it could pull any more air out of there and so decided it was the right time to seal that up okay okay now you give it a second to cool just a little bit unhook the latches it's had enough time to cool let's go ahead and open it and then see how good the seal is on there excellent seal okay so like I said the bag is nice and sealed up hard as a rock definitely doesn't feel like I'm gonna be able to get any more air out of here you can see that with these wrinkles and stuff in the bag that's all it expected there and the oxygen absorber is inside the center of these beans so we're good to go there so basically what it comes down to is making sure you do this procedure if you want this food to last long-term like I said it keeps contamination out it's gonna make sure the moisture is gone the absorbers are gonna help you fight any kind of contamination of insect eggs or any extra moisture that might be trapped inside of the bag and then now this is set to go for a long period of time there's one last step here to this little process and another caveat I'll go ahead and mention for you guys is that rice especially long grain rice like this jasmine rice I have right here has a tendency to poke holes in this material once in a while so check your bags regularly especially in the very beginning busting my glove but check your bags so that way if you go through and you check your stock sometimes every so often you'll see a vacuum sealed bag that has a bunch of air in it again and the reason for that is that somehow the seal was either broken or maybe a grain of rice or something might have poked through but either way it's something you want to check every so often and then luckily you just cut the top off and you can easily seal that back up and what I wanted to show you guys before we move on to the last step take an that concealed bag out here real quick okay so here's your vacuum-seal bag if you want to do something like use let's say two cups of rice as a portion or a ration something that if comes down to having to access your long term food storage you only want to use a certain amount at a time and you know you have a recipe or something that makes it easier for you to adhere to a ration then you can cut these bags to fit those rations a little bit better and make it so there's not as much excess plastic and like I said I try to stick to the factory seals on these bags so what I do is I just cut from the top down so that I still have three seals from the factory but you can still do that we can cut the bag basically in half here not an issue they're easy to cut okay I just like to try to make sure they're straight because it makes a little bit easier to seal once you get to that point okay so like I said you can cut the bag down and then let's go ahead we'll throw let's see throw these absorbers in here real quick and the bag okay just to kind of show you guys that you can modify your bags and they'll still work okay so we'll go ahead as long as you have a decent amount of the edge here correctly in the vacuum sealer should be good to go okay latch it up send it to work okay and as you can see it's sealing no problem give it one minute and it will seal it up with the heat okay there it goes and [Music] any size modified bag you want to use you can do this with and I've seen people vacuum seal all kinds of stuff so if you're doing stuff like a bug out bag or something like that you want to make sure it's waterproof go ahead and do this I mean it works for all those little things you've electronics USB cables stuff like that that you're worried about if they get wet or in an environment where they're gonna be stored for a long time might have some humidity then vacuum sealing them vacuum seal them up okay just make it happen but this works no problem as you can see everything's still nice and sealed we got a nice seal at the top here and you can put just about anything in these bags you want so if you want to cut them down to size go for it if you want to do it for rationing purposes and everything else go for it but I just wanted to demonstrate that for you and we'll move on to the last part of the video here okay so I wanted to just tell you the last part which is to put your food in your buckets right so the five gallon paint buckets worked great for this because they're sturdy you can stack them they're not gonna let any pests or anything like that into your food supply and there's tons of space in them so in this one right now it looks like I've got about 20 pounds of rice at least in there and you just kind of stack it in there the best way you can you can't expect it to have a bunch of perfectly used up space you're gonna have a lot of empty space in these buckets just because of the way things vacuum seal but all in all it's still the safest bet to keep your food protected for a long period of time so I got my beans here throw those in find a nice little home for them that kind of fits them in there tightly but not so tight that they're gonna rip their own seal right and lower that down so you guys can kind of see and then we're gonna seal it up one of the good old-fashioned plastic paint lids okay and voila there is a food bucket ready to go for long-term food storage okay so this is the easy quick video of how to store and seal your rice and beans away I want you guys to you know do the best you can to take care of a lot of that food you recently bought make sure you and the time seal it up spend a little extra money and give yourself years and years and years more of food storage rather than just leaving in the bags you bought from the store this is all stuff that's gonna be good for a long period of time and if you guys are you know finally inundated with rice and beans from all the stuff that's been going on lately now you know how to store them properly so that if you don't have to use them which hopefully you don't you know you have them for next time so this is why I wanted to bring this to your attention please make sure that if you want to subscribe to the channel that you do so we can go ahead and keep talking about shtf topics and everything else related to it and if you guys have any questions all when it comes to how to store this food or anything along those lines please let me know in the comments below I appreciate all the support the channel gets and that's gonna be it for magic [Music]
Channel: Magic Prepper
Views: 24,043
Rating: 4.9276838 out of 5
Keywords: how to seal rice and beans, how to store rice and beans, storing rice and beans for shtf prepping, shtf prepping, how to store rice and beans for long term storage, how do i store all this rice and beans, what to do after you buy rice and beans, long term food storage on a budget, best budget friendly long term food storage, budget shtf prepping, surviving shtf on a budget, shtf, prepper, doomsday preppers, prepper food storage, preparing food for long term storage, survival food
Id: 30wdzcyOqwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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