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welcome everybody welcome back to home stamp heart and today we're going to be talking about how to preserve dry beans y'all stay tuned [Music] No all right you all so in order to properly preserve your beans there are a few things you are going to meet hmm I'm missing one oh okay so what you're gonna need of course you're gonna need some dry beans whether that's navy beans which is what I have black beans red beans pinto beans whatever kind of dry bean you have that's what you'll be using okay now you're also going to need a five-gallon bucket make sure you're a five-gallon bucket is food-grade and it should say it right on the bucket [Applause] it should say BPA free food grade bucket and as you can see my bucket came from tractor supply now you can probably get them free um from some supermarkets with a bakery they aren't hard to find right now they're like gold in my area so no matter where you try to get them from they don't have them so if you have to buy them you can buy them from tractor supply you're also going to need a lid okay now this is really it right here that you can buy to fit over this bucket okay whether it's really it lightly you can use this lid to fit over the book and I tend to say the red buckets with the red lids for first aid and that way I know like when I see a red bucket I know in that bucket there are medical supplies okay so in this case I'm just showing you for demonstration purposes that you need a lid to go on your bucket now if you are storing these beans long term you're not going to be going in and out of them every to prepare meals with Ben this lid is what you want okay if you're gonna be using your beans and you will be going in and out of them to prepare food so what not for your family then you might want to lay it like this this with this is a gamma seal Leal okay and what this lid does is that it allows you to I show you I'll show you what we done it allows you to open this lid now once you put it on the main rim and gasket of this lid will be sealed on your button okay it'll be sealed however that little twist top will allow you to open and close and go in and out of this bucket as you need to but it will also still preserve your beans for long-term use as well now the gamma seal lids are my favorite whether I'm using them to store long term or whether I'm going to use them to go in and out of or not reason being is because sometimes it can be difficult to take these kind of lids off of your buckets and if you don't have the bucket Lee or the lid tool to remove this from your bucket it might get a little difficult to take it off this one once it's on it's got a little rubber gasket and is sealed you don't have to worry about popping this off all you have to do is open the top so let's go ahead and get to getting our beans preserved now one other thing I forgot to mention that you're gonna meet you're gonna need some bay leaves okay bay leaves will help keep pests down and they will also just make your bean smells so good but you definitely want to put some bay leaves in your bucket alright so let's go ahead and get started with getting these things put away all right now some go ahead and open my beans now while I'll open them just in case you're wondering can you store these beans in this bag right here no your can't if you leave these beans in this bag for too long you may as well use them as pea gravel because you won't be able to eat them okay you will not be able to do things if you leave them in this bag too long X me how I know all right so now what I'm going to do because I can't lift this bag up and just pour it over in here I'm going to use my pot and just you know use my pot to scoop them out or actually what I shouldn't be at first was put some bay leaves down in the bottom of this bag and in the bottom of this bucket so let me go ahead and grab a few bay leaves I know some people only use a couple but I just wipe off some down in there and then I'm going to pour my beans over the top also some people use the five gallon mylar bags to line they're buckets with and being sealed a nylon bag and then seal the bucket with the mylar bag inside and you can do that for added protection if you like but this way regular works just fine okay so now I'm head put in my bucket and being handful I'm gonna stop now and just sprinkle a few more bay leaves down over the top okay it's the puke some people put one or two but I'm just sprinkling a few and now I go ahead and fill it the rest of the way now that excuse the noise we doin laundry - you got a multitask around here you got too much to do too much you're gonna be waiting alright so every video right every video there is Jax alright so I'm gonna stop there all right about a good inch or so from the top of the rim of this bucket and now I'm gonna sprinkle in over the top a few more bay leaves okay yep two more babies right on top of these y'all see this came out easy that was to do very easy right now again if this is the lid that you want to purchase to put on your bucket to seal it and you're not going to be going in it again that's perfectly fine but for me I'm not going to use this kind of lid just simply because I don't like them I'm going to use what is called a gamma sealed lid I'm gonna put this gamma to lay it down on the top and they don't have to put some weight on it to really get it steel [Applause] I might have to call in reinforcements [Applause] [Music] okay what most that almost had one most and I'm almost there I'm almost there okay yeah you see why you don't want to have to be pulling this thing open and close with taking this thing is hard enough to put on can you imagine trying to pull it off alright so we are on there now thank goodness so now that I have the babies over the top finally got the lid snapped in place now I can put my gamma seal lid on put that down like so and tighten it a bit alright and that is literally all to it and to show you how simple instead of having to use a lid tool or a bucket tool to snap this whole thing off if I needed to get into my bins right away all I got to do is well see okay don't put it on that side but as you can see I can just unscrew my lead and it comes right off okay I'm gonna get just put back on I am gonna tighten it now also what you want to do I don't like to write on my lids per se because I might not be using this lid to store the same thing in it okay so what I will do is get a piece of tape and put it across here and label what's inside and the date that I put it in this bucket okay and you can even do the same thing on the lid as well you can just get a piece of tape masking tape whatever kind of tape you want to use duct tape and just put it on the lid and write on it what it is and the date alright so in this bucket there are about thirty pounds or so of beans still have some left right here in the bag that I'm going to put in another bucket now I will say this this is a five gallon bucket if this is too heavy for you to live it and you want to use smaller buckets like three pound buckets you can use three pound buckets so that this won't be too difficult for you to lift and or carry if you have to because this baby is heavy it's got thirty pounds or more of beans inside so you definitely want to take that into consideration but you see how easy it is to put away your DS okay yeah very easy and I love these gamma seal lids like I said they even have those that tractor supply or you can order them from Amazon but you can just look up gamma seal lids and you can see these babies are valuable I love these leaves and they are a lot less expensive today than they used to be I remember when they were like 10 bucks apiece but you could probably get them for like three or four now depending on where you are so that's gonna do what you all I hope this video helped you on how to preserve your dry beans for long-term food storage okay so if the video helped you then don't forget to give the video a thumbs up please remember to hit the thumbs up because that way with all of those algorithms you know more people will be able to see this content and hopefully it'll be a help to so many all right so also I'm going to put down in the description box below the link to the entire food preservation playlist that we've been doing for a week now okay and we still got some other things to do so I still have a little bit more to share with you okay so thank you all so much for watching homestead heart peace and blessings to each and every one of you y'all stay safe protect yourself all right and I'll see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Views: 99,913
Rating: 4.9800329 out of 5
Keywords: How to store Dry Beans Long Term, How to preserve candy, How to can potatoes, How To Can Carrots, How to make homemade Jelly, How To Can Green Beans, Black Farmers, Black Homesteaders, How to Process Chickens, How to cook Okra and Tomatoes, How to Raise meat birds, how to can meat, how to can butter, how to dehydrate vegetables, livestock guardian dogs, how to start a garden, how to grow squash, how to get rid of the squash vine borer, weed free gardening, garden pest
Id: cB0lVNaJu0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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