HOW TO | Roofing Basics (Part 3 of 3)

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hey guys zach here with veteran construction welcome to my youtube channel in this video i will be breaking down exactly how i would shingle this roof if it was my first time but using all the knowledge that i have now by doing this i'm really kind of hoping to give you guys a basic formula for how to get these roofing projects done without wasting a bunch of time as i mentioned in parts one and two i'm very worried i might have given you guys a false sense of confidence when it comes to roofing mainly because i make it look easy and at times even fun but for the ones who have tried i'm sure they've realized that it's not always the case and let me remind you that tearing a roof off can be a very brutal process the metal work can be tedious ice and watershield can ruin your day felt needs a lot of capped nails and shingling can be way harder than it looks i bring this to you so i can sleep better at night i really don't want anybody caught in a bind because i halfway detailed something so brings me to my next point if anything is unclear for you guys or maybe i did something different than you were taught feel free to leave me a comment and i'll be happy to clear things up you can see in my previous videos that i respond to nearly 100 of the comments and especially the ones that have questions the only thing i ask in return is that you guys take that little like button it's probably like a clear-ish type of color right now turn that blue for me this helps the channel out tremendously and it encourages me to stay engaged with my subscribers so let's get to the video welcome to part three in this final part to the series i detail nail placement creating your stair step how to finish your cuts on the end rake and everything in between thank you guys for watching and i'll see you in the comment section okay next step start putting on some shingles but first i can't put on shingles without knowing how to nail them so a little bit about this shingle this is a laminate shingle means it's two parts this part right here is all one part of the shingle however this part down here is actually laminated on those are laminated on using tar some sort so really you only have about this much distance as you can see between right here and right here it's about one inch for your nail to go now these are owens corning strips so technically my nail could be up here and it count but our goal should be to be right in that little sweet spot in the gray and the gray strip now this is going to make the shingle much stronger it's going to be secured to the roof a lot better when it's secured through that double thick part which we call a common bond so that's really all you got to think about when nailing aside from some other things like you don't want to nail where a seam is going to go we're going to be staggering our pieces about seven inches or so which means we don't want a nail right here so we don't want to just start shooting nails right off the bat you want to put one nail one inch away from the end and then skip over just a little bit past that about a foot in and then start nailing it okay you don't necessarily want to shoot one on the end and then skip all the way to half the shingle and then only shoot half the shingle on really good you just want to skip over just a little bit okay because like i said when you butt two shingles together water does get in this groove still and it will work its way sideways so you just don't want a nail close to it now for nailing pattern you have four nail five nail and six nail five nail isn't like an official nail pattern i do five nails specifically because my area calls for four and i just prefer to do five okay so for four nails one on the end skip over one two in the middle shingle evenly spaced and then one one inch from the end four five nail one in one nail one inch from the end skip over one two three skip one and then for six now one inch from the end one two three four skip over a little bit one inch from the end so if you measure these shingles they're pretty close to 40 inches 39 and some change right so the minimum stair step that you can have i believe is 5 and 5 8. for me that's a little too close that may help some people create their stair step a little bit quicker but for me that causes issues with the end and if you have to go around pipes and things like that it's not fun because then you have to be super precise when you're trying to continue your stair steps so your goal should be between seven and eight inches so somewhere in there all right now what this is gonna do when i cut this like this i'll go closer to eight all right we're gonna come through that and we're lifting up when we cut upwards in the air when it's colder out they'll snap that's one okay now we've got our next one we need to do the same thing our knife plus about an inch and a half or so all right you don't need to be exact there is no reason at all to hang this over the edge and try to cut backwards because you're worried about a seam or a factory edge out here it doesn't matter because let me show you why if i our spare step is now made out of three shingles total so we have one full one then we have one with our seven and a half eight inches off then we have one with about 15 16 inches off now you can see these are cuts that i made but now the cuts go on the outside anyway and you have your factory here so really what's the difference there's really no difference at all it's totally allowed okay now when you do it this way you're going to be able to use your scrap i only made two cuts and i have five stair steps now so it's gonna be quick and efficient for you and these cuts are nice and big so like i said if you ever have to continue a stair step around pipes and things like that it's going to be super simple all right so let's go ahead and install these we've got our first one we're flushing it up to the starter and remember our nail nail pattern now you don't want to go one inch from the end on your first piece because you'll shoot out of that edge on that drip edge like i said so we left our nail space for our seam there we can grab our next one [Music] now we need to be watching for crooked nails that nail's not necessarily crooked it just had a little flare on its edge the nail was sunk correctly though all right now we're going to do the same thing here the straighter the cut the better so take your time make sure you're cutting your stuff straight oh that's upside down but also i was thinking of something else in my head sometimes i put two nails over on this side on that second to last shingle just to kind of a lot of times i'll three nail that and you could put your nail here a lot of people do that i don't really care for it but you can now i'm a new shingler and this is scary nailing on the bottom right it's uncomfortable so if we're going to do it let's get let's get good at it and get it all out of the way at one time so what we're going to do is we're going to put on four shingles like i said we're going to want to set up we're going to want to set up our uh nice and close so why not just spread this out here let's work our way all the way across i recommend not opening up more than one bundle at a time just because a lot of times it'll be hot and you'll suffer that watch yourself behind you don't want to walk off an edge good now while i'm here i'm just going to finish this up just because i got [Music] so [Applause] now i normally only do two but if you put four rows across the bottom you're going to be much more comfortable so [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign i'm doing it from the side because this is easy for me i can get a rhythm go without ever feeling like i'm in danger of the edge [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you don't know where i'm lining up again i'm lining up to this ridge here a little ridge line i'm not lining up to the gray tape or anything we're lining up right to that ridge as we nail we're worrying about our spacing right we want to be skipping over our space where this seam is going to come in and we're also watching for crooked nails we're watching for over driven nails and under driven nails so be on the watch for those as you're shingling all right now like i said we're just gonna go ahead and kill off that one little section on the bottom there so let's cut this open bring a few more over there get it really close to being done sometimes if you give this a little flap it'll open up those edges make it a little easier to separate [Music] if you do have over-driven nails or under-driven nails usually on most guns they have a little knob here that will adjust uh the depth if that's not good enough maybe it's real hot out or real cold out you can always go to the compressor and turn the pressure up or down whichever so i'm gonna stop after these four because i'm a new shingler i'm scared of that corner i don't know what to do with it yet and i don't want to mess with it let's go do the stuff that's easy over there [Music] it's intimidating over here in this corner so i'm going to bring some shingles close to me because i know i'm going to need some soon as well as a coil now we finished our stair step before we have our short piece on it's time to start our stair step again we also have something else to worry about here we've got our first line snapped so now we're going to drop this down to our first line all right so you can see by doing that uh 28 instead of 28 and a quarter or 28 and an eighth i actually dropped about a quarter of an inch on this row okay that's because i i tend to as i shingle show a little bit of that ridge under here if you don't show as much it won't be as significant as mine was okay so now we have to cut we know we're on our straight line and now we have to cut this right so we'll go knife plus about two inches we're gonna go ahead and strike that okay and then let's do our second one while we're right here get them decently straight before we do it and again we're trying to cut as straight as possible here don't cut nothing below it so now we've got we've only made two cuts now we've got a good handful of shingles to put on five of them now we've got our two scrap cut offs we're gonna put these on again you don't want these overhanging the edge you actually want to leave that line showing a little you see how i've left a little bit of that starter edge showing the reason being you don't want a little bit overhanging because when you look up you're going to see that from the ground so it's better to be shy of it it's not going to cause any leak or anything if you just stay just short of that all right so now we're rocking and rolling we've got a nice safe place to stand on the bottom and we know how we're making our stair steps that's most of the battle right there so i'm going to run this out show you guys a little bit about where to stick these and bundles be on so again give that a little flap it'll make them come apart easier roll these up so they don't blow around into your neighbor's yard set this however is comfortable for you set it like that how i just did it or you could set this down you're going to need to set it down regardless to stay on your line here here showing that you see how much that's dropping so every fifth row we're going to drop about 3 8 of an inch or so if i if i lower my reveal like that rather than where i normally do it it'll be uh less severe of a drop but again i took a little off that number knowing that it was going to do that just to correct any imperfections that you might have in your roof as you install them okay [Music] oh shoot i passed up my line thanks is why you should snap lines with a real dark red this pink blends in super good on that we have black as well oh that would have been nice it was a four yeah it's fine i'll just rip these three shingles up now but let's get to it this one's significantly less [Music] now this is something else that's going to save you guys time too lifting an entire bundle all at once bringing it onto your shingles and gently setting it down all right you don't want to just uh bring bring half of this okay because then you're gonna have to keep walking for it you don't want to do that also if you pay attention to which direction you're putting them it'll help as well whenever i put them vertical like this i always put them with the reveal facing this way makes it easier for me to get it in position all right now we got to cut our two shoes see how that piece is hanging out right there that would show ugly from the bottom so you just take your knife [Music] this scrap some shingles throw them this way always put them with the reveal side down that's going to make it easier for you to get them into position so now we're sticking with frisco because we got our nice four rows to stand on and we got our line to keep us straight stair stepping okay now we got our line here it actually works out because i make five shingles as my stair step every time i put the full shingle on is the one that i gotta set to the line so that's actually that's actually helping me not forget now since i did forget once to put it on the line [Music] this one's a little tight i was getting ahead of myself so i need to adjust this cut but that's the beauty of making such big stair steps there's a lot of there's a lot of room for error okay [Music] do you ever have to do that you need to make sure you're not cutting below into that shingle i didn't even nick that shingle below so if you have to do that be very very careful all right so okay [Music] so when i grab these bundles i feel for the reveal okay that helps me know which side to drop it also helps to have a dual blade knife one to open a straight blade to open and then a hook blade from your finger hook blades are kind of a pain to open the thing with it also helps you to have a hook blade and a straight blade on you when drying in because as i said it does help to have the uh ice shield getting cut with a hook blade and the belt getting cut with a straight blade i'm also not going to waste my time dragging that bundle down to the bottom i would rather just drag a bundle right into place have that one up there when i'm ready for it [Music] so when i spread this i'm going to meet some okay rather than finishing that we're going to drop down here show you what to do with this rake [Music] [Music] okay so i'll show you what i do here all i do is i'm gonna put this shingle just a hair shy of the edge i'm gonna mark where they meet i'm gonna score it that's gonna be my first one now the reason i have to do my first one like this so that i can see my edge and this is going to play a part and the trick that i'm going to show you here all right so now we could just square that up blast it on do the same thing with a few more shingles see how i'm working from the top now because we're scared of that edge no i'm just kidding we should at least be careful around that edge though okay now before we get too far we're going to want to cut these now again we can use this as a straight edge and i turn the shingle upside down one because you don't want the tar you don't want to be in the habit of having that tar side down because you're going to put pressure on this and on hot days it's going to stick to your shingles and it's going to scar them along that edge or even if you want to try it this way it'll scar them out here so you have to do it upside down um i prefer to use the thin side here but there is still another perk to putting it upside down and that's when you slip off of this cut it's harder to cut into this edge than it is this this is more grippy for some reason it doesn't grip as much when it's upside down so what i do is i'll stay just about an eighth inch away from the edge okay get some weight on this thing get comfortable and you want to be looking at it so that you're cutting sideways across like across your face underneath it all right so we're gonna hold some pressure here to lift it up that way we don't cut through the starter we're gonna cut right along that edge okay we save that in case we need it we're going to do the same thing we're just going to cut this is going to really help you get a straight rake i do not recommend you doing it any other way i really don't not only is this going to be very fast for you it's easy to do it's pretty dummy proof you don't have to you don't have to think too hard about it people people try to do like snap lines or something you're only going to hurt yourself that's going to give you a very clean straight rake edge and it's super simple this was the hardest cut that you're going to have to make on the entire thing because it's close to the bottom so if you wanted rather than putting that second shingle over hanging you could have cut that second or third or even the fourth shingle all to fit and then that way you didn't have to do this this close to the bottom then you could have just started that on your next row when you're out of or when you're back into the comfort zone right that comfort zone is about four shingles and up so now we've got another problem look how short that lands it's just barely two and a half inches short all right so i can't shoot the shingle on cannot do it what you actually have to do is you have to cut about a one footer now this is where that nail pattern comes in handy when you're uh not putting nails right here this is the only time on a regular roof like this that you're gonna wanna that you're gonna wanna do this you want to watch your nailing on this shingle and on this shingle and i'll show you why we've got to cut a shingle about this long okay we've got to install that right here i always put three nails in this evenly spaced now this next one we can just put it on and let it overhang okay it's no problem here we can just let that overhang but we need to watch our nailing so let me show you how you can do that you can always just take a shingle and put it up now we know exactly where that seam is our seams are messed up now because we had to add a piece in here that was never here before so that throws off our nail pattern all right now we know that there's gonna be a seam here so we can put nails like that okay now that's an awkward nailing pattern that you're not gonna have to do on any other shingle besides this one when you have a piece land just short of the rake okay so that's going to be that whole process right there it's not it's not very hard so that's all that's in it now we just go back on our own so that's another reason i like these big stair steps we don't spend all day in a corner we get to do a couple cuts a couple installs we're back onto this this gravy run which is where we're gonna we're gonna make up speed when we get to do that so we get to take on these runs now you could if you wanted spread shingles and stay in this corner for a little bit but i think you're going to be much better off taking this run that way you get to do something nice and consistent also a quick tip for nailing turn your gun this way as you nail don't go like this because you have a wobbly wrist you'll stay a lot straighter and a lot firmer with your wrists this way versus this way because it's like i said it's a little more flimsy that way this way there's really nothing it can do so that's the key to nailing straight and accurate is as you're going along just turn that gun um [Music] up here you can nail pretty much wherever i got lucky and landed where the nail strip is uh right in line with the top but if it landed something like this you would be nailing down on the reveal just keep in mind you got it you've got six inches or so of uh ridge cap so only nail in like that top two and a half three inches that way the ridge cap covers up those nails you'll see what i'm talking about as we get along here these two these two scraps can now be used down there clearly so i don't have many shingles here i want to make sure even though i've got a couple i can put down rather than just doing that i want to bring i want to bring a whole bundle out while you're already up now when you're doing this this trick here um you can do this five times and i'll show you why i've got two shingles down there's three here's four here's five remember we want to watch our nail pattern on this one we don't want to nail in this area because we're going to have to add that one footer when the next one comes short okay that's five and here's the reason why we can comfortably do five up there you can get away with more if you know a trick i'm not gonna waste time showing it to you but it's because that's the length of the shingle that we're using as a straight edge all right so get your five now now that we're not at that bottom we could actually i could stay standing up if i want sometimes i do i'm doing a lot of back breaking stuff today so i was gonna sit down but it does help if you take a knee it was garbage this one will this keep garbage this one's [Music] keep the ones up here that are big enough to work okay so look how nice and straight that is super quick for first timers you're not gonna have to battle now so now we've got a one footer actually already here from some other piece so we can just shoot that on remember you can shoot it three times however i need another coil i got it right here and when you shoot this on this is going to be the case every single time that your shingle runs short it doesn't matter if you're short by this much or short by this much it's going to be the same exact thing so we're going to grab this shingle and then we need to have another full shingle right here to show us where our seam is going to go right so we're we're getting up on here we know our seam is right here so i can go here all right now you see we don't have a seam or a nail too close to our seam that is that is a dangerous leak it's a very hard one to find and it will happen it's very likely it should say very likely to happen over time and now look we got our nice big gravy run this is gonna be key to finishing taking this run essentially you guys already know how to finish this roof pretty much know all you need to know we want to use as much scrap as we can down here that way we don't waste shingles save some [Music] get a little bit of money back uh so this is our fifth remember we gotta watch our nailing right here we're gonna have a seam landing right in this area all right depending on how big yeah see that doesn't reach over our thing enough so i gotta cut cut a new one put it on there get it going somewhere in here and don't worry about the fact that it's almost stacking us almost stacking another seam you can get in trouble if you stack a whole roof like that you don't want to do that with these architectural shingles these laminated ones that's a big no-go all right but if you do it once randomly right five random times maybe you're gonna be okay that'll never be the cause of your problems on a roof as long as you watch your nailing you don't have those surprise nails in there okay so three nails wherever get these out of the way get this one up and nail where our seam is not going to be always bring this shingle in to double check yourself [Music] okay now we're going now we're now we're good right back to normal oh i put on six there i forgot to cut well that's cool i can show you guys the trick right now so what you do is you just eyeball this you lift this shingle as you go along you can see the starter okay so just cut super straight with that starter now you have a place to line up your shingle that's really all you got to do i still even though i know that trick i still stick to doing five all right don't forget to give yourself a little bit so that it don't stick over your starter if it's colder out you definitely want to replace your hook blade right before you do this side or at least partially through it i mean i'm just fighting it it's harder to cut the shingles in the cold it's pretty warm today but definitely more cold than anything what a beautiful rake all right now let's take that run we want to get that run done so okay remember gotta watch our nailing here [Music] [Music] oh um this is the one we gotta watch our nailing on that's big enough close to six inches the bigger the better on these okay because if water does get in there and it pushes its way over right about here and up is where it can get in and get behind all right so that's that's pushing it all right alright the one we got to be careful on i like it let's add the more the merrier here [Music] oh it's near perfect rake all right i'm gonna get a few of these shingles off of here so we can show you guys just exactly how it turned out even with using all my straps look how much is left this side landed real bad but those can all get used on the opposite side plus between that and that down there that's less than like a quarter bundle scrap on a whole side so that's not bad at all so let's just show you from here how it looks snapping those lines was key we didn't have to do any thinking once we went ahead and started shingling usually you see a pretty bad frown or a smile towards the end you got none of that going on here all right thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed don't forget to like and subscribe for more appreciate it you
Channel: Veteran Construction
Views: 1,104,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worlds fastgest shingler, shingling, how to shingle, roofing, siding, soffit and fascia, vinyl, ashpalt, how to roof
Id: EZeL_P4WsI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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