HOW TO | Roofing Basics (Part 1 of 3)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys zach here with veteran construction for a lot of you this is your first time on the roofing side of youtube so i want to welcome you guys personally by making a video that's very important to me the subject of this video is if i was to do this roof and i've never shingled before how would i do it knowing everything that i know now so this is a video that's going to help diy ers or new shinglers not make mistakes and take the proper precautions to get this job done right without wasting time so first things first we need to familiarize ourselves with this material pitch on this is a 412 by the way you can see the gutter apron is barely staying up here so anything steeper than a 412 you don't want to be setting too many materials up on here just all willy-nilly like this so this here is gutter apron and this is drip bench i want you guys to note the difference because this was a this garage that we built here the videos will be up in a few weeks so you guys can check them out um then make sure you subscribe to see those the menards package they just sent out all drip edge so thankfully i had these sitting in the trailer and exactly enough of them to do this job so the difference between these is this gutter apron has a bigger face and it doesn't have this lip right here okay so if you installed this on your bottom eave it's actually going to make it pretty tough to get the gutter underneath there this is this isn't the proper stuff to use on the bottom anymore it was used for a long time but this is the actual stuff that you want to get okay it's got a longer back a lot of times you'll have issues with the framing down on the bottom the plywood's short the fascia is too far out this could pinch back into a cavity if the plywood's short so this is the correct stuff that you want to use on the bottom and this is what you want to use on your sides okay up your gable lens so our order of operations is going to go gutter apron then we're going to put on our ice and water shield then we're going to put on our felt and then this drip edge is going to cap over our ends so let's go ahead and do that so there's no real art to doing this a lot of times on new construction i will treat the gutter apron like i would fascia and that means install it from the furthest and first that way our seam isn't visible when looking at it from the backyard okay so i'm just going to start with a full piece here and all i'm going to do is go flush to this outside edge here you see that i'm just going to go flush to that outside edge now i'm going to put one nail in it once i'm sure that it's right and then we're just gonna keep this tight okay we're gonna keep it tight to that fascia a lot of people say you're supposed to gap it like put your fingers behind it or something that's not true the gutter guys don't have any issues sliding their gutter up behind it that's what that lips for okay it actually makes it easier on the gutter installers because when they slide it up in here it takes a lot of the weight off the gutter it almost holds the gutter up on its own so just want to put a couple nails in this now we're going to do this again but now we have to overlap so here's what i'm talking about that seam can't see the seam from this direction which is mostly viewed from the backyard a lot of times you can't see gutter apron anyway once it's hidden in the gutter but it's still a precaution that i like to take so as far as overlap goes there's no real rule to this um overlap an inch two inches whatever you really feel comfortable with i'm gonna do about a two inch overlap right there you don't wanna go too much and then just remember keep this flush also you want to be careful when buying this because some places actually have a different angle on their gutter equipment you see this angle here it's close to a 90 right it's pretty close to a 90 degree angle some of them are opened a lot more like that those are made for steeper roofs like 812's so if you do have an 812 roof you may want to buy the bigger stuff if you have a 412 you want to make sure that it's the stuff that's a little bit closer to 90 degrees easiest way to do this part for me just get roughly flush doesn't have to be perfect you can get your overlap right there make a little mark no need for a pencil like i said this stuff gets hidden in the gutter anyway it's really not all that important that it super pretty so i'm gonna make sure i flush this up not with it not with the plywood because you can see that sometimes the plywood's cut short just like i cut it short here you want to go to flush with framing all right now that's done we're ready to dry in one quick thing before we go on something that worries me is that i'm going to give diyers a false sense of confidence when taking on a project like this be it a garage or even their own home and the last thing i want is for somebody to get in over their heads so that's the point of me making this video so i'm i'm going to break it down very detailed for you guys even down to a detail like this with the staplers i'm going to be using staples and a lot of felt is rated for staples to walk on now in my experience especially on a 412 i can slap this whole thing on with just these staples and it's never going to go anywhere i actually don't even need to hit it that many times but again i am going to shingle this today so i know that we're not going to get any rain but if you're not going to be finishing your project you absolutely want to use cat nails and i also recommend not starting a project if you're not sure you can finish it before rain or not it's very dangerous i don't even like to start roofs anymore if there's rain in the forecast and i know it's not a one or two day job all right so we will be using this stapler today not cat nails not a cap stapler all right now this is ice shield it's icing water bear this stuff you're going to want to store it somewhere in the shade especially if it's hot out you're going to want to store it in the shade and keep it in its wrapper or its box until it's used now i prefer to use a brand called leak barrier from home depot so if you guys are looking for an ice and water shield that's easy to work with that's what i recommend and no don't worry so much about these warranties and things like that especially you'll probably see people comment and say you have to use the ice and water shield from owens corning because you have owens corning shingles that's not true they like to see three or four components and if we're using their starter using their shingle and using their ridge cap it really shouldn't matter too much what's underneath okay if a brand is gonna not do warranty work because of what's underneath it when the shingles are degranulating or everything blew off in in two years then that's kind of absurd and one last thing to touch on most roof problems are not manufacturer related they're going to be installation related so that's another great reason i want to make this video because the number one thing that you're going to see is blow-offs which is caused from high nailing there's a certain place to nail and the shingle that a lot of people just don't quite understand so we'll go over that when we get to it other than that it's going to be nail spacing there's a lot of hidden leaks potential leaks that that if you don't space your nails right you can come across degranulating and things like that a lot of times that can be related to ventilation so you have to have proper ventilation that doesn't just come from the roof side of it that comes from your soffit with your baffles and things like that so there's a lot that goes into it but i'm willing to bet i'm out of the hundreds of repair calls that i've had nothing has ever really been manufacturer related it was always an installation error so we need to be careful when we're installing this stuff starting with the eye shield and on up through the whole roofing process the whole roofing system now you see this this line here what a lot of people and i've had employees do this what this signifies to me is that this ice and water shield only goes on one direction this on the top and you need this here so you know where to line up your next row okay so this ice and water shield only goes on this direction that we've got it right now so let's start down here on the bottom so what you want to do is make sure you get this thing peeled get it started nicely there's different ways to do this i recommend for a day one beginner you start off with just rolling out the top put a couple nails or a couple staples right in one spot don't space them out because it's not going to give you a good pivot point this is actually only just a pivot point right here it's okay to be short of this because we're going to have that drip edge come over to about right here so it's all right to even if i was that short okay so we're just going to roll this out a few feet you don't want to go too far on your first roll you always want to lift it up even if it's even if it looks like it's online and i'm putting these staples where the next row is going to cover it it's less room for error in case something came up and we weren't able to finish just keep rolling out and sometimes the stuff sticks down and it looks like it's online i still always lift it okay you always want to lift it you want to keep the bubbles out [Music] also do not step on it do not let your help helpers step on it i'll show you guys a cool little trick here this isn't the cool trick but it is the one trick in general grab the middle of this big roll that way you can roll it up just twice as fast and then that'll never blow away okay for this make sure you got some staples in it now it's okay to step on because it's not going to go anywhere and you're already straight what you do is you come over here you just roll it on that edge to make a mark usually i do this with a hook blade so then boom oh you want to nip that off before you uh put your drip edge on now for this you have to start this like you have to make sure that this is kind of going upwards especially on a warm day you never want this stuff to stick down on itself there's no worry today for sure let's stick this down on itself and it won't happen there we go that's all done so again i said this only goes on one way i've i've had my own employees put it on this way now look what happens you got nothing to line up to up there sure you can look at the plywood scene or something like that but there's no reason it's just plain and simple upside down walk it to the other end so again i said we can be pretty short you don't want to be outrageously short you want to make sure you lay down on your line also if you're on a steeper pitch ice and water shield typically has less grip then plywood and felt so you want to be super careful when you step on so a little shred right there also one thing i forgot to mention ice and water shield is required in most areas that have any snow or ice obviously and never mind the purpose of it but there's a code that requires this so you need to check with your with your town to see what the code is in my area it's two foot past the inside of the exterior wall so this is a two foot overhang the wall is about right here all right which means the inside of the wall is about right here okay now if you drew a straight line two foot over and came straight up this icing water shield needs to extend past that point all right that's going to help protect the wood and protect the area down at the bottom when when ice builds its way up and it melts it's like more likely to melt dark down there sometimes and then freeze its way back up so this stuff's designed to prevent uh prevent that now on this on this building it's not required because this is a non-heated building this garage is not going to have heat it came with the menards package so i put it on plus for the demonstration purposes all right um now you also have to make sure that there's not an inspection requirement there's very few towns but there are some that require an inspection on your ice and water shield to make sure it meets that two-foot mark so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to take a picture because it is required here where i'm at i'm just going to take a couple pictures i'll pull a tape measure and um so he knows that it's two full rows on here a full tape measure take a few pictures and tell him i did it over the weekend don't take that approach i happen to know the guy so it's a different story so now it's time for the felt now usually your felt when you're using synthetic runs in four foot rolls i recommend buying four foot rolls felt buster is my favorite brand made by gaf it goes on easy it's super grippy um i've never used this brand here pro armor now this stuff has no real direction so we just got to put this on in a straight line get right up to the bottom leave it short like i said also better short than long so you don't have to come out cut more of it these dewalt staplers are very nice they're super lightweight easier to refill than the other ones just like the ice shield and roll it out a little bit i'm putting it i'm putting my staples along the bottom because that's what i'm using to line up with so i'm not sticking it in the middle okay okay now this is nice and straight we're ready to roll it out a little bit further than before synthetic for those of you who aren't familiar with it uh i highly recommend no matter the price difference installing this instead of tar paper goes on quicker it's safer easier to work again i don't really need to nail the heck out of it because you know i'm shingling it today also when you're i i got offline somewhere right off in the beginning i don't know why but uh you just always want to make sure you're actually nailing when you nail the bottom you're not nailing above this like red line because i'll show you on this next one you want i want my staples to actually be going through the top of this piece as well so when i put that next row on if i'm nailing above the red line those staples are going to be catching the plywood they're not going to be catching the felt and the plywood that's going to help that downward grip okay even though i put some on there it's just going to be additive strength it really helps to have a straight blade a good decent straight blade all right one that you didn't run a bunch of ice and water shield through so myself a nice little base there so you see i'm putting these staples in this area and it's going through the paper below it that's going to help keep sturdy especially if you're on your a 612 where it's a little bit steeper when you're walking around especially when you're carrying more bundles you're going to have a lot of pressure more downward pressure when you're when you're stepping you don't want that to give way because that's not a fun ride here so for this one i'm just going to cheat it cheat it up a little bit reason being because see where it lands if i put it on the line i would have been just shy of the ridge and i'd rather have that still covering than have to come through and add a little strip so that's just a precaution i'm taking because i know that i can be super careful though because you don't want to come off your mark here and again because i cheated it up a little bit i'm putting these staples super low to make sure we keep our strength in this belt while we're walking on it so when i go back to that other side i might keep my first row up just a little bit more so that it covers over this side super easy all right so now that our dry end's done we can go ahead and get our drip edge on then we're ready for starter and shingling we're gonna need three pieces of gutter apron some snips and our gun let's double check make sure we got nothing overhanging totally good now for this first cut we're gonna have this is gonna go at this angle right here all right it's a 4 12. so we can't just put this on square otherwise some of this is going to hang out what we can do however is cut a little bit of that off and that's going to get us just about right so i've got a good way of remembering this i'll put it up on the screen see how i took pretty close pretty close to a half inch off that what's a half inch if you break it down into a fraction 4 8. so for a 4 12 you're going to cut about 4 8. if it's a 5 12 you'd be cutting into this a little bit more it would be about 5 8. if you've got a 612 it would be about 6 8. we're going to go ahead and get our gun close we're going to put this on double check our angle don't let that bend but i'm going to put this on here safely scoot down to the bottom check my angle dead nuts perfect let me see that camera i'll show them all right so now you guys know how that's supposed to look why that cut was now we're not going to overkill these nail nails here but this needs to go on it needs to be on there let me just double check how this is sitting here got this flat with the plywood not curled over that's nice and good so now we have to make a connection so i'll show you how to start that this is going to be our connecting end all you do is you take this take about a half inch out a little dog here low 45 you could even do it to this if you want and what that's going to do is that's going to keep this from sticking out all right it almost creates a false overlap on the thick parts the part right here that bends and the part right here that has to go over the edge so rather than having too much to work with you just put this on give this a cut just make it make it a little long all right so we're just shortening our piece up right now just so that it's manageable all right now we're going to put this on show them how that connects we're going to come on attach that to that all right now we have to treat this like it's fascia this either goes from the driveway from the front door or from the backyard wherever the most time is spent um so the way that i would do this if this was my house i would say that when you're driving up you don't want to see any fascia so our next one is going to come in at this line this one right here is just going to come in right at the point and i can give it a square cut all right so we're going to take this off right there and then we're going to cut this square all right so you can see i'm going to cut this square all right so now we're going to go right there now you guys can see where my gutter apron is chilling you see i might actually come off this just a touch yeah right there all right might have left it a touch short but that's to be determined all right so i'm gonna go do the same thing with the other side you
Channel: Veteran Construction
Views: 711,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worlds fastgest shingler, shingling, how to shingle, roofing, siding, soffit and fascia, vinyl, ashpalt
Id: Q6ND_8glacs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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