Roof wind damaged missing shingles - shingle repair uncut

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brian with grand roofing back at it again once again for you guys you've commented i'm answering you want to see uncut unedited or minimal editing start to finish videos so that's what we're going to do here sorry for the noise in the background next to a busy riff what we've got going on is there was some wind damage here this homeowner had a leak coming in they contacted their insurance company insurance guy came out looked at it he put this uh blue tarp stuff down he actually put it on top of the shingle you can see the old cap nails here water was running right in and under going in a one by crack causing a good leak inside the homeowner has filed a claim on this contacted a few contractors some of the contractors said it's absolutely shot you got to get replaced bam here's my price i look at it i i know whose insurance company is i'm not going to say my opinion is they're not going to cover anything honestly i'm walking around up here there's no reason for them to cover it let's just take a quick pan around then we'll jump into the repair uncut minimal editing if i run down the truck i'll cut that little snippet out but yeah also if you like give it a thumbs up if you do like this kind of content you haven't subscribed or commented please comment down below hit the thumbs up button and subscribe so you're notified on the next one so quick walk around to this property here this house this roof there is no wind damage on any section on this home except for right there there's two shingles there is no wind damage of any sort everything is solid it's stuck down i don't see any sign of anything other than minor wear yeah you got some areas where some granolas are coming up but it's by no means shot the pattern's not bad there's a few i found that are a little close but not bad at all every side i've just random check spot check for wind damage loose shingles mat transfer various things and i don't see it i don't see anything here i don't know much of the age of the roof i'm just guessing 15 years old maybe everything here dominant winds out of the south out of the west there is nothing lifting it's all stuck everywhere i've checked last time i was here so my opinion i wouldn't say go pursue this claim any further poss i mean honestly what the adjuster or the insurance company said is go get a handful of quotes they're just going to run through the ringer exhaust and wear them out it's not going to go anywhere then their thought is well we got to find the cheapest quote because that's you know might be hard to to afford whatever no this roof's got some life in it if the adjuster or insurance company comes back says yeah we're gonna cover it then hell yeah but my opinion it's not so there's no sense in fighting it also i guess i will say also i get some people questioning the cost and value of repair very briefly touch on that it depends on several factors your local market what's the demand in your market if there's a lot of competition it's going to drive price down if there's no competition you can basically set name your price if it's insurance work they work with the insurance company they make the price negotiate supplement whatever that's a totally different beast i will say also on a personal level you guys if you're a contractor if it's something you want to do and you're backlogged throw your price up higher you don't want to go running yourself into the ground backlogging a lot of work trying to get every job and under bidding you'd be losing work who knows if the price especially in this economy is going up you might lose money there so repair work can vary and can change so i don't want to say because then some guys that are over pricing or charging a lot in another different market different uh circumstances and be like oh he don't know what he's doing so it can vary i guess just get out there do some repair work if you get a lot of your repair work you're too cheap you can find out if you throw some high prices you don't get any you're overpriced you can kind of play that that way as well as how backlogged you are so enough of the pricing i don't like getting into that too much it's also not what you make but what you do with it too i've been able to do a lot with very little so let's get into the actual start of this this is wearing out it's got some damage to it it's wobbling pretty good it's starting to rest out real well there's no need to have another vent right next to this vent yes my opinion it's under vented slightly but what we're going to do is remove the shingles that are damaged in this area where the cap nailed we're going to knock this out got a piece of wood here we're going to cut trusses uh the the wood out from rafter rafter trust whatever's under here drop a piece in put a piece of ice and water down new shingles close in color this is some stuff i've had at the shop it's pretty close to it in my description i said it'll be close but not exact even if you had the exact same shingles from when this was installed they will be faded due to the age of this so if you're a newer guy and you're writing up estimates cover yourself with things like that i've once had somebody come back say hey i don't like that color that's not what i chose big lesson to learn we got that settled but every estimate i do if they like it they want to move forward the color is added that's what they sign off on all right gopro on the head we're going to get started i believe i got most everything up here field of view should be good there battery power i don't see my battery power when we are recording all right we're going to start this i'm guessing this repair should take 15 minutes to half hour not too bad not too much some things you'll need is a flat bar some basic tools it's not big enough we're gonna use the old trusty mag hatchet link in the description this thing is awesome because it has an embedded magnet to hold your your stuff while you're holding shingles check it out i'm out of hand nails i might need to clip a few but let's get started on this get your shingle split this shingle's coming out you got to get those nails removed split this free pop those nails out because the underlying headlamp of this shingle is up under that row so we're gonna have to start up here i get a handful of people questioning what's the best technique for this well it varies today is a warm muggy overcast day so you don't have the sun beating down it's not going to burn you but it's warm and muggy the tar sealer kind of comes apart different brands eras times the the seal strips could be manufactured differently with different temperatures and they could act differently but what i like to do if it doesn't work what's the definition of insanity doing the same thing and expecting different results if what you're doing isn't working try something different so i'll show you a couple of things i like to do [Music] if you're in a single thickness here you can tear this a lot easier than if you're to double so if you're trying to start here or on a corner yeah it's not working jump over to thicker part you could also sometimes get up under here this way and go that way what i find work best most ways in circumstances temperatures is once you get a spot started work sideways and down like this you do need to be aware you can be under this next one here and get my camera down in there and you can cut that you don't want to do that so just get it started play around with it you'll find what works for you actually get the nails out when you're in there you don't want to repair have a nail left and it's above the decking of the substrate and then you put your new roof on a few weeks go by hot summer sun it just heats up and breaks through you don't want that [Music] jump around on the other side six to nine shingles should be all we need to get out of this [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so let me point something out i said something earlier matt transfer some of you may be like what's mat transfer at least what i know it to be is if wind damage occurs chances are it's not going to split the tar and then reseal down what happens is the tar on this shingle was so aggressively stuck to the granules that it had what i believe is called mat transfer but this is what it is is it pulls the granules off of the shingle and they're stuck to that let me get some light there you can see it this will never seal down again that's just a little thing you're looking for for wind damage shingles loose shingles missing in you know completely shingles creased snapped anyway let me reach down and cancel this call actually i need to take this call i'll be right back okay sorry about that i had to take that call it's pretty important so i didn't do anything yet i just sat here until the call is over snipped that part out for you let's get back into this repair here i don't recall what the last thing i said was but uh anyway make sure you got all your nails out and then you can reach up under here get all these nails out sometimes it might be better if you actually just get the shingle out of there so you got some room to see and work [Applause] then go back up under there make sure you get your nails never good to have nails near a key way like this can see water getting in there we're gonna go ahead and probably fix that real quick by just simply cutting it back a little bit further so what do you do to cut that back further and repair that well all you gotta do is go back far enough to get a good four five six inch stagger i go about five inches past this one you can cut it here but you wanna make sure a couple things there's not another key way near that below it or above it you want to have them completely offset you want to make sure there's no damage to the shingle under it you want to make sure that you're not cutting it right above another nail so there's no nail right here we're back far enough there's no key way because this is going to be long there's no key way below it near it so we're good to take a hook knife reach up under there and cut that out careful not to cut the shingle under it your best cut straight get that either get this turbine vent completely removed their junk when i was last here i threw that under so it would shed water the right way you can see where it had been out for a minute water was coming in under the guys tarp getting down wore out going right in here it's gap because that's a one by it's decking with one buys there's gap between it the other guy cap nailed into this shingle patching it so i figured it's not gonna do any more damage i put mine there but you can't leave it you need to get these gone so what we're gonna do gotta come over here anyways to get to this keyway so we've got enough room to cut this right here it's off far enough from your flange your vent it's all far enough from this i just want to get it repaired you want to do your repair good enough so you're not going to have to go back up and fight this thing or just in general do a crappy repair if you're a contractor want to be a contractor do good quality work build up a good reputation so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] i gotta get this fixed too since that flange is gone now this is cut too low next to a keyway here water could get in right there so we're going to pop this corner up go over just far enough to get this shingle cut back the nails right there okay get some of these cleaned up real quick so i don't grind them up into the shingles i'm gonna bash my knee up i don't have my skill saw today i kind of forgot to throw that in the bag so we're gonna use the sawzall here so we're just gonna get an idea here we're gonna do one second one just by cutting this down like that so let's start by getting it cut out foreign do [Music] try to keep these nails in here if you need to pull the nails we need to cut one side of the other just make sure that when you are done if you remove nails out of this side you re-nail that this one's good if you need to add them adam this one they're cut out make sure you re-nail that over time if not it could buckle back up cause a problem just because we are gonna add a nail on this side i think i'm about to hit my panic alarm keys in my back pocket i've never done this with a 16 let's see come on people [Music] you don't have to use the same size one buys you don't have to go out and buy them it's not a problem at all you can put several in what you don't want to do is gap them like this this roof gets redone like for example some areas near me not my area right here in kokomo but some counties near me they require deck inspections and permits and all that so if there are gaps over i believe that area it's a quarter inch or a half inch you've got to deck it either deck over strip all that re-deck whatever you can't do that the reason is is based on where your nail pattern is you could fall right in between this a lot of guys don't pay attention to that that's what the inspection process deck inspections are for sometimes they can be a pain in the butt because you still get those guys that are not going to do it cut corners they'll just do it on the weekend [Music] [Music] [Music] a little trick i don't have my pencil with me so we're gonna set this uh next board in here like that this is probably still a little green so don't worry about leaving any space because it will dry in space but my little tip here use a shingle piece just mark a little line right there like that so that wasn't supposed to happen a beer a fly [Music] that little piece i'm not worried about it's a repair not redoing a whole new roof but honestly that little piece is so much smaller than all the boards and gaps in this roof [Music] i guess my aim wasn't so good [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the wood is replaced make sure there's nothing big in the area raised up make sure there's no nails sticking up i had some ice and water on the truck still so that's what we're going to use not necessary use paper black paper whatever you want to use we go just wide enough to cover just far enough up under this cut mark to get it tucked [Applause] bring this scrap to go down this side here once i cut it there's some nail right there [Music] there we go so still got to get that little damaged corner out we're good to start putting some shingles back see the double line from the manufacturer kind of i believe these are probably the exact shingles just manufactured a long time ago and pretty faded yeah maybe it's a little bit off certainty is the one that does this this is a certainty shingle landmark pro make sure there's no nails yeah like this nail under here it's it's compromised so even though this is stuck down this shingle seals to this it's not going to be pinned down it'll be lifting so go ahead and re-nail that just make sure you check your stuff over if a nail drops down really easy you're in a uh one by in between one bias sorry not in a one bite but in between one by so you need to raise one or lower one make sure you do that you'll know it you'll feel it now it's just a matter of piecing the shingles in watching your keyway stagger pattern as somebody commented in the past a book what the heck are you talking about what's a book oh i can tell you're ignorant with roofing you don't know what you've got you don't know anything about roughing you've never been a rougher for as long as you say well different parts of the world different parts of the country people refer to things differently doesn't mean they don't know i might have to go down and clip some nails i'm getting pretty dag on low so don't nail this area that's why i skipped it so so so we're gonna be short because i cut this one back over here so we're gonna need to add a tab good area for your uh pieces to come into play just make sure you offset so this is actually pretty good right here because of course we got no nails here i'm gonna add one on the left here a little bit i can come down that one kind of barely went in between a one bite so we're gonna raise it up a little bit once this is all done there is one last thing i don't have up here is the caulking gun anywhere from an old seal strip it'll never reseal we're gonna put a little dabs of caulking under those don't forget that part or that could open up wind damage from here up later down the road because it's not pinned down [Applause] [Applause] i'm not a fan of going super far under but i'm gonna match what they've got well as i say that back i'm not a fan of getting everything tucked so far you're covering and hiding it all because this part is not up quite high enough in my opinion that is also why there's this punched rib in here but we're gonna match they've got here so we're gonna nail that down go over it i am out of nails um so i'm gonna have to run down to the truck real quick to get the extra nails and caulking to do a few things so i'll be right back all right we are back and ready to go again had to get the caulking gun and get some nails so what we're going to do here real quick let's get this piece here cut out and prep ready to go water is going to divert come down this we've got some holes in here so when we're done we're going to caulk our side and clip our top corners but we're good to get this ready to go now that i got some nails oh you know what i forgot this right here we got these uh pieces right here we didn't address catch well you know what that's going to kind of suck i don't want to put a little small tab here that's not my style we're actually there's no issues because it's solid it's no different than having a key way through here but we can slip a little piece of ice and water under just because i happen to see it sitting here [Music] just past the overlap there that'll seal down that'll help cover and stick up anything yeah no different than if two shingles came together here as long as you don't have a keyway under it or nails or a damaged shingle under that you're fine okay so let's go back to where we were here some guys absolutely hate the fact that i nailed down the bottom edges i will say if i do i don't nail the very bottom and i don't know the very outer edge because water can wick up under water can trickle under the side and then get into your nail so if you do if you see me do it i'm always going to come up a little bit and then i don't want that blowing up i don't want wind driven rain i don't want wind going under here when the wind blows and a strong i will also follow it up by i've seen nails like this over 20 years old not a problem yeah they'll rust a little bit so it's not going to cause a leak we will spot these typically i do this afterwards so i don't make a mess i punch this one open yeah it just seems really hard what's going on coming really slow is this half dried yeah it looks pretty dried up oh well okay i'm not a fan of putting pieces in right there like that but it's not going to hurt anything i wanna make sure you get it replaced and put a big bead of sealer down the edge of this and make sure there's room a small channel for water to run through and then i like to cut the top corner like that because if you have a point like this water can hit this and then trickle down you don't want that let's see if we can get this to actually squirt out a little bit here yeah my tube is about dried out just glancing to pay attention ahead of time where my nails need to be in preparation for the next keyway because this was almost a full shingle by the time you shift that over you're gonna have a little keyway right here so what you can do actually this is a good spot to do this to show you we're just gonna put a tab in and cut this here or here probably here it's a little bit bigger a little more room i'll get that nailed off and then put one final shingle in because i put that there see i don't want a nail here i don't want a drip group there [Applause] so [Music] there's a nail right there see i even missed one but i'm not gonna neglect it leave it ignore it right in between one by right in between one by right in between a bigger one by gap that is the gaps those are wow you don't want to leave those they're gonna blow tug and pull and blow out there you go slower down a little bit more it's all nailed off all nailed off [Music] this is where the magic of the mag hatchet helps here okay now the last step all the new shingles are bottom seal they're going to stick down any of the old shingles like this right here will never stick this where i broke it free will never stick so we're just going to put a dab we're gonna put a small couple dabs preferably over the nails see that one's down good this one's broke free so put a couple dabs i don't put lines i just put dabs and i try to put them near a nail so it holds the shingle down then just step up on it squish them down stick them down in there so all right let's not forget my headset there this thing's about 100 bucks okay that's how you do remove a turbine vent this is how you smash the thumbs up button consider subscribing if you liked it please just subscribe whether you subscribe or not i don't care i don't mind if you liked it if you could if you're watching this far please give it a thumbs up it really helps oh the mag hatchet description down below i'm gonna clean up get out of here get on to my lunch and my last couple stops of the day i hope you enjoyed it if you got something good out of this please give it a thumbs up until next time oh comment below if you got any things you want to see those of you that comment thank you those of you that comment what you want to see thank you that all helps until next time be safe we'll see on the next one
Channel: Grand Roofing Inc.
Views: 98,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof, roofing, grand roofing, roof leak repair, roof leak, finding roof leaks, finding roof leaks tips, roofing diy, diy roofing repair, kokomo, roof vent installation, on the roof, finding a roof leak, roof vent leak repair, roof vent replacement, leaking vent pipe on roof, roof leak fix, roof leak detection, worst roof ever, roof damage, roof wind damage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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