HOW TO | Roofing basics (part 2 of 3)

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all right welcome to part two where we're gonna show you how we would shingle this if we were brand new to shingling okay so we're gonna take a couple extra precautions things that i normally wouldn't do we're gonna go ahead and do some extra things to make sure we get it right and eliminate mistakes all right so this is pretty typical for starter these days you uh you got to break them in half go ahead and do that break up a good handful of them however many you think you'll need all right so next thing we're going to want to do is the very first thing we're going to want to do is get all of our starter on before we start don't try to do it as you go if you're going to do a task and you're new to something whatever the task is do it all the way all right so if we're laying if we're laying our drip edge don't just lay one side and get to shingling lay all the drip edge if you're laying starter lay all the starter so start off by measuring it seven and three quarter okay now when we make mark our line we want this starter to overhang into the gutter there's no gutter but overhang our metal about three quarters of an inch [Applause] maximum of one inch minimum of a quarter i typically do about three quarters of an inch and i'll go check it in the middle and some other places if the gutter apron and stuff like that is kind of wonky all right so we had seven and three quarters so what i'm going to do is i'm going to burn three quarter because that's what we want to hang in there and i'm going to mark seven and three quarters now how i made that mark was not with the the blade i just i just marked with this thing okay so we're gonna go do that on the other side okay now we're gonna mark our seven and three quarter we burned our three quarter mark seven and three quarters and if you have any significant bubbles in your ice shield i wouldn't call this one significant okay i wouldn't call that one significant but there is one over here i don't want one over here take your hook blade this is what we should go with by the way a hook blade all right because it's a bubble you can actually cut it and it will fold back over itself and you shouldn't see any wood okay so i can go ahead and shoot that with my gun or staple it we're gonna do the same thing down here and this is gonna this is something that we absolutely have to do i know it seems kind of counterintuitive but if you don't do that you'll see uh you'll see that in the shingles and i can actually show you a picture on my house where my guys didn't cut the gutter apron so i'll be showing that right now and you can see exactly what that looks like when you don't do it so trust me it's much more harmful to not cut these bubbles than it would be to cut them so i'm just going to shoot that down real fast all right by the way the nails we're using are an inch and a quarter inch and a quarter coil nails and i recommend probably wearing a pouch for shingling if this is your first time so now we're going to snap our line you know what while we're at it like i said if you're gonna do something do all of them we're also gonna do the same thing for our edge starter so i don't do a full three-quarter inch overhang on here i think that looks tacky when you're actually looking up at the roof if there's a big overlapping shingle like that so i do about a half inch okay now use your tape burn a half inch burn a half inch and then make your mark i'm just gonna do this for this sink right now all right we're gonna do this right up here at the top as well all right we're going to go to the other side and mark out all of our starter because we're beginners and we want this to be right [Music] [Music] oh by the way like i said you want to check in the middle it's still going to be at least at least a quarter into that gutter because that's the minimum and it is okay so now we've snapped all the lines for our starter so let's put it all on so like i said when you gotta do something just do it all spread out for all of our starters all right starter spread out took less than a minute to spread it all out now we're not running around running out of stuff okay so when it comes to starting you have to be careful about this very very important thing i'm gonna go ahead and open up a bundle to show you what that is so let me tell you what the point of starter is two main things you're gonna secure this starter to the roof these two tar lines the one on the bottom of this shingle and the one on the top of that will bond together and that's what's gonna keep this bottom edge from lifting that's one purpose and i'm and i would be willing to say that that's the least significant purpose of the starter this is the more significant purpose in my opinion it's to keep the water away from the roof deck and the the ice and water shield all right so if i just put this up right where that's going to go and then put this up right where that goes you see how close these seams are that's not okay water will always run in this seam right here okay even when i butt another shingle to it tight especially on a 412 not only will it get in right here it's gonna work its way under all right so it's actually it's if you ever tear off a roof after rain you're gonna see water lines that are this wide around this thing okay and sometimes even more when it comes in and it hits this it hits this tar line it runs this way because it's that sealant will kind of dam up that water and deter it to the side all right so i would say that you need a stagger on this that is at least around seven inches or so to start also very important thing you want to note is your starter the same length of your shingle in this case it is which is phenomenal okay so if i start this off and it's a seven inch stagger it's going to stay a seven inch stagger sometimes some manufacturers will not have these the same length the starter will actually be shorter okay and what that means is we can start with a seven but then the next one it's gonna be it's gonna be five then three and so on until these things are right on top of each other we don't have to worry about that in this case if you do have to worry about that start with your starter shorter than significantly shorter like that and then your your starter will work its way this way towards this back seam rather than if you start it off this way it gets closer this to this thing okay so sorry if that was competing at all but my main point right there is start with like a seven incher or an eight okay so this will be my first one on the side now whatever okay so let's just eyeball these roughly where we want them to go okay now we're gonna put a shingle on right here leave a little bit of that line showing so that you know that you're straight now we need to leave no nail right here because that's where our seams gonna go so we put a nail over here we wanna know close to the bottom and when these shingles are the same length it makes it really easy to predict where your seams going to be if they're not you're going to want to be careful where you're nailing because like i said once that starter starts to work its way in on itself you'll have a bigger issue so what we're going to do here we're just going to shoot that on all right let's go up our right so what i do with this is i slide it all the way down until it's flush okay now it's ready to be shot off however many nails is fine because you're going to be putting a lot of nails in through the shingles try not to under nail it what i did there was i cut this off all that's doing is exposing more top so you can see there's still this shingle under here make sure they can see that that shingle is still under there i'm just exposing more of that tar so that the adhesion is better all right now all we do is just set this right on our line all the way up and do not nail close to this drip edge because it'll shoot out of this little lip that's on there not just on the starter but on the shingles as well everybody wants to nail super close and i understand because you're like worried that this is going to blow off or something so you want to nail super close it's not really the case there's not that much of a lift there so don't over sweat that [Music] remember to leave your little space [Applause] this reaches there perfect good [Music] and that little bit that's overhanging here is actually fine because it doesn't overhang this all right so again we're gonna go down flush stay on our line then don't forget go ahead and give this a little miter just then expose that tar saw so now when it comes to this just cut it off roughly flush with the peak it's okay if it's short but you don't want it long all right so we got all of our starter on next this is very important for a lot of guys they're not going to be able to keep a roof like this straight so you're going to want to snap some lines this is something i don't normally do but i'm going to show you guys how to do it you can do this two ways both of them involve doing this first this is the first step and that is measuring your reveal the reveal is from where i'm hooking my tape to right where this ridge is which is where we line our shingles up so this is the revealed part of the shingle it's five and five eighths on most shingles they're also about 13 and a quarter tall most shingles all right but in the case that you have a different one just make sure you measure this this is five and five-eighths for me i'll put a thing up on the screen like a little cheat sheet so you guys understand all right every 1 8 is a 0.125 on a calculator so 5 and 5 8 is going to be 5.625 all right so cheat sheet somewhere here or here now you could just do this every uh two rows if you want to be really particular i'm not going to do that let me show you what it would look like if you did them i'm going to do mine every fifth row okay so if you wanted to do this every two rows five and five eighths twice is going to be 11 and a quarter right and that's what this is about 11 and a quarter what i would just do for simplicity's sake i learned this from another roofer on youtube it's just mark multiples of 11. so what you'll do is you put your first piece down mark at the top and then pull from there mark 11 22 33 44 do the same thing on the other end and then every single or every other row you'll have a line to go to to make sure that you're keeping the roof straight i don't think that we need that many so i'm just going to do it every fifth so here's how i'm going to do the math i'm going to take 5 and 5 8 which is 5.625 and i'm going to multiply that by 5. so we get 28 and an eighth i'm just going to round down for math's sake to 28. so we've got 28 times 2 plus 56 hit eq i don't want to do it that way we'll go 28 plus 28 so i'm going to go 28 56 84 112. so we're gonna put this shingle exactly where it needs to go okay i'm gonna mark this hopefully it doesn't move and i'm gonna mark now we're getting ready to snap our lines we're already there okay so again if you want to do every fifth row and your reveal is five and five eights you can steal my math we're gonna go 28 so i'm gonna mark that 28 like that okay now you want to keep that tape right on that line then we're going to go 56. and it's easier if you got someone to hold i'm sure most of you won't be attacking this by yourself then we had what 84 and we got 84 and then it was 112. okay you got to get my calculator back out 140 and 168. [Music] look at that gives me a line right before the top too so that's nice now we're going to go do that same thing on the other side and snap our lines all right as you can see we've got a good line there we've got good lines all the way through here i've used pink chalk though i got that peachy colored one so it's a little hard for you guys to see on camera but it's plenty good for me in real life so we've got this line snapped took us no more than five minutes absolute at maximum we snapped one two three four five six quick lines that's going to prevent us from having to double check ourselves at all during this roof so now we can go about our business without any worry about being straight we just have to lay our shingles semi straight in the meantime and every fifth row we're going to get directly right back online okay next step start putting on some shingles but first you
Channel: Veteran Construction
Views: 283,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worlds fastgest shingler, shingling, how to shingle, roofing, siding, soffit and fascia, vinyl, ashpalt
Id: ll2ABC5uOmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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