Inside Sadie Robertson’s Stunning Home and Wedding Venue | TODAY

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it's City Rob here and we are at my favorite place in the world West Monroe Louisiana and the most special place to me my house and I cannot wait to show you guys some of the things that makes this house my home and I know y'all are gonna love it so let's go take a look my home is probably my favorite place in the world I mean it is the most peaceful beautiful home I gotta say my mom did an amazing job with all the design work of it you know I don't live here now anymore but a house is still here my room is still here because we do come home a lot because this is the house where all my memories kind of formed so this is our living room this is probably the most comfortable spot in the house for me this couch is like everything the way that it wraps around and it's so big so when we can all sit on this deep couch it's so fun and we kind of played games around this little table watch our reality TV right here and I just love how open the house is you see everything you see everyone and then you're one step away from the kitchen table I think the heart of this home is our kitchen table the Robertson family and even my dad's family my mom's family it really comes around dinnertime and I think that's kind of a southern thing for sure if you even watched our show and duck dynasty we came around dinner and prayed together and that wasn't really before a show that's just what we did and I think that that's kind of the heart of this home for real is my dad it's an amazing cook and when he cooks it in there and we all get around the dinner table there's just some of the best conversations and just the sweetest times our family favorite is probably whenever he cooks like a big roast it's always like so fun especially when there's like a spread or other favorite isn't my dad ghost hunting you know he'll come home with a lot of deer so well dear sake and biscuits and it's just a classic like southern Louisiana meal so we are upstairs right outside of my room and this artwork is right before you walk in it's actually a me and my dance partner mark from dance with the Stars this was my favorite dress and one of our friends who's a famous artist Pierre Matisse actually did this for us and so I love it it's right for your walk in it really treats you quite well so let's go see my room this is my bedroom and this is a little desk and I have these words kind right over and really big letters you really can't miss it that's something my mom always prayed over us that we would be strong and we would be kind I love my bedroom here it's so sweet my mom really let my sister and I have a huge same but it was gonna look like because Bella and I have always shared a room our whole life and it's kind of funny because in our other houses we actually had two separate rooms but we still shared a room so my mom was like okay let's fix this problem and so basically our rooms are right beside each other and we have a barn door so you can close it if we need our personal space and we can open it when we want to be you know sharing a room and here we are right in my sister's room so Bella is super creative she's actually like super into art and so she has all kinds of little artworks around her room and we have separate closets in our separate rooms but you better know we're bouncing back and forth all the time this is our bathroom and I know it's kind of funny Justin too bad thing I was joining your favorite parts of your house but I love this bathroom I think it's so fun my mom did a really great job because I made this request that we could get an awesome bathtub and it's literally amazing so awesome and we have a chalkboard wall right here and then this quote which has always been really cool and you know this quote kind of talks about doing what only you can do in the raw it's really represents my whole message of live original so it's cool to have in our bathroom I love our office our office space is awesome because we do have a lot of people in this house we were running around all the time and so the office is kind of like another part of the house that nobody else is so when you go in there you can really work and kind of get away this is my book live and this book really means a lot to me I wanted to write a book called live because I want people in their life has value and that their life truly has meaning and this book really washed it through no matter what's happened to you no matter where you're at you can have life and have life to the fullest simply because of who Jesus is and the life that guy gave you but I'm really excited about this new book and now I just seen the comments and people inspired I I want to start on the next book that I show you over here a little bit too so this is really cool the foundation of everything my family does is our faith and literally the foundation of this floor has that incorporated my mom actually put scriptures on the floor from each of the kids and so this is Mary Kate my sister-in-law's Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord and so it's really cool that these scriptures in these words are literally imprinted in the ground that we're working from I think that's also just a little reminder of making sure that God's Word is at the forefront and the foundation of everything we do [Music] all right welcome to the tennis court this is where it all goes down so and this has always been so fun for Christianized relationship my mom kind of laughed and over me and Christians started dating she's like of course this is gonna work cuz he'll play sports with you when I can time for us to get married somebody suggested well why don't you get married on the tennis court we were like that is awesome we love that idea but how is this gonna become a wedding venue but believe it or not this became a wedding venue yeah I think it's pretty beautiful as a tennis court for somebody who loves tennis but let me tell you the wedding was just absolutely stunning it didn't even look good tennis court it was a nighttime garden they were light strong loving that day we literally had 650 chairs all around here and a stage set up and I mean it was just amazing this is our family's backyard as you can see it's very open and on a sunny day like this just absolutely beautiful I love this backyard and it's really fun because my whole family lives around here so my sister's house is literally right there my brother's house is right there you keep walking and you'll run into my grandma and then my great-grandma we're kind of all in this neighborhood so it's nice to have an open space to walk around but I will say this backyard had a major glow up you would've came here on our wedding you would see a huge tent figure like their house would like a dance floor all kinds of lights and then tons of people dancing their heart out the best dancer at the wedding kind of ironic cuz he is the dancer that beat me it is for the stars but Alfonso he's one of my great friends and ended up coming and first on our shoes and it's with stars he was by far the best dancer he literally looked at me he's like you know I'm gonna take that mic by the end of this night don't you and I'm like probably and next ya know he's taking the mic on the van and he did this whole like Billie Jean song it was hilarious [Music] this is the Branca aka Delilah she's the best I got this car whenever I was a senior in high school my dad surprised me for a graduation present and it was a huge surprise I was shook so kind of him and it has held some really special memories honestly Christian and I you know got to date with this car and we need up driving to our engagement and this he picked me up put me in the Bronco took me off and then proposed to me then even more than that after we got married we drove away in this car the inside is probably my favorite part it was in the outside is cyllage it but it's all red interior so I just think it's so so so cool thanks so much for stopping by go get my new book live wherever books are sold bye y'all you you
Channel: TODAY
Views: 1,664,576
Rating: 4.8667688 out of 5
Keywords: Weddings, Decorating, Trending, Lifestyle, Today Originals, Style Tips, Entertainment, Home, Big News, TMRW, My Happy Place, TODAY Originals
Id: xPlcTlZC8p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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