How to Record VOICEOVER in DaVinci Resolve 17 | RECORD Directly into DaVinci Resolve 17

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so if you're looking to learn how to do a voiceover here in davinci resolve record directly in the resolve you come to the right place so whether you're using a microphone like the blue yeti here awesome microphone by the way maybe you got a little cheapy usb microphone like this guy over here the fine fine maybe even have a lav mic here that you plug directly into your computer we got seven rhymes microphones here or maybe it's even one that could go on top of your camera and you could just plug it right into your computer well you want to know how to record directly into davinci resolve right so this video here is going to be an excerpt from a longer video where we talked about audio description voiceovers and the adr tool but this is just going to be voice over so if that's all you want to know you're in the right spot so i'm assuming that you've already got a project set up you have a track set up you're ready to start recording into resolve you need to know how to patch in your microphone and how to get that audio in to resolve so that's where we're gonna pick up this excerpt on voiceovers and how to get set up how to listen to it as well as some troubleshooting and tips that might help you along the way if you run into issues when you're trying to record your voiceover so now you've got your project set up here and resolve and we're getting close to where we're going to want to start to learn how to actually do the voiceover part right but we've got to get this baseline stuff set up get our clip in there get our video in there that we're going to be doing the voiceover for and this is the basics of how you get it set up now there's a lot more to it like with resolve i mean everything goes miles deep but this is the basics and it should get you started on getting your project into resolve here so now we need to talk a little bit about your microphone getting set up for that now like i said you do want to have it plugged in before you get into resolve so that way once you get into resolve everything should be seen by the program you shouldn't have to you know reconfigure stuff or anything like that if you didn't plug it in yet just close out resolve plug in your microphone make sure it's set up on your computer settings and your sound or preferences whatever it might be and then open up resolve and everything will be ready to go for when we need to patch that microphone into resolve so that we can do our voiceover work some quick tips on recording so we want good audio that's going to go along with our video clip here for our audio description right so if you can afford a good microphone get a good one this one that i'm using here it's about a little less than 100 bucks you can get good ones that are you know a little cheaper um but you know in that just under 100 range you can find some pretty good microphones you want to make sure you're in a good environment you want to be somewhere where there's not a ton of extra noise going on uh someplace that's not too echoey because you want the audio to sound good you can always do a little post-processing to make that audio sound better but let's try and do the best we can to get that initial recording to be super high quality in my case i'm down in my studio here i'm actually surrounded by soundproof blankets so that really deadens the sound and also the kind of microphone you're hearing me on now is a shotgun microphone on top of my camera it's a sennheiser mic it does a really great job of coming right to me picking me up but not picking up anything else around the microphone now this little guy here it does a pretty good job too of you know eliminating extra noise from around it it's a cardioid mic it's just picking up in front of the microphone so these are just things to think about that are going to help you get a better recording some quick tips you can always throw some blankets on the floor or go into a small closet or i mean you can even throw a blanket over your head in order to deaden the sound around you know your microphone and yourself you know to help your recording just sound the best you can because the better you can get it when you first record it the easier it's going to be to just apply a little bit of post-processing to sweeten it up a little bit and make it sound better crisper clearer and not have to try and remove all kinds of extra noise and you know echoing and things like that so you want to take those steps first to try and get the best recording you can out of the gate and that's really just going to set you up for success on your project so now that you've got your microphone set up your environment's good you're ready to start recording get back into resolve here let's add a track so that we can record our voiceover onto its own track so again i have my project here and we want to create a new audio track here that is specifically for our voiceover so i'm going to go ahead and come down here in the area below our audio track that we currently have now you can adjust these things if you just hover over different parts of the screen here you know you can make more room if you need it but let's create a new track i'm just going to come down here i'm going to right click below my current audio track and say add a track and we're going to go ahead and add in a mono track now most of the time you're going to want to use a mono track for your voiceover work because you want to hear it you know coming out of both your speakers you know our project's a stereo project you want to come out both the speakers evenly so we're going to go with a mono track you can do a stereo track that's fine too but in this case we're going to go with a mono track so go ahead and click on mono and it's going to add in a new track for us now i like to rename my tracks keep everything organized so i'm going to double click where it says audio 2 here highlight that and we're going to change that to vo for voiceover hit enter and then it's now called voiceover so before we jump over into fairlight where we're gonna set up our voiceover and do our actual recording one thing you want to change is where those recordings will be saved it's easier if you just do it now get it out of the way so that way you don't start recording and then you can't find where your clips are you're like i don't know what to do so let's get that set up real quick here so in the edit page here you want to come down to this little gear icon at the bottom which is your project settings you can also get to it by going to file and project settings once you get into project settings you're going to see a window that looks like this now you want to come down on the left here to capture and play back the first section here you don't have to worry about the second section down here is where we want to make some changes so capture you leave that as audio and video that's fine the video format we're not recording video so actually we don't have to worry about that the codec again don't worry about that and the next one right here save clips 2 now this is going to be where davinci resolve saves your audio clips that we're going to work on for our voiceover so go ahead and click browse and then you're going gonna get another window here and just go find wherever you want these projects to be saved for me i like to save it in my project directory i have an audio folder and that's where i save all of my audio so i've navigated to my audio folder right here i'm gonna select that and go ahead and click ok now this is project specific so you can change this for each project there is a default setting that gets applied you know by default when you start a new project but if i know i'm doing voiceover work i know i'm recording into resolve i want to set this to go to my project so that way i don't have to hunt around for it and i know exactly where resolve is going to put all the files that i'm recording so once you got that set up you picked your path go ahead and click save and now you're good to go you know exactly where those files are going to be so that is all we're going to do here in the edit tab now we're going to jump into fairlight where we're going to get set up to record our voiceover so jump over into fairlight by clicking on the little musical notes here at the bottom of the screen that's going to jump you into fairlight now we're in fairlight here and the first thing we need to do is patch our microphone into resolve we want to make this microphone and input into resolve so that way we can record directly into resolve the first thing we need to do is come on up to a fair light at the top here then we want to come down to patch input output click on that and it's going to open this window for you so this is where we can patch different inputs to different things tracks the different things there's a lot you can do in here but let's talk about the only thing that you need to worry about for your voiceover work so up here on the left we have source now we want this to say audio inputs and if you click the little drop down you see you've got different options but we want to use audio input so go ahead and click on that and now right here is my microphone now this particular microphone right here it comes up as primary play interface because it kind of works as an audio interface but if you're using an audio interface you should see the name of it here or if you're just using a microphone you should see the name of the microphone there so whatever shows up here is what you're going to be able to patch and sometimes even with my audio interface it might just say you know have numbers so i've got four you know outputs from my audio interface and it'll just have numbers one through four so you can just click on those numbers you know i know that you know my microphone input on that particular audio interface is number one so you can use just that number one depends on what your setup looks like it might look a little bit different than here but uh just give it a try and see how it works out if you have questions or troubles comment down below and i'll help you out the best i can on the right here we've got destination so i'm going to go ahead and click that drop down and we want to come down to track input so go ahead click on track input and now you can see we've got our different tracks here i've got my audio one left and right which is that original track right which should have your audio from your your whatever it is that your video is right whether it's your movie your tv show your film your whatever it is your project so that's what those tracks are now we have a vo so that's the track that we created for our voiceover now there's only one because we created a mono track not a stereo track so i'm gonna go ahead and click on the vo so that it's highlighted like you see here and i want to click on both of my audio interface or my microphone channels right here once you have them all selected come on down to the bottom of the screen here and hit patch so now you can see they kind of change colors a little bit right so it looks like the the first one here patched to this one and it's a mono track so you don't need both sides which is fine this should work out just fine for us so once you got the patch made you can go ahead and close this window by clicking on the little x and you should be good to go the next step that we need to do is arm our track to record and in order to do that if you come down we look at our voiceover track you notice we've got three different icons here we have an r which the first one is arm for record which is the one that we want so you want to turn that on and what that does is it says okay davinci resolve this is where i want my track to go this is how i want it to record just get that track ready to go and if you look on the screen here you can actually see the meter moving already so i know that davinci resolve is picking up my microphone now you might notice that you're hearing an echo or you're hearing yourself while you're recording so we can adjust that and that's called monitoring your audio right we can adjust how it's monitored so i actually have an extra set of headphones hooked up to my microphone or to my computer working on a mac mini and m1 mac mini here so it doesn't really have external speakers well it does but they're not good so i use headphones but let's say i don't want to hear all that echoing right so we've got some options on how we can monitor our audio so come on back up to the fairlight menu here and come on down to input monitor style now you've got different options here on how you can monitor your input so right now it's on auto which means you're going to hear while you're recording you're going to hear when you're not recording which is why we're seeing the meters move now but let's say i only want to do it on input i can click that and we're still hearing anything that's coming in so that's not the one that i want come back to fairlight input monitor style and i'm going to select record so now this is only going to let me hear you know in my headphones in this case or on your speakers in your case maybe it's only going to let you hear while you're actively recording so the meters aren't moving now and that's why because we're only monitoring when we're actively recording so that's okay but if you want to just make sure that your microphone's working again come back to fairly input monitor style and you can change it to auto and you should be able to see those meters moving which is telling you that your microphone setup you're good to record so now you should be all set up and your track is ready to record audio from your microphone now when we're in fairlight here it is helpful to be able to see your video while you're recording right so you notice in the top right hand corner here we do see our video it is a little small if you don't see it you might want to click on your meters up here because that video is actually part of the meter strip here so click on meters and that's going to open that up for you now you can click on this guy right here this little floating window option and it's going to open up the window you can make it bigger smaller whatever you want to do you can put it on another monitor i think if that's helpful for you you want to keep that you know somewhere where you can see it because it's just going to help i think make your audio description easier so you can describe what you're seeing so for me i'm just going to actually pop it back into its own window there so with everything else done here it looks like we're ready to start recording so in order to record you want to take a look in this strip right up here above your timeline and we have the record button so this is what you're going to press when you're ready to go you're ready to start recording so if i just bring my playhead back to the beginning here i'm going to go ahead and hit record and now we're recording here in resolve we can see my meter is moving we see that we've got audio from my top track here and we've got audio coming in on our voiceover track and then in order to stop your voiceover from recording you can just go ahead and click the stop button right here so i'm going to make my tracks a little bit bigger here just to see better by clicking on this guy right here and i'm going to drag it a little bit bigger and we can see we have our voiceover recorded right here if we go back and play through it i'm going to actually turn off my arm to record and then i'm going to come back here and i'm going to play through it and let's see if we can hear it i'm going to throw in my headphones so i can hear hear what's going on now let's play through and see if we hear it in here in resolve we can see my meters moving we see that we've got audio and there you go you've made your first voiceover right here in davinci resolve it's not that hard to set up it's pretty easy and pretty quick now if you're running into problems and it's not recording maybe you don't see your meters moving at all here's a couple things that you can check first check your patching make sure it's good make sure your microphone is patched to the channel that you created for your voiceovers and even before that if you don't even see the microphone in the patch menu there go back close resolve make sure that your microphone is hooked up to your computer it's set up good and that it it's actually being shown in your computer settings so that way you know it's there so when you open resolve it should be there and you shouldn't have any problems if your patching looks good everything else seems like it's good but you're still not seeing your meters move and it's not recording when you try hitting the record button up here make sure that you have armed your track to record make sure this r button right here is highlighted red otherwise your track's not going to be ready to record even if you push the button that's up here so make sure you're armed to record and finally make sure that you're hitting the right record button up here in your toolbar so that resolve starts actually recording all right guys that wraps up this voiceover video how to get things patched in how to record directly into resolve if you have any troubles leave a comment down below i'm more than happy to help you guys out and offer any tips or advice or any struggles you might be having i'm more than happy to help you out if i can so with that said thank you guys for watching you learned a little something go ahead give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i look forward to seeing you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 2,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to record voiceover in davinci resolve 17, VoiceOver, Record directly into DaVinci Resolve, how to record voice over davinci resolve, how to record great audio, davinci resolve voice over, narration in davinci resolve, l ayered audio in davinci resolve, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, recording voice over davinci resolve, how to record a voice over for a video, layered audio editing, where are my voice over files, save location, davinci resolve audio recording, fairlight
Id: wHDXqT8Yf5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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