ADR (Automated Dialog Replacement) in DaVinci Resolve 17 | How to Use ADR in DaVinci Resolve

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so if you've been in fairly before you're looking around the interface there and you see this little button called adr at the top of the screen there right you're like what is adr i don't even know what that is well it stands for automatic dialog replacement and this video we're gonna show you how that tool works how you can use it how can pop the words on the screen for you and how it can help you replace dialogue that maybe you messed up on or maybe didn't come out so good you need to re-record it so what you're gonna see now is a little excerpt from a longer video where we talked about audio description voiceovers as well as the adr tool because voiceover is an adr tool they kind of go hand in hand and go together so if you're interested in the voiceover video i'll link to that up here you want to learn about all three of these topics together i'll also put a link to that video up over here as well but in this video we're just talking about the adr tool i'm gonna break it down show you the window how it works we're gonna try out a few samples and by the end of this video you should be knowing how to use the adr tool so with that said let's jump in numbers off and check it out so let's move ahead here we're gonna talk about the automated dialogue replacement tool now this is a tool here in resolve that's super handy it's helpful it can help you re-record portions of your voice over let's say there's a part that you don't like and you decided you want to put something else in there well how can we do that now you can just record onto a new track but we can also use the automated dialog replacement tool here to help show you the words tell you when to come in and just guide you through that new voiceover that you want to put in a particular spot on your timeline or you know in your video so let's get into checking this out i'm going to explain what it is how it works and then we'll give it a try and one of the cool things here is you can do this multiple times and it's going to keep all these different takes for you and then you can just pick the one that worked out the best so all right let's check this out so we are in fairlight here and in order to get to the automated dialogue replacement tool look along the top here and we have adr right here with our microphone so go ahead and click on that now this is the adr automated dialog replacement window let's just run over this window real quick i'm going to explain what some of these things are and how to use it and then we're going to go ahead and give it a try and i think this is something that anybody who is working on audio description projects i think this would come in really handy for you so we've got three different sections here we have list record and setup so let's start with the setup section here so that way we can set everything up and then we can just go ahead and put in our cues on where we want to record new dialogue so i'm in the setup section here we have record and playback setup at the top and the first section here is pre-roll so what is pre-roll that is how long is the video going to play before it starts recording or before you are supposed to come in and add in your new dialogue so in this case i have four seconds and that works out fine then we have post roll so post role says how long should it go after you know the recording is done so maybe you know you're recording whatever you're saying takes a little bit longer than you expected so how long is it going to keep going in this case i put two seconds next we have record source so where you're recording from i have a microphone right here so you want to click this drop down and make sure that you've got your microphone selected record track now what track do you want to record on so i want to record to my voice over track and the cool thing about this tool is that it's going to put any new recordings on another layer inside that same track and we're going to be able to take a look at those different layers and pick whatever take that we want because we can try this a couple times and then just pick the best one so i wanted to record onto my voice over track so you can click that drop down and click the track that you want to use now the guide track next you can use that if you want to you're probably not going to need it but you can choose a track that's going to guide you as far as when to come in and what's happening in your video clip so you can try it out and see if it works for you you may not need it depends on your project and you can change the record file name here if you want or you can just leave it as the default it's up to you what you want to do with that now down here we've got different character setups so if you know say there's three different people they're all working on the audio description for a project you can save specific settings for specific people if that's helpful so i'm going to add in a new one and just put one in for me here so i'm going to call it j hit enter now anything that i change in here it's going to be for me and when i'm doing the voiceover work here so maybe i want to see things a certain way or whatever it is then we can set it up for each individual person moving down here if you click on any one of these it's going to open up and these are different options you can have it beep to an in point so when you're going to come in it can beep so i'm going to turn that off because i don't need that right now can beep when you're supposed to come in like right at the point when the actual recording starts i'll leave that one on and again if you click on any one of these it's going to have more options in there for you you can use the count in so how many seconds do you want to be counted in so you're gonna see on the screen you know what five four three two one or however many you pick in this case i've got three so it'll give me three second count in so i know when to get ready to come in for my voiceover the video streamer here this is going to give you uh lines that come across the screen that's going to help just guide you on when to come in for your particular clip so i'm going to go ahead and turn those on and you can change the color there if you want the next one here on-screen q-text style so what this is going to do is allow you to put the text on the screen and have it come up when you should start talking so you've got different options here on how you can have that look you can try it out if you want you can do a sample text here just to see what it's going to look like and it comes in handy to kind of tweak this a little bit and i'll show you how to add the text in so it pops up on the screen in a second here or just to close any of these just double click on them you've got smart timeline here this is going to allow either the playhead to move across the screen or the playhead is going to stay still while the timeline moves across the screen just depends on how you want to view it i'm going to leave that off and then mixing control you're not going to need that so don't worry about it for now so that is the setup now let's go to the the list section now if you have uh you know a program where you can write up a whole bunch of cues i know there's files where you can make a whole cue list and what to say and all that that's a little out of my wheelhouse i know you can do it and then just import all that right here into resolve but if you don't have that which i don't uh we're just going to make some cues on our own as far as where we should come in and where we want to make our voiceovers so let's uh make a new cue here so in order to make a cue we need to select an area on our timeline where we want to record there's a few ways you can do that you can use in and out points so let's say i wanted to replace this clip right here i can come to the beginning of the clip i can press i for in and then come to the end of the clip and press o for out that'll set that let me show you another way i'm just going to clear these marks here i'm going to clear my in and out now i can use this tool right here which is the range selection mode and i can just click on my one clip and it's going to highlight that clip for me so now that that clip is highlighted i can come back in my list over here and i just want to say create new queue so i'm just going to go ahead and click new queue now we can see right here let's see if i make this just a little bit bigger here it's got this is cue number one it's the first one that i made it's got a character here which it doesn't have anything there just yet and then it's got dialogue which it doesn't say anything yet we're going to add that in and then it's got the time in and out where this is going to be placed in our timeline and it tells you how long the clip is going to be so if i select my clip here i can actually come up to character and this is going to be j this is going to be me so i'm going to click on that this tells me my character now for the dialog that i might want to add in i'm just going to click on the dialog here now i can type it in right up here alright so let's say i want to say this riding a red bike down a dirt road a woman comes towards you so that's what i want to say so now that we have this cue set up it's gonna show me those words on the screen so let's head over to the record tab here i'm going to click on that and now you can see it's right here right we see it on our screen and if it's even easier you can pop this screen out by hitting this little window right here right let's bring this up here make it a little bit bigger so we can see what's going on so we can see the text doesn't quite fit on our screen here so let's go fix that real quick so we can actually see all of what we want to say so i'm going to jump back into my list here i'm going to select my cue that we're working on come back up here on the top and i'm just going to put a return in here okay and then come back to the record and just select my clip again and now you can see the text is right here and we can see it on the screen so now we're all set up we can replace this dialog with a new dialog that we're going to record so you've got some buttons up here in the record menu so you want to first select whatever cue you're working on assuming you're going to have a couple because you can set up a whole bunch of cues before you even get started recording just so that everything is organized and set up you're good to go you can just start recording so before we start recording our voiceover there's one other setting i want you to turn on and that is audio track layers because all of these new recordings we're going to do are going to be put in different layers on the same track and we want to be able to see them so come on up to your view menu and then come all the way down here and choose show audio track layers now if i turn mine off you'll see my my layers get big again and if i turn it back on now you can see we've got more space up there and that's going to show us our layers for the recordings that we're about to make so let's pick a clip that we're going to redo here using the adr panel so i want to redo this clip right here so let's hear what it says and then we're going to come up with some new wording that we want to use in place of it so let's listen this real quick a woman's riding her bike next to a farm field on a dirt road okay so the first thing that we need to do is select our range where do we want this new dialogue to go and the fastest way to do it is using this little guy right here this is the range selection mode so go ahead and click on that and all we have to do is click on the clip now if you have a big long clip you're going to want to use or set in and out points using the letter i and the letter o on your keyboard and that's what you can see up here on the screen these little points right here that's the in and the out point so when you go somewhere you press i it's going to set the first point o is going to set the second point once you have the range selected that you want to use for the new dialog we want to come over here and in our list view right here we're going to go ahead and click new q now in here if you have a character set up you can uh select that it'll be right here in a drop down i did set up mine but then i got rid of it because i was having some issues so now i'm just going with with no character so i'm gonna come over here to the dialog section click in there and then i'm gonna click up in the top area here and i'm gonna put in some new text of what i actually want to say now okay so what i wanna say is this a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt road next to a cornfield that's what i want to say so once you do that you can just click down here in the open area it's going to unselect your uh your cue here that we just created so i want to go back over into the record tab now jump over in here and we want to go ahead and select the queue that we want to work with now you may have a whole ton of them in this case i just have one so i'm going to go ahead and select it and you notice that it's kind of not appearing on the screen the right way that's okay for the moment let's just test it out and see if it's going to work here so we have this button right here rehearse i'm going to go ahead and hit that and see how it works so you can see our count in over here on our screen and you can see that our text was highlighted it had a little progress bar that came across the screen it's going to tell us how much time is left in our queue that we made so now i'm going to unselect that let's jump back into the list view here i'm going to select my text here again and i'm just going to put a return in here so that way i can see it all on screen now you would think resolve would do this for you maybe it does i haven't played with it a whole ton so i'm just going to hit enter here and that should work out just fine so now when i click on the text again down here we can see in our little window it appears just fine so once you have that set let's jump over back into the record tab here and i'm going to pop out my screen just so it's a little bit bigger so i can read the words i'm going to select my cue that i want to go through and work with here and you can rehearse it a few times if you want i'm just gonna go for it we're just gonna hit record here and see what happens so uh let's go for it a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt road next to a cornfield so now you can see once i did that up here i have my take and you can do as many takes as you want and it'll layer it in the same audio track so one of the things that you can do is just try it a bunch of times see how it works out i'm going to try it a few more times here and we'll get a couple more tracks here and then i'll show you how you can listen to each one of your takes all right so i got two takes now if i want to listen to it and see how they sound i'm going to actually turn off the r right here so my track is no longer armed because in my headphones i was hearing an echo from here anyway so i'm going to turn that off and you are going to hear whichever track is the highest whichever one's at the top so in this case this one right here is at the top let's put this guy back use my little arrow tool here this one this one is at the top so that's the one you're gonna hear when we play through so let's listen and see how that sounds a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt road next to a cornfield okay so now you can see if i grab the original and bring that one up to the top now we'll hear the original riding her bike next to a farm field on a dirt road so whichever one you drag and move to the top is going to be the one that you hear now if you're having trouble seeing the layers and where the things are recorded check this out and check these settings you want to make sure that you've got these uh checked on properly here so timeline down to layered audio editing make sure that that is checked on and then you want to come over to the view and you want to come down to show audio track layers so that way you're going to be able to edit those layers you can see those layers and you should be good to go so when you have your different takes you can come in here and select the one you want and rate them by stars maybe you've got you know five or six takes different ways of saying things you want to see what different ones sound like you can go ahead and just select the one that you like you can highlight it with the stars here and down in your timeline just make sure whichever clip that you want to use is the one that appears on the top right up here so let's say i'm happy with this take i went through i did all of my adr recording the dialogue replacement anywhere i wanted to replace well now i can come back to my view and i can turn off the audio track layers and now i'm just going to see that last one that was on the top so if we play through it that's what we should hear a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt road next to a cornfield now it is a little fast so obviously that's probably not the best way to you know handle that particular clip but once we have it recorded here and you get what you like you can just grab it and move it around if you want but you're gonna see we do see it underneath here we see another clip under there so you may have to go back into your track layer view and kind of play around with them a little bit you know maybe you want to move them all at once or maybe you just want to get rid of the other ones that you don't need maybe you want to take the good one and drop it onto another track so then you can just mute these other two or something like that it's up to you there's a lot of ways to do it you got to play with it find out what works best for you but that's how you use the adr tool here individual resolve it's super handy and can really just help when you've got to replace dialogue in a video clip that you've already made maybe you want to change the wording you can see it on the screen here it gives you the countdown and it's just a really handy tool that can help out a lot while you're working on your audio description project so adr is there use it if you need it try it out let me know what you think comment below if you have any troubles or any problems and i'll try and help you out the best that i can with all that adr stuff now once you have all your audio recorded and everything's in there you got your wording your audio description you're good to go your voice over work is done the next step that i would do is go through and start working on some audio processing so there's a lot of things here that i'm not going to go through everything in this video but i will link them either in the description or i'll pin a comment where i'm going to link a whole bunch of different videos where you can learn how to set your levels you want to have good levels on your audio clips so that people can hear it right so you want to set your audio levels to about minus 10 db so that way you've got good signals coming in everybody can hear it good and it's not too loud not too quiet it's just right and i'll leave a link for a video that teaches you how to set your levels here in davinci resolve that'll be helpful if you don't know how to do it and then once you've got your level set you want to look at some other things you know you want to look at using the eq a little bit i have a whole eq crash course that can help you out and it's not too hard once you get the hang of it and a little bit of eq work can really go a long way and do a great job as far as helping your audio sound better right because we all have different microphones in different situations different environments and sometimes you're going to get harsh sounds in there that just don't sound good you want to clean it up a little bit and eq is one of those tools that can really help clean up your audio and get rid of some of those harsh sounds another thing you might want to look into using is a little bit of compression and some dynamics and i have a video on that i'll link to as well dynamics can really help just bring your sound together make it sound better it can you know reduce some of your peaks and boost up some of your low end stuff there's all kinds of stuff that you can do there with your dynamics you can help reduce some background noise using an expander or a gate and i'll link to that video you can check that out if that's something that you're interested in but a lot of these things are going to make small changes that over time are going to really improve the sound of your audio right because if we're watching movies or tv or plays or whatever it might be and the audio description that's in there if it doesn't sound good it's gonna be hard to watch and for those that are just able to listen and can't actually see anything if the audio doesn't sound good i mean it's it's just hard to sit through right we've probably all watched videos where video looks awesome but the audio is terrible and it's hard to sit there and listen to it and and watch that so you got to keep that in mind you want your audio to sound good not only from the perspective of your audio description and being able to get the details in there that you want so the viewer can understand what's going on but just the quality of your audio it's super important that it sounds good it's clear it's crisp it's easy to understand and doing a little bit of post-processing on your audio is going to really help make a big difference for the listener at the end of the day so that is the adr automatic dialogue replacement tool here in davinci resolve comes in real handy if you got to re-record certain parts of your video you need to add in a little voiceover or something like that it can really help you lay everything out so then you just have to cruise through your video and re-record any of the parts that you need to redo if you have any questions on the adr tool definitely leave a comment down below and if you learned just a little something in this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up for me subscribe to the channel if you haven't already we're working towards 50k here hopefully we get there before the end of the year we'll see but if you haven't subscribed definitely hit that subscribe button and with that said guys i look forward to seeing you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 5,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adr davinci resolve 17, ADR, AUTOMATIC DIalogue replacement, ADR Dialogue Replacement, Davinci Resolve Dialogue Replacement, How to use ADR DaVinci Resolve, recording voice over davinci resolve, how to record a voice over for a video, layered audio editing, where are my voice over files, save location, davinci resolve audio recording, fairlight, davinci resolve 17 audio tutorial, how to record voice over davinci resolve, davinci resolve voice over, narration in davinci resolve
Id: d1XME7Cljn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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