How to Record Voice Over in DaVinci Resolve 17 (Tutorial)

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Recording VOICE OVER for the first time can seem intimidating, but in this creative video tip learn how easy it is to patch & record a microphone plus some killer tips about editing layered audio clips.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
one of the best ways to give clarity to any story is by recording a voiceover narration but i'm guessing you already knew that because you clicked on this video so today let's jump straight into it and learn how to use the fairlight page in davinci resolve 17 to turn your written words into waveforms so there's two quick setup things i gotta show you first make sure that your computer knows that it's listening to the microphone that you have and the quickest way to do this if you don't already know because you've done so many zoom calls this year is you go up to the little speaker icon and hold down the option key on your keyboard this lets you actually see the inputs on a mac at least of what's what it's listening to this little blue thing saying it's seeing this focusrite scarlet solo usb interface which is what i'm talking through right here and what you're hearing this is the road pod mic that i'm using and it's also connected to a cloud lifter cl1 to boost the the gain a little bit now another setup thing you want to do is make sure you understand where you're actually writing your voiceover files to on your hard drive and to find that you go down to this little project settings cog that's down here in the lower right you click that and then you can go over to capture and play back it's on the left side there and then down to capture and save clips to this section right here this is basically telling you where it's going to be creating those files if you choose browse then you can choose uh you know your project folder tree which is what i suggest you do if you have a structure that's built specifically for each individual project we've got assets audio and then vo is where i'm going to be placing this so that way you know if i move this whole folder bundle and i open on another product you know another computer it's not going to you know realize oh my voiceover files were stuck on another computer somewhere else it's going to keep everything with it which is super handy so we'll click ok we'll hit cancel right here and we need a timeline to actually record our voice over to if you don't see the media pool you can just check this button right here that'll pop in and out real quick for you let's create a timeline by right clicking say timeline create new timeline or it's command n is a good way to do that we'll call it vo and the audio track type we want to be using instead of stereo is actually mono for voice over um we're going to be recording a single mic single voice it's mono click create and we also while we got that created why don't we create a bin over here for organization within the project so when this gets big we can find where all our vo clips are we're going to say new bin and we'll call that vo as well and while we're renaming everything let's also rename the track you can rename tracks so once you have a timeline as lots of different audio tracks you know where your voiceover is so we're going to click right here and then click one more time and by doing that we can type in you know voiceover something like that so that way we know where we're patching to which is going to be the next step the other thing i want to point out if you want to see your tracks larger just hold down shift on the keyboard and your scroll mouse will let you make that nice and big which is kind of a little handy trick and the other thing i want to do is select the bin so if i select the voiceover bin when i'm recording it's automatically going to be putting the clips into the one that's selected over here in the media pool so that's another little little tip there now we need to get everything patched and then we can start recording there's two ways to get to patching your microphone into this track and the first one is going to be if you go up to fairlight and then you go to patch input output okay under here you get this confusing window um but it's it's not actually all that bad what we have on the left is source so that's our microphone right so we've got an audio input this is which is our source we're going to choose i know the scarlet solo has has two inputs we're going to use the left one because that's the one i'm using and then the destination this is where renaming the audio tracks comes in handy we're going to choose instead of audio outputs we're going to be choosing a track input so we only have one track right now it's that one we renamed to voiceover so you select that and then now that you can see that's highlighted we hit patch and now the microphone is talking directly to that track so what that's basically saying as soon as we go and arm and record it's going to be taking this source right here that we're listening to so we can hit x and i just want to show you the other way to do that that maybe is quicker for some people rather than going up to the fair light menu is if you have your mixer open and the way you open your mixer is by clicking this button right here and then over on the right side you have an input section right so this basically shows us what's patched and we've already patched it but if you click into this section right here and say input now this takes us to that same window that we were just at so you could you could do either way um i tend to like going to the mixer but i want to show you where it was in the menu as well so to meet your timeline i just go up here to the top there's a little speaker guy right here if you click this this is going to make sure that there's no sound that's playing back out of your speakers which is important because you don't want your speakers interfering with your recording of your voice that's coming to the microphone so we've muted the output by doing that and now we need to arm the track arming the track just basically means it's it's getting itself ready to be recorded and a couple ways to do that is well one if we have the mixer open there is a little r right here this is not going to record it it's going to arm it so the r now we can see it's hot we can actually see my microphone levels coming into there which is great the other way there's another one of these instead of doing it through the mixer is you can choose so let me unarm it by unselecting you can choose it over here in the track header as well and look at that it says arm for record which is uh super helpful now that we've got it all armed all you need to do is hit the record button and take your amazing voiceover that you've written down and start recording um the other thing i'll point out as before we do this uh is these little meters here are really helpful for knowing where to set your levels because i'm using a focusrite scarlett the gain is set on a little dial that's that's on there and this is perfect right now what this is telling us is that we're in the yellow range and yellow is kind of where you want to keep your voice you don't want that really in the red if it's in the red you turn it down if it's only in the green turn it up a little bit so this is a good healthy gain staging for our voiceover let's hit record and i'm going to record some voice over from one of the best movie trailers ever created so there's the record button right there i just hit and you can see it's rolling it's recording we're getting some some words there some waveforms going for us and here we go let's give this a shot in a world where professional sports had sunk to a new low two guys invented a game that took them to the big time okay and now that we're done we can hit stop and just like that you can see we have uh some waveforms from our words now that we're done recording we can unarm it by hitting that button right there and then also unmute it by going back up to the top there and we should be able to hear what we just laid down in a world where professional sports had sunk to a new low two guys invented a game that took them to the big time so there we go we've got voiceover recorded you can even check where that got saved to on your hard drive if you right click on it in the bin and go reveal in finder this will take you right to where the actual file is i created a 24-bit wav file it says fl for fair light capture with the date and all that and it'll keep making unique names as it goes so that's how you can send it to someone else but i want you to stick around because i've actually got a couple other cool tips about recording multiple takes and editing so we're not quite done yet hey i want to interrupt real quick and welcome you if you're new and also say hi and thank you if you're back again you're awesome my name is chadwick and this is creative video tips which is all about helping you create videos that make a difference and stand out so if you're into that subscribe right down below right now so you don't miss out on any new free tips now with that out of the way let's look back at the fairlight and edit pages uh to learn a new cool bonus tip about using layers for managing different takes that's all within a single audio track it's super cool awesome you stuck around for the bonus tip this one might blow your mind to make things easier to see we're gonna right click on the clip and say clip color change this to teal and let's record another take of that amazing voiceover so i've muted the output i've armed with the track and will hit record in a world where professional sports had sunk to a new low two guys invented a game that took them to the big time okay i'll hit stop and let's change the color of this one as well right click on it we'll say clip color and make that yellow now you can see right here this is kind of sketchy right let's also let's get rid of the armed track and enable our um output see we can actually hear in a world where professional sports had sunk to a new low okay this looks trippy right we've got yellow on top of blue and it's all on the same track well this is because it by default it's going to start layering all these takes on top of each other it doesn't overwrite what you had previously recorded it doesn't delete that footage which is good and it also helps you stay really organized with all your tracks as you go now to see everything a little bit more easily here on the fairlight page you can go under it's under the view menu and scroll down to the near the bottom and say show audio track layers just like that you can see the different layers of the different takes that we have here so this is really handy because we can change the order of them when they're in this mode or basically whatever's on top is what you're going to hear if it's on bottom you don't hear it all it's like a full 100 opacity difference so if i play right now in a world we're just hearing yellow but if i click and drag this above it like that well that didn't work if i click and drag this above it like that i had to go a little higher now we'll be able to hear only the blue take in a world okay it sounded similar but you get the idea that was the blue take and the other thing that you can do with layered audio that's handy is you can click and drag these on top of each other and you can see these little phantom marks so if you need to march up match up one section of a take with another you can do that really easily because you can kind of see through on top of them now i want to show you in the edit page how you can edit with this because there's a couple different options there that's a little bit different so if you take a look over in the edit page we've kind of got the same thing there's there's the two vo tracks i can slide this over here and work with it that way however if i drag this over to another clip after i've you know sort of released it and drag it there and now i pull it back you can see look what just happened i've sort of lost that it has overwritten the tail of that in fact if i could do it again let me show you one more time and now i've released the mouse and i drag back it looks like we've actually trimmed that away and that's because we don't have the layered uh trimming enabled so the way you can do that let's hit undo a couple times so we'll pull that audio back it's not actually deleted from disk it's just deleted from our timeline but the way we can avoid that is if we go under timeline and choose layered audio editing what layered audio editing does under the timeline menu right there is now anytime i move this over it it's basically as it's non-destructive it's not going to be trimming away pieces of it as i let go of the mouse so you can see if i drag this over here and let go i can still pull it back because everything is retained so having that layered audio editing on like that it's really it's kind of basically like having view um show audio track layers on and working all the time because you can see if i drag this over here to the right now everything bumps out of the way so now you not only know the basics to recording vo right inside resolve 17 but even a few little editing tricks using layered audio and i gotta be honest i didn't even know about layered audio until not all that long ago but it's so cool that i had to share it this week if you learned a little nugget of knowledge today please give the video a like to help it reach more people and if you want to learn more about davinci resolve check out the playlist it should be somewhere up on screen right now and because there's so much more to learn i'll see you in that next video
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 11,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 audio tutorial, how to record voice over davinci resolve, how to record great audio, davinci resolve voice over, narration in davinci resolve, layered audio in davinci resolve, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve beginner tips, recording voice over davinci resolve, how to record a voice over for a video, layered audio editing, where are my voice over files, save location, davinci resolve audio recording, fairlight
Id: FSBCqoaiELc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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