Background NOISE REDUCTION in DaVinci Resolve 17 | Audio Effects Series

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so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vintage resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and then you're like ah man i forgot to turn off the heater in the background so today we're going to be talking about the noise reduction effect here in davinci resolve that'll hopefully take care of some of that background noise that you might have caught in your clip sometimes you can't help it you get the background noise and the best thing we can do is try and take care of it here in davinci resolve so today we're going to cover the noise reduction tool the features how it works and hopefully it's going to help you on removing noise in the background of your clips so let's jump into davinci resolve and check it out so here we are in davinci resolve and we are going to apply the noise reduction effect here on the clip you just saw the clip that we're going to use for our example here so let's get right into it here how do we add the noise reduction effect onto our track here in davinci resolve so i'm in the fairlight tab if you don't know how to get there click on the little musical icon at the bottom here and that brings you into the fairly tab you want to make sure you've got your mixer open which is right up here click on that and that'll open your mixer next you want to come down to the track that we are currently working with and in this case i only have one track and that is audio one and this is where we're going to add the noise reduction effect and since it is an effect you want to come up here to the section that says effects and if for some reason you don't see this use your mouse wheel to try and scroll up and down in this area here and if you still can't see it come and click on these three little dots and you should see uh right over here effects click on that make sure it's checked on maybe you need to turn some of the other things off but make sure that effects is turned on you should be able to see this right here in our mixer now this tool is available in previous versions of davinci resolve this is not just a davinci resolve 17 thing so keep that in mind if you've got 16 or i think even 15 it's still in there too so this should work the same regardless of what version of davinci resolve you have so go ahead and click on the plus here we want to come down to noise reduction fair light and we've already looked at the d hummer and the de-esser here so now we want to go to noise reduction so now when the window comes up there is some default settings in there and quickly before we get started here we're going to just run over the interface of the window and uh explain that all to you and then we'll get into using the tool here itself so up at the top as always you've got uh the ability to add presets if you click on the little drop down here you do have some presets as far as d rumble d hiss the rumble and d his and uh i created this one reset the noise profile and then one for my lav mic and if you go ahead and click on any one of these you can see it changes uh what kind of noise reduction is being applied and you can try those out if you want to get started that's no problem you can start with that generally i don't i think it's a little uh too much most of the time but you have those options there you can also use the a and the b to create two different settings just like in most of the other effects so far again reset your effect here and then up here you've got the lock your plugin window and preset manager moving down you've got your on off button just like all of our other effects you can listen to the noise only if you'd like to just to kind of see what it's sounding like as far as the effect and what it's affecting on the left here you have your input meter here we have a graph showing us what is being affected what frequencies are being affected by the noise reduction and then we have an output meter here and sometimes when you apply your noise reduction you're going to lose a little bit of a gain or a little bit of your signal levels here so you can always boost that up at the end if you need to moving down here you've got two options for how to use this tool you've got auto speech mode in which case you would just check it on and then play through your clip and see how it sounds or manual and i'll show you how to use both of these for manual you have to actually have the noise reduction learn what the noise is and then it'll apply that across the whole track and that's what this learn button is right here we'll get into that shortly here moving down to the next section here we have different settings that you can use to effect the noise reduction and how it applies to your clip or your track in this case so the threshold here relates to the signal to noise ratio and if you have a poor signal-to-noise ratio here on your clip you're going to have to boost this up just so that the tool works better and can actually detect the noise now if the noise to signal ratio is okay you might just be able to leave it at the default i would recommend just leave these things all at the default just to get started and then you can adjust them and modify them as you start to listen to your clip and see how it affects your specific clip so next up we have the attack here and the attack is primarily going to be good for the auto speech mode and what attack does is tells the effect should it react quickly to any noise that it hears or should it react a little bit slower to any noise that hears um so if there's a lot of variation in your background noise you might want this to be uh pretty low so that way it can change with the background noise changes quickly but if it's one consistent noise like in my clip here it's uh a heater that's pretty much the same sound uh through the entire clip you know i can boost this up a little bit maybe i don't need it to change as quick so that's what the attack is going to do for you here so the sensitivity is going to tell the plug-in okay how sensitive do you want the noise reduction to be when it comes to your noise that you have in the background or whatever it is that you're trying to reduce so the more you boost this up the more sensitive the noise reduction tool is going to be to it again i'd leave it at the default see how it does and if it's not working it doesn't sound like it's doing the job good or it's missing some of that background noise you're trying to remove i would boost that up a little bit and see how that does and as always you can always just double click any one of these wheels here to reset the settings to the default settings the next tool we have here is ratio and ratio controls the attack time of the signal relative to the attack time of the noise profile so a faster ratio is going to preserve those transients in the dialogue of your track but the results might make it a little less accurate as far as the noise reduction is concerned so you may just have to play with that a little again i'd leave it at the default and see how it does and a lot of these things you're gonna have to listen your clip a few times adjust make some adjustments or you can even use the a b tool up here to make one setting and then a different setting and try it back and forth just to see how these things affect your particular clip because i don't think there's a one size fits all for all your different kinds of noise removal that you might want to do with your clips the next section here we have is frequency smoothing and what this does is it compensates for any harmonic ringing that you might hear after the noise reduction is applied so you may need it you may not and this is just an on off button here to turn this section on or off you can try it and see how it affects your clip maybe you need it and maybe you don't just give it a try and see if it does anything so the next section here is our output so first we have our wet dry mix so what is wet dry mix well when it comes to audio a dry mix means that you have no effect applied to it so if i crank this all the way down to zero here that means there is no noise reduction being applied to this clip likewise if i crank it all the way up and i go to 100 wet that means 100 of this clip is being applied on my track now most of the time you don't need this up at 100 we can see the default here is 80 but let's say you go ahead you find your uh noise in your clip and then it's just uh it's a little too much it sounds like it's muffling up your clip too much well instead of trying to adjust any of these other things you can just come and adjust your wet dry mix to reduce the amount of the effect that's being applied on our track or any clip so this tool is really helpful just to kind of help you dial in the sound and make sure it's not overkill on your clip or on your track so the next section we have here is levels and we have the ability to boost the gain or the levels of our track a little bit because when we apply things like noise reduction a lot of times our output if we watch our meters our output is going to drop a little bit we're going to lose a little bit of the volume or the gain of our track or clips so here you've got the option you can boost it up all the way up to plus 18 db and likewise if you need to drop it down you can also do that but one thing that's nice about these levels is when you boost these levels it's actually boosting the level before the effect is applied so you're not boosting the post effect levels you're boosting it before the wet dry mix takes effect because basically if i put the wet dry mix all the way down regardless of what my settings are here there's going to be no noise reduction applied to the clip so i can boost my levels and the original signal coming into the effect is boosted and then i can go ahead and apply the effect at you know whatever level seems to work for your clip again i would try the defaults on all these see how it works out and then you can go from there all right so that's a quick overview of the window and the different features and tools that you have here to work with so now let's play through our clip and we're going to see how the tool works here so let's slide my window over here out of the way so i'm gonna play up to say about this point right here on my clip and the reason for that is you've got me talking and then i have a space where you're gonna be able to hear that background noise of my heater going so let's play through it once without anything applied to it and then we're gonna go ahead and start with the auto speech mode right here and see how that affects our clip so i'm going to turn off our noise reductions play through the clip and see what we got so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vintage resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and then you're like ah man i forgot to turn off the heater in the background so today we're going to be talking about the noise we alright so there we go we can hear the heater in the background if you're having a hard time hearing it crank up the volume a little bit you can definitely hear it in headphones is which is what i'm using to listen to it um and again the different kinds of noise you might want to remove are going to be different i just had a heater here and that's what i used as an example so now i'm going to go ahead and turn on auto speech mode turn on my noise reduction and i'm just going to come back to the beginning and i'm just going to play through it i'm not even going to change anything a matter of fact i'm going to hit the reset button here make sure everything's reset go ahead and hit auto speech mode let's play through it and just see what we've got here so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vintage resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and then you're like ah man i forgot to turn off the heater in the background so today we're gonna be talking about the noise so you can see once it got to the part where i was not talking that noise uh reduction did a pretty good job although for me i feel like when i use the auto speech mode a lot of times you get some funky sounds or it just it makes your your dialogue or the person talking sound a little weird so i would come in and maybe make some adjustments maybe adjust the wet dry mix a little bit or we can even try the uh the attack a little bit so you know i'm gonna just highlight a little section here with just the noise and then a little bit of me talking and now i'm gonna loop this by clicking this guy right here and i'm just gonna have this play over and over while i adjust some settings in my effect window here so to loop it i'm just going to hit option and forward slash and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and so i think that's getting pretty good there just made some minor adjustments again you can just you know start with threshold and work your way across kind of see what makes sense as far as adjusting some of these things so i think that works pretty good and it's not so bad for this clip so that's how you would use the auto speech mode you know just turn it on see how it looks and then the other thing i would check while it's playing is look at your input levels and then you got the effect and then check your output levels and see is it still where you want it to be you know in that minus 10 to minus 15 range maybe peaking just over -10 a little bit and if you find that it's dropping your signal you can go ahead and boost up your output gain here just a little bit just to kind of get back some of what you lost by the effect getting applied so now let's talk a little bit more about the manual mode here i'm going to go ahead and reset everything again clicking this guy right here so in manual mode you have to have davinci resolve learn what the background noise is so in order to do this you actually need a section of your clip that only has the background noise and i knew that so i left a little section here where it's just the background noise i'm not talking there's nothing else going on just the heater in the background so i'm going to highlight that and i'm going to loop that got my loop selected i'm going to play through that and in order to have the noise reduction tool learn what that background sound is make sure you've got manual mode checked hit learn and now just play through your clip and davinci resolve is going to do the work for you so i'm going to hit option forward slash we're going to loop this clip and let it learn what the background noise is i want to get rid of i think okay so it went ahead and learned it so now uh let's come over here and i'm going to loop it again because once you stop playing through your clip the learn is done and whatever settings resolve thinks it needs that's what it used so now i'm just going to play through this and turn the noise reduction on and off and see if we can hear a difference so pretty good difference there's the noise reduction off and here's the noise reduction on so now what i want to do is i'm just going to play through the clip here clear out our selection i'm going to play through the clip so that we can see how this manual mode is affecting the noise so let's play with it on first and then maybe we'll try it again with it off let's see what it sounds like so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vintage resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this and then you're like so i notice i can hear it a little more back where i'm speaking but where i'm not speaking it did a pretty good job so i probably want to make some adjustments here maybe i want to boost up the sensitivity a little bit and just play with some of these settings to try and have it reduce as much of that noise as i can where i'm speaking i'm gonna select this area here i'm gonna loop through it play it and uh just see if i can make some adjustments here that will make it work a little bit better so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vintage resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vint resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into vint resolve start doing some editing and once you drop it in your timeline you listen to the audio and you hear something that sounds a little like this so you just got done filming your video you're all excited you're ready to get into ventures all right so i think it helps a little bit i mean i would play with this a little bit more but uh i'm gonna have you guys sit here forever and listen to it so you get the idea that's what i would do is kind of go through make some adjustments and that should be able to help take care of it for you so in this case i think the auto speech mode actually did a really good job and most of the time though i have to say i think the auto speech mode makes it just sound weird and i it just doesn't sound good so i'll go with the manual mode um but in this case i think that the auto speech mode actually did a better job of taking care of that heater noise in the background here so you just got to try on your particular clip and depends on what that noise is you're trying to remove see how it works out and maybe one will work better than the other so just a few more thoughts when it comes to noise reduction here in davinci resolve i would always try the gate first over the noise reduction tool here because i find that i think it works a little bit better at least for my situations most of the time so try the gate first if you don't know how to use the gate click up here and i'll link to a video where we talked all about the gate and the dynamics so you can check that out but i would try the gate and then i would try the noise reduction one thing you can keep in mind is that you can use other vst plugins for noise reduction because in my opinion i would say that the one in davinci is off it's not great i mean if you don't have anything else it's better than nothing but i do have some other plugins from companies like accusonos and i think the noise reduction there works a lot better so keep that in mind you can use other third-party vst plug-ins to help remove noise here in davinci resolve so i hope this noise reduction tutorial was helpful for you guys if it was give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel hit the little bell so you get notified when i put out a new video check out some merch if uh you're looking for a little gift for christmas for somebody or something and help support the channel i would really appreciate that but thank you guys for watching and i will see you all in the next video peace you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 65,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Background noise reduction in davinci resolve, Noise Reduction, Noise Removal, Remove Background Noise, Remove Noise, Audio Effects DaVinci Resolve, fairlight, Fairlight Audio Effects, enhance audio, DaVinci Resolve 17 Audio, DaVinci Resolve Fairlight, Davinci Resolve 17, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorial, Davinci Resolve, Resolve, Davinci Resolve for beginners, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial for Beginners 2021, DaVinci Resolve All Audio Effects
Id: z0qwvvbRDOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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