Audio Description, Voiceovers & ADR (Automatic Dialogue Replacement) in DaVinci Resolve 17

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what's happening guys welcome to  the video my name is Jay Yadlovski   and this video is actually going to serve a few  different purposes so what are we going to be   talking about in this video well the first thing  is i wanted to help bring some awareness to a   field of work and study that i honestly was not  even aware of until about a year ago and that is   audio description i'll give you the back story  on all this in a minute here so we're going to   be talking about audio description what it is  why you might want to use it and how you do it   and once we understand what it is i wanted to talk  about how to set up davinci resolve to be able to   do voice over work as well as dialogue replacement  so it's just gonna be a lot of stuff in this video   it's probably gonna be pretty long i'll timestamp  everything for you so whatever you're interested   in you can just jump to those parts so just let  me give you a little backstory on this whole video   and why i'm making it so about a year ago i got  an email from a wonderful professor named margaret   at Ryerson University and Ryerson University's  up in Canada up in Toronto and she explained   that there's this whole field of study that she's  a professor of that is called audio description   and i had no idea what audio description was so  i think it's important we bring a little bit of   awareness to what audio description is and  this video is really going to be set up to   help students in that audio description program  at Ryerson as well as any other audio description   courses around the country or the world how to  get set up to be able to do what you need to do   in davinci resolve i was lucky enough to ask to  come and speak at one of their virtual classes   last year and it was really great to sit with the  students and just kind of hear their struggles   and challenges when working with davinci resolve  and one of the reasons they want to use resolve   is because it's free right it's a great program  that blackmagic puts out for everybody to use   and as a student i mean let's be honest if you've  been a student before in college you know hey we   don't got a lot of money right so being that you  can use davinci resolve for free is a huge benefit   to any of the students in that particular program  or similar programs so we're going to cover a lot   of different stuff here again like i said i'm  going to time stamp it so you can jump around   come back to the video find the things that you  need and if you ever have questions definitely   leave a comment down below that's kind of the  the basic premise of the video here who it's for   it's really for that specific group of students at  Ryerson but i think my whole audience can benefit   from learning about audio description and then  seeing how to do voice-overs how to get things set   up here in resolve how to do dialogue replacement  and just kind of little ins and outs and tips and   tricks on just how to make your voiceovers because  voiceovers can come in super handy even if you're   just making youtube videos or whatever it might  be you're probably going to want to do some voice   over work it's going to help make your video  better and take it to that next level so with   that background kind of said let's jump into the  first section here is what is audio description   all right so let's get into what is audio  description so when we're talking movies we're   talking tv we know that we've seen subtitles  right and subtitles help people who can't hear   be able to tell what's going on right you're able  to read the subtitles on the bottom of the screen   but what if you can't see you can hear but you  can't see and that's where audio description comes   in so audio description is going to help people  who can't see understand what's going on in your   tv show your movie your youtube video whatever it  might be audio description is going to basically   describe events that are happening on the screen  where you know maybe somebody's not talking but   they show a particular person so you know what's  happening in the scene but if you can't see the   tv you don't know what's happening so that's what  audio description is and i do have a sample coming   up here for you in a second and actually i got  some Netflix up here i want to show you that it is   actually available on Netflix i didn't even know  this for a long time but you can get to it and you   know use the audio description on Netflix shows  and stuff like that so it's pretty interesting   it's it's a great feature something that i never  thought of because if you can hear good well hey   use the senses that you got right so real quick  i do want to read the official definition of   audio description for you just because uh you know  case my description's not 100 on i'm just trying   to explain it the way that i understand it now i  don't know a whole ton about it i don't know the   ins and the outs and the details and all that but  this is my basic understanding of what it is and   how it works so the official definition here is  audio description is a second audio track produced   in conjunction with the original audio for  your show or movie it provides descriptions   of important visual elements of a film or a tv  show for access by people who are blind or of   low vision so that's what i'm talking about if  you can't see the tv well but you can hear fine   you don't know what's happening on screen right so  that audio description is going to describe what   is happening in those scenes so that way somebody  who can't see the tv maybe you can't see it at   all maybe it's just you know fuzzy you can't tell  what's going on it's going to help you understand   the story of what's happening in whatever it is  you're watching all right so i got netflix up here   now check this out you probably didn't know about  this you know there's the subtitle option right   well i just have whatever came up here son of sam  so here if i come into more info right over here   and then i come down a little bit and i go to  audio and subtitles i'm going to click on that   so we've got our subtitles right here right  okay no problem right you can turn them on   turn them off different languages we got that but  if you scroll down look right here we have audio   and we have english audio description so now you  can try this out and see what it sounds like i   do have a sample of a short clip here that  one of the students at ryerson made so i'm   going to show you that in a second so you can  understand what it is here what it sounds like   but you've got the option here on netflix if  you want to check it out with other shows too so   keep that in mind you might want to check that  out give it a try and see what it sounds like but   right now let's go roll into that example  that was provided by one of the students   at ryerson university he gets up from his chair  and walks towards the window later matt sits   on the toilet on his phone he reaches for a roll  toilet paper white text on black screen poop pals   matt has written a note on toilet  paper it reads i'm real bored and   in desperate need of a friend please send  help he flushes the note down the toilet he watches the note drying away he leaves the bathroom and  makes his way back into his room he takes a seat at his desk someone or something  slides a piece of paper out from the bathroom from   under the door matt approaches cautiously he picks  up the note it reads okay i'll be over at three later at three matt waits by the  bathroom door throwing paper airplanes   a young woman exits the bathroom  carrying a frozen pizza and a wii game later the two of them sit together on the couch  playing mario kart poop house starring matt   dejanovic and yusun shi production assistant yusun  shi written directed shot and edited by daniel   quran and that was made by daniel karan from  ryerson university so daniel thanks so much for   sharing that with us so that people can see what  audio description is and how you kind of create it   so if you guys noticed you saw that he described  things that were happening in the scene that were   not audible right nobody was talking about it but  he described what they were so if you close your   eyes and you watch that that clip again you can  get a picture in your head of what's happening   in the scene now there's tons more information  about it and like i said i don't know the ins   and outs of audio description i didn't study it  i didn't even know it was a thing but i'm going   to link to ryerson's website down below in the  description you can go check that out just learn   more about it see what they offer uh not that you  need to go sign up because if you're watching this   video and you're from ryerson you're already  in the program but for my regular audience here   you know if it's something you just want to get a  little more info about definitely check out their   website see what kind of classes they offer i mean  it seems like a really cool field that i didn't   even know existed so very cool and very awesome  and it's great to be able to help people who can't   see be able to watch tv and watch movies watch  youtube whatever it might be or description can   really help them out alright so now that you kind  of got an understanding of what audio description   is we're going to get into davinci resolve i'm  going to show you how to quickly set up a project   and how to start making your own voiceovers so  that you can create you know dialogue and audio   description for any of your projects now this is  again geared a lot towards the students that are   at ryerson or just studying audio description  in general and how to use davinci resolve so   i'm going to timestamp everything as i've already  mentioned so that way if you just want to know how   to set up the voiceovers you can go jump ahead to  that part of the video um if you want to know how   to patch in your microphone and all that i'm  going to link to that stuff or timestamp that   stuff so that way you know how to how to do that  and you can just jump to the points that you want   to and if you want a complete crash course on  davinci resolve 17 that really shows you how to   set everything up the ins the outs the settings  you want to use and everything like that i do   have a free crash course right here on my youtube  channel i'll link to that up here you can click on   that go check that out i'll also put it in the  description for you so i'm not going to cover   everything otherwise this video would be forever  long it's already going to be a long one i think   but i'm not going to cover everything that i do  in my crash course you can head over to the crash   course check that out and if you ever have any  questions feel free to leave a comment somewhere   do my best to help you out and answer any  questions you might have so with that said   we're gonna go jump back into the studio jump  into resolve we're gonna make a new project   i'm gonna bring in some stock footage and just  show you how to do a voice over how to get things   set up how to do dialogue replacement and all that  kind of stuff so let's jump back into the studio   all right so now we're ready to jump into davinci  resolve and get set up here to start recording our   audio description as well as create our voiceovers  and all that kind of stuff so the first thing you   want to do and what i would recommend is get your  microphone here i've just got a little desktop   microphone that i'm going to be using this one's  by seven rhymes you can check it out if you're   interested but you want to make sure that you  plug in your microphone before you start up   resolve because sometimes people run into weird  issues where you know they start up resolve and   then they plug in either their headphones or their  speakers or their microphone and then you have to   go into preferences and change it and everything  but if you set that up before you open resolve   you should be good to go so i'm going to plug this  guy in and then we're going to fire up resolve   real quick i'm also assuming that you've already  installed resolve i'm not going to show you how   to install it and get it set up if you want to  know how to do that definitely check out my crash   course i talked about earlier that's linked in  the description below that's going to help get   you set up with davinci resolve if you need to  know all that stuff now let's jump into making   a project and how do we make our audio description  and work with our voice over from that point let's   jump into result and check it out all right so my  microphone's hooked up we're getting into resolve   this is the first screen that i see when i open  resolve now we want to create a brand new project   so in order to do that in our project manager here  i'm going to come down to new project and go ahead   and click create new project then it'll come up  we want to name it something so i'm going to just   call this uh audio description voiceover and then  i'm going to go ahead and hit create new all right   so now that we're in resolve what i like to do is  i like to start by working in the edit tab you can   work in the cut tab if you're familiar with it but  i'm going to jump over into the edit tab so down   here along the bottom we've got our different tabs  we have and actually you know before we even get   started so that we all are looking at the same  thing here i'm going to come up to um workspace   and down to reset ui layout that way hopefully  you guys are seeing the same thing that i'm   seeing buttons are in the same spot and everything  matches up now i am using davinci resolve 17.4.1   so if you're on an older version you might need  to update although things are pretty much the same   for most of what we're going to be doing here and  if you're on a newer version and you're watching   this sometime in the future then hopefully things  are still similar to and if not if i need to make   an update video i'll do that too so go ahead  and reset your ui layout that way we all match   i'll just resize mine here because it blew up nice  and big let's get into the edit tab which is right   down here on the bottom go ahead and click on that  now as with many things here in resolve there's a   lot of ways that you can do different things i'm  going to show you what i think is the easiest and   quickest way for you guys to get your media in  and start making your voice over for your audio   description but there are different ways to do it  so if you have a different way that's okay as long   as it works for you so in resolve here i've got  my media pool open which is this guy right here   at the top and that's where we're going to import  our clips so once you're in the edit tab you got   your media pool open and now we're ready to bring  in some of our footage so the video that you're   probably gonna be working with is like a completed  movie or completed show or play whatever it might   be it's probably gonna be one long file for me  i've got multiple files i'm just going to put   together a little sequence here but the easiest  way to bring in your footage into resolve is just   to drag and drop it check this out so i've got my  finder here open i work on a mac if you're on a pc   it should be very similar but all i want to do is  select my clips and i'm going to go ahead and drag   and drop it into the media pool right here now  you might notice this message come up and that is   change the project frame rate so you want the  project frame rate to match whatever your footage   is in now for me here in the united states new  jersey i usually work in 23.976 but whatever your   video is in that's what you want your project to  be so go ahead and click change and it's going to   update to match whatever your project settings  is for that video that you bring in to resolve   because we want to make sure that our audio  is going to match up with it and everything so   you want it to match whatever frame rate your  video is in so now you can see i've got all of my   clips right here in my media pool and the easiest  way to add them into a timeline is if you don't   see one down here you can come and you can right  click and you see timelines right here create new   timeline so depending on how you have resolved set  up when you hit create new timeline you're going   to see this window now i have default project  settings that i use but you can uncheck that   so that way it'll match whatever your video clips  are like we just saw when we brought them in right   so you can come in here you can name it whatever  you want i'm going to call this uh let's say   hd voiceover i want to have one video track  that's fine you're going to have an audio track   that's fine and the rest you can probably pretty  much leave as it is so go ahead and click create   so now we have a timeline that has both an audio  track and a video track and we're going to be able   to bring our videos into it so let me go ahead and  grab my first clip i'm just going to click on it   drag and drop it down into my timeline now these  video clips that i'm using do not have any audio   associated with it it's just stock footage that i  got from art grid so there's no audio associated   with it typically in a play or a movie or a tv  show that you might be working with or even your   own project you're gonna have some audio to it  right you're gonna have dialogue it's gonna be   talking and you're gonna have an audio track  here in my case i don't that's all right no   big deal so maybe what i'll do is i'll just throw  some music in here so then at least i've got two   audio tracks and we should be looking at the same  thing here so now i got an audio track in there   so we should be looking at the same thing you  should have one audio track and one video track   so let's say you bring in this long movie  something that you're working on and the playback   isn't that smooth because if your computer's a  little older things might not be as smooth as   you want it to be might be a little choppy so how  do we fix that so that it'll play back smoother   you've got a few different options of things  that you can do the first thing that i would   start doing is i would come up to the playback  menu you want to come down to timeline proxy mode   and you want to try either half resolution or  quarter resolution one of those is going to make   it easier for resolve to play back your video and  when we're doing our voice overs we don't need the   highest quality video right because we're mostly  concentrating on the voiceovers for our project   here so if you need to use quarter go ahead and  use quarter i'll throw it on quarter resolution   and it's going to be just fine you're not really  going to notice a huge difference in your screen   because a lot of times the video is so small  here so it shouldn't really make a big difference   but that's going to help speed up and  just smoothen out that playback if it's   a little choppy or something like that when  you're trying to play your videos back this   is going to help that out the other thing you  can do is come up to playback and come down to   render cache and make sure that's on smart  so that's just going to render things in the   background while the resolve has some downtime if  there's things that it can do in the background   so that'll help you out you know as you're working  on your project too so now you've got your project   set up here in resolve and we're getting close to  where we're going to want to start to learn how to   actually do the voiceover part right but we've got  to get this baseline stuff set up get our clip in   there get our video in there that we're going to  be doing the voiceover for and this is the basics   of how you get it set up now there's a lot more to  it like with resolve i mean everything goes miles   deep but this is the basics and it should get you  started on getting your project into resolve here   so now we need to talk a little bit about your  microphone getting set up for that now like i   said you do want to have it plugged in before you  get into resolve so that way once you get into   resolve everything should be seen by the program  you shouldn't have to you know reconfigure stuff   or anything like that if you didn't plug it in  yet just close out resolve plug in your microphone   make sure it's set up on your computer settings  and your sound or preferences whatever it might   be and then open up resolve and everything will  be ready to go for when we need to patch that   microphone into resolve so that we can do our  voiceover work some quick tips on recording so we   want good audio that's going to go along with our  video clip here for our audio description right so   if you can afford a good microphone get a good one  this one that i'm using here it's about a little   less than 100 bucks you can get good ones that are  you know a little cheaper um but you know in that   just under 100 range you can find some pretty  good microphones you want to make sure you're   in a good environment you want to be somewhere  where there's not a ton of extra noise going on   someplace that's not too echoey because you want  the audio to sound good you can always do a little   post-processing to make that audio sound better  but let's try and do the best we can to get that   initial recording to be super high quality in  my case i'm down in my studio here i'm actually   surrounded by soundproof blankets so that really  deadens the sound and also the kind of microphone   you're hearing me on now is a shotgun microphone  on top of my camera it's a sennheiser mic   it does a really great job of coming right to me  picking me up but not picking up anything else   around the microphone now this little guy here it  does a pretty good job too of you know eliminating   extra noise from around it it's a cardioid mic  it's just picking up in front of the microphone   so these are just things to think about that  are going to help you get a better recording   some quick tips you can always throw some blankets  on the floor or go into a small closet or i mean   you can even throw a blanket over your head in  order to deaden the sound around you know your   microphone and yourself you know to help your  recording just sound the best you can because   the better you can get it when you first record it  the easier it's going to be to just apply a little   bit of post-processing to sweeten it up a little  bit and make it sound better crisper clearer   and not have to try and remove all kinds of extra  noise and you know echoing and things like that   so you want to take those steps first to try and  get the best recording you can out of the gate   and that's really just going to set you up for  success on your project so now that you got your   microphone set up your environment's good you're  ready to start recording get back into resolve   here let's add a track so that we can record our  voiceover onto its own track so again i have my   project here and we want to create a new audio  track here that is specifically for our voice over   so i'm going to go ahead and come down here in  the area below our audio track that we currently   have now you can adjust these things if you just  hover over different parts of the screen here   you know you can make more room if you need it  but let's create a new track i'm just going to   come down here i'm going to right click below my  current audio track and say add a track and we're   going to go ahead and add in a mono track now most  of the time you're going to want to use a mono   track for your voice over work because you want to  hear it you know coming out of both your speakers   you know our project's a stereo project you wanted  to come out both the speakers evenly so we're   going to go with a mono track you can do a stereo  track that's fine too but in this case we're going   to go with a mono track so go ahead and click on  mono and it's going to add in a new track for us   now i like to rename my tracks keep everything  organized so i'm going to double click where it   says audio 2 here highlight that and we're going  to change that to vo for voiceover hit enter and   then it's now called voiceover so before we jump  over into fairlight where we're going to set   up our voiceover and do our actual recording one  thing you want to change is where those recordings   will be saved it's easier if you just do it now  get it out of the way so that way you don't start   recording and then you can't find where your clips  are you're like i don't know what to do so let's   get that set up real quick here so in the edit  page here you want to come down to this little   gear icon at the bottom which is your project  settings you can also get to it by going to file   and project settings once you get into project  settings you're going to see a window that looks   like this now you want to come down on the left  here to capture and play back the first section   here you don't have to worry about the second  section down here is where we want to make some   changes so capture you leave that as audio and  video that's fine the video format we're not   recording video so actually we don't have to  worry about that the codec again don't worry   about that and the next one right here save clips  2. now this is going to be where davinci resolve   saves your audio clips that we're going to work on  for our voiceover so go ahead and click browse and   then you're going to get another window here and  just go find wherever you want these projects to   be saved for me i like to save it in my project  directory i have an audio folder and that's where   i save all of my audio so i've navigated to my  audio folder right here i'm going to select that   and go ahead and click ok now this is project  specific so you can change this for each project   there is a default setting that gets applied  you know by default when you start a new project   but if i know i'm doing voiceover work i know i'm  recording in the resolve i want to set this to   go to my project so that way i don't have to hunt  around for it and i know exactly where resolve is   going to put all the files that i'm recording so  once you got that set up you picked your path go   ahead and click save and now you're good to go you  know exactly where those files are going to be so   that is all we're going to do here in the edit tab  now we're going to jump into fairlight where we're   going to get set up to record our voiceover so  jump over into fairlight by clicking on the little   musical notes here at the bottom of the screen  that's going to jump you into fairlight now we're   in fair light here and the first thing we need to  do is patch our microphone into resolve we want   to make this microphone and input into resolve so  that way we can record directly into resolve the   first thing we need to do is come on up to a fair  light at the top here then we want to come down to   patch input output click on that and it's going to  open this window for you so this is where we can   patch different inputs to different things tracks  the different things there's a lot you can do in   here but let's talk about the only thing that you  need to worry about for your voiceover work so up   here on the left we have source now we want this  to say audio inputs and if you click the little   drop down you see you've got different options but  we want to use audio input so go ahead and click   on that and now right here is my microphone now  this particular microphone right here it comes up   as primary play interface because it kind of works  as an audio interface but if you're using an audio   interface you should see the name of it here or if  you're just using a microphone you should see the   name of the microphone there so whatever shows up  here is what you're going to be able to patch and   sometimes even with my audio interface it might  just say you know have numbers so i've got four   you know outputs from my audio interface and it'll  just have numbers one through four so you can just   click on those numbers you know i know that you  know my microphone input on that particular audio   interface is number one so you can use just that  number one depends on what your setup looks like   it might look a little bit different than here but  just give it a try and see how it works out if you   have questions or troubles comment down below and  i'll help you out the best i can on the right here   we've got destination so i'm going to go ahead and  click that drop down and we want to come down to   track input so go ahead click on track input and  now you can see we've got our different tracks   here i've got my audio one left and right which is  that original track right which should have your   um audio from your your whatever it is that your  video is right whether it's your movie your tv   show your film your whatever it is your project  so that's what those tracks are now we have a   vo so that's the track that we created for our  voiceover now there's only one because we created   a mono track not a stereo track so i'm going to go  ahead and click on the vo so that it's highlighted   like you see here and i want to click on both  of my audio interface or my microphone channels   right here once you have them all selected come  on down to the bottom of the screen here and hit   patch so now you can see they kind of change  colors a little bit right so it looks like the   the first one here patched to this one and it's a  mono track so you don't need both sides which is   fine this should work out just fine for us so once  you got the patch made you can go ahead and close   this window by clicking on the little x and you  should be good to go the next step that we need   to do is arm our track to record and in order to  do that if you come down we look at our voiceover   track you notice we've got three different icons  here we have an r which the first one is arm for   record which is the one that we want so you  want to turn that on and what that does is it   says okay davinci resolve this is where i want my  track to go this is how i want it to record just   get that track ready to go and if you look on the  screen here you can actually see the meter moving   already so i know that davinci resolve is picking  up my microphone now you might notice that you're   hearing an echo or you're hearing yourself while  you're recording so we can adjust that and that's   called monitoring your audio right we can adjust  how it's monitored so i actually have an extra   set of headphones hooked up to my microphone  or to my computer working on a mac mini and m1   mac mini here so it doesn't really have external  speakers well it does but they're not good so i   use headphones but let's say i don't want to hear  all that echoing right so we've got some options   on how we can monitor our audio so come on back  up to the fairlight menu here and come on down to   input monitor style now you've got different  options here on how you can monitor your input   so right now it's on auto which means you're going  to hear while you're recording you're going to   hear when you're not recording which is why we're  seeing the meters move now but let's say i only   want to do it on input i can click that and we're  still hearing anything that's coming in so that's   not the one that i want come back to fairlight  input monitor style and i'm going to select record   so now this is only going to let me hear you know  in my headphones in this case or on your speakers   in your case maybe it's only going to let  you hear while you're actively recording   so the meters aren't moving now and that's  why because we're only monitoring when we're   actively recording so that's okay but if you want  to just make sure that your microphone's working   again come back to fairly input monitor style and  you can change it to auto and you should be able   to see those meters moving which is telling you  that your microphone setup you're good to record   so now you should be all set up and your track  is ready to record audio from your microphone   now when we're in fairlight here it is helpful to  be able to see your video while you're recording   right so you notice in the top right hand corner  here we do see our video it is a little small if   you don't see it you might want to click on your  meters up here because that video is actually part   of the meter strip here so click on meters and  that's going to open that up for you now you can   click on this guy right here this little floating  window option and it's going to open up the window   you can make it bigger smaller whatever you want  to do you can put it on another monitor i think   if that's helpful for you you want to keep that  you know somewhere where you can see it because   it's just going to help i think make your audio  description easier so you can describe what you're   seeing so for me i'm just going to actually pop it  back into its own window there so with everything   else done here it looks like we're ready to start  recording so in order to record you want to take   a look in this strip right up here above your  timeline and we have the record button so this is   what you're going to press when you're ready to go  you're ready to start recording so if i just bring   my playhead back to the beginning here i'm going  to go ahead and hit record and now we're recording   here in resolve we can see my meter is moving we  see that we've got audio from my top track here   and we've got audio coming in on our voiceover  track and then in order to stop your voiceover   from recording you can just go ahead and click  the stop button right here so i'm going to make my   tracks a little bit bigger here just to see better  by clicking on this guy right here and i'm going   to drag it a little bit bigger and we can see we  have our voiceover recorded right here if we go   back and play through it i'm going to actually  turn off my arm to record and then i'm going   to come back here and i'm going to play through it  and let's see if we can hear it i'm going to throw   on my headphones so i can hear hear what's going  on now let's play through and see if we hear it   in here in resolve we can see my meters moving  we see that we've got audio and there you go   you've made your first voiceover right here in  davinci resolve it's not that hard to set up   it's pretty easy and pretty quick now if you're  running into problems and it's not recording   maybe you don't see your meters moving at all  here's a couple things that you can check first   check your patching make sure it's good make sure  your microphone is patched to the channel that you   created for your voiceovers and even before that  if you don't even see the microphone in the patch   menu there go back close resolve make sure that  your microphone is hooked up to your computer   it's set up good and that it it's actually being  shown in your computer settings so that way you   know it's there so when you open resolve it  should be there and you shouldn't have any   problems if your patching looks good everything  else seems like it's good but you're still not   seeing your meters move and it's not recording  when you try hitting the record button up here   make sure that you have armed your track to record  make sure this r button right here is highlighted   red otherwise your track's not going to be ready  to record even if you push the button that's up   here so make sure you're armed to record  and finally make sure that you're hitting   the right record button up here in your toolbar  so that resolve starts actually recording since   i just recorded a little random sample i'm going  to delete that now i'm going to actually try and   describe what's going on the scene all right  so now that we got our little sample we know   that our microphone's recording i've actually  gone ahead and added in a few more clips to my   little sequence here so now i'm going to try and  just do some audio description here of describing   the events that i'm seeing on the screen now don't  judge i don't know anything about how to do it   the right way or you know the specifics of how  you're supposed to do this so i'm just going to   kind of make it up as i go here so don't judge  and hopefully we'll be able to see something that   comes out looking okay now when we record through  it i don't have a script or anything like that i'm   just going to make it up on the fly here but if  you do have a script or you have it written down   on what you want to say i'm going to show you how  you can put that on the screen here so you can set   it up to read it as you know those points of the  video come up so you know what you want to say   it will take a little bit more time to get that  set up but if you know what you want to say and   you want to hit those marks i'll show you how  you can do that right here in resolve so let's   go ahead let's roll through this uh sequence  here i'm going to try a little description and   we'll see how that works out so i'm throwing my  headphones here and our microphone's good we're   all set up i'm going to come back in resolve here  i'm going to arm my track to record and then i'm   just going to go ahead hit record and i'm going  to watch my little screen up here describe it   as it comes so here is using this microphone down  here and uh let's see what we can do here remember   don't judge all right let's go so i did move  my clips over a little bit too you got a little   dead space here so let's see what happens a  woman's riding her bike next to a farm field   on a dirt road the bike's red and has a basket on  the front of it she's wearing a hat and sunglasses she gets off the bike and walks out  into a field she sets up a picnic and pulls out a book and starts reading through  the book turning page by page she reads the book the red bike sits next to the cornfield   she finishes her picnic jumps on the red bike  and starts riding next to the cornfield away from   the field all right there you go i don't know  that that was good actually i'd probably say it   was pretty bad but you get the idea here we were  able to add in a voiceover on top of our clips   and really just kind of put in some description  to what we're seeing on screen now obviously if   you have a movie or a show or a play or  something you're going to use a lot more   smaller segments probably you know it's not  going to be one long thing like this maybe but   this is how you can just hit record and  say things as you see them on the screen   and now what we can do is actually go back and  kind of fine-tune that a little bit and we can   make cuts where we need to and adjust where the  text is coming in or not the text but where our   voiceover is coming in on the video but before  we get to that i'm going to show you how to cut   up this a little bit and just kind of make it fit  where we want it to i just want to show you how   you can add in some text to appear on the screen  so that way if you have your script you know   what you want to say you know what points in the  video you want to say it you can put it in here   and it'll probably just make your job a little bit  easier instead of trying to think of it on the fly   so it does take a little bit more work but let's  check this out so in order to do that we're going   to want to jump back into the edit tab so that's  this icon right here go ahead and click on there   and jump back into the edit tab so once i'm in  the edit tab you can see my sequence here and   we've got my music right here and then i've got  my voiceover track down here so what we want to   do is put basically text above our video clips  so that way we know what we want to say and it's   pretty easy to do that you want to come up to  your effects library which is up here at the top   of the screen go ahead and click on that and then  come down to titles right here now all you really   need is just a basic title if you wanted to scroll  you can but just the basic text is really all that   you need and you just click on it drag it down and  drop it into your timeline on a video track above   the current video track you're working on and  again if you don't know how to make a new video   track you can right click on any one of your  tracks and just say add a track and that's   going to add a track for you so now what i can do  is just zoom in on my timeline here a little bit   and i can just select my text make sure you got  your inspector open right here and now we can add   in whatever text we want so i'm just going to  come up here and you know maybe in this first   scene here i want to say a woman rides her bike  next to a corn field on a dirt road so that's   what i want to say so if i bring my playhead and i  click over here now we can see it's on screen all   right it doesn't quite fit you may have to you  know adjust the size of your text a little bit   um you know or maybe put some returns in there  and you can position the text wherever you want   by playing with some of the different tools  down here and once you kind of set it up once   you should be good to go and then you can just you  know copy that text so let's say i only want it on   you know the first clip here and come and select  my text drag it back and you know maybe that's   fine maybe you want to make it a little shorter it  depends on your clip and what you're trying to say   and how you want it to fit in there so now when i  play through you're going to see the text pop up   a woman's riding her bike next to a farm field on  a dirt road okay so you hear my voiceover in there   didn't match up with what i wanted to say there  and that's okay for now but we can put the text   in there first before you record and that way  everything should pop up you know when you want   it to now you do have to adjust the text put it  where you want and that's going to help you with   your dialogue and your voiceover as you're going  through and recording it so that could be super   helpful if that's something that you're interested  in and like i said i don't know if you're supposed   to script the whole thing out before you do it  or if you're supposed to just kind of go at it   on the fly i don't know you know i've never  studied this stuff but you guys probably know   what you should be doing so that's just a little  tip there using the text to put it on the screen   and if you find it helpful definitely go ahead and  do that so we're going to get into how to replace   specific sections of dialogue using the automatic  dialogue replacement tool which is super handy and   super helpful but before we get there let's talk  about how do we cut up our audio clips a little   bit here so we can move them around and make them  fit where we want because maybe you were a little   late coming in on something or whatever and we  need to move the clip so here's how we do that   i'm still in the edit tab here and i'm just going  to actually go ahead and delete this text for now   because i don't need it so i'm going to scroll  down and in my voiceover track here we can see   where i said different things right when maybe  we need to move that around a little bit so it's   super easy just to put my playhead wherever i  want to make a cut and if i want to cut only   the voiceover track you've got a few ways that  you can do that you can select the clip although   then you're gonna have to select the clip every  single time you make a cut and so that way you   don't affect your video clip or you can come over  here and you see this little icon let me change   the size of uh our audio track here it's kind of  huge so if you see this little icon right here   it's called the auto track selector now any track  that has this button highlighted like you see it   right here is going to be affected by any cuts  that you make so in this case let's say we only   want to cut our voice over track we can turn off  the auto track selector for the rest of our tracks   so very easily you can just click on the tracks  that you do not want to effect so in this case my   voice over track i do want to affect that my audio  track one up here i do not so i'm going to uncheck   that as well as my video track one and if this was  my text layer my video track two i do not wanna   affect them when i try to cut the audio clip so  i'm gonna come down here and to make a cut on the   clip you've got a few ways to do it one way that  i like to do it is just using command or control   b and it's going to put a cut right there on the  clip for you the other thing that you can do is   use the blade tool which is this guy right here  so if i click on that now anywhere i hover over   with my blade i can just click and it's just going  to make those cuts for me so sometimes you can see   it's kind of snapping a little bit there if you  don't like that you might need to zoom in a little   bit and that might help you get a little more  precise with where you want to make your cuts if   i just zoom back out then i can come back and you  know grab the little pointer tool right here and i   can select sections like this and just delete it  if i don't want it there now i can just grab the   portion that i made the two cuts on either side of  and i can move it around and place it wherever i   want so this is probably going to come in handy  if you've got big spaces between your different   voice over sections or if you just need to move  things around like i mentioned so it's an option   if you need to make cuts and shuffle things around  a little bit that's the easiest and most basic way   on how you can make some cuts and just for your  reference and just so you guys know you can also   do the exact same thing right in the fairlight tab  so jumping back into fairlight the musical notes   here i can come in here and make my cuts here  if i uh come over to say this clip let's bring   my playhead over now when i'm in here i'm going to  use the command or control b because you notice in   our toolbar here we don't have the the blade tool  so in fairlight here you would just use command or   control b and it's going to go ahead and make  the cuts just like we did in the edit tab and   i can select my audio part there just hit delete  and it's going to take it away now be careful if   your keyboard is one of the larger keyboards like  uh like mine over here right we got this big long   one so i've got the delete key here as well as a  delete key over here now one of them will ripple   delete which means it'll grab all the footage and  push it over when you hit that delete button and   the other delete will just delete the clip but not  move anything so if you see that just be careful   on which key you're using and make sure you're not  moving things when you don't want them to move so   let's move ahead here we're going to talk about  the automated dialogue replacement tool now this   is a tool here in resolve that's super handy it's  helpful it can help you re-record portions of your   voiceover let's say there's a part that you don't  like and you decided you want to put something   else in there well how can we do that now you can  just record onto a new track but we can also use   the automated dialogue replacement tool here to  help show you the words tell you when to come   in and just guide you through that new voiceover  that you want to put in a particular spot on your   timeline or you know in your video so let's get  into checking this out i'm going to explain what   it is how it works and then we'll give it a try  and one of the cool things here is you can do this   multiple times and it's going to keep all these  different takes for you and then you can just   pick the one that worked out the best so all right  let's check this out so we are in fairlight here   and in order to get to the automated dialogue  replacement tool look along the top here and   we have adr right here with our microphone so  go ahead and click on that now this is the adr   automated dialog replacement window let's just run  over this window real quick i'm going to explain   what some of these things are and how to use it  and then we're going to go ahead and give it a   try and i think this is something that anybody who  is working on audio description projects i think   this would come in really handy for you so we've  got three different sections here we have list   record and setup so let's start with the setup  section here so that way we can set everything up   and then we can just go ahead and put in our  cues on where we want to record new dialogue   so i'm in the setup section here we have record  and playback set up at the top and the first   section here is pre-roll so what is pre-roll that  is how long is the video going to play before it   starts recording or before you are supposed to  come in and add in your new dialogue so in this   case i have four seconds and that works out fine  then we have post roll so post roll says how long   should it go after you know the recording is done  so maybe you know you're recording whatever you're   saying takes a little bit longer than you expected  so how long is it going to keep going in this case   i put two seconds next we have record source so  where you're recording from i have a microphone   right here so you want to click this drop down and  make sure that you've got your microphone selected   record track now what track do you want to record  on so i want to record to my voiceover track   and the cool thing about this tool is that it's  going to put any new recordings on another layer   inside that same track and we're going to be  able to take a look at those different layers   and pick whatever take that we want because we  can try this a couple times and then just pick the   best one so i want it to record onto my voiceover  track so you can click that drop down and click   the track that you want to use now the guide  track next you can use that if you want to you're   probably not going to need it but you can choose a  track that's going to guide you as far as when to   come in and what's happening in your video clip so  you can try it out and see if it works for you you   may not need it depends on your project and you  can change the record file name here if you want   or you can just leave it as the default it's up  to you what you want to do with that now down here   we've got different character setups so if you  know say there's three different people they're   all working on the audio description for a project  you can save specific settings for specific people   if that's helpful so i'm gonna add in a new one  and just put one in for me here so i'm gonna   call it j hit enter now anything that i change in  here it's gonna be for me and when i'm doing the   voiceover work here so maybe i want to see things  a certain way or whatever it is then we can set it   up for each individual person moving down here if  you click on any one of these it's going to open   up and these are different options you can have  it beep to an end point so when you're going to   come in it can beep so i'm going to turn that off  because i don't need that right now can beep when   you're supposed to come in like right at the point  when the actual recording starts i'll leave that   one on and again if you click on any one of these  it's going to have more options in there for you   you can use the count in so how many seconds do  you want to be counted in so you're going to see   on the screen you know what five four three two  one or however many you pick in this case i've got   three so it'll give me three second count in so i  know when to get ready to come in for my voiceover   the video streamer here this is going to give you  uh lines that come across the screen that's going   to help just guide you on when to come in for your  particular clip so i'm going to go ahead and turn   those on and you can change the color there if  you want the next one here on-screen q-text style   so what this is going to do is allow you to put  the text on the screen and have it come up when   you should start talking so you've got different  options here on how you can have that look you can   try it out if you want you can do a sample text  here just to see what it's going to look like   and it comes in handy to kind of tweak this a  little bit and i'll show you how to add the text   in so it pops up on the screen in a second here  or just to close any of these just double click   on them you've got smart timeline here this  is going to allow either the playhead to move   across the screen or the playhead is going to stay  still while the timeline moves across the screen   just depends on how you want to view it i'm going  to leave that off and then mixing control you're   not going to need that so don't worry about it  for now so that is the setup now let's go to the   the list section now if you have uh you know a  program where you can write up a whole bunch of   cues i know there's files where you can make  a whole cue list and what to say and all that   that's a little out of my wheelhouse i know you  can do it and then just import all that right   here into resolve but if you don't have that which  i don't we're just going to make some cues on our   own as far as where we should come in and where  we want to make our voiceovers so let's uh make   a new cue here so in order to make a cue we need  to select an area on our timeline where we want   to record there's a few ways you can do that  you can use in and out points so let's say i   wanted to replace this clip right here i can come  to the beginning of the clip i can press i for in   and then come to the end of the clip and press o  for out that'll set that let me show you another   way i'm just going to clear these marks here i'm  going to clear my in and out now i can use this   tool right here which is the range selection mode  and i can just click on my one clip and it's going   to highlight that clip for me so now that that  clip is highlighted i can come back in my list   over here and i just want to say create new queue  so i'm just going to go ahead and click new queue   now we can see right here let's see if i  make this just a little bit bigger here   it's got this is cue number one  it's the first one that i made   it's got a character here which it doesn't have  anything there just yet and then it's got dialog   which it doesn't say anything yet we're going to  add that in and then it's got the time in and out   where this is going to be placed in our timeline  and it tells you how long the clip is going to be   so if i select my clip here can actually come up  to character and this is going to be j this is   going to be me so i'm going to click on that this  tells me my character now for the dialog that i   might want to add in i'm just going to click on  the dialog here and now i can type it in right   up here alright so let's say i want to say this  riding a red bike down a dirt road a woman comes   towards you so that's what i want to say so now  that we have this cue set up it's going to show me   those words on the screen so let's head over to  the record tab here i'm going to click on that   and now you can see it's right here right we see  it on our screen and if it's even easier you can   pop this screen out by hitting this little window  right here all right let's bring this up here make   it a little bit bigger so we can see what's going  on so we can see the text doesn't quite fit on our   screen here so let's go fix that real quick so we  can actually see all of what we want to say so i'm   going to jump back into my list here i'm going to  select my queue that we're working on come back up   here on the top and i'm just going to put a return  in here okay and then come back to the record and   just select my clip again and now you can see the  text is right here and we can see it on the screen   so now we're all set up we can replace this dialog  with a new dialog that we're going to record   so you've got some buttons up here in the record  menu so you want to first select whatever cue   you're working on assuming you're going to have  a couple because you can set up a whole bunch of   cues before you even get started recording just  so that everything is organized and set up you're   good to go you can just start recording so before  we start recording our voiceover there's one other   setting i want you to turn on and that is audio  track layers because all of these new recordings   we're going to do are going to be put in different  layers on the same track and we want to be able to   see them so come on up to your view menu and then  come all the way down here and choose show audio   track layers now if i turn mine off you'll see my  my layers get big again and if i turn it back on   now you can see we've got more space up  there and that's going to show us our layers   for the recordings that we're about to make  so let's pick a clip that we're going to   redo here using the adr panel so i want to redo  this clip right here so let's hear what it says   and then we're going to come up with some new  wording that we want to use in place of it so   let's listen this real quick a woman's riding  her bike next to a farm field on a dirt road   okay so the first thing that we need to do  is select our range where do we want this   new dialogue to go and the fastest way to do it  is using this little guy right here this is the   range selection mode so go ahead and click on that  and all we have to do is click on the clip now if   you have a big long clip you're going to want to  use or set in and out points using the letter i   and the letter o on your keyboard and that's what  you can see up here on the screen these little   points right here that's the in and the out point  so when you go somewhere you press i it's going   to set the first point o is going to set the  second point once you have the range selected   that you want to use for the new dialog we want  to come over here and in our list view right here   we're going to go ahead and click new queue now  in here if you have a character set up you can   select that it'll be right here in a drop down i  did set up mine but then i got rid of it because i   was having some issues so now i'm just going with  uh with no character so i'm gonna come over here   to the dialog section click in there and then  i'm gonna click up in the top area here and i'm   gonna put in some new text of what i actually  want to say now okay so what i want to say is   this a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt  road next to a cornfield that's what i want to   say so once you do that you can just click down  here in the open area it's going to unselect your   your cue here that we just created so i want to  go back over into the record tab now jump over in   here and we want to go ahead and select the queue  that we want to work with now you may have a whole   ton of them in this case i just have one so i'm  going to go ahead and select it and you notice   that it's kind of not appearing on the screen the  right way that's okay for the moment let's just   test it out and see if it's going to work here so  we have this button right here rehearse i'm going   to go ahead and hit that and see how it works so  you can see our count in over here on our screen and you could see that our text was highlighted  it had a little progress bar that came across   the screen it's going to tell us how much  time is left in our queue that we made so   now i'm going to unselect that let's jump back  into the list view here i'm going to select my   text here again and i'm just gonna put a return  in here so that way i can see it all on screen   now you would think resolve would do this for you  maybe it does i haven't played with it a whole ton   so i'm just gonna hit enter here and that  should work out just fine so now when i click   on the text again down here we can see in our  little window it appears just fine so once you   have that set let's jump over back into the  record tab here and i'm going to pop out my   screen just so it's a little bit bigger so i can  read the words i'm going to select my cue that i   want to go through and work with here and you can  rehearse it a few times if you want i'm just going   to go for it we're just going to hit record  here and see what happens so let's go for it   a woman is riding her red bike down a dirt  road next to a cornfield so now you can   see once i did that up here i have my take and  you can do as many takes as you want and it'll   layer it in the same audio track so one  of the things that you can do is just   try it a bunch of times see how it works out i'm  going to try it a few more times here and we'll   get a couple more tracks here and then i'll show  you how you can listen to each one of your takes   all right so i got two takes now if i want to  listen to it and see how they sound i'm going   to actually turn off the r right here so my track  is no longer armed because in my headphones i was   hearing an echo from here anyway so i'm going to  turn that off and you are going to hear whichever   track is the highest whichever one's at the  top so in this case this one right here is   at the top let's put this guy back use my little  arrow tool here this one this one is at the top   so that's the one you're gonna hear when we play  through so let's listen and see how that sounds   a woman is riding her red bike down  a dirt road next to a cornfield   okay so now you can see if i grab the original  and bring that one up to the top now we'll hear   the original riding her bike next to a farm field  on a dirt road so whichever one you drag and move   to the top is going to be the one that you hear  now if you're having trouble seeing the layers and   where the things are recorded check this out and  check these settings you want to make sure that   you've got these uh checked on properly here so  timeline down to layered audio editing make sure   that that is checked on and then you want to come  over to the view and you want to come down to show   audio track layers so that way you're going to be  able to edit those layers you can see those layers   and you should be good to go so when you have  your different takes you can come in here and   select the one you want and rate them by  stars maybe you've got you know five or   six takes different ways of saying things you  want to see what different ones sound like you   can go ahead and just select the one that you  like you can highlight it with the stars here   and down in your timeline just make sure whichever  clip that you want to use is the one that appears   on the top right up here so let's say i'm happy  with this take i went through i did all of my   adr recording the dialog replacement anywhere i  wanted to replace well now i can come back to my   view and i can turn off the audio track layers and  now i'm just going to see that last one that was   on the top so if we play through it that's what we  should hear a woman is riding her red bike down a   dirt road next to a cornfield now it is a little  fast so obviously that's probably not the best way   to you know handle that particular clip but once  we have it recorded here and you get what you like   you can just grab it and move it around if  you want but you're gonna see we do see it   underneath here we see another clip under there so  you may have to go back into your track layer view   and kind of play around with them a little bit  you know maybe you want to move them all at once   or maybe you just want to get rid of the other  ones that you don't need maybe you want to take   the good one and drop it onto another track  so then you can just mute these other two or   something like that it's up to you there's a lot  of ways to do it you got to play with it find out   what works best for you but that's how you use the  adr tool here individual resolve it's super handy   and can really just help when you've got a replace  dialogue in a video clip that you've already made   maybe you want to change the wording you can see  it on the screen here it gives you the countdown   and it's just a really handy tool that can help  out a lot while you're working on your audio   description project so adr is there use it if  you need it try it out let me know what you think   comment below if you have any troubles or any  problems and i'll try and help you out the best   that i can with all that adr stuff now once you  have all your audio recorded and everything's in   there you got your wording your audio description  you're good to go your voiceover work is done the   next step that i would do is go through and start  working on some audio processing so there's a lot   of things here that i'm not going to go through  everything in this video but i will link them   either in the description or i'll pin a comment  where i'm going to link a whole bunch of different   videos where you can learn how to set your levels  you want to have good levels on your audio clips   so that people can hear it right so you want to  set your audio levels to about minus 10 db so that   way you've got good signals coming in everybody  can hear it good and it's not too loud not too   quiet it's just right and i'll leave a link for a  video that teaches you how to set your levels here   in davinci resolve that'll be helpful if you don't  know how to do it and then once you've got your   level set you want to look at some other things  you know you want to look at using the eq a little   bit i have a whole eq crash course that can help  you out and it's not too hard once you get the   hang of it and a little bit of eq work can really  go a long way and do a great job as far as helping   your audio sound better right because we all have  different microphones in different situations   different environments and sometimes you're going  to get harsh sounds in there that just don't sound   good you want to clean it up a little bit and eq  is one of those tools that can really help clean   up your audio and get rid of some of those harsh  sounds another thing you might want to look into   using is a little bit of compression and some  dynamics and i have a video on that i'll link   to as well dynamics can really help just bring  your sound together make it sound better it can   you know reduce some of your peaks and boost up  some of your low end stuff there's all kinds of   stuff that you can do there with your dynamics  you can help reduce some background noise using an   expander or a gate and i'll link to that video you  can check that out if that's something that you're   interested in but a lot of these things are going  to make small changes that over time are going   to really improve the sound of your audio right  because if we're watching movies or tv or plays   or whatever it might be and the audio description  that's in there if it doesn't sound good it's   gonna be hard to watch and for those that are just  able to listen and can't actually see anything   if the audio doesn't sound good i mean it's it's  just hard to sit through right we've probably all   watched videos where the video looks awesome  but the audio is terrible and it's hard to   sit there and listen to it and and watch that so  you got to keep that in mind you want your audio   to sound good not only from the perspective of  your audio description and being able to get the   details in there that you want so the viewer can  understand what's going on but just the quality   of your audio it's super important that it sounds  good it's clear it's crisp it's easy to understand   and doing a little bit of post-processing on  your audio is going to really help make a big   difference for the listener at the end of the day  so one last thing i do want to show you here in   this video is how to export just your audio  because you went through you made the whole   video here and i'm assuming i'm not 100 sure on  this but i'm assuming that you only need to export   your audio and somebody else is going to combine  that together with whatever the final project   is now if you do need to export the whole thing  you know your video your other audio tracks and   your voice over track as well i'll link to a video  there too for settings that i use for youtube   depends on your situation on who the client is or  who you're exporting it for they may have their   own requirements but i'll just link to a video  for the settings that i use for youtube exporting   in both 1080 as well as 4k so you'll probably find  that helpful but let's say you just need to export   the audio let's jump back and resolve and i'm  going to show you how to export just the audio   here in davinci resolve all right back in resolve  here we want to get into the deliver tab which is   the little rocket right here so go ahead and click  on that and that's going to bring us over into the   delivery tab so now my clips here are kind of  in the middle of my timeline i just kind of put   them there when i started so i'm going to set  in points and out points but most of the time   you can use this right here the entire timeline  to export your projects so i'm going to come   here and i'm going to put my playhead a little  forward there i didn't say i want to start there   i'm going to press i right there and looks like my  out point is set just fine already next i want to   come over to my render settings if you don't see  them make sure this little guy's open right here   and i'm going to scroll over and there's  actually an option here for audio only   right here audio only so you can click that and  that's going to give you a good starting point   you're going to want to put in a file name right  here give it a location where do you want to save   these and now you want to render how do you want  to render it do you want individual clips probably   not you probably want to do a single clip so it  matches up with whatever video you're working on   it's going to be one long clip and that's probably  going to be what you need now the video you notice   everything is unchecked here because we're not  exporting the video in this particular case   we're just going to export the audio so i'm going  to click on the audio tab here and you've got   different formats here that you can export it in  i would just leave it at the default settings and   that's probably going to work out fine for you  so you've got quicktime the codec you can choose   your different codecs here you can pick which  might work best for you sample rate i'm going to   leave that the same as the project bit depth i'm  just going to leave that at the default as well   and on output track here you want to make sure  that you have your bus one selected and that's   going to be just your main output from davinci  resolve now if you have multiple tracks and you   need separate files for whatever reason you can  check this on render as discrete audio tracks   i don't think it's going to be necessary  but it's an option there if you need to   if you have any questions on any of these settings  you can always check out the davinci resolve   manual it's really good it's really helpful i use  it all the time yes i know it's like 3 500 pages   or something like that but you can search through  the pdf and that works out pretty good and if you   have an idea what you're looking for it's not too  bad so you can always check that out too so once   you have all your settings set just come down to  the bottom here you want to add it to the render   queue and once you click on that you're going to  see it pop up over here on the right hand side   and then all you have to do is go ahead and  hit render and that's going to render your   file out of davinci resolve you should get  your audio only file and you should be good   to go for your audio description file alright  guys that wraps up this video on voiceovers   on audio description on using the adr tools how to  export your audio only we covered a lot of stuff   in this video and i'm sure you guys are gonna  have questions so if you do leave a comment down   below and i try to respond to every comment and  answer everybody's questions the best that i can   and really try and help you guys out part of the  reason i got this youtube channel so i can help   you guys out out there so i'm sure you might  have specific uh requirements and things like   that for your audio description projects so you  guys are gonna know more about that than i do i   don't really know too much about it but if you  have other suggestions or settings you think   you should use or anything like that comment with  that down below too because that can be helpful to   not only classmates and people you know going  through the same program but other people around   the world who might be trying to do the same  thing it can be helpful for them too so i hope   you guys found this video helpful i appreciate  you sticking around again thank you to margaret   and ryerson university for the opportunity to  sit in with you guys on a class learn more about   audio description what it is how it works it's  really cool never even heard of it before so it   was awesome to learn about it and just understand  what it is and how you can really help people   if you guys appreciated the video you learned  a little something could you give me a thumbs   up subscribe to the channel if you haven't  already and if you want to know anything   more about davinci resolve definitely check out  my channel any issues you might run into as you   getting started i've got tons of videos on all  that stuff all the comment questions people have   so lots of videos to help you out if you need any  help as you're starting to learn davinci resolve   because it's a tough program it is pretty tough  and if you want to help support the channel check   out my shopify page got some eq presets down there  some other freebies for you you can also buy me a   coffee love me some good coffee there's a link to  that in the description below as well as a whole   bunch of other links in the description affiliate  links that don't cost you anything extra but do   help our channel here and everything that we do so  thank you guys for hanging in there with me best   of luck on your audio description projects and i  look forward to seeing you guys in the next video you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 2,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 17, Voiceover, DaVinci Resolve Voiceover, Ryerson University, Audio Description, ADR, DaVinci Resolve ADR, Automatic Dialogue Replacement, Automatic Dialogue Replacement DaVinci Resolve, AD, Fairlight Audio, DaVinci Resolve Fairlight, Fairlight VoiceOver, Patch Microphone DaVinci Resolve, Audio Recording DaVinci Resolve, video editing course, record voice overs in davinci resolve, voice overs in davinci resolve 17, how to do voice overs in davinci resolve 17
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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