Best simple golf tips for beginners & high handicappers!

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in this video I'm going to show you the best simple golf tips for brand new golfers and high handicap golfers to help you play better golf it is imperative so important to have a positive mindset now many new golfers or higher handicapped golfers will stand on a tea box like this and only think about oh my goodness there's trees on the right there's trees left there's out of bounds there's water it's hard but try and switch that mind set really try and think positively as much as it doesn't guarantee you're going to hit an instantly better shot it's definitely going to help you swing with more confidence so when you stand here now I'm not I'm not thinking about these trees on the right and the left I'm picking a point right down there on The Fairway there's a marker down there it's absolutely perfect so I'm thinking to myself I've got loads of room down there I make a good connection I know I can hit a golf ball in that general direction that is important it brings us nicely onto our next tip is your tea height it's really important when you're hitting a longer Club certainly a driver or 3-wood that you get the consistent te height so you hit the right part of the club head with a driver that's just slightly above Center Castle teas are a great addition to your golf bag because that is a consistent tea height all the time you place it in the ground and you know every single time that is how high your tea is going to be placed and pink ones are brilliant for driver if you want to just use a singular wooden tea or plastic tea my first tip is to hold it between your index finger and your middle finger and then place the ball on top while it's still in your hand and then you can consistently put this TEEG in the ground and you can start to see that pattern of how much you've teed it into the ground put the club Behind the ball briefly perfect half the ball is above the driver head I've now got my consistent T High I've got a positive mindset so I can stand on this te and hit the best shot possible so as a new gol for a beginner golf it's not always you're going to hit a great shot you are going to find yourself in trouble let's be honest even good golfers do but it's how you recover from here I'm miles away from the hole so trying to hit something like a hybrid or a three-wood would be just silly I'm not going to get it back in play I might hit the tree I might stick it in the water hazard I might really mess it up sometimes you have got to take your medicine there's too many golfers trying to go for the aggressive shot taking your medicine is key on a shot like this is almost eliminating any real issues any future issues yes we want to get back in the Fairway definitely I could go here to the left but there's no massive advantage of going that way and to keep it lower than the trees I've just got an A in my hand I'm going to grip down on the golf course cuz don't need too much distance or power slightly back in my stance and almost hit like an extended Chip Shot notice how my arms in the club aren't really doing a great deal I'm not using too much wrist hinge here pick a line I just want it to line back on The Fairway keep it underneath that tree and hey Presto we are back in the Fairway and not making any more silly mistakes how many times would you uh pull a club out and it looks like that it's got mud on the face mud in the grooves I mean that is going to have a negative effect to the result of your golf shot if it's not clean it's going to be inconsistent you're going to hit the ball further but not in a good way like it's going to reduce the spin it's not particularly nice to look down on it's going to change the flight of the golf shot as well you want to make sure that your clubs are in pristine condition make sure you carry a towel round with you give it a clean if you needed to get the a TEEG and run it inside the groove to get any of that dirt how you can do it quickly dry and clean is key because you are going to get the best use out of your clubs when you're out on the golf course there's lots of elements to contend with one of the main ones though is the undulations the hills if you're want a nice flat driving range mat where you aim ideally is where you should hit the ball so you start going to Hills there some things to note if the ball is above your feet so I'm hitting towards you at the camera now and the ball is higher than my feet there's a tendency of that ball going to go too much to the left if when I'm hitting this way for argument sake my feet now are above the golf ball the ball is going to LEAP more to the right that's worth knowing so that you can adjust your aim also if you're playing uphill the ball won't travel as far you end up adding too much loft and you hit it higher so you got to take more club and if you're on a downhill lie the ball's going to come out stronger and lower so you got to take more Loft to adjust Hills are really important to be to navigate around the golf course again as new golfers sometimes we kind of just forget these little features that can definitely improve your score the bunker High handicap and new golfer's worst nightmare but that doesn't have to be the case I think it's important that we understand probably three main principles to get out of a bunker loft where we want the club to hit the sand and speed and if we can do that we will get the ball out every time first off is Loft make sure you use a sand wedge or a lob wedge you want Loft on your golf CL you really do so what I'm going to do here is add a little bit of Loft it's called open in the face I'm going to twist the golf club a little bit to the right so I've now presented more Loft and then regrip the golf club now that's going to look a little bit bizarre it almost looks like the face is aiming too far to the right which it will be a little bit you could aim a fraction more to the left but that's not the most important factor we just want to make sure we have Loft number two it's important that we hit the sand first we don't want to hit the golf ball first in a bunker shot so you can't do this legally but in practice you can draw a line a couple of inches behind the golf ball we want the golf club to hit that line that's where it enters the sand and number three speed don't be scared about hitting it a little bit firmer a little bit harder and in in your mind almost trying and hit a handful of sand out onto the green that's how fast and hard you need to hit it so I've opened my golf club I've then regripped it I'm going to hit the line and hit with speed that way the ball pops out pretty easily and I think most high handicappers and new golfers would be delighted with that result that's where the ball was and you can see there that's where the club hit the sand couple of inches behind we're getting closer to the flag now so this gets really important first off if you can put put it even if you're just off the green use your putter I can promise you your results will be so much better than using the wedge or using a uh anything putter is is your trick from just off the green when you got nothing in your way where you might have to just make a few little changes let's say you gol balls here just in the roof and you're just off the green now putting that isn't really the plan because it's going to get snagged up in that longer grass and it becomes a little bit more challenging so it's not about grabbing your most lofted Club here it's about grabbing something like a 7 ion or an 8 ion and playing a little bump and run shot this is so key it's almost like a putting stroke but you're just using a little bit of Loft so the first thing is we want to grip down the golf club I'm almost holding it right down to the edge of the rubber and actually don't mind if you want to use your putting grip it's not that's not a problem at all we then want the stance to be fairly narrow and watch this all I'm doing here on my arms and my club is keeping that y shape between my right arm my left arm and the club I'm keeping that shape and all I'm trying to do here is just use that little bit of Loft to help it jump over this longer grass as soon as it gets on the green I want that ball rolling it's so important so grip down I'm literally going to play it like a putter shot like a putting stroke go in the hole oh ah as you can see there it just popped over any uneven surface and getting the ball rolling as quick as possible next top tip and it's really simple it's how to read the greens quickly so I actually learned this from Tommy Fleetwood so it's not a bad person to learn it from it's about trying to read the green almost like a book when you look around here now it's quite obvious where the high point is over here on the right hand side that's the that's the highest point and where the low side is that all runs down that way so I can come and stand on the low side and almost read it from here because I'm seeing it from this Angle now I'm seeing that it's clearly running from down hill and I know it's right to left like that's as simple as it can be you don't have to think too much more than that because if you've got an understanding of where the slope's going to go whether it's going right to left or left to right or up and downhill you can make such a quicker assessment and then before I put it I can mark the golf ball on the green where I can put a a marker just behind I can pick my golf ball up make sure there's no more dirt that could affect the PT make sure we've rubbed all that off and then even use the logo on the golf ball to line up where I want the ball to start we know it's downhill right to left I just feel prepared that didn't take long and I'm ready to go so important putting that we don't neglect it cuz it can really save you a lot of shots for more great golf tips be sure to subscribe
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 218,600
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Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: FfrR_yXqP7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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