How to prepare for IELTS exam in one week | Score 7.5 in 7 days | Study for Academic IELTS at home

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do you need to take IELTS test but there is not much time to prepare for it in this video I'm going to tell you how you can get a great score in IELTS with just a week of preparation so let's get started before hi there I'm idea welcome to a channel about education in the UK myself about six years ago when I fly to study in the UK to do my Master's I had to take I'll and I had just over a week to prepare for the test but from the surface end and managed to score 7.5 which is enough to study any program any university even Oxford since then I worked with many students who prepared into the test so I accumulated quite a few tips and tricks which helped to get the highest possible score so in this video I'm going to share them with you and I hope they will help you to if you need to take Isles but it's just a couple weeks left in this situation we're not talking about improving your English skills it's just too little time left for that but is it possible to go higher in miles yes it is and that's because art is quite a tricky test usually when students take it tough times and second time and the third time and then they score higher and higher on each attempt and that's because in iron you need to know how you can what is the best way to approach the task how to distribute your time basically risk strategy and if you know all of that from the very beginning then you can cope greatly from the first attempt and that's what we are trying to achieve so I'll love for almost three hours and it consists of four sections I'm going to tell you about each section what type of tasks it includes and how is better to tackle each task before the test starts with the you listening section which lasts 30 minutes during this time you're gonna hear several conversations which can happen to a student in in a classroom or a conversation with the librarian with classmates and also are short bits of a lecture basically a speech by a professor and this part is the same for general and academic arts test so what you need to do in front of you you will have a list with the tasks and the questions and you will have a separate answer sheet so before the test starts I recommend you to do two things first you need to carefully read the task because usually it says something like put not more than two words or put not more than three words so basically if you put more words than required in this task even if they are correct you will not be avoided a point so read what you need to do then before the listening to us quickly look through the questions try to see as many as you can because in this case it will be easier for you to find the answer because your remember that's what was asked basically all the answers will be in the same order and the questions are asked so you see the information there's the short questions and second question will be bit further and you just move down you're I recommend you to answer all the least read the questions just leave the answer sheet on the side you will have ten minutes at the end to transfer your answers and that's much better to do that because some questions are they may be a bit tricky for example you hear a telephone number and they say my number is four four zero five zero see oh no there are seven so you may have to correct yourself also when you hear something read the structure of the sentence can also be a bit misleading for example the question who play more sports and then the conversation goes most people think that men play more sports than women but actually the research shows that women play as many sports at man so basically you might have answered before you hear the correct answer so you just cross out and you put the correct one that's why it's better to answer on the question cut in aisle the information will never be repeated so you have to stay very concentrated and as soon as you hear the object write down straight away don't listen for it to be repeated and that's true with the numbers as well in each aisle you need to write down some number usually telephone number and they will not repeat even that so what do you need to pay attention to in the listening section well just about with spelling counts so if the way you spell the word is in again you won't be awarded a point so make sure when you transfer the answers you spell them correctly also use English spelling not American if you can and pay attention to singular and plural nouns because for example if someone says I have a hat or I have cats there will be a difference between cat and cats in your answer I have tasks in the listening section is usually when you have a plan for example you have a plan of the library and the sum of information there is missing and you hear a conversation of a student and librarian who is explaining where the student can find books on different subjects and you need to listen to that and at the same time you need to navigate the map and put the right books it may be a bit difficult and of course the best way to prepare is to take as many practice tasks as possible even you have if you have just one week it's enough time to do quite a lot of IELTS mock test at the end of this video I'm going to give you links to the website when can go and do that if you don't want to buy books and CD discs for that before the second section is reading and here in general out you have four five texts and in academic Idol you're going to have three types so in this video we are concentrating on the academic IELTS so I'm going to warn you straight away that this task is tough it's very time pressures and the difficulty is quite high so when you get to the second or the subtext most likely you won't be able to understand everything and let your English is really excellent but don't panic it happens to most people you don't need to understand a hundred percent of the text you just need to be able to find the answer so how do you do that first of all when you're is a task at the very beginning they recommend you to spend 20 minutes on each subsection but the difficulty of the third text is much harder than the fast so I recommend spend 15 minutes on the first one 20 on the second and 25 minutes on the third text in this tab you will not have time at the end to transfer all your answers so answer trade and they answer so how do you check out the tasks so most of them the questions will be in the same order as you can find the information in the text so I recommend you to read the first question then quickly start reading the text when you feel that the answered somewhat ears slow down find it read carefully answer with the second question continue reading the text and so on it's possible for most tasks some people say that you need to read the whole text first and then start answering I try to do that even before recording this video but even though I could understand everything I just forget what I've read and I have to look in the text again to find the correct answer so don't waste time like that try to answer the questions as you read the text but there will be a couple of tasks when you can't do that for example that can be tasks when you have a number of statements and you need to find in which paragraph this is described so of course it's not going to be this this statement is described in the first paragraph so you have to read all the text to answer in this case I recommend you to just read all the statements try to memorize what they ask you and then start reading the text another type of tricky questions is true false not given so if you know that some information is true from your generic knowledge but the text doesn't say so you have to answer it only by judging by the information in the text be careful not to include your own knowledge also don't spend too much time on any single Gretchen if you can't find the answer just mark the question and move on at the end if you have time go back and try to find the answers if not when you have or when the time is almost up but you haven't reached the end of the text and it's let's say two minutes left stop go to the answer sheet and just answer all the questions make your best guess there is always a chance to get correctly so time management is very very in Isles so when you go to the test take your own watch or even a timer so that's when the tax types you can start it - and then you can always see how much time is left and whether you need to accelerate or you can slow down and answer more carefully before the writing section consists of two tasks and you'll be given one hour to complete it the first task is shorter than the second so I recommend you to spend 20 minutes on the sub task and leave for two minutes for the second in each task you are given a minimum amount of words which you need to write so it's hundred-fifty soft at 250 second task if you write less and that there will deserve some points for that so you need to write more than the minimum limit about 180 words for the subtasks 280 words for the second of course when you'll be writing by hand and of course during the exam we can't count how many words you've written so practice writing at home then after some time you will already know how much you need to write and how and you will feel how much you've written that will make it easier for you during the exam and of course make sure that you write tidy if the examiner can't read what you've written it's not very good if you need to correct something that's fine just make sure that it's clear and easy to read in the first task you need to describe an infographic you will see a chart graph make a table or a life cycle and you need to put what you see in words you shouldn't give any interpretation analysis or add from your knowledge you just describe the picture and words that all you need to do in this task structure is important so you start with the introduction where you think what you see in one sentence for example this lightning a graph demonstrates production of consumer groups in the USA and China from 2010 to 2015 message introduction is done then goes the main part in a task like that it's better to have two paragraphs and you can describe one country in the first paragraph second country in the second but the preferable option would be to devote your with the kg of shaft paragraph to describing similarities and second paragraph to describing differences in this task you shouldn't pay too much attention to any single figures and production in each year just pay attention to the trends to the highest point lowest point that's what you are expected to do and you shouldn't use either art or we you just say the graph demonstrates and you can either use past indefinite all present indefinite in this test so what is the difficulty when you need to talk about the table rows columns linear graphs and so on you need a vocabulary which you don't use in everyday communication so many people just don't know this word so we try to make a list of all the words we would be great to use in this talk and you can download the vocabulary and the color of the screen even if you have just a couple of days left before they now I really recommend you to learn the words they will really help you to go higher so the second task is anything you need to write about topic you're given and examples of the topics can be what are the advantages and the disadvantages of a high level of Taxation in the country or do you agree that today wealth is more important than our old-fashioned values and something like that so here it's very important to put your argument and then develop them support your argument with other ideas as you remember we left 40 minutes for this task so I would spend just 10 minutes on reading the task and thinking about what arguments you want to use at only then when you have the plan at least in your head start writing for 25 minutes and leave 5 minutes at the end to read through and correct your spelling and grammar so again this structure is important you make an introduction a couple of sentences then the main part where one argument should have one paragraph so you put forward an argument and then you develop it then when you have a new idea you move to the next paragraph and at the end you make a conclusion if you didn't have enough time and you feel that you're not going to finish how you say just stop go to the end and write your conclusion make a good one because it weights a lot and it's better to miss one of the arguments than the conclusion some people worry is that our topics are not very easy to be honest and it's difficult to find interesting original ideas but you shouldn't worry about that your ideas can be the most boring and mundane but all your argument has to be relevant exactly on the topic and you need a good support for your arguments that how you score high before the last section is speaking it can be on a different day from your other IELTS tasks and you have to come specifically for that so here you will have a shot interview face to face with your examiner and it will last for about 13 minutes so from the generic tips I would say try to behave a bit like you're in an interview differently smile make eye contact is that how to score better at the same time don't worry about your accent but make sure that you pronounce clearly enough and you speak loud enough so that it was easy for the examiner to hear everything you say in this case you'll be able to get a higher score so here you have three different tasks in the faster part of this task you need to answer questions about yourself and possible topics can be your family friends your hobbies work studies city you live in your neighbors music you listen to food you eat basically it's quite simple and it's better to give expanded answers for example if they ask you what city are you from don't say your building that's it for example I can say I'm from Almaty that's a former capital of Kazakhstan and a city with a great climate that's enough also don't speak for too long if you are not quite sure what to say you can give an example for example in service one of the questions can be what food do you prefer and you can say I love Chinese whenever I go to a Chinese restaurant I always order a pecking duck so that's a good answer to such questions and then you move on to the second task here is you get a card or with a topic and you need to speak about it yourself for a minute or two basically you have the main question and several sub questions and you have one minute to prepare it came to something like describe an item you own which is very valuable to you where did you get it wrong when did you get it what do you use it for and why is it so important to you so when you answer this question make sure that you answer back the questions one by one and just put your finger on what you need to answer to make sure that you cover every part I know that when you speak yourself and the pressure 2 minutes lasts forever that's why we need to practice speaking at home then you know how long you've been speaking for because if you speak for just 30 min 30 seconds on this task it's not good you need to aim to speak for about two minutes and the possible topics can be in museums you recently visited or event you visited your trip an important person who influenced you maybe a concert you went to SCT you visited an important building in in your city your neighborhood so basically it is possible that you'll be asked something and you don't you didn't do that for example what was the last movie you visited and maybe you didn't visit any Museum in the last few years but you have to answer the question and if you you don't have a true story just make up one it doesn't have to be true but you need to cover all the questions you have them try this topics at home because you may have actually a similar question as the exam itself and the last tip is better to have a structure here so start with saying something like I'd like to tell you about my favourite band and make a conclusion by saying that's why I love this band so much something like that very simple and the last task here is a short discussion with your examiner which will last for four or five minutes topics here are more abstract you will talk about some concepts for example environment education technology transportation basically for something big for example you can be asked to let's talk about the values of our society today what kind of thing is taters to the people in your country how have values changed since the time when your parents were young how do you think kind of values will change in twenty years from now so here quite often you'll be asked about this time perspective about the past or the future just try to speak about any ideas you have these examples from real life and if you don't understand the question are asked to repeat it or clarify it there is nothing worse in this task than giving a great answer to your own question the best advice for aspiration is practice practice and practice again and try to do as many more tests as you can there are plenty of online resources and I'm giving links to several of them in the description you can try and do practice tasks it really helps you because that's the only way to know how to really tackle the task and how to distribute your time correctly it will help you during the exam I wish you good luck and if you take IELTS after this video or if you've recently taken it please share your tips in the commands if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer in the comments again and please subscribe to our channel if you like this video I will see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: study abroad, Fastrack Education, IELTS exam, how to prepare for IELTS quickly, IELTS how to score high, EILTS, how to study for IELTS, IELTS prepare at home, IELTS without books, IELTS tips and tricks, IELTS strategy, All you need to know about IELTS, Academic IELTS preparation, general IELTS prerataion, how to prepare for academic IELTS in 10 days, IELTS guidance on preparation, ielts, ielts preparation
Id: XyywBE-1N3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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