IELTS preparation | Improve your score in 1 week | How to prepare for the IELTS exam quickly

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how can you prepare for the IELTS exam quickly and achieve your best score hi there it says here there is so much you can do to improve your score nails but in this video I want to concentrate on must knows about each section of the test that how to improve your score quickly the arts exam evolved all the time and some old tips don't work anymore so in this video I'm gonna concentrate on the latest trends and before we start I'd also like to share my story with you so I took my IELTS exam seven years ago because I wanted to study in the UK so I had just over a week of preparation and I managed to score 7.5 at my first attempt since then I spent 7 years in London doing my masters working in the bank running my own company which helps others to study in UK universities so I've accumulated knowledge which I want to share with you today ok let's get started before we look into each part of the IELTS exam let's make sure you understand the scoring why is it important IELTS is a difficult exam and unless your English is perfect there will be questions you can't answer I know that some students panic is they can't find a correct answer but you shouldn't what score do you actually need to get most likely it's somewhere between 6 & 7 so how many questions do you need to answer correctly that's our official scoring table and as you can see to get been 6 you need to answer 23 questions out of 40 and to get one 7 you need to answer 30 questions out of 40 so it seems the reason margin for error and if you can't answer you questions don't worry about it now let's move on and talk about the main difficulty of the IELTS exam in my opinion of the biggest challenge of the arts exam is time pressure it helps to know exactly what the tasks look like what the question sheets look like I learned instructions before the test in this case you don't need to spend your valuable time on those during the exam so I'm giving your link to the official IELTS practice materials it will be in the video description below but don't worry about it now you can study these materials after the video and I will remind you to download them at the end of this video now let's look into each part of the IELTS exam and find out what you need to do to get a high score the listening section will last for 30 minutes and include 40 questions here you will listen to a number of conversations or short bits of speeches and answer questions at the same time there were several pages of questions and before the recording begins you will have a bit of time to look through the questions so only look at the test page and try to memorize as many questions as you can don't look any further because once you turn the page you will have a bit of time to look through new questions again you will hear each answer only once so you need to be very concentrated and careful here but what happens to many people is they look for an answer to the first question but as I miss it they don't know about it so they continue looking for an answer to the first question and then miss a second question and maybe even the third what can you do to avoid such a situation I would say that you should always money talk to questions the current one and the next one in this case you always know when you need to switch your attention to the next question during the IELTS exam you are allowed to write on the question shades so I would say that it's a good idea to mark your answer there because at the end of the listening section you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet I'll be careful you have this extra 10 minutes on only in the listening section so when you're listening to the recording if you see that a certain answer certain option is wrong cross it out straight away in this case even if you miss a correct answer you still have few options to choose from and when you're transferring the answers at the very end of the section you have to make a choice let's say between two options instead of four so you will have 50-50 chance to get it right even if you didn't hear the correct answer itself in the listening task the information is presented in a slightly misleading manner what I mean for example you need to choose which starter a woman orders at a restaurant and you hear how conversation with the waiter so the woman asks do you have any freshly baked bread and the waiter place yes we're done we do so you'll find bread as an answer but the woman continues hmm what else do you have so you see she didn't order the bread bread is not a correct answer and they do it on purpose in the listening section so you need to be very careful there are several types of tasks here and it's important to answer in the correct format for example the task is right not more than two words it might seem obvious at the moment that you shouldn't try to more than two words but you're the it's quite easy to make a mistake for example your task is what is the special occasion and here's it it's mom's birthday party so it's very easy to write down three words but you need only two so the correct answer is birthday party at the same time are articles or prepositions and not counted as words so if you're right University or the University it doesn't matter both are fine and there is a very similar task where you need to choose a correct letter for an answer so again be careful and don't write a word instead of a letter there is always a task to write down a telephone number you will hear it in the following format my number is zero seven five eight double one triple zero so double one is one one and triple zero is zero zero zero quite often you also need to spell a name so if you are not sure about any names of English letters check them out I find that reading is a tough section because it tests not only your knowledge of English language per se but also your verbal reasoning skills I mean your ability to analyze information and make conclusions so how is it better to approach this section let's start with time management here you will have three passages forty questions and 60 minutes to answer them in the past the first passage was clearly easier than the last but it seems it's been changed and these days all three passages have approximately the same difficulty so I would say that you need to spend twenty minutes on each passage and you should be absently sure how much time you have and to do that write down what time the section starts on paper it happened to me during difficult exams that I check out the timers and later I forget it and then I'm not sure what time the exam finishes so our voice agitation put it on paper what would be the most straightforward method to deal with the task if you think it's to read the passage and then to answer questions yes but it really doesn't work because you simply don't have enough time to read the whole passage carefully it's really long and then by the time you start answering questions you already can't remember the details so don't lose your time like that start with questions all questions are split into several sets so read the first set of questions understand what you need to answer them then start quickly reading through the text scanning for answers and when you fail the chances are right here slow down read it carefully find your answer continue scanning the text and move to the next question the reading section of the IELTS academic test covers quite complicated scientific topics and unless your English is excellent you won't be able to understand everything but that's funny things to find correct answers what you can do to make the task a bit easier for yourself is underline keywords and questions and then look for this keywords and the text other synonyms in this case it's easier to break through the complexity of the information another big question of the IELTS reading is do questions follow the passage order in general yes the information in text is presented in the same order and the questions are asked but not always let's look at the most difficult types of tasks and possible pitfalls tasks that you're gonna find in each IELTS exam is true false not given I find this task particularly tricky because you really need to analyze information here to find the correct answer you need to decide whether a certain statement is true false or the information is not provided in the passage let me give you an example so our statement is scientists experimented with containers of different size and you need to decide if it's true false or not given and in the passage we can find the following sentence ooh that's a tough one for the Pampa effect to be noticed that the container must be large enough to allow a free circulation of water to take place so what do you think is it true is it false we know that the container should be large but the thing is the passage doesn't say if scientists experimented with containers of different size or they know it in some other way so the correct answer here is not given I did think about this task is that you can find your answers in the same order as questions are asked so you simply read the first question find an answer read the second question continue reading the passage and so on here you see several statements and you need to choose which paragraph in the passage presents this information so the information is not going to be presented in the same order as questions are asked you won't be able to answer statement one paragraph one statement to paragraph two not like that I have two tips for you firstly to answer this type of task you need to read through all the passage so that's why I would leave this task and answer other questions first and then return to this task that's because after you scan the passage to answer other questions you already know what it talks about and you will be able to match your statements to paragraphs much more quickly secondly complete this task on the question sheet first let's because some statements can be related to two paragraphs and you're not sure which answer is correct so mark all the statements you're certain about then go back to the statements you are not certain about and between two answers you are hesitating might be maybe one is already taken so you can definitely answer the question and only when you've matched all the heading all the paragraphs to all the statements transfer all your answers to the answer sheet in one go I would say that writing in the most complex task canals that's because here you really need to understand what is expected from you to get a high score how do you examiner's decide what's call your essays deserve there is an official scoring guidance listing all the criteria so I'm gonna walk you through both essays explaining what these criteria are first of all let's talk about what you need to write in your essays so in task one you will need to describe a chart a diagram and map or a process which you see on the picture that's an example of what you may see many people here start describing every figure they see on the chart but that's a wrong approach what you need to do is give an overview of main trends differences or stages memorize that there's a quote from the IELTS current and that's what you need to do to get banned seven let's talk about the structure structure is important here so usually you start the writing task and say one from an introduction paraphrasing the task then you give an overview of the information presented to you for example a child presents a manufacturing output in four countries name the countries between 1970 and 2000 then you make too many paragraphs given all of you of the data you can group the data in different ways for example you can talk about countries with growing production in paragraph one and decreasing production in paragraph two or you can talk about production in 1970s in paragraph one and then how it's changed when the year 2000 in paragraph two there is no right or wrong way to group the data it's up to you just make sure you're providing overview of trends not describing every figure on the chart separately okay now let's talk about the task to you what are you expected to write here here you need to discuss a certain topic and for example what are the main advantages and disadvantages are studying abroad to get band 7 for the essay 2 you need to address all parts of the task in our example it would mean that you need to discuss both advantages and disadvantages even if you think that everyone should study abroad don't write a lot about advantages and almost nothing about disadvantages you need to cover all parts of the task equally you should present and support main ideas what does it mean in practice basically you need to write an intro then you need a big paragraph about advantages of studying abroad here you present several advantages and you provide you supporting ideas proving that each is actually an advantage you provide examples then you need to write a similar paragraph about disadvantages and at the end you need a good conclusion summarizing all your main arguments basically I have a separate video describing how to write this assess helpers tab with a model answer I'm going to link it in the description box below a good structure is very important for the writing task 2 it helps to logically organize information and also to present one central point in each paragraph and these are requirements of the essays it can get a score of 7 how is it better to distribute time in IELTS writing you have 60 minutes for both essays I haven't spent not more than 20 minutes or less a 1 and leave 40 minutes for SAT and before you start writing your essays spend some time and think about what you're gonna write make a plan structure your arguments and only then start writing without a plan it's really difficult to logically organize information and without that you won't be able to get a good score announce writing even if your English is very good but the instructions will say to write more than 150 words for essay 1 and more than 250 words for essay to you and that's important because if you write fewer words you're going to lose points so make sure your essays are long enough and of course you don't have time to calculate words during the exam so practice at home and then you'll be able to recognize how many words you need to right without actually counting them the writing task 1 requires specific words we don't use every day such as column table access the Ritsuko chats you simply don't know these words that's why I made a list of all the must know words for the writing task 1 and you can download this list in the corner of the screen and also in the video description below even if you have a few days before the exam make sure you learn this vocabulary because it's really gonna benefit you what about learning words for the writing task 2 if you have less than a month I wouldn't spend your time learning a few complicated words to put in your essay - because improving your vocabulary takes time and if you have just a few weeks before your exam you should better concentrate on your essay structure because it gives the results much more quickly and just put in a couple of sophisticated words in your essay is not going to improve your skull the same is true about your grammar don't try to write something complicated just for the sake of it make sure your sentences are easy to understand and they grammatically correct that will bring you better results because to get back seven you need to produce frequent error free sentences and that's taken from the officials current guidance again the last section of the exam is I am speaking you will have an interview with an examiner face-to-face which will last for eleven to fourteen minutes so here you need to answer a number of questions about yourself and topics that are familiar to you make a speech about a certain topic for one to two minutes and have it caution with an examiner about more abstract questions so how can you get a high score here you are assessed on your vocabulary grammar pronunciation and fluency improving any of these skills will take time and if you don't have much time then concentrate on presentation basically practicing out speaking closer to the exam conditions brings good results fast because you learn to answer unexpected questions you fail how long you are expected to talk fall and that really helps that's why I've created an online course where you can take out speaking practice tests and you can check it out in the color of the screen or in the video description below I also have tips on how to approach the speaking section what can you do if you don't know what to say or if you don't understand the question let a separate video and the link is gonna be on the screen in just a moment so bear with me you can also download the vocabulary for the writing task 1 if you click on the screen right now and all other links have mentioned previously are gonna be in the video description below including the link to the official art practice materials so good luck with your preparation and good luck with your IELTS exam that's all for today bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 985,385
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Keywords: study abroad, education in uk, fastrack education, ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts academic, academic ielts, ielts tips, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts exam preparation, ielts test preparation, ielts tips and tricks, ielts prepare in 1 week, ielts prepare quickly, how to prepare for ielts quickly, ielts preparation at home, how to pass ielts, ielts score 7, ielts band 7, ielts band 6, ielts listening, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts speaking
Id: gphk77J5Ty8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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