HOW TO PRAY When You Don’t Know What to Say

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hey my name is caroline roberts and welcome to my youtube channel in this video i'm going to talk about how to pray when you don't know how to pray this video is in addition to my christian basics series and i know that prayer has been a transformative and essential part of my Christian walk so let's get right into it [Music] simply put prayer is talking to God we have a relationship with God as believers and in every relationship you need communication relationships are built on communication so in the same way it's important that we communicate to God in our relationship with him it's good that we compare you know a relationship in two so we can understand what it is to have a relationship with God but we can't forget that we're talking about God here like God the creator of heaven and earth so the same way we wouldn't talk to our professor anyway the same way we wouldn't talk to so-and-so anyway we just want to make sure that when we speak to God we reverence him and we have just thankfulness thankfulness for what he has done for us so let me give you an example if someone did like paid off all your debt on this earth like someone that you didn't really know you just you know heard about them you just got into relationship with them like just became friends you met them at a party you guys became friends and they paid all your debt next time you guys meet up to talk what are you gonna say are you just saying but I hate what you're doing what's good and acting if you know they didn't do anything for you or next time you see them and this is a human we'll talk about hair just a regular person next time you see them you're gonna be like I cannot believe you paid off this debt you mom not a dodgy like we best friends for life like thank you for touching me like you're gonna be so thankful to that person and that's just a person so it's like God paid off the Jesus paid the debt for our sin God has done so much he woke us up he fed us he's done so much to us but it's like we go into his presence and we're like he was good how you doing as if we're like as if he hasn't done anything as this as if we have nothing else thanked him for so that's why the Bible says in Psalm 100 verse 4 to enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise to be thankful unto Him and bless His name so my number one tip like when you go into prayer just thank God just be thankful it doesn't have to be a long drawn-out voluptuous thing but man God thank you for my family thank you for the clothes on my back cuz you just find this not always something that you can be thankful for ok the next thing that I want to talk about this prayer is not one-sided so when you go and print a guy when you talk to God listen I'll just spill out to him what does he have to say take some time to speak to him and then listen think of a normal conversation do you like talking to people who just talk a lot they never want to hear what you have to say is all about them and they're just talking talking talking tucked up it like you don't like that people don't like that so let's not do that to God prayer is not always just about you what about asking God how does he feel how is he his day prayer is is you both of you guys you and God so ask God how is feeling how was his day what would he like you to pray for instead are you saying this is what's on my list what's on God's list what does guy want you to pray about and also when was the last time you prayed for someone else when his last time you pray for the nation's what is the last time your prayer was outside of you and not just about yourself prayer is not a one-sided thing and prayer is not just all about you I also want to say that prayer is an act that is done by faith prayer is an act of faith so when you pray pray believing that God hears you even though you cannot see pray believing that he hears you and pray believing that he is capable of anything that we asked him to he is capable of doing more than we can even ask a thing so know that prayer is an act of faith and it requires your faith it requires for you to believe I want to talk about different ways to pray because this video is if you want tips on you know how you can pray when you don't know how to pray and some people like praying in different ways like me I pray well I pray a lot now verbally but there is a season where like I'm a rider so there is a season where I wrote out all my prayers if it's easier for you to write out your prayers write out your prayers or if you need us if you have trouble verbalizing what you want to say but you have some thoughts pray in your thoughts God can hear your thoughts you can hear your mind he sees everything he knows everything so you can pray in your thoughts so it doesn't always have to be like okay I'm gonna sit down you know I have to say this logged on that prayer write a journal to God ain't got him and praying your thoughts to talk to him you know there's so many different ways to bring also pray according to God's Word stand on God's Word when you pray according to God's Word God responds because God will give you the desires of your heart the Bible says but it says when you delight yourself in him and the reason for that is when you delight yourself in him his desires become your desires so when you are reading God's Word you come to know his desires and you come in alignment with his desires because you begin to hate what he hates in love what he loves so when you pray and then you bring our scripture to back up what you're praying and you're standing on God's Word God wants to answer your prayer God is in agreement with you he's like yes like I'm not so happy you're praying about this like this is what I want this is my will so pray standing on God's Word and the last tip is to pray without ceasing pray every day 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 through 18 say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you and I love how even in this verse they coupled prayer with Thanksgiving prayer always comes with Thanksgiving so even if you don't know what to say just sing a song into God just worship Him just praise Him and the last thing is being filled with the holy spirit and I love that the Bible says when we cannot make intercession for ourselves we have the Holy Spirit and through the gift of speaking in tongues the Holy Spirit makes utterances and he prays on our behalf mysteries of the unknown he prays when we don't even know what to pray so I hope that you found this video and lightful I have another video on hearing God's voice so if you're in your prayer laughing you want to know more about hearing god definitely check it out I'll put the link up to it right here and let me know in the comment section how I can be praying for you alright thank you guys so much for joining me and that's it for now until next time see you later bye
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 150,441
Rating: 4.9328294 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, how to pray, how to pray when you dont know what to say, praying when you dont feel like it, praying, effective prayer, praying scriptures, praying the word, lessons of prayer, how to worship, how to pray to god, correct way to pray, how to pray to jesus, bascis of praying, praying 101, basics of prayer, basics of praying, prayer life, christianity basics, christian vlogger, christian girl, learn how to pray
Id: rlAW-eySjn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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