3 Signs You Are Blocking God's Blessing

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video we are going to be talking about three signs the you are blocking god's blessing in your life so if you are interested in watching more this video then definitely stay tuned [Music] so let's start off with number one the first sign that you're blocking God's blessing in your life is when you are bitter and you struggle with unforgiveness are you still mad about something that happened in your past is there someone in your life that whenever you think about them or whenever you or you're around them you kind of cringe or you kind of feel a certain way there's something inside that God wants you to deal with before he can bless you okay so now let's go into scripture Matthew chapter 6 verse 15 says but if you refuse to forgive others your father will not forgive your sins that is crazy to think that there is a certain way that we can't even get forgiven and we separate ourselves from God when we cannot forgive other people and sometimes when even when I struggle sometimes I've struggled with you know feelings of unforgiveness because of certain things that has happened to me in my past but when I think about how much I've done to hurt God and how much I don't deserve his blessings how much I don't deserve everything that he's done for me everything he's given me but that he sent Jesus on the cross to die for my sins it said Jesus came and died while we were yet sinners before we even accepted him he came and died for us and that is what pushes me and gives me the encouragement if God was able to do that for me and forgive me of my sin then why not why Cannot I learn that same forgiveness to somebody else and then in Mark chapter 11 verse 25 it says but when you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so that your father in heaven will forgive you your sins - can you believe that God doesn't hear our prayers when we go to him in prayer but we have unfree and bitterness in our hearts it says before you even pray to me go and forgive your brother go and forgive your sister work it out together make amends forgive them and release the tension release the hurt release the pain give it to God and then you come to me in prayer so if you feel like your prayers aren't being answered a good way to block your blessing is having a heart filled with unforgiveness and bitterness okay I know that it's easier said than done but I know God to be a healer so if you are struggling with any of that in your heart right now I'm just praying that you would open your heart to God's healing to God's love and to his restoration number two so the second way that you can block God's blessings in your life is when you are filled with pride okay pride is such a big way to really hinder God working in your life because when you are full of yourself you think you can do it on your own you think you don't need God you know everything is about you all the glory is for you and God doesn't work like that it's all about God the glory is for God and God strength is made perfect in our weakness as the Bible said so if you are someone who pretends to be strong but it's filled with pride then God's strength can't be made perfect in your weakness so we have to humble ourselves and really allow God to work and show himself faithful to us and faithful in our lives in proverbs 29 verse 23 it says once pride will bring him low but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor so if you are prideful everyone who is prideful will be brought low if God is gonna is because you are humble it's because you are lowly in spirit and then it says in Matthew chapter 23 verse 12 whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted that is how God works man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart David became a king even though he wasn't even considered because he was just taking care of the sheep his brothers you know were well built and they look like maybe they should be the anointed ones maybe they should be the king but God chose David because he said man looks at the outward appearance but I look at the heart and David was a man after God's own heart David was a humble servant James chapter 4 verse 6 says but he gives more grace therefore it says God opposes the proud but he gives grace to the humble the way to get on God's bad side the way if you don't want God to oppose you okay this is a mighty God we're talking about so if you feel like God is opposing you if you feel like God is against you you feel like you know your back is against the wall ask yourself a question and be honest are there areas of your life that you haven't given to God as are there areas of your life that you haven't surrendered to God you chose that you want it to be God over your own life are there areas that are still filled with pride I really admire you today to surrender those areas of your life to God give it to God and then he'll show you much grace allow them to show you much mercy and you will begin to see your life to flourish the last sign that I want to share is is one of the ways that we really block God's blessing from our lives from flowing in our lives is when we are selfish okay selfish people it's all about themselves and when it's all about you God can't use you because to use you more than just to touch you God wants to use you to touch others so are you someone whose fists are always closed are you a giver are you someone who's always forgiving who's always has open hands you want to win a million dollars you want abundance you want financial breakthrough you want to flourish but what are you gonna do when God gives that to you are you just gonna keep it all to yourself you know not really give to anyone else not really worry about what does God want to do with that money building up the kingdom of God spreading the gospel when you are selfish and I can't really bless you he can't really use you financially he can't really use you in those areas well you when you or someone who realize that nothing even belongs to you everything you have belongs to God the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof your hands are open you are willing to give and givers are the ones who prosper the righteous are never forsaken they're never begging for bread let's read Malachi chapter 3 verses 8 through 12 I know this scripture has been perverted in many ways but it's still in the Bible so I want to talk about it and it says will a mere mortal Rob God yet you robbed me but you asked how are we robbing you in tithes and offerings you are under a curse your whole nation because you are robbing me bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house test me and this says the Lord Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it I will prevent pests from devouring your crops and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it's ripe says the Lord Almighty then all the nations will call you blessed for yours will be a delightful land says the Lord Almighty I'm not sharing the scripture to scare you and I'm not sure the scripture to cause you to give out of compulsion because I'm sure this scripture has been manipulated in many ways in the past to force people into giving we should give out of the abundance of our heart we should give from a place of cheerfulness because it says God loves a cheerful Giver we should not give out of compulsion we should not give out of fear we should not give because we're afraid that the curse is going to come upon us but we should give because we love God and everything we have belongs to him if you feel like you're always getting overdraft fee's you still alive there is a curse upon your land you feel like financially you know you always fall for scams someone is always acting into your bank account it's like something new is always happening with your finances it's like there's something there's a pest there's a pest there's a spiritual pest that keeps eating away at your finances ask yourself have I been faithful in giving have I really gone to God in prayer and gave what he desired what he impressed upon me again and have I been giving from a place of cheerfulness or have I been giving from a place of religiosity or just a religious act I know that whenever I give God is always faithful to take care of my needs so if you are selfish okay you are selfish this could be a sure way of blocking God's blessing in your life so I hope that you found this video helpful if you are someone who is dealing with pride bitterness unforgiveness or selfishness I just pray I'm just praying for you that God breaks you free from those things so you can see the fullness of God's blessing manifest in your life so this your first time on my channel definitely subscribe so you don't miss any of my future videos if you enjoy this video if who's encouragement meant to you and then leave it a thumbs up until next time I love you guys so much bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 276,305
Rating: 4.9521308 out of 5
Keywords: blocking blessings, is God withholding blessings, why wont God bless me, why God is not blessing you, blessing, blessed, Christian blessing, teaching on blessing, why wont God give me a spouse, why is God keeping me single, why wont God give me a husband, why is God punishing me, how to get God to bless me, christian youtuber, jesus, faith, christiantity, God's promise, waiting on God
Id: yXeeMU3xPEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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