How to Play Stellaris 2.7 - Getting Started

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welcome to Solaris for beginners whether or not you are seasoned vet within the game with over 2,000 hours to your name or you've just arrived from the Academy of civilization and or total war well there's always new stuff to learn and that's exactly what we begin going to be doing today as of the two-point-seven version of the game winter is what this tutorial is for there is a reasonable amount of changes now please be aware that as the game develops over the next few years more changes will be applied and well let's put it this way this this basically means that stuff is in flux so if you're watching this video at some time in the future some of the stuff may no longer be accurate please be aware of that in addition rather than talking about every single system separately we're actually going to play for about six years and use all the systems that are supplied to us in a coherent way basically the one of the big things that is the problem with Solaris is there are so many different systems within the game that basically inter are so interwoven with each other you can't really explain them as separate entities they are very much part of a coherent system and because of that a one by one system explanation would not be very useful so instead we're just gonna play for a couple years and I will talk to you it talked to you about my decision-making why certain things are done as well as building up a stable economy for the start of the game and from there onward you can basically go out there at the galaxy and large now do please do be aware that the safe game will be available for this and also we are going to continue playing this after this video just to start to illustrate things like the Galactic community or other items that are relevant so maybe relics or something along those lines this is a extended thing and I would like you to be part of that journey so if you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments below let's get on their way shall we what are we gonna be talking about today well we're gonna play the first six years as I have already mentioned and there's a couple things that we're gonna need to do first before we on pause first of all there is the unpause button in the top right we're not gonna touch that at the moment because we have stuff to do first of all let's open up the outline now the outliner may be a little bit different from what you are used to that is because I am running a mod called tiny outliner version 2 the link for that is in the description and will make your life a lot easier the outliner that comes with the game may not necessarily be the most comprehensive one or at least the most efficient one in terms of spacing etc so feel free to download this there is no mechanical changes to the game it just makes things a little bit more compact and easier to understand so let's go ahead and select our construction ship from the outliner and we are going to right click on it and that will automatically take us to our construction ship as it is somehow I have inside of the station because stellaris things and what are we going to do with this construction ship well we are going to collect some minerals right now we are producing plus 30 minerals a month and while that may seem like a lot we always need a more mineral so we're just gonna go ahead here right-click on Ceres and build a mining station there and the construction ship will start heading out there and we select for instance you can see this nice little golden line going towards series in order to get construction on its way then we're gonna need to do something else in the previous video and if you haven't watched it and you have no idea what I'm about to talk about feel free to go and refer to that one it is only 40 minutes long and it talks about the UI as well as some of the elements that are we're in we're gonna go ahead and go to consumer goods clicking on that and we're just gonna sell them all off doesn't seem very logical selling off all of our consumer good but there's a good reason behind that because we need energy credits we have +7 consumer goods anyway and that right there is perfectly fine the amount of resources that the game gives us at the start are more than enough to do the things that we want to do and with this we are going to go to our shipyard by right clicking here heading towards a shipyard tab and going to the sign ship option and building a sign ship now this particular case the science ship cost 75 alloys now all ships are built with alloys but it may be a bit strange to see 75 why is it 75 in my game that it's a hundred this has to do with a special modifier the modifier that I'm talking about here is the modifier of our leader now this is randomly rolled at the start of the game you can have cheaper stations you can have cheaper outposts you can have cheaper sign ships etc and that is all defined by the ruler trait so in this particular case we roll a explore or bonus which means that our sign ships are 25% cheaper which is normally a hundred minus 25 is 75 alloys we also get a bonus to mining minerals which is why we're gonna go and get more minerals so let's close this screen and head to of the galaxy map because it is time to go out there and see what kind of vast mysteries the galaxy has for us in store all right so here is the local cluster the galaxy itself it is a cluster of stars whether or not you have decided to go for a ring galaxy or something with a little bit more arms well the sky is the limit but for now this little cluster to the south is far more important to us why is that so well this cluster is called a constellation and this constellation has two entrances which is this system over here and this system over here now we could go ahead and start surveying every single star in this particular area but that wouldn't be particularly good there are two schools of thought here either you go ahead and start surveying everything that is within reach or you rush your choke nodes and start building towards those and leaving all the surrounding systems basically to themselves because there could be anomalies in those systems and we will touch upon those shortly I personally prefer to go for the choke notes themselves and leave all the other systems completely unsurveyed and I will tell you shortly why that is and that has to do with some of our edict system the new UNIX system in 2.7 so we are going to go ahead and nurse to go to our sign ship there's two ways of doing this we can collect as selected on the like CMAP or if we just quickly deselect here we get to select the sign ship over here now our first goal is to go to this system and see what is inside now what we can do here is we can go ahead and survey or we can just travel sign ships are the only ships that can go to systems that have not been explored or surveyed yet whether or not you are within sensor range anything that is listed with these lines is within sensor range but normal ships cannot go there because they don't know what's out there only sign ships can so please be aware of that if we right click on one of these you will find that there is a explore system or a survey system option right now what we're gonna do is we are going to survey this particular system by doing so by right clicking on the survey button but there is a better way of doing this we can go ahead and say hey you don't need to do that instead we are gonna go to the survey button on the bottom left for the science ship indicator hit the shift key and basically go onwards so we have gotten our sign ship now queued up it's a standard cue system by using shift and queuing up those actions right now we're only gonna survey these two systems and that may seem strange because we only have so many actions available to ourselves we could easily set up this to be surveying this entire cluster but we're not going to do that just yet and now it is finally time to do that magical thing and that is on pause Wow we've played for one whole day of in-game time isn't that exciting now first of all we're gonna need to illustrate a couple things here as our sign ship is on its way it will start moving to our next system now we could continue onwards and play at normal speed but that wouldn't be very fun because there isn't too much to do right now so we're just gonna hit the little pull us button up here or use the plus hotkey on our keyboards to advance our speed and as you can see the speed will very quickly start queuing up and there we go and our sign ship has now arrived in Barnard's star a brand new system for us to survey which is exactly what our sign ship is going to be doing at the same time our second sign ship has rolled off the factory floor isn't that exciting more sign ships or survey the galaxy with I think that is very exciting at least to me now we could go out there and start looking at things but that wouldn't be very useful unless we have a scientist on board of our ship so we need to go and click the assign leader button and we will end up on this screen the screen where all of our leaders are but considering they're all working on different things we're just gonna need to go ahead and recruit a new scientist now there is all these options here the best one that you can get is the anomaly plus 10% bonus so you could for instance just keep on hiring leaders until you get the leader that you want in this particular scenario but considering our energy is only sitting at 308 we don't really have the money for that so instead what we're gonna be doing is we are going to grab a leader that may be a little bit more useful for us in the long term and that is this this fine specimen over here it's a expertise in computing now you may think hey why don't you just do the survey speed one or the one that lives longer there's like a reason for this and this has to do with technology we'll get to that soon so we're actually going to hire this expertise and computer person and we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna survey this system and go towards the choke node so right now we are surveying this system of this system and this system and this system we're gonna leave all the other ones for now we're not gonna even touch those those are not interesting to us at all don't you worry it will all make sense soon we're gonna unpause that and we're gonna have a look at our sign ship as it will move through this solar system and continue to survey every single planet that is here so for instance there is a barren world over here barren worlds are effectively useless unless they have resources on them we can terraform them for instance and it looks like our construction ship is done as well and what do you know we already have one hundred and twenty four and minerals in the bank now we could go ahead and send them off to Jupiter to do some more building and you know get some more energy by getting a mining site on Jupiter would want to do that it is 100 minerals it is three months but what we want to do that that is the question this is decision-making time even at the very start of the game for only five months in decisions are really important because we're going to need to take a look at our empire capital welcome to industrial development 101 yes that's right we currently have zero jobs available and we also have no unemployment that means that pups are growing and there is no jobs available for them and that right there is a problem we can take a look quick look here and when that pop is gonna be done by taking a look at the population tab and as you can see this pup will grow in quite some time at least me I want to say 20 to 30 months or so so it's a hundred yeah okay so it's it's it's it's it's quite some time away which means that by the time our resources by the time that pup becomes available this planet will already have paid back for its energy costs but I don't want to do that instead I want to build a research station why because there is engineering research in here and that's good because we want research research is King together it pups and alloys those three basically are King let's put it that way so we want that we want that science and it's very important to us that we get that science because we want to boost our science income and our engineering research is already a plus 23 which may seem like a lot but believe me it is nothing compared to the insane amount of research that we are gonna get later on but yeah we want to make sure that we have all the research available to us and every single station as well as a note will have a upkeep cost as well so if we go here for instance there's a icon at the bottom that says upkeep one energy so for every single station that we build it will cost us one upkeep any energy stations that you build are on around a planet or a star will not have any upkeep costs so we're just gonna go ahead and build this energy station while we are at it because by the time our pop grows we should have enough minerals available to do what we want all right Bernard Starr has been surveyed and my god we have a couple of excellent excellent things here that we can do why is my sign ship not moving why are you not moving my friend okay well you should probably be moving over here and actually serving these two yes okay so those are the routes that they were taking they we're not surveying this system for some reason not entirely sure why that was but yeah as you can see Barnard start has potential it has eight minerals in it which is a rather large amount and we definitely want those minerals and also it is on the route to our choke point which means that Barnard start as well as this system right here which is probably Alpha Centauri because it has three stars in it yeah we need that because for every single system every single system that we expand into we're gonna need to expend a certain amount of influence points now what we could do for instance we could colonize this system over here without colonizing this system or at least claiming it but it will cost us twice as much influence ball points and that's something we want to avoid so we're just gonna go ahead and spend 75 influence points as well as 90 alloys which is about half of our total income of influence and we're just gonna go out there and take that system very important that we do that because well we're gonna say I'll leave this for now because well we want to make sure that we take the choke notes now just now we cancelled the surveying of a reserve a anomaly here so our sign ship is in the system right now in pole Bank here and it's found a anomaly called the docking hatch now anomalies are special events within the game that will give you potentially special bonuses or new change of events etc in this particular case considering this is at a key system and on a choke note that is we do not want to capture this particular anomaly just yet we don't want to survey it but you want to survey the whole system first especially considering there seemed to be a lot of asteroids here which means there is a large amount of minerals to be had here but we don't want to survey this because it will hold up our sign ship or a little bit of time so for instance right now it would take us 300 days or 226 days just under a year of time to survey this and that will be time taken away from this surveying of this system and we don't want to do that we want to survey the system first so we can send a construction ship in and claimant you cannot claim a system if a if it hasn't been surveyed 100% yet and that right there something important to behold now as I mentioned it to start the video there is gonna be quite a lot of systems being thrown at us and right to start here three things are being thrown at us one is the anomaly we just spoke about the second one is the tradition and the third one is the fact that we have just discovered a continental world in Alpha Centauri we're gonna go take a quick look here at Alpha Centauri and see what is up with this planet okay so there is a planet over here if you start up your game there is a button that says guaranteed habit of habitable worlds nearby and this is one of them there should be another one nearby as well most likely back here or in the choke system but this won't for now will be the first planet that we have discovered but we don't know anything about it yet because we haven't surveyed it yet and that right there is a shame we're gonna need to wait for our science ship to be done surveying and then we can go and take a look at it and see if it has any use for us then a third thing that just popped up is the traditions now as of the 2.7 build of the game traditions have changed a little bit well just go a go ahead into the menu here now the system itself works exactly the same except the bonuses that you can get have been changed in general and that has to do with our edict system now in the past you could go for expansion for very very quick expansion modifiers and basically say hey we're gonna get a free pup on our first colony or colony grow a pup growth speed will increase by 10% it's a very good one by the way but since the addition of the new edict system a bunch of traditions will unlock new things such as discovery now right now unlocking map the stars as well as increasing anomaly research speed by 20% that last bonus was already there but the edict a lock of map the Stars is where things get interesting discovery by itself is really really powerful by as a standalone because if you get everything you will get a research speed bonus of 10% and again science is king together with pops and alloys so let's go ahead and click the adopt button here on discovery you can also go ahead and you know read through the other ones supremacy is also quite good diplomacy if you want to play around with Federation's you you will that's also pretty fun domination is just for resource output same thing with Prosperity and harmony well as the name implies it's it's harmonious isn't it we are we're gonna adopt this discovery tradition and we will instantly get access to a map of the stars and map the stars is gonna be very important for what we are going to do in the very near future now all of our ships are just beavering along here we found ourselves a first league now the first league is a precursor empire and every single time you play the game you will find yourself being given one of these precursor empires and with every single bone sec you can get with that the base game has four of them as the game has been expanded over time through DLCs as well as the story packs and stuff like that multiple new ones have been added please be aware that those are also for sale so yeah just be aware of that if you want to get a little bit more out of the game once you've played it a couple times but first of all we get the first league which is great because it will give us access to a very special world once the you know the the first league chain has finished this is a storyline chain and it will have multiple levels on it that we will have to go through also this is not a spaceship this is a robot hand and this is a brush that's right I always thought it was a spaceship but now you see it and that's amazing and now this is well automatically get added to our situation log in the list here as you can see the first league and will be discovered we need to get six artifacts and then we will find the capital world of the first league and that right there is pretty important because it will give us access to new planets also if we decide not to expand outside of this cluster it means that the first league will spawn somewhere in this area which means it will be within jump range of our capital world and which is incredibly useful because it will be added to our sector once we get to sectors we will go into a little bit more detail there all right so it's time to start taking a look at Bernard star what do we want to do in Bernard star but we have enough resources to do whatever we want but we need to take a look at which of these worlds are deemed useful to put a mining station on first of all we got to remind we got to remember that every single mining station that we build will have a cost of energy and the more energy that we have or every any resource the more if we have of it the better so in this particular case we're only going to build a mining station on the plus six because it's important and one on the plus two society of research it will cost us to energy in total as well as two hundred minerals but we're not gonna touch Bernard star two because we would need to pay one energy a turn for two minerals and Bernard star that would be free energy income over time but we're not gonna touch you just yet because we need those minerals for our planets let's take a quick look at our planet whilst we are at it and see how our population is doing we are on the cusp of growth finishing and that right there is important information because as soon as this pup becomes available it means that it is ready to start its job and considering no jobs are available we're gonna need to build a job now here is where thoughts within the community kind of go in two different directions do you build an alloy plant do you build a research lab or do you build a new district there's multiple things of ways of thinking about this if you want to go into full expansion mode alloys are good because it will allow you to expand more because stations cost alloys but in my personal opinion energy research or least research in general is king right now we are only generating 20 air research a turn but we could double that almost by building a new research lab which is exactly what we're gonna be doing we're gonna build a new research lab and at the same time we're gonna do something special by the way the research lab it does cost us 400 minerals thankfully we have managed to balance our minerals throughout by not overspending you diligent player that you are in addition you will find yourself with this button over here it's called planetary features planetary features will open up this little window over here and as you can see we have a bunch of things that are blocking our planet and that right there is something we cannot have the Great Pacific Garbage Patch it's gotta go the industrial wasteland it has got to go sure don't have the money for it right now though we you only want to get rid of the sprawling slums why the sprawling slums you ask well because it will give us a free pump it will cost us 120 days to do this though and a research lab is not done yet so we're just gonna wait about 200 days and then we were gonna go and set him loose because well we don't want to you know have any idle hands sitting around let's put it that way so two years played are we already balanced no we are not but at least we are expanding within the galaxy at large so what can we do from this moment onwards well we've got enough alloys tell you what bird is gonna build ourselves another sine ship just another science ship it's good because you know then we can build more stuff on top of that this choke node has been found and we are going to set this sine ship to research the anomaly in this system and we can just do that by right-clicking on the system and then going in on the scene at the same time it looks like our outer science ship in Alpha Centauri has also found themselves a new anomaly again we're going to ignore this anomaly for now because we want to survey this system as fast as possible so we can pop down a claim on it it's pretty important now our construction ship has moved on it has decided to move in here we're gonna build another outpost it's gonna go around swimmingly there he is and he's gonna go and get a badgering away at that particular system and we're gonna go and claim some resources because we have trade value here trade value what is that's well I'll talk about that very shortly ah Alpha Centauri is doing fine we've got some six minerals here that right there is pretty good the two energy is pretty reasonable as well and we found also a derelict shipyard and that gives us two additional engineering research that we can get and on top of that our governor has a gained a trait how exciting a very exciting indeed and a governor of course is the person that is the leader of this particular planet so please be aware of that we covered this in the other video so we have now gotten ourselves a system that is more valuable because we got the anomaly here and I gave us three additional engineering technology and research at least and that right there is pretty important so now you may start to think so why are you not surveying all the odd these other systems why are you holding off for now expect what is the reasoning behind this we're just gonna go ahead and survey this system if we can actually get there we're gonna go ahead and set the science ship over towards this system and where are you okay so you and survey whilst holding the shift key and survey here and our new sign ship we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna sign a leader and just Romer really well that is very disappointing I'm very disappointing indeed we're just gonna go and hire a leader and take a look at the new list leader experience survey speed it's not very good it's not very good at all maybe for some of the more expensive ones this is gonna cost me 200 energy though it is an investment in the long term there we go a maniacal researcher the perfect choice now to put them on our sign ship and move them in because in the long term this scientists because they're maniacal give us a bonus research speed of five plus five percent and on top of that maniacal researchers have a chance of getting access to psionic technology we don't want to be one we're just gonna go and get rid of these ones sure they cost us 400 energy in total but we have enough energy in the bank to do whatever we want again new stuff is being thrown at us we have another tradition available to us so what are we gonna do well we can go and choose to finish up the discovery tree or we could go into one of the other trees in this particular case I highly highly highly recommend to finish up the discovery tree for instance to boldly go is a very good option as well as the data link data uplink bonus that is below it as well as Polytechnic education these are all disponible รถktem over time some science division is really good because it gives us additional research alternatives and also increases our scientists levels over time they can they can ascend higher they can get bigger brains so to speak so we're just gonna go ahead for science division because I believe our science is gonna be done in about two years excellent very very nice so that is all just coming together just absolutely dandy ok we want to go and grab this station and we will grab this energy whilst we are at it we're not gonna pick up this mineral one just yet it's not within our grasp Wow twelve minerals in the system this system is shaping up to be extremely good and we have completely surveyed it and now we can click on this Continental world and see what it's all about well we have a 90% habitability bonus on this planet which means that our species can live there for every single percentage that it dips below 10 100% you will get hit by a malleus so please be aware always make sure that the bonus of habitability is high as possible but also districts that are available as well as the planetary blockers overall this planet is super generic and will give us access to a lot of food potentially but also energy as well as mining and potentially some city districts as well but considering we've gotten the first league we don't need to think about ecumene Oppel a anytime soon abital world surveys a random event that will pop up I can definitely say yes you should click this it is automatic and will give you all sorts cool bonuses overtime okay so we are on our way to get all of this stuff going excellence this station is gonna get built it's a research station it is done and we are immediately gonna move over because we want to get this system as well and we're gonna leave our sign ships just floating around for a little bit because they've got more important stuff to do very shortly and that is surveying these periphery systems in addition we are actually going to go into our system here and go into our Starbase tab by after clicking on the system itself and hit the upgrade button why the upgrade button well it has a it's basically to make sure that we have a nice little choke node fortress here if anybody tries to move in here at least this system will be defended and immediately we are given more stuff to do our scientists have leveled up which means that they will be better faster and stronger but also we've on research new technologies and because we have gone down the discovery path instead of having three options we now have four and one of these is not like the others one of these is incredibly important within the large-scale scheme of the game and that is robotic workers hi you thought I would say carrier operations yeah well a carrier operation is pretty important but robotic workers is extremely important if you're a role player you're playing as a spiritual empire you don't want to have any robots you can ignore this it's fine if you're a min/max or like me robots baby are king like the other three things that we talked about we're just gonna ignore this here anomaly for the moment it is not important just yet we want to make sure that we surveyed this entire system first and all of our science ships are just badgering away in this system to make sure that we discover all of its delectable secrets and we're just gonna go ahead and considering the surveying in this system is done so you can see our science ship is basically sleeping we were right click here and research the anomaly in this system and the anomaly in system whilst we are in the in the process of claiming this one over here the most excellent most excellence goods good all right so we will have one sign ship that is not doing anything and we're not gonna send it out to survey anything instead we are gonna go out and explore with it yes I'm gonna explore with it why are we gonna explore with it because we want to make first contact we want to make first Kam's contact with another species and once again I'm hitting the shift key and just doing this' clicking onto new objectives and that will basically mean the sign ship will start moving from system to system in order to find new stuff and there we go we've gotten ourselves another tradition it's time for Polytechnic education because then our leaders will level a faster and it gives us access soon to faith in science which basically means that every single pop that is working in science will have their upkeep reduced and considering our species if we click a quick look here a bunch of them are working in research labs it means that the bulk of our population is working in research labs at least four specialists it means that they have lower upkeep costs and this is kind of how all the systems interconnect and why the choices are the ones that I'm making here can i cool alright we got ourselves some more research we went for a technology bonus genome mapping yeah give it to me all the other options here are decent planetary unification is really good because it gives us access to new edicts which we will talk about very shortly but if you want to pop Grove speed because this one is a permanent feature here and these ones are all randomly rotated in and out and we definitely want to get that pop Grove speed and we get more events or we get more science how very exciting and we are also about to finish a pin a strain of AI which is going to increase our science research speed even more how very exciting so as you can see we have now claimed this system here in Alpha Centauri and we have a construction ship on standby and our construction ship is basically gonna go ahead and claim these two mining stations because 12 minerals that is Omar that is just over a quarter of a current mineral income that's a huge boon to us so we definitely want to go and do that and it's gonna keep our construction ship it busy for a little while but the same time considering the system is now surveyed it means that we can claim our first planets we hit the colonize button up here it's very straightforward we are going to go and build ourselves a colony ship it will cost us 200 food 200 alloys and 200 consumer goods and because we haven't been expanding like crazy we have the alloys in the bank to just build ourselves a you know a colony we're gonna give it a name probably a cool planet name here uh yeah like and subscribe is a cool name for a planet and then immediately a say a ship will be built over at our shipyard another way of doing this is as soon as the system has been found we will keep this here for a second was going to put this to the side as soon as the system has been found with a planet inside of it you can build a colony ship straight away and just send it over and just hover over the planet that is interesting and as soon as it's ready for colonization you just slap that bad boy on there it saves time it's a bit more efficient and of course it means your pops have more time to grow which means that you will have bumps quicker and that right there is pretty important we just had a special event pop up it's called the giant skeleton and basically it's a little bit a little little event and we'll create a special project how exciting a special project called the investigate the giant skeleton my lord let's click on our sign ship here because it has special project to do here on this planet it will take us 180 days we're gonna get a bunch of science out of this at the same time we have research be discovered how are very exciting now here we have a couple of interesting active options in our physics department we can go for automatic exploration which if you're a new player go ahead go ahead for automatic exploration it it really alleviates your what's the word I'm looking for here micro of your science ships I personally like to be very specific about which systems I want to survey especially considering at the start of the game here I think that is very important but in this particular case you know you could just go ahead and and click this you will get a special upgrade so your assigned ships and you can hit a button and they will just go out there in the wall younger you don't have to look at them ever again except for the anomaly pop-ups and that basically it but in this particular case I'm gonna go for the colony development speed because it's relevant to our current situation but yeah if you are a new player go ahead and go for automated exploration protocols forty five months until this science is done and of course because of all the bonuses we are getting things are going to go very smoothly and as you can see our scientists have completely filled up this slot but our scientists are also using consumer goods right there something that is not good not good at all not good at all but wait where is this trade value that was in this system it's gone well there's a reason for that it's because we build ourselves a station now there is a very special button on the UI down here and that is of this one it's called the trade route map mode if we click this we will see little arrows of trade value being moved from A to B now considering we have a station in this system it means it will automatically start collecting trade value which is a five of course our capital is generating fifteen which is rather good it also means that in total twenty trade value is being jet turned into twenty energy so you can see here on our list trade is twenty of our energy income now can sing considering our consumer goods are pretty low we can change this we can use our trade value and instead of turning it into energy we can turn it into consumer goods at least a partial amount of it so we're gonna go to our policy screen here and we are gonna go to our trade policy in the trade policy window we will see what our trade value is used for so wealth creation for instance every single unit of trade value earns us one energy however we want consumer benefits we're trade value is generated generating only 10.5 energy so half our income right now which would be 10 which means that we will have 15 energy income shortly once we click this and we will get more consumer goods so that would be give us like 2 or 3 consumer goods depending on how to rounding words there's also Playa marketplace of ideas if you are gonna go heavy into trade value I got the first league as you saw which means that I can go very heavily into trade value it means that you can click this one and get more unity which you can then use to augment your tradition unlocking speed but like I mentioned we're gonna go into consumer goods we're gonna hit the yes button and as we as the month will take over into the next one we should probably also set this bad boy to go over here as the yeah okay so now we only have ten trade instead of 20 because of our consumer goods our special planet as project is done we get new physics research and our scientists is now smarter and that's good that is very good meanwhile our other science ship is just floating around space they are not surveying anything and are trying to find a new alien species that we can create communication with because if you get that we will get additional influence why do we need additional influence because we need map of the stars why do we need map the Stars because well if we have mapped the Stars this is a permanent thing that is that is on and will cost us 150 influence once we enable it there is a 10% chance that we will find an anomaly in any system that we survey and 10% may not seem like a lot but anomalies are so valuable that every single bonus of percentages that we can get is a huge deal we don't want to miss out on that bonus which is also another reason why if we go into our traditions here that we go down the discovery path because it gives us bonuses to these sort of things in addition if we can get a scientist on one of our ships that is in fact a surveyor with we still don't have which is a real shame then we can get even more anomaly bonuses potentially attached to our stuff which is also extremely important we're gonna go ahead and send one of our science ships back to earth to assist research by right-clicking on the planet and basically selecting the research button and as you can see it right here we are on the verge of colonizing our very first world seven years into the game it's not bad it's not bad at all it could be a little bit quicker but obviously we were moving along a little bit on the less spacey aside I'm not right there wraps up our very first episode of the first years within the game we have set our foundations we know what to do you've seen some of the ways that you can go ahead and serve it you can go out there survey every single system you want go right ahead you don't need to do exactly everything the way I do it however looking at looking at this particular video you should get a good understanding of what you can do within the game the galaxy is your oyster there are so many things so many options that are available I myself are a min/max player I like to go for optimal results if you are a role player you just want to do what happens to pop up in your mind go right ahead like I've said the galaxy is your oyster make sure that you leave a comment below if you have any questions regarding this particular video about my decision-making about some of the things that you've seen and you're like hmm I don't really understand what's going on expect what is this thing and I will gladly drop a comment below to help you out in addition I want to thank my patrons for making this video possible it is very important it wouldn't be possible without you guys to make me series of videos especially in the current economic climate let's put it that way and I want to thank you so much for making all that stuff possible if you're interested if you're new if you're a new viewer don't need to become a patron don't worry about that sort of thing if you are somebody who has been watching for a long time you're like you know what a spec I've been blocking ads all the time but I still want to throw you some bucks yeah become but don't worry about too much it's not the end of the world we're gonna go and wrap this up here thank you so much for watching there are more videos in this series coming up I've selected a couple of videos that are currently on your screen for you to take a look at it includes the video about all the basics as well as a playlist regarding the expansions and which ones are good and which ones you should potentially be taking a look at if you are looking for certain mechanics within the game and you're like I wonder if this is in here and then you can see it already expansion list to see if they're actually there or not but yeah I'm gonna thank you all so much for watching think until next time take a good care and as always remember the galaxy is dark and full of wonder
Channel: ASpec
Views: 252,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Tutorial, How To, Let's Play, Beginners, Basic, Start, ASpec, A_Spec, UI, Vanilla, 2.7, Getting Started
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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