Stellaris 3.8 Beginners Guide - UNDER 16 Minutes

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and I will complete your training I am going to try and teach you how to play Stellaris in under 16 minutes I am going to assume you don't have any of the DLC and this video will be entirely focused on just the base game of Stellaris it's 2023 the current patch is 3.8 let's start this beginner's guide for your very first game I recommend you start with the une or one of the other pre-made civilizations briefly diving into the Empire designer here we can change the appearance name and auto generated name lists for our species along with their traits species traits give you minor bonuses or penalties for your species you can also choose your Homeworld class from one of the nine classes in the game this represents the planet your species will live best on and they're divided between dry wet and frozen worlds for example a continental species will have no difficulty colonizing an ocean or Tropical World you can preset the origin of your species sees change the overarching ethics government Authority or background Civics these will have some gameplay effects but generally will give you some small bonuses or possibly penalties you can also choose the leader class and initial trait of your ruler for now definitely don't worry about this though we're going to go with all of the default settings and begin our first game and if you're enjoying this video please guide that like button after clicking begin we get to see our starting solar system we can also zoom out and see our place in the Galaxy now right from the start you will be bombarded with a lot of information and this probably seems overwhelming but don't worry we're going to break it all down and you'll understand what all of this stuff on your screen means on the top right we have the current star date and you'll notice that the game is paused unlike a lot of other Forex games Stellaris isn't turn based it's actually real time however you can pause the game and increase or decrease the speed which time flows the game starts paused and nothing will actually happen until you click this top part and unpause it at which point all of the different orders all the different things you've queued up will begin to take effect we also have our resources right at the top of the screen here energy credits basically represents cash you'll need energy to upkeep fleets buildings basically everything in the game you can generate it on your planet and in space and you can also use energy credits to buy all of the other resources minerals can be mined on your planet or extracted in space you're going to need minerals to build anything on your planet as well as things like mining stations or research outposts in space minerals are also used to create some of the more advanced resources food is the worst resource in the game this is basically only used to feed your population you can generate it on planet or in Star bases consumer goods are also used to upkeep your population however they have a more important role and that is that they are used in upkeep of important jobs such as research they're created only on your planet and require minerals to make alloys are necessary to build and upkeep ships and you will need ships in order to defend your nation you can only make these on your planet and they require minerals to produce influence is like Mana you're going to need it to interact with other Empires or expand the borders of your civilization you can only increase your influence in limited ways like declaring rivals or increasing the number of ships you have and thus your power projection Unity is a useful resource that allows you to unlock New Traditions which act very similar to Technologies giving you some bonuses for your Empire Unity is also needed to recruit and maintain leaders and enable edicts which can give you some empire-wide bonuses Unity is only produced on your planets research is produced on your planet by researchers and some other professionals and also by research stations in space and it is necessary to research any of the Technologies in the game next we have your rare resources rare resources are required to build some technologically advanced ship parts later in the game as well as upgrading some of your buildings Empire size is not a resource this represents how large your Empire is the larger it is the more your Technologies traditions edicts and campaign will cost you want this number to be as low as possible however it will naturally increase as you gain more colonies pops districts and systems speaking about pops what are they well pop since Stellaris are an abstract representation of population here you can see we have a total 32 human Pops in our Empire pops are used on our planets to work specific jobs and create resources for us they are the backbone of your entire economy leader capacity is a new mechanic which limits the total number of leaders you can have in your Empire this is a soft cap and going over it will start giving you penalties in leader upkeep which costs you more unity and experience gain for your leaders for that reason you do generally want to stay below your leader capacity Starbase capacity is a soft cap like leaders and this mandates the total number of upgraded outposts we can have in the game you actually start with only a single upgraded Outpost a star port in your Capital system you can increase this number by getting more Technologies or by owning more systems each point you are over your Star based capacity increases your Star base's Energy upkeep by 25 Naval capacity is another soft cap representing the total number of ships you can support in your Empire going over your Naval capacity punitively increases your ship upkeep and that can get out of control quite quickly as your ship upkeep will increase relative to the percentage you are over your total Naval capacity on the right side we have the outliner which lets us keep tabs on everything happening in our Empire clicking the outliner options Cog on the right we can choose where each item like sectors Branch offices or shipyards is placed and whether or not we actually want to see it at the start of the game you have a small military Fleet a construction ship and a giant ship to select something either left click on it in the outliner OR click on it in game with our side ship selected we can now go out and explore the Galaxy prioritizing habitable worlds that we can go out and grab is going to be important right click on another system and choose to survey it you can also click on an unknown system and either survey or explore surveying takes some time but will give you all the information about every Celeste your body within that system whereas exploring is just a quick flyby you can also use the science ship automation selecting which options your ship should do automatically any Fleet equipped with an admiral can also enter an unknown system and thus do a little bit of exploration too you need your construction ships to build things like mining stations allowing you to harvest resources in space or build outposts in other systems to increase the reach of your Empire important to note you can begin building things using your construction ship either from the Galaxy map or in the system view before we unpause let's take a look at our research research in Stellaris is different to a game like Civilization there is a research tree however you don't get to see it and the options available to you are randomly drawn every time you research another technology technologies have a cost in research points which you generate every month and a specialty completing a research option gives you whatever bonuses or building options listed on the card and some options lead to further options before we unpause and get going I should also look at one of the most important screens in the game the planetary view here is Earth our Capital it has a selectable designation which will give you some different bonuses or effects the planet has a class and size with a habitability rating for our species we can see there is a governor at work here and some planetary modifiers prosperous unification is giving us some bonuses for 20 years planets are comprised of districts each district takes up a slot filling up to the planet's size and buildings each building doesn't take up a planet-sized slot but you can only get a maximum of 12 buildings including your capital building generally the districts give you some housing and provide jobs for your pops to work whereas the buildings just give you jobs we also get an overview of what the planet is producing in terms of resources and total trade value at the start trade value converts into energy credits directly at a one-to-one ratio and unless you change that it will do so all game planets also have features some of those can be tile blockers which reduce our total usable size of the planet they generally require energy to be cleared though they can have some fun effects like creating one pop some of the most important numbers are up here on the top right though we have stability which if above 50 increases the economic output of your planet and if below 50 reduces economic output and can cause your planet to revolt that happens at 40 with slaves and 25 stability without slaves stability is increased by having happier pops or getting Technologies and traditions to repress them pops can be made happier by having a positive amenities balance and stability can also go down if you don't have enough Free Housing to suit the housing needs of your pops jumping over to the population tab we can do a little bit of micromanagement here you can see all of the jobs on your planet and whether or not they are being worked for example we have two bureaucrats working here producing unity and nobody working as an enforcer to reduce crime because crime is below 30 percent though we don't need to worry about that this on a planet-wide basis is reflected here in the available jobs we have one the enforcer and we have no unemployment pops separated into three different classes rulers Specialists and workers generally workers produce basic resources Specialists produce Advanced resources and rulers produce a few amenities and a lot of unity they also tend to have quite a bit of political power and thus are a stabilizing influence on your planet if we expand one of these tabs we can then get a more detailed view by increasing or decreasing job priority we can force props not to work in possibly available jobs like here I've completely removed all Artisans though this has led to some unemployment and I generally wouldn't recommend you fiddle with this until you know what you're doing the next tab is armies which you need in order to defend your planet an undefended Planet will surrender when attacked by enemy starships and the Holdings tab is only really important when you have some DLC now that I queued up all of my initial orders I can unpause the game and watch them unfold as you place Stellaris events will pop up sometimes the these have a number of options you can choose and push the event chain forward other times it's just some interesting flavor text with a possible in-game effect the top part of the screen here is where your alerts will show up here we can see I have a new tradition available I finally saved up enough Unity to choose one I'll pick discovery to unlock an edict and increase my anomaly research speed every time you fully complete a tradition tree you'll get access to an Ascension perk which grants you some powerful empire-wide bonuses going to the governments tab I can choose to activate this new edict edicts costs Unity however you get some free Unity to spend on edix called edict fun any costs above this will bleed from your normal Unity production here we can also change some of the fundamental laws of our nation in the policies tab for example whether or not it's legal for us to declare offensive walls when you have enough minerals you can start to build more buildings or districts remember these don't directly produce resources they simply give you available jobs that our Pops can then work so if you have no unemployment building additional buildings won't just boost your resource output you have to grow additional pops this icon is a first Contact you'll need to assign an Envoy and complete this in order to meet any aliens out there in the galaxy completing it simply takes time now we have an agenda ready let's take a look at our Council we can employ leaders in our Council to head up research or defense depending on their level they provide additional bonuses to our Empire we also have a ruler for our civilization that has specific bonuses as well once an agenda is ready we can launch it and get the maximum bonus we can then set a new agenda which will take some months before it's ready agendas are unlocked based on our ethics our leaders may also have some counselor specific traits that have an impact on our entire Empire only when that leader is on the council for example this leader Nicola has the expertise industry trait if we hire them and place them on the council we'll benefit from this effect as your leaders level up they will give you more and more bonuses additionally every two levels they will unlock another trait which means at the maximum level 10 they will have a total of five traits once a system is within our borders we can then begin to colonize additional worlds either click on this icon click the colonize and you'll get a Conley ship on the way or select a star base which has a shipyard and begin building a colony ship yourself you will of course then need to move it to the planet and colonize manually but that's up to you when you finish first Contact you can then do diplomacy with other nations either click on them on the galactic map to open this window or get there via the contacts tab from here we can make different pacts offer trade deals for information favors and resources and even declare war in order to declare war you will have to have a good reason for example claims on another system claim games can be made by going to the claims map mode and then clicking a system spending some influence claims get much more expensive to add after the war has already started if you are the aggressor now I'll cover the last couple of menus we haven't looked at the situation lock has first Contact situations as well as some special projects to be completed under anomalies we can see all of the anomalies our scientists haven't researched yet completing anomalies usually gives you some nice bonuses and the Victory screen shows off our score under the species tab we can not only set the rights of our own species changing their citizenship living standards or slavery conditions for example but also aliens and the default rights of anyone that comes into our glorious Nation as well planets and sectors lets you have a look at the different automation settings if you automate any of your planets you'll need to add some resources to the shared stockpiles and you can also spin off some of your sectors into vassals the expansion Planet lets you work out which planets are colonizable habitable and available to us out there in the galaxy the fleet manager allows us to plan our fleets creating templates that can then be copied and repeated to our hearts content from the ship designer we can also if we click off auto-generated designs design our own ships I'd recommend you leave Auto generate on for now if you are interested I have quite a few videos on this channel the last item here is the market which can also be accessed by clicking on any of the resources from the market we can use energy credits to buy any of the other resources or sell those resources for energy we can also add monthly buy and sell orders for certain resources as you buy or sell more of a certain resource the price will go up or down depending on what you're doing there is a maximum amount of resources you can buy and sell each month without affecting the price I'll list that on screen now and with that I leave the future of your great nation entirely up to you good luck and we've just managed to finish it in under 16 minutes that's absolutely fantastic if you'd like to see more Stellaris content from this channel click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 27,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris
Id: vjIG_AC7BZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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