Stellaris Empire of Feathers - Common Grounds

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all right yo yo what's going on guys I'm alfingerly welcome to today's solar stream where we are starting a new game with a Avian species that goes by the name of beak born and we're gonna be playing with the Common Grounds origin and so we're gonna have some close neighbors early on we're gonna see how we can survive in the galaxy and if we can soar past our neighbors here and so let's go ahead and start by checking out our new our new Empire here that we're gonna be playing with today and yo Colby welcome to the stream how are you doing radio wave I saw you earlier welcome welcome everyone uh we are just getting this thing started here and here is the Empire that we have for this playthrough today and so this is a Theocratic monarchy and it's an imperial Empire and so upon ruler death the Imperial Air becomes the new ruler the Imperial Air does not have a Unity upkeep and will have a randomly selected leader class which is influenced by certain Civics and traditions now this gives me a nice little uh bonus here to my my resources from my jobs and there's a couple of other trade here right by my Noggin here and so uh there goes those next up excuse me uh for our Origins since we are playing in a federation and we're playing with uh AI that is right next to my home system we went with the Diplomatic corpse that gives me two extra envoys and it gives me plus 10 diplomatic weight and we're going with functional architecture and so uh this gives me a negative modifier or actually no it's like a a decrease in my build and District or my building and District cost and then lastly for this this Civic here uh it gives me a plus one for building slots on each of my worlds and so yes yes we are a xenophile and we're going with fnatic spiritualist this time around and then here's my species the beaks and again we are playing with the Common Ground origin now guys in between my games here I or usually yeah between games I like to swap uh turning all custom AI or custom Empires off and so this game we're playing with just a bunch of random empires in the game game the next campaign that we start I will be turning the AI on and guys uh speaking of which if you want to create your own Empires Below in the comment section I will post a link to my Discord uh we talk about Solaris and a lot of other things there and uh if you like these long form campaigns feel free to leave a like and a subscribe and uh you can get some more of my content on your YouTube feed and so everyone over here on Twitch radio wave take two howdy howdy yes yes welcome welcome I think I pushed the wrong button there and everything just kind of went South and so it's already been cleaned up but here we have it we're gonna go ahead and hit done and let's look at our game details and so in the last game we started with a spiral galaxy I think we're gonna switch it up this time and uh let's go with the you know what I haven't played in a ring shaped Galaxy in a long time and so I feel like ever since all the new Galaxy shapes came out I just I had to I had to try all the other ones out and I just kind of been stuck on them and so for the longest when I first started playing Solaris I was always playing with a ring-shaped Galaxy uh early on I like for my Galaxy to be packed but we'll keep it at about 10 AI empires in this small Galaxy uh one of them will be Advanced two will be fallen Empires uh and one will be a Marauder Empire outside of that habitable worlds usually stays a little lower and oh my goodness every time [Music] that just tickles my eardrums right there uh for a crisis Street where to keep it at three our pre-ft-l civilization and pre-sapient species I'm actually gonna crank these down to three as well and for a mid game start year it's gonna be at 22.75 the in-game start year set to 2400. our Victory year will be 2600 if we make it that far and for scaling difficulty this time I'm going to put it to late game all right I don't know what could happen but we we've been playing on Admiral and keeping this uh I've been tinkering around with the scaling difficulty a little bit and so we're gonna turn this thing up to late game this time around and see what happens now uh outside of that everything else is pretty much left the same I I turned down my gateways and my wormholes because just too much access around the systems kind of take away from the immersion of how far Empires are away from me uh and then for carabeneers hmm yeah we'll keep those on elgates will remain on as well Xeno capability is most Lars players usually do keep it off and so yeah other than that I think we are good to go we are playing on Iron Man mode and so every decision is final and ladies and gentlemen it is time for empires of feathers Common Grounds and so we're gonna look at our origin here and it says that Common Ground decades ago when our first crude sublight probes visited the star systems neighboring our own we discovered the presence of two distinct alien civilizations despite the radical differences in our sociology it quickly became apparent that we had more things in common than not now like us they are also on the cusp of unlocking practical Interstellar travel and a bond is formed between three civilizations which eventually led to the birth of a federation we could combine our efforts and when we were ready to spread out into the cosmos whatever was out there would be faced by us standing together birds of a feather beefed together exactly and so here we're gonna go ahead and begin our game we've already looked at our Empire and everything like that here is our ruler star and this is it and so right away the beak born Dominion has been chosen as the president of the alliance of the interlinked systems and so we'll look at all that as well uh we also have the agenda to build relations has been unlocked and so for starters we're gonna jump into our technology in here uh here first let's go for field modulation first uh for society Tech oh xenolin uh linguistics let's see grants a lump sum of influence it allows for renowned leaders to appear what why are we getting this so quickly all right so this might be a very heavily heavy diplomatic weight uh type of Empire here I'm not sure exactly what direction I'm going to go just yet but yeah let's try out the Xeno uh Linguistics uh technology here and then for engineering Tech this is our final Tech uh we're gonna go with that standard uh standardized Corvette patterns and so this gives me a nice modifier to How I build and how fast I build smaller ships and so uh all three of my techs have now been selected let's take a quick look at our leader and so we have a minister of defense ahead of research and a aviatus this is my I believe my queen my queen Birds star Wing you're and so she has the mining rush and Imperial ruler trait that Matt gives her an additional leader option uh for a trade uh and then for their ethic they are spiritualist and so we are playing with fanatic spiritualists today it felt rather fitting for our our birds and our Federation here and so right now we are currently going down the infinite opportunities agenda and once this is initiated I'll be able to increase my my citizens my pops their happiness by 10 and so that'll be a nice little boost of some pop growth speed later on uh for our policies we're set to expansionists we want to expand as quickly as possible we got the game paused so nothing's happening in the background right now uh for society management we've already got one point into the Federation and so with my origin starts me off with that one point in diplomacy right away and then after that let's go ahead and look at our system that we are in and so here it is we got three stars in my my home system my home world is right here this is uh feather uh fethoria there we go fedoria tricky name tricky tricky name but yeah first things first I'm probably going to want to go ahead and start by getting a job on this planet and so let's go up here and sell oh I haven't had to use consumer goods in a while but yeah we'll see about putting that to use and we'll sell some of these Alloys on top of that the food will be good to sell and Bingo we got 400 minerals that should be enough right now to uh maybe purchase something what do we want to buy first so this is usually a pretty important decision here how to start your planets off and uh you know what yeah we got two jobs here let's see what jobs are being are available so two of the jobs that are open right now are minor jobs they'll be collecting rocks now um there's a couple of options we could go with us going diplomacy hmm let me see let's go with a let's go to research lab it's gonna cost me about four consumer goods but uh getting a nice head start on that technology right away uh outside of that though we could go to our Fleet Management here we're gonna do a quick change up on our ships and I'm gonna switch all these over to nuclear missiles now I had a friend tell me about this in uh in between my last game about building mostly armor on your your ships in the early game that's a lot of armor right there and so we're gonna give this a try and see if it still works now that was before the update we'll see if combat has changed around here but right now we are going all missiles now uh next up we're gonna take a quick look at the Federation here and so this is what we have the alliance of Interlink systems and so members of this Federation are united and ready to cooperate to deal with whatever problems may arise now diverse ethics impose a 50 smaller penalty to Federation cohesion and so uh yeah that's pretty good here but right now we're all equal at 1.4 our economy our current level one status gives us the galactic Union Federation modifier and this is that members of this Federation are united and ready to cooperate to deal with whatever problems may arise now diverse ethics impose yeah okay yes we already knew about this part but yeah that's our level one here uh for our other members we have a couple and we'll look at them in a bit but uh yeah it looks like right now we've started with a a smaller Fleet okay but we all have the same diplomatic weight our ethics they have a extra ethic egalitarian and militarist and so these are different species we're playing with uh we'll take a quick peek at them later on then so here are all the laws that we currently have and if I can I'm going to try and extend this a little bit later on but right now we have 20 years and so the next 20 years we will be president of this Federation um outside of that though we do have an Envoy actually we have five envoys and so uh I think right away I'm going to assign like four of them on there wow that's a lot of envoys to start with right away that diplomatic corpse Civic is very nice and so uh yeah outside of that though here is our system now we're gonna zoom out into the Galaxy View mode and right away you guys are seeing a couple of circles here uh these are our two alliance members and so here are the systems around us and here we are in the bottom of this circular Galaxy and so like I said before it's been a while since I played in one of these smaller galaxies but or in these circular galaxies and so this is going to be a little interesting here easy to get pinched in and we're gonna try and pull a quick maneuver here and hopefully expand our borders as quickly as possible and so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and grab a science ship we're gonna send them right up to this system first in hopes that we can take this because if so it's gonna cost this Empire even more to cross over to this system and here and so if we can cut them off right away uh that would be a huge win for my species and so we're gonna go ahead and get this game started we got a building that is being crafted on my Homeworld uh we have our our science ship queued up and ready to move we got a construction ship following right behind it outside of that we got a Galaxy to explore and so here we have it the nature of the alliance I just started my game up and this is the first situation that comes up and it says though we had for some time been in contact with other members of our alliance it is only now with the invention of FTL drives that our Empires are able to interact with each other on a meaningful level the questions has arisen as to what our Federation should focus on some Advocate the current generation uh generationalist path whereas others would favor focusing on closer integration of a particular field and so here we have two options we could say the alliance we have is enough and we'll keep this as a galactic Union or we can convert it into a Holy Covenant part of me wants to try the Holy Covenant since we are fanatic spiritualists let's say unity and traditionalism shall be our path and so now we have it says here that we have a new air okay cool cool Skydive plume is the new Air on top of that we have two Embassy offers from both of our members and speaking of which let's take a look at our two allies here and so for one we have the Blessed etherean State uh they're friendly towards us right now or at least four now and uh yeah I think we might be we might be okay with these guys so pretty cool stuff uh they have a couple of different traits or different Civics here but yeah this is what they have and then for our other species that is in the alliance with us the Eon Enterprise and so this Empire we have to be careful with because they are a ruthless capitalist Empire and so uh they kind of look like a like an intelligent salamander kind of species but yeah these guys could pose a threat to both Empires here if they start building Holdings on our worlds and so uh let's go ahead and keep our game going here we got let me see a handful of Alloys right now I wonder if I could maybe squeeze on a ship or better yet man playing with those Hive species in my last game it's nice seeing that I don't have to build a bunch of uh Offspring ships now but we'll go ahead and queue up about 20 Corvettes here and I can't reinforce anything just yet but we will later on we got our science ships moving I see that the AI here has jumped to start the star Mac system wow all right and so yeah everybody's starting to move around here we got a migration treaty and uh for now I think I might go ahead and agree with this here we got a research agreement from the other species we'll we'll go ahead and get both of those going as well but uh oh no the science ship is already in this system and so man there are a lot of there are a lot of planets and stars and things like that to survey in the system we'll have to get away right away on top of that because holy moly there's a lot going on here and so I'm gonna crank the speed up just a tad bit and let's go over here to oh we got another migration treaty and so we will accept both but what we do at those species it'll we'll find out here later on and so for our society management um okay yeah that's still at diplomacy I wanted to jump over to my policies here and my edicts in particular are what I'm looking for and so I think I might start with land of the opportunity or land of opportunity and so this is going to add some immigration pool and pop growth from immigration and so right away since we got both of those migration treaties uh pops are going to be more inclined to jump over to our world and join us and so uh hopefully you know that that's the way that works I hope so guys let me know what kind of edicts and things like that do you start your game with and so here we got a migration treaty with the other Empires they're doing their thing one of my leaders has now leveled up and let's see who it is and so here we have um who who do we have wait somebody not level up or am I I'll have an idol leader okay no worries I think that's my my Admiral right now yeah there's not much we can really do right now besides maybe going around and just checking out some other systems now this is new here uh you used to not be able to have your military fleets kind of travel around but we're gonna do a quick Patrol here and just see what's going on outside the borders I don't know if they I know they can't survey but I will just kind of explore these systems see if there may be a potentially habitable World nearby and get to work on it now I see that their construction ship is still hanging out in this system that is perfect I hope it stays there because we are trying to take this system right away and still our Federation is losing XP that's crazy what is going on in our Federation right now on top that I have yeah I have four on boys in this Federation yet okay we just have negative XP right now we're not losing XPR cohesion is actually pretty high right now so yeah we're good in that term here let's see if we can reinforce our fleets now while our science ships are surveying and that is going to queue up one wonderful looking Corvette that has all missiles on it on top of that we should be able to upgrade my fleets here and yes we're gonna add oh oh no oh no I called my my ships back negative we're just gonna go ahead and keep on going on this path here like we were planning on before all right so there we go just doing a quick Patrol it already looks like right away that system does not have a habitable World in it now this is one of the most important parts of the game is your first traditions and so guys what kind of traditions do you start your game with because here today I think we're going to be going with a little bit of expansion if possible and so this will give me a new agenda if I adopt this it has a couple of uh uh uh finisher effects as well but we're going to look at really trying to get our hands on this Reach for the Stars it decreases star base influence cost and so yes we're gonna go ahead and jump over here now and get started with that expansion tree now I don't think the other Empires unless they start with common ground origin as well which I I don't know if I can even see that but they might have the same type of uh Traditions like we do uh in the meantime though let's see did we finish surveying the system not yet still waiting for this first system to be surveyed so that we can take it for ourselves and potentially pension our allies and so here we have found a size 17 Tropical World two systems away and I just pulled up my home world because we prefer tropical planets baby and so that is going to be a nice system to take next now uh right now I got a little bit of a food deficit um let's see about putting our Pops to work maybe I could add another agricultural District or we could wait oh look at this my Admiral is gaining traits wonderful on top of that he's over here exploring these systems we're trying to find that right there is exactly why I wanted to send out my my military Fleet so that we could see if there are any planets in these neighboring systems that we can begin uh building bases around later on or planning to expand to later on and so here we got a mass extinction event all right and so this is our first chain event that we got in the game guys and it says that our first stumbling steps into the void beyond our home system we're not motivated solely by curiosity or a desire to conquer the unknown or even a need to leave a mark on the Galaxy Simon Stevie thank you for the raid and Welcome to our stream here we are starting a fresh new campaign it is the Empire of feathers we are playing with an avian species and we're trying to uh you know get along with our neighbors uh we're playing with the Common Ground origin and if you guys want some more info on the Empire just exclamation point uh Empire for some more details here but yes welcome everyone from Simon's TV's Community hopefully you guys had a wonderful stream here uh at his stream uh I'm not feeling I play a lot of Solaris but I feel like yo Simons has brought the community over so many times now uh you guys might know my face but if not we're role playing some Stars here we just started a campaign and as always Simon I am very appreciative of that raid thank you so much fresh nice yeah just trying out a little mix mix them up and uh yeah experimenting with a new kind of build here and so uh yes uh is my Empire button not working terrible hamster if not I'll do some tinkering after the Stream but I was pretty sure I had that bad boy set up before I think we had a little a weird thing go down before the stream here but guys if you're from Simon Stevie's Community here we are just looking into our first chain situation and we have this mass extinction so I'm gonna restart this here it says that our stumbling steps into the void beyond our home system were not motivated solely by curiosity or desire to conquer the unknown or a need to leave our mark on the Galaxy now the biosphere of our home system has undergone rapid changes in the past few centuries and prominent scientists warn that our Homeworld may be faced with the beginnings of a mass extinction event and so big uh oh right there now um let's see here I think I just lost my place uh let's see oh yeah now uh that cynically purging of life that is inseparable from planetary existence and the greater Cosmos and it says that a research plan has been put together to study a number of planets rendered uninhabitable by Major astronomical incidents or planet-bound catastrophes now we hope that by reconstructing these events a similar fate may be avoided on my Homeworld and the beak race now I'm playing with a species we call them the beaks they have nice long beaks all kinds of different colors and sizes and different kind of feathers and things like that and it says that it falls to my ruler the aviatus of the big born Dominion to ensure that this Expedition is carried out consult the situation log for details and so uh yes for a beaker's future and so this is going to begin a mass extinction Through the Ages event chain you guys can't see it behind my Noggin here but yeah yeah and so now we got to go around and Survey other systems but that's not our top priority at the moment right now we gotta try and do some expansion here in hopes that we can get to this Tropical World because if we can do that and let's say a Extinction does happen on one of my my worlds uh we found another some sort of species over here we'll have another world to expand to and so we have found some volatile emotes here still just trying to wait and see when my scientist is going to finish surveying the system I'm going to be very scared of the construction ship enters that area but it looks like uh yo yo yeah we still got some time here neither neither ship is finished surveying and so here are both of them let me see oh oh so it looks like we're just a little bit behind but again their construction ship is not in this system just yet and so here we have found another world a size 12 Continental world that'll be a pretty good system to maybe grab now I'm kind of torn between going left or right here but maybe I'll go right and kind of swing out and try to secure this next choke point so I try to move from one choke point to the next uh let's see here and again still just waiting for that that time to go by uh for expansion here we're gonna go for Reach for the Stars this is what we mentioned earlier it says that the frontiers of our Star Nation are being pushed ever forward soon nothing in this galaxy will lie beyond our grasp the effect of this tradition will decrease my star-based influence costs and we haven't even expanded yet and already that modifier is going to impact the way that I build my ships here or build my bases and so we're gonna go back to our fleet manager here and let's go ahead and reinforce our ships we found an archaeological dig site as well oh man what is this this is the popular rock dig site and so yo terrible hamster hope you're doing all right welcome to the Stream it is Monday uh let's see here and in this galaxy oh we got a council agenda ready so I see the AI has purchased a second science ship and I'm probably gonna take note on that and do the same here as well but before we do that we have to select our next agenda and let's see we got a couple of options here that actually haven't seen before Open Arms Superior colonies let's see evolving Society since we're getting a lot of unity right now we should probably go for that evolving society and just kind of add on to it try to get another tradition squeezed in there let's go ahead and queue up another science ship as well because yeah I feel like now I'm like hold up if you guys got two science ships I want two science ships so system has been surveyed now the construction ship is not here yet we also need some Alloys and so we're gonna buy about 250 that's a little overkill for what we're purchasing at four but no we're building that now and uh next up I'm gonna have my science ship survey this system here and so already we got a head start on expanding our borders uh this other AI down here hasn't done anything in this direction yet and so maybe we could try and just make it more difficult for both Empires but really I want both of these systems here and so I see that they finally got their uh their construction ship in that system but it's gonna be way too late way too late my construction ship has already it's already got there so absolutely wonderful uh next up I'm gonna send my science ship down in this direction and I want to see what's going on in this area for with my own eyes all right I gotta know for myself uh on top of that we have a science ship that is soon to be built and we'll be surveying multiple systems at once and so uh for now though let's go back to the Federation I want to check and see how strong we are all right right now we're kind of sitting in second place not for long when it comes to like our Fleet not our Fleet power but our just our relative power and so um I can't build any mining stations just yet or see if we can uh oh and already that criminal megacorp has a uh they have a holding on my world and so that might cause some issues here but uh here we have the grunter and it says that the gust appraising eye as my scientist our eager to report that they have uncovered the remains of an ancient space-faring species and they appear to have inhabited the planet some 7 million years ago and so yes this is going to lead us to our first Relic while it's unclear why the species was called themselves the grunner disappeared from the uh Bella varle system our scientists have isolated a promising archaeological dig site on their planet perhaps further study will yield more clues and so this makes me curious that's two digites back to back excellent and so for my scientists right here claws of red they're kicking butt they're surveying systems and let's see if we can maybe hmm got some options here I might go for perfectionist and this increases anomaly Discovery Chance by 10. we're finding anomalies now let's go ahead and find some more uh on top of that let's go over here to our science ship and we're gonna recruit another scientist or skydive that's my player error apparently this avian species is a scientist as well and uh let's go ahead and probably just start serving towards the North and so actually better yet I'm gonna survey this system here first because if they take this I don't see any planets in this area okay but that is a pulsar system so we'll see after this science ship's finished surveying here we'll send them down here so that we can start closing off borders but I get the feeling they're going to send their construction ship over here in any moment the goal is to try to force them down this way and seal off this Empire here in the middle okay and so yeah but yeah this is going to be the top priority system first we're gonna go ahead and send my construction ship maybe we'll keep them there for now so we got a couple of things going on here it says the exceptional individuals I don't know if I recognize the situation but uh We've proven Beyond any doubt that the Galaxy is filled with life apart from the dominant species and Nations there are many others who Traverse the stars and from time to time exceptional individuals may rise to shake down the foundations of Galactic power okay so this is a galactic paragon's situation it says if we harness their ambition these renowned leaders may be willing to join our cause and so we're to send out the call and so from now on renowned leaders can contact us and our influence has been increased by 40. and that probably is coming from the Xeno Linguistics technology we just completed let's go to increase first Contact Discovery speed as well and yeah we're just becoming a Diplo diplomatic Powerhouse here we could be and so uh am uh doing decently thank you whoa yeah that's wonderful uh here for our next Society tradition we're gonna go ahead and select genome mapping getting that pop uh pop increase oh yeah just in case thank you for giving that shout out to Simon CD and yes yes welcome to food uh we are just getting this game started here and we are playing with our avian species and this is our Common Grounds first part of our our little series here and so I have a ruler who has a new trait let's see what we got going here and we just found a pre FTL species and so we'll figure out what to do with them a little bit later on but for our primary species here right now let's see our ruler we got some options man these are all kind of good let me see so this is a governor who already has resources from jobs I am currently lacking some minerals but that could easily be fixed with buildings and districts but I'm just so torn right now because all of these sound wonderful you know let's go for the fertility preacher this has a pop growth speed modifier and food from jobs and so sure we could probably if it has pop grow speed I like it uh here we're gonna see if we can maybe squeeze a star base up here and so let's go ahead and upgrade this Outpost into a star port and we're gonna start building some Hangar Bays I I believe if we have the technology for it already and so here we're gonna go ahead and capitalize on all of these resources in the system so the first system we find has 11 minerals and eight energy credits in it that is a lot uh so right away we're gonna get to work on that and hope hopefully we can start taking these two systems next if we can take these we may have successfully secured the Blessed State Empire that's the maroonish kind of purplish border we're just trying to pinch them into the Galaxy and so my fleet is currently just kind of checking out other systems here and we have found not only two other planets but we've found a natural Wormhole as well and so unfortunately I got an Empire that's kind of cut me off a little bit but yeah using these military fleets right now just a survey around the galaxy has been kind of cool I won't lie and so here we have a new tradition available and I think we're gonna keep diving down the expansion tree for a bit and uh let's go for uh we got two options here we got a few options actually will I be colonizing a planet right now um hmm feels a little soon but sure we'll go with colonization fever says that colonization seems to have gripped the populace their enthusiasm and patriotic fervor draws additional population to new colonies and so with us getting the migration treaties and things like that we got a couple of modifiers that help us out with that as well I think we have an edict active uh this will start my my new colonies with one additional pop and so we will go ahead and select that and already I got 30 Pops I don't know if that's already his right word but let's see what kind of species we have and so right now it's only my bird species my beaks all right so uh speaking of Worlds here we have one job or two jobs available and uh what should we maybe go for here next and so I'm still running a little low on consumer goods hmm I want to check on the other Ai and see what they're building at the moment and so for us our economy is right in the middle uh our Fleet is in the middle as well our attack is actually pretty high and so let's maybe lean into building some more ships here and that way we can stay uh up above these Empires and multiple categories and so we got two more uh Corvettes on the way and uh yeah doing pretty good uh oh yeah I am a fan dabby doozy nice nice yeah I I got off work here and I was eager to get home and get this run started uh one of my favorite things guys always is starting a new Stellaris game sometimes I'll be in the middle of a game and I'll just be like you know what let's just start fresh and I'll jump over to a new game here and so uh here we again we had those two jobs available what do we add to this world now and I think yeah we agreed that maybe more consumer goods would be nice if I were to build one of these it is going to cost me 12 minerals 12 minerals that is a lot of minerals right now hmm so you know what maybe I might go for um you know what since you know we need more minerals in that case maybe we'll add a mineral District up here so that we can start making more of other types of resources all right and so yeah those two fleets or those two ships are being reinforced on my ships now yo thank goodness man I've kind of got a little bit of an idea about Fleet Management but yeah doing it the old way was just so time consuming and so here we have the habitable World survey and you know what I see the situation all the time I've actually forgotten what it was about and so we'll read through this one as well and it says that we know without a doubt that a thriving biosphere is not something unique to our home world and so both the scientific community and the public at a large are eager to learn more about the various forms of alien life found throughout the Galaxy now efforts to catalog the life forms we encounter are already underway but our xenobiologists have urged us to focus our planetary survey efforts on habitable life-bearing worlds and so this will be a commendable initiative and we will go ahead and begin the habitable World survey chain or the event chain as well and so we got two event chains we have the mass extinction which it's kind of like a byproduct of surveying other systems and now we have another encounter and so over here let's see what's going on I want to see if they're uh not necessarily sure what's going on in the system but let's send one of our envoys over to you know what let's wait let's wait a second I still feel like it's a little too soon to be searching while we are a diplomacy based Empire let's not jump too fast on making first contact with other species and so over here I see there is a construction ship heading through my system and oh are they doing what I think they're doing I hate to do this I can't I can't close my borders to them I was going to try and trap their ships but oh man let's see here can I expand here nope not yet yo that construction ship what is it doing I don't want it going through my systems right now because I had a plan here to take where is it going all right so it's gonna go over here which is cool I'm going to go ahead and expand in this direction then but unfortunately I was hoping to trap them in it looks like that is not going to be the case I'm actually curious to see if I could kick them from the Federation but it looks like that won't be happening either in this case we might just have some uh some allies I usually in these runs I try to try to at least kick one one Federation member out and trap them in but uh it looks like I may not have been able to here just yet I know yes to war well we'll see we'll see if one of these Empires just kind of stays pinched and I don't know why these guys haven't expanded yet they've been surveying systems here but yeah I'm not sure what their dealio is all right so we gotta let's see here we got the system surveyed as well Let's uh let's just go ahead I'm gonna jump up in this direction and start surveying some systems around here because now I'm gonna I have a new game plan uh I have where's my second science ship at I see yeah we're serving that system but there's nothing there so we're gonna go ahead and just move this way I want both of these systems to be surveyed as quickly as possible and we're gonna try and expand uh upward and get that choke point and so here we got some more energy from our technicians through technology and let's go with that automated exploration protocol since right now this is the space race we are trying to uh yeah survey all this as fast as we can now my fleets they're chilling they're still exploring parts of the Galaxy and we're gonna keep going a little bit further out here see what's going on uh it looks like we got a couple of hostile ships nearby but we're not going to mess with those for the time being and let me see my construction ship has expanded our borders and so here we have another system under control and I'm gonna go ahead and start mining all the resources there while we can and then after that we're gonna move it over here in this direction and so let's head over to our Shipyard I'm actually going to go ahead and queue up another construction ship and let's go ahead and reinforce our ships once again and so my fleets are a little bit further out there let's go ahead and start bringing them back as well actually you know we'll just kind of scan around a few more of these systems and then we'll come back and so we got another tradition here and let's see what do we have to pick from oh a new life and so this tradition has a nice nice little pop growth speed bonus there says that a new life awaits our citizens in the off-world colonies now a chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure with the help of an aggressive marketing campaign the less fortunate elements of our society will be flocking to our Colony ships and so yes we will definitely accept that new tradition here and let's see what our next technology is going to be in engineering and so since most of our ships are running with armor we're gonna go with ceramo metal materials this unlocks the component ceramo metal armor and this is going to lead me to technology further and infrastructure but that'll be nice to add to my ships here we'll be able to upgrade them and actually yeah we'll upgrade them when they get back from their little their little expediture there or their expedition over there and so we're gonna move our second construction ship forward and again we're going to be trying to do some rapid expansion right now it's a wonderful wonderful we got anomalies we're gonna be finding a lot of those we're gonna leave behind here we have found three more habitable worlds and so yes if we can get this choke point sooner than later that'll be a huge bonus for my species in the meantime let's check out our home planet here and see what jobs we have available nobody wants to work those minor jobs and so uh no worries they're completely understandable I wouldn't want to either ladies and gentlemen so we had a sort of a mass extinction event beginning or my world and we want to like find out about other worlds that have had mass extinction events this is the first world we have found it is a desolate planet and it says that a planet in this system still wears the fossilized traces of a past ecology on its sleeve what could turn a thriving biosphere into a blasted Wasteland a special project has been issued to trace the source of this disastrous transformation and so uh we're gonna say okay to this but we're gonna hold off again right now our main focus is to expand as quickly as possible and so yeah we'll be seeing a lot of those situations kind of throughout the game here but just just trying to keep things moving here and pushing those borders outward and so after that we got a handful of uh consumer goods now or a handful of Alloys we need to start we need more consumer goods really and so uh let's go here to our world and instead of adding a district because right now I feel like districts uh man they're pretty valuable you know they produce a lot of resources and things like that but let's try to get a civilian industry on this do I want to do that actually I think I do because we did build a mining District before that's giving me enough minerals here that I could I mean I only have one left if I built this District right now but I'd rather have this than being in the negatives and so uh definitely avoiding uh negative resources man the penalties for that have literally cost me a game before and so staying away from those negatives will be an absolute must here we have a level up for my Governor eyes of lavender so I want to see what Trace they currently have they have Army building speed and cost modifiers let's jump over to resources here and so yo Spitfire gaming live hello welcome to the stream how are you doing we are in the first few years of our new playthrough here Empire of feathers and we're playing with the beak born Dominion Empire we are an avian species we start with the Common Ground origin and I thought my exclamation point Empire button was working but it's not right now so I'll have to Tinker around with that a little bit later on but yeah welcome hopefully all as well and let's add a trade value modifier to this species here uh here for my feathers of white yo this bird looks pretty sweet this is my minister of defense and uh for their trait let's give them the resilience our leaders I would love for them to live very long lives thrive in the galaxy and survive and uh yeah just stay alive all right so now we've kind of queued up buildings uh oh these guys got a colony ship already look at that they are getting busy and so I think we might have a yeah we gotta watch out for the species now after successfully translating their language we've established Communications with the knowers of the shroud uh yes yes and the knowers of the Shroud say ah a visitor welcome we are the knowers of the Shroud within this void-born hole our coven communes with forces incomprehensible to most mortal Minds now we contemplate the secrets that lie hidden in dreams reservoirs of untapped potential the Unseen gears driving whole civilizations the Shroud reveals much to those who would listen at this moment I listen to you what brings you to us do you yet know and I know that right now we're just gonna say goodbye we'll come back to you guys a little bit later on we'll reach out but we're just trying to we're just like move get out the way we gotta expand and so uh yeah we're still gonna be doing that now I'm worried because these guys are getting a head start to me on some worlds that they're colonizing kind of leaving me behind and I got an option here I think I might go for building a third science ship so that we can start surveying even faster I don't know what species are out here oh this is a nebula wow wow look at this five worlds we got five worlds and two systems right here and so that area is going to be a very high priority to expand to and yeah we just got a new follower here d d boy thank you for the follow I now Grant you the status of alpha the energy of Yang and the ability to delete all Elites thank you for the fall and Welcome to our solar stream thank you for stopping by we are playing with a new species today and uh we are playing with the Common Ground origin and so we're trying to uh wiggle and work our way around having two very close AIS right next to us and uh yeah just trying to you know play these were like Border Wars right now except yes yes and by the way I like your name we just got a DND started with some of my friends and I look forward to uh seeing uh this thing come to fruition is it fruitition fruition rotation fruition I think it's fruition all right so we got a system that has been charted and I'm actually gonna pull a really aggressive move right here and I'm just going to expand there I don't care if it costs me more influence actually they just spent some influence expanding or expanding that planet no no you know you don't lose influence for expanding to planets or colonizing planets birds of a feather yes that has to be the new one now birds of a feather because we're gonna go ahead and recruit a third scientist right now and we have this spark of Genius traded scientist a little bit older than our other candidates but that trait right there is very nice and I think I'm gonna go for that increasing our research speed by three percent we are going to put them into a science ship and now we're gonna go ahead and just survey the last systems that we left behind and start researching maybe some anomalies there we go and so let me grab my construction ship here and oh this system is still not fully surveyed just yet let's see here where are we going to go to yeah we're gonna go ahead and just start serving all the way up in this direction so yo right on uh early on in the game you can see here now that uh having your military ships go forward and just kind of survey around some of the systems not really serving but explore the other systems see what's going on is a good way to find those planets early on even without surveying the system and here we have it our borders have been expanded that is wonderful and I'm actually going to send my you know I'm gonna go ahead and build the mining stations in the system first but yes another choke point has been closed off on them and now the goal is to try to take this one as well and completely stop them from expanding they may get a few of these systems here but yeah if we can just hold them off for now we should be good now my fleets it looks like we I lost them I don't know where they went but we're gonna have to build some more because uh they took some damage here and it looks like right now I can't recruit or I can't reinforce my ships at the moment which is that can't be right all right so again just waiting for my slow poke scientist here to finish surveying this horror Bim system okay and here we go we got star mag that has been fully surveyed as well and so we'll want to take that as well but right now we're still just kind of figuring out feeling out our Empire here and let's see is it time yes securing the holes in the galaxy and so really I just want all of my my sector this is my let me see yeah this is all my sector right now oh wait why does it go all the way over here okay I gotta connect these but yeah as soon as I can do that I can connect my sectors together and uh yeah we'll have more Governor bonuses from that and so for my science ship here yes we finished surveying the system and next up we're just gonna really push forward in this direction I gotta know what's going on here and I'm just gonna help my my current scientist in this area we're just gonna see if we can get all this surveyed faster than the AI and take it they could take it so here we got that pop growth speed technology that has been completed and now hydroponic farming this right here is a pretty solid technology to research and uh we're gonna get that squared away and so uh the other Empires are starting to expand as well just I I don't know if they're expanding in the right direction but uh once we get some more mining in our our Empire here we're gonna go ahead and take this last system and work our way up uh we got plenty of influence right now to still kind of do our thing uh here we got another plume of Skydive this is our scientist and again I just I'd rather them live longer with this resilient trait but man that Roamer giving that increased survey speed could be very juicy for us right now early game uh trait that will help us right now but we're gonna work with it going back to my construction ship here they're just waiting I like to keep an eye on my civilian ships and let's go ahead and now try reinforcing there we go getting some more Corvettes back into our Fleet and so even now my fleet oh yeah my fleet kind of fell behind let's see our economy is actually pretty good right now and our technology and so we got a solid economy and a technology compared to our our AI partners oh yeah and this system has now been surveyed and so once again the AI is not going to be able to expand here if you can get your borders to expand two systems between yourself and another AI they will not cross it in this case here like they could cross here this AI that I have pinched in right now could cross from this system go here and then jump over here and expand but if I had in this case here they could still jump from here to here but if I secure this system I will not be able to expand across two systems unless they have a wormhole or something like that now jumping over here to our tradition tree uh I think I might go ahead and start to finish the expansion tree and let's just uh you know that you know my Empire size is not really impacting me like really heavy right now but if we can keep it low wonderful uh The Courier Network tradition and so it says a network of small Courier vessels is a reliable alternative for transporting VIPs or delivering messages that can be trusted to FTL Communications now this will tie our far-flung colonies more closely together and from this tradition we get a decrease in our Empire size from systems and planets both by 25 percent now mostly from systems is going to be where we get that bonus from right now but later on as we get more planets that'll be worth it in the uh the late game and so uh next up we got our we got plenty of energy credits here we could probably squeeze in some minerals and maybe we could just maybe we could squeeze another science lab on or research lab and so we'll do that and get some more scientist jobs on planets pythoria but uh yeah outside of that though I think we've been uh we've been doing a solid job here uh securing these choke point systems so outside of that I did just spend all of my Alloys reinforcing my fleets we won't be able to upgrade our bases just yet but we will be able to continue expanding and building more mining districts here even further and so uh better be careful it doesn't become some sort of a mega version of two birds one stone oh yeah birds of a feather yeah oh yeah and so uh here I want to see if uh that that migration treaty has actually been working because we have an edict active and ah yes it is not working because still only birds are on my world and uh let's go back to our government tab here I think I'm gonna switch this land of opportunity edict here because we're not getting a lot of immigration pull at the moment and uh let's see we got a couple of options you know let's just go for maybe diplomatic grants I guess we can give that a shot uh since we pretty much uh let's see I want to see what Empire was over here oh nice there is no Empire over here just yet this is a oh the 10 Yankee there they are and so we'll leave them be for now uh we'll probably try to expand there a little bit later on uh guess what let me see I guess we could spend some more time here building more jobs on our planets and so maybe I'll just maybe just we'll build another research lab here but uh that'll burn my my I'm getting ahead of myself guys sorry sorry I'm thinking in my head and it's coming out coming out of my mouth here it's sales sells uh it says an asteroid is particularly Hollow within its interior spaces sprawls a dense honeycomb structure crafted of some unknown alloy housing containers of alien genetic material Now by all appearances this is an archive of Life the genetic record of some earlier civilization come and gone most of the DNA is hopelessly degraded but there is still much to learn and so uh fascinating this is going to give me some uh Tech deposits that we can exploit a little bit later on now I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with this world and since we are running a little low on consumer goods I think instead let's look into uh we could go first saw that that involves more consumer goods we could get some more Alloys I think that might be worth it here since we have the minerals to sustain it and wonderful so borders have been secured now I'm just going to go ahead and have my uh my construction ship here just go ahead and start automatically queuing to take up these space deposits in these systems and my second construction ship is going to continue pushing directly in this area now uh if I can I just want to take these three systems in hopes that there's nothing here because we could potentially secure up to like what one two three four or five up to about eight other systems and so yo guys we have we went ahead and researched our first mass extinct situation this was back with the barren world and so apparently we found a bunch of fossils on the planet and it says here that life on the now Barren Planet which we'll go ahead and take a look at sadly was doomed from the start and so here is this doomed World here now as it by some cruel Stellar conspiracy the dominant species on the planet barely had time to awaken to sapiens and invent agriculture before uh through unfortunate geological mechanisms the earth started turning sour that's tragic now samples of lower soil stature and the fossilized remains of the creatures that once roamed the planet show that several vile minerals needed to rejuvenate the soil ended up uh through their largely agricultural diet and the endoskeletons of the Native beings now their bones were prones of fossilized rather than Decay and their very existence exhausted The Fragile ecosystem they inhabited leaving it permanently transformed in the wake of their passing and so yes oh yeah thank you uh PDX welcome Hey and have some fun playing that I think I might be trying that out a little bit later on in the week but uh yeah yeah we are just now starting our new playthrough here with our avian species and uh we're trying to what in the world is this icon holy moly we got nasus dementor or dementor demetor holy moly look at this guy we have a renowned Paragon and so the man is thin to the point of starvation there's a sense of decrepitude about him his fine clothes are faded his skin as dry as parchment and his voice Rises barely above a whisper wow and so already we found a paragon here 10 years into the game he says that my name is Nazis I am a collector of dust and myth thank you for receiving me and I'm going to say yeah what do you mean by dust and myth he says this galaxy is old long before yours came to be countless other civilizations Rose and fell dust is their legacy and myth our inheritance I seek to uncover the truth of the past that it may be preserved that it may be learned from and so I'm gonna say and this is why you've come and he says it is not only for my own belief I assure you no The Riches of the past are Beyond counting I would share them with you and so I'm going to say yo we have gained from your excavations or what have you gained from your excavations he says artifacts wisdom splendor but not only this all things have their echoes in the past paradoxical is it not how in our own fight against Oblivion we've forgotten to listen yeah I don't know who this guy is but he's pretty sweet he's a scientist he has an increased survey speed modifier he has the veteran class explore trade as well and he is spiritualist hear all of his traits he's a vibrant Storyteller so he's another plus 25 survey speed modifier and a 10 strategic resource Discovery chance holy moly that is huge on top of that he is insightful so uh it says here that in his signship uh on researching any anomaly he gets Tech and all research equal to a monthly production times one on top of that he's resilient he's an archaeologist but he has these stubbornness traits so he's not really good at assisting in research we are definitely going to enlist this character and so now we are slightly over our our leader capacity here and so let me jump to one of my a little bit weaker scientist here oh and this one has that that spark of Genius straight I gotta keep that I guess we'll go ahead and swap out this scientists we'll we'll replace them with Mr Nazis here epic and so hopefully he's alive for a long time I don't know he's pretty old we'll see how many years we can get out of him but let's head over here to our leaders now and let's just drop one of the scientists and so uh unfortunately this one did not meet our requirements at the moment oh that's my leader I was gonna dismiss the leader there all right so who do I have what do I have here I have an admiral I have four scientists um you know what let me double check who my leader is so Wing gear is my governor my Governor or my leader I'm confused which one is my oh here we go so claws of red is my head of research and I'm not sure who to replace then okay we'll look at our Governors too I have two governors one is already governing my Homeworld um in this case yeah I guess we have no generals but we have all these scientists and so they're all surveying systems I just can't bring myself to take that one away and this one's my player air so that's what it is this is why I can't dismiss this leader they are gonna they are a player Heir and so uh you know what since I have a scientist that is already a spark of Genius this one here I guess we'll just go ahead and dismiss this one sad to see him go but I'd rather not have those penalties early on so let's find the science ship here okay there it is and let's get our player error on to researching projects now and this isn't the worst thing either because now that that error when my leader dies the air can take over with a higher level and so once again we are now going to expand our borders I'm running a little low on influence excuse me guys but no worries we're gonna keep expanding as soon as we can all right let's check out the other Ai and see what's going on their Fleet power is overwhelming compared to mine right now but I can imagine for maybe not much longer I haven't really built a lot of my ships here and now uh we're gonna sprinkle some sauce into our government we got a faction that has been found this is a new faction has been recently gaining Traction in the internal political landscape of the beckborn Dominion they call themselves the alien suffrage Institute their members have been pushing hard for friendly relations with other alien species now a disgruntled faction will be a source of trouble but one that approves the government's action could be useful we also have the alliance of spiritualists all right so both of them are probably gonna have different pushes we already have pretty friendly relations with the other AI and they don't seem to be going down at all whatsoever and so cool stuff there ah faction traction the legend speaks of this yes I actually like that faction traction but speaking of factions and things like that let's check out our fleets here we're gonna reinforce those and then now let's go see what these factions want and so uh the alliance of spiritualists they're like yo we like the way you're writing this Empire 95 approval and the other Empire the alien suffrage Institute 100 approval rating they just got two oh three issues looks like they want us to uh keeping in any Enclave station within our borders facilitates cultural exchange which will please the alien suffrage Institute okay so we could probably do that they want us to establish first contact with other civilizations and they want to be represented on the council and so this says having a ruler or counselor with uh of their ethic will please the alien suffrage Institute that I don't know if I can necessarily do that just depends on my ruler and so whether he's I think he's spiritualist and these are not the traits there and so no worries though we're gonna go ahead and go over here and manage this faction and I'm actually going to promote them I want this to be the primary faction and yeah all of our issues seem to be addressed with this faction right now they're bigger they support us the more support we get the more Unity we get and that's why we're at 63 Unity right now now we got ships that are on the way we have our borders that have been expanded next up let's see about oh we have found another pre FTL species noun for oh this is a tropical world too so hopefully that's not colonized by any other pops yet but we now have increased our survey speed and let's go for that Global energy management technology next I love kind of like maxing out on energy credits in the early game and here we still have to wait actually we will not be waiting we are going to go ahead and expand our borders once again and so here we have secured a second choke point system and we just have two more systems to go in hopes that I will take all of these later on but yeah I think right now we've done a pretty decent job of securing this blessed etherean State Empire uh within their borders here all right so let's check out the Federation oh we'll leave this project be for now but here uh let's see our Tech is still pretty high compared to the other Empires it's nice that I can see their Fleet power and our economy is very close oh and I can change our succession term now to 30 years it looks like the other Empires will agree on this and that'll extend my my Federation term up to the year 22.30 and so there it is there it is and so now until 22 30 we will be president of this Federation and we've extended our term uh for engineering technology here let's jump over to carrier operations so we can get that basic strike craft Tech uh for this here yeah yeah that's the the law that we just voted with our Federation and we are lacking the food we need food pretty badly here and so uh let's start with uh we'll probably need a hydroponic Bay technology that we're researching to start that first [Music] um you know I'm gonna build some shipyards for starters so that we can build more ships faster uh oh and guys we have found a fallen Empire The omniac Continuous continuity there we go and so biological civilization detected they say initiate custodial protect uh protocol 46 subroutine alpha 8 message follows greetings organic sapiens we are you are approaching omnion content uh I can't say this word continuity territory there we go these systems serve as a refuge for Sapient Organics against the error block data corrupted threats for Refugee status applications proceed to central processing all Sapient organic species are welcomed on basis of availability and need and so yeah they say that we'll be met with extreme hostility if we are to use any hostile actions against the refugees where this is located at let's find out oh that's a ring world wow and so the Omnia continue uh continuity this Empire is right above us I yeah they're ancient caretakers and so we have a fallen Empire to the north I'm hoping that they have like closed their borders to other Empires on the other side of them so that we can expand a little bit further along these systems here hopefully we'll see we have an alien spacecraft uh let's see here sure we'll issue this project as well uh we have a Empire oh nice so the uh continuity Empire the ancient caretakers have opened their borders to us and so that is a a good a good first move from them now ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have to go ahead and complete our first tradition here Galactic ambition and so the banner of our great Empire will one day be as common as hydrogen throughout the Galaxy this will decrease my Starbase upkeep by 20 percent and on top of that we're gonna need our first Ascension perk here and so we've got a couple of options here uh let's see what do we want to go for first my pop seemed to be okay right now they're not unhappy or anything like that I guess since we have some pretty decent tech knowledge right now compared to the other AI technological ascendancy let's give this one a shot unless there's one that I feel like I'm not seeing let's see here I thought there was something that gives me like a oh here it is Interstellar dominion and so the Stars beckon on uh and we follow May nothing stand between us and them and this will decrease my Starbase influence cost and my claim influence costs but let's let's try technological ascendancy I haven't I haven't started with this one in a while and yeah like I said we're just going to go ahead and keep maxing out on that technology and so uh next up for my my home World here let's see what's going on we got six jobs open and ah still got some farmer jobs available to be filled up and that is one of the reasons why my food is having a slight shortage right now and so I'll just I'll pump the brakes on building jobs and we'll let these open jobs start to fill up now and so we'll come back to those a little bit later on uh we have found oh wow this is epic and so a strategic resource cash has been found by my scientist my renowned scientist uh and it says here that he has discovered strategic resources in this system over here on the left on top of that a 80 size 21 habitable world has been found now constructing a mining station in orbit will allow us to make best use of the discovery in this system excellent and so we this will add plus one rare crystal in that system man that is going to be very good really I'm I feel like I might have my scientists stop surveying and just start researching anomalies and let him survey other systems because I think the more systems he surveys the Chan the higher the chances that he will be able to yeah here it says on researching any anomalies actually no he needs to research anomalies to get all research equal to monthly production okay cool so renowned Paragons that's pretty sweet [Music] let's have him go ahead and research these anomalies and for the scientist we'll have them go ahead and continue surveying systems and so we'll get these systems especially this little unobserved cluster surveyed right away and then bring them back up here but yeah hopefully we can find another planet in these systems right now we still haven't expanded to our second world just yet but we are just two systems away from expanding either here or like I said this system has three three oh no two tomb worlds and one Savannah World in it none of them are habitable now my head of research has a new trait available and let's give them that research speed modifier absolutely phenomenal we're going to jump over to our fleets and I'm gonna see if I can go ahead and queue up uh some more reinforcements here and there we have it about five more Corvettes on the way excellent most excellent now uh claws of red what's up says that Clause of red has become a trendsetter among the general population everything from her style to her method of speech has attracted a sizable following her reach extends across all socio-economic strata strata there we go and she has been proven particularly popular among the youth cool so we got a cool little leader here we have no decision uh we have no reason not to support this yeah why wouldn't we and so stylish Trends modifier has been added for five years giving this leader the chance to increase monthly Unity by 10 and increasing amenities from jobs and so nice that seems like a really good trait to have right there and here we have the gas giant structure we'll check it out later a comment has been cited and this increases once again more happiness five percent for five years excellent day and so let's go ahead and upgrade our fleets we have hydroponic farming now and so let's also just double down on the food really quick right now we have a little bit of a food shortage uh we have the hydroponic Bay buildings that's been queued up now I already have some Farms on my world let's go ahead and try to go with the Eco simulation to increase the farmer's production right now and so we go back to my Tropical World here yeah we still need those those Farmers to fill in this job but it doesn't hurt to get some more food as well maybe we can at that as trade later no what just happened right there okay my fleet has been fully repaired now one of my science ships here has found some hostile drones and we have to be very careful oh that was my renowned Paragon oh no it was my head of research okay so that wouldn't have been the end of the world that they died but still in the early game senior leaders go really quickly is tragic all the things we could have used them for and seeing them just pass away is very unfortunate and so let's go ahead and get these City ships moving here and surveying systems here we got a couple of hostile ships we have to deal with a little bit later on hmm decisions decisions I want to see what the ai's ships are looking like right now I wonder if we can scope out their specs here and ah they actually have more Shields oh this is a science ship no no I want to see what those fleets look like all right so the fleets are actually running with more Shields this time around and so I think that yeah that leaves their armor a little bit weaker I'm not sure if I'm building this right so guys uh yeah question of the stream here this is the very early game the AI is running with small Mass drivers and missiles and so I know for sure what the the mass drivers would want to build heavy on Armor since this weapon does negative 50 armor damage and with this this has 100 Shield penetration and so I think yeah I think we're going to the right track with the armor but the weapons the weapons here I've been going with all missiles this says here that this increases Shield hit points and they have more of this than they do armor hero Ryan says go kinetics copy that I do have missile zones if we penetrate their Shields let's see here this does 16 to 24 damage and so I think Shields is okay for now but if we need to switch later on just curious I always wondering how to how to change up these builds and things like that and so actually that's pretty good yeah going on missiles copy that because it doesn't have Shield penetration they have those Shields will penetrate their Shields and do uh damage right to their their armor and so yeah Kia Ryan welcome to the stream you can quickly take down those Shields and then burn through the armor copy that oh we got the rubricator and so yo the analysis of the ship's logs reveal at the crew merits demise when trying to retrieve an Irreplaceable alien artifact called the rubricator it was stolen from their society by a pack of thieving rats a curious choice of words as they themselves are most rack white uh most rat like in appearance now the logs are mainly comprised of curses willing the rat robbers to the end of the universe and Beyond The Crew has counted upward of 50 individual words for defecation as well as a wide selection of places from which the Stars cannot Escape but they are are what our doest work has paid off we've uncovered the last known location of the rubricator in a previously Uncharted system and if we are to believe its former owners it powers are worth pursuing and so we must have the rubricator and this is going to uh it's going to start another event chain the rubricator event chain and so uh that is going to be very nice to get our hands on later on in the Run but in the meantime though uh let's see this is my Skydive leader uh they're still really really young and so we're gonna have them go ahead and just start surveying systems here and oh I'm going to imagine this is where the rubricator is because now we have another system that just kind of spawned out of nowhere and it has that Relic world inside of it ardois something tiresome oh okay I forget the context of what how I was using that but right on arduous arduous ardoius or arduous and so uh yeah yeah let's keep our game going here guys got some really good expansion ahead of us at the moment uh for my leader here we're gonna go for that fertility preacher once again since we are running low on food this will give us more food from jobs and here we have nephrey's pride and so uh the armed vessel discovered in let's see let's check the system out oh this is the asteroid we got a situation going on with this thing here it says an abandoned military spacecraft called nephrey's Pride it's light frame and Invasion Hardware suggests it was built for long distance Patrol missions but it has since been retrofitted into a long-range stealth bomber Now record records of the ship's comms reveal that it was hijacked by a rebel gorilla and its way to perform a strike against a secret complex called the uh ziven labs set to hold a weapon so powerful it could win them the war sounds like a um a pretty interesting weapon there says we've extracted the ship's destination from its navigation drive and now we're gonna go ahead and send a science crew to the lab and so we got projects happening all around the Galaxy right now uh but nonetheless though we're gonna continue serving systems now here we have a situation with our Federation we had all kinds of projects happening right now ladies and gentlemen hopefully you guys are enjoying it uh please please hit that like And subscribe if you're hanging out here in the channel whether you're on YouTube or twitch appreciate the support and it says here that uh the members of our Sanctified compact are you United around their spirituality now we found common ground in the fact that we are believers but the Federation is home to various Creeds faiths and churches and cohabitation is sometimes uneasy now lately the members of clergies have been pushing for the Sanctified compact to hold their accumudential Council where we could gather and try to outline a unified dogma and Define the core tenets of our beliefs now the idea was approved and every member of the Sanctified compact has been asked to send Representatives we're gonna say our Envoy in the Federation can handle this and uh guys we have the Diplo corpse origin and so we have been starting with a lot a lot of envoys right now we have seven total I believe and six of them are currently leveling up the Federation right now our cohesion is at 6.45 I wish the other AI would add more envoys as well but no worries my my Federation is going to be leveling up very fast here we're already uh nearly at level two of our Federation and we'll we'll check that out when we get there all right so my fleets have all been upgraded and now we're back on equal terms with the other AI when it comes to relative Fleet power and so I'm kind of using the Federation to kind of like check and see relative power more accurately and here it looks like I have the highest economy out of the other uh members of this this Federation uh I have the second strongest fleet I have the strongest technology score and all of the other AI have a uh high opinion of me on top of that our our diplomacy our diplomatic weight is the highest out of the other Federation members and so let's go back to our home World here check out what's going on still just waiting for another pop to grow in this world and so we'll just kick back and relax before we build anything there same as before uh here let's see what do we have going on so this is my renowned leader and I I'm trying to be careful with them I'm just gonna have them go ahead and start researching anomalies here I don't want them to be the first system to go into other systems now we have leveled up our Federation here we have let's see what's new we got the pro satellizing envoys oh tell me envoy's assigned to this Federation will now provide 50 more cohesion and increase spiritualist ethnic attraction within our own Empire juicy because I have a lot of them now that cohesion's at 10 even though I think it might be a little Overkill but nice uh let's see here promotion of culture says our Myriad of culture identities is our strength by promoting it we will immeasurably increase our might this will give my planetary capitals one additional culture worker and this is doubled for systems uh that has system Capital complexes good stuff there and then last but not least our level two our third level two traits that we get from this Sanctified compact Holy Covenant Federation is to spread the holy word now we cannot guarantee that spiritualist interest will be protected unless we are able to encode them into the Galaxy it says here that voting strength of divinity of Life resolutions will be increased by 25 and so already we are on level two of our Federation 12 years into the game let's keep this thing going here and let's get our construction ship I think we should be able to build another star base and there we have it another star base now we have a heated debate that's going on in the uh cuminancial Council says the question of what does it take to be a holy world is a delicate and one and many sensitivities were hurt in the discussion surrounding it in particular our delegation was most headstrong and there has been recorded insulting several other high-ranking prelates from other Empires we requested an official apology or they have requested an official apology from us ooh so I don't have enough influence to actually apologize right now and so we're gonna have to call them dimwits and we'll say we stand by what we have said and I think that's going to leave us with some negative impacts with other Empires there and so not the Diplomatic route I wanted to take right on but no worries we're still going to continue increasing our flip fleets and we're gonna ask them you know what are you going to do about it are you going to do anything about it and so I got another star base available to build we're gonna build it right next to my home system here once I buy some more alloys and now the council's back up here on our our screen and so the situation says the intense debates about is the Shroud a Divine Dimension left everyone agitated and in a high temper now to increase things it has been decided that every Empire shall offer gifts and tokens of friendship to the other Empires what should we send and so we could send a symbolic gesture or we could send nothing and uh you know what I think sending a gesture would be a good idea you know this is a spiritual species and so you know they they treat materialistic things a little bit differently uh than Empires that are not not like that and so I'm pretty sure we would benefit from that here we're going to go ahead uh it looks like we're gonna begin digging for the rubricator but uh for my construction ship we've expanded once again now I'm running a little low on influence so I know that I'm not going to be able to expand for a little bit but what I'll do is I'll start building those mining districts into this system next all right so we have a encounter in base cluster well hit interesting there uh We've oh we've discovered the planetary Machinery dig site we'll get back to that one a little bit next and so back to the council here we have Concords prevails now truly we are blessed whatever apprehensions we had going uh and we have proven wrong and everything went quite smoothly precise Theology and inspired discourse have allowed us to create a harmonious Corpus of our own Dogma we will surely revisit it later but for now it will be uh it will serve as the foundation of a United faith that will bring us closer to each other excellent and so for 20 years we get plus 20 Unity from jobs and three monthly Federation XP yo this is paying off and now yeah our cohesion wow we're getting 13 XP per month that is excellent so let me go back here we got about you know we're not even halfway to our um reaching our term as Federation president but here it says that our scientist reports of an enormous structure located in this system uh behind me apparently it's on this planet and so in fact the gargantuan corpse of some kind of unidentified alien creature not only is the corpse large enough to be seen with the naked eye it also appears to be shedding large quantities of psychotropic chemicals that may have a neurological side effect for organic life forms on the planet and so this is going to add some science deposits on this little bitty it looks like a moon or a Barren world but excellent we'll definitely look into that later on now my renowned Paragon needs a system to go survey and I'm going to hold off on doing that instead let's uh you know what yeah yeah we'll go ahead and do it want to start surveying systems up here now we got another tradition available we've completed our first tradition tree and for uh we may jump back to diplomacy or let me see what other uh Traditions are available right now so it looks like we could maybe use some more food or look we are going to diplomacy but man just going with Supremacy has been kind of like my comfort tradition point to pick uh just because I would I like having a bigger Fleet here and on top of that right away it increases my Naval capacity and so Supremacy says that the future of this galaxy belongs to those who are strong enough to seize it now adopting this tradition gives me the military buildup agenda and increases my needle capacity by 20 and it increases my Army damage by 20 percent and so will we be using our armies hopefully not sooner than later but it never hurts to have an army ready to go right away and so here we're gonna go ahead and reinforce the last of our fleets for our first Fleet and this is we're gonna change the name of this fleets and so we're gonna name this one Team Alpha just so that I know that this is my first and Main fleets after that uh let's see we'll keep our game going here my Homeworld let's see what's happening so we did get one pop to fill in that farmer job we have another encounter here with an alien species that's currently living on a size 17 world and yes my my head of researcher scientists exited that system right away and so let's go ahead and see what's going on down here next and then uh you know what I might just bring them either hmm you know we'll move them up here to survey deeper into the Galaxy all right so right now we're gonna go ahead and jump over here and I think we gotta wait a little bit to get some more influence you need that influence right here to expand your borders I'm running a little low because I've been expanding very quickly uh but yeah we'll let that build up a little bit take a breather on expansion jumping over here to our star bases let's get that hydroponic Bays up so that it'll take some of the strain off my planets I don't want to spend too many times too much time building those agricultural districts uh but the ones that we do have now will get a nice bonus from this Eco simulation technology and so uh after that let's go back to our society tap I don't have any enable capacity or I don't have any soldiers yet on my planets so this might not help me out as much as I would like for it to we do have scientists and so biodiversity studies will be my go-to tech and it's been a few years now let's see what our other members are comparing to us and so oh yeah baby we're leading in all categories actually except for Fleet we're only down by a little bit when it comes to Fleet power but yeah everything else we are looking pretty solid and I want to see what our laws are looking like I have to wait a long time before we can change this to 40 years at the moment there are no other oh actually we can change our Federation centralization to low and so it looks like in this stream today guys it looks like we're gonna be diving a little bit into federations and things like that terrible hamster thank you for that gifted sub to DND boy 15 gifted Subs yo appreciate the support thank you for just hanging out in the Stream uh terrible hamster has a phenomenal phenomenal supporter of the channel uh just always here thank you so much I appreciate your time that you spend in my my channel and my community as well I love posting with you in Discord and so I appreciate the gifted sub my friend uh DND boy enjoy those animated emotes and just regular emotes as well uh yeah not to take away from some of my other my other friends as well I have a lot of wonderful wonderful people that hang out here but yeah stable I appreciate that time's a trillion my friend and so yeah we're gonna try and change this Federal uh Federation centralization law to low and it says that the level of the Federation influence over member states are kept very low now this unlocks a bunch of success question types War declarations and member invites separate treaty laws and things like that so yeah the not so terrible hamster his name doesn't match how awesome he is all right he's not terrible he is phenomenal all right um let's see here so this level of centralization will add 20 to the base level of Intel provided by this Federation type setting it to a minimum of 70. so okay cool this will just give us more it changes things it changes some laws but it also gives us Intel on other Empires cool very cool and we're gonna go ahead and vote for this I'm just one of several hour fans but I appreciate your kind words right on right on uh let's see here we're gonna vote Yes for it and so that's gonna be another law that we change in this Holy Covenant right now let's grab our scientists and here we have multiple hostile species and all these neighboring systems and so uh no worries there that's going to give us a couple of options here you know what actually we're just going to send all of our scientists in this direction and just quickly survey everything that's going on in this area and then we'll start breaking them off once we get into this little cluster above my Noggin all right so uh yo guys I'm gonna take a quick Splash with some water here we've been going for a little bit over an hour and a half hopefully everyone's been having a solid Monday so far and yo if you guys are if you guys are playing Solaris what kind of Origins are you playing with if you've been playing with Galactic Paragons what kind of renowned leaders have you found in your games have you guys had any luck here uh we are about to let me see we've already surveyed this system we're gonna go ahead and start moving forward and helping here as well so eventually I'm gonna have about three different scientists all in this area surveying the same system and that's gonna be wonderful absolutely wonderful whoa whoa whoa pump the brakes here the system has not been fully surveyed yet so we'll survey that and then we'll bounce back but we definitely want to make sure we're getting all these nearby systems checked out right away even though we're a little bit further outside of my my sector it's no worries I wish my sector was a little bit bigger but at least we have ai allies right next to us now eventually I'm gonna start trying to propose subjugation if not we're gonna see if we can just increase our Fleet power and potentially dominate the species below us and so you know we want strong allies but if they they can't be strong on their own we'll just force them into subjugation that's my that's usually my game plan either my Ally gets conquered or they get subjugated and so oh man here it is my renowned leader has found another cash uh let's see here it doesn't say what it is oh uh exotic gases let's go and so my renowned leader just finds these random resources and systems and there he found some exotic gases and so let's just go ahead and have them survey some more systems and we'll we'll start checking out these areas excellent very excellent so you'll notice almost I mean a lot of these systems we have volatile emotes here we have rare crystals we have more volatile emotes we have zro exotic gases this renowned leader is coming in clutch right now like he is he is finding all of these strategic resources and I'm hoping that we can take advantage of every single one of them and so they're gonna go ahead we have two scientists here now surveying checking things out let's go to my Shipyard and we're gonna queue up uh just one of our our Corvette ships and we're gonna try and get to work on our second Fleet now and so I got about all my resources are starting to slowly gather up expanding That Base there and there we have it so we got another fleets let's get to work on it heading back to my fleet manager here's that one ship this will be team Bravo team Bravo and so same thing here just 20 ships cued him up and reinforce them all or at least as many as we can so we got about what three Corvettes on the way and usually I used to build anchor just really early on but now I've been going with building shipyards so that we can build ships faster and I think that's been kind of helping me out a little bit now we've been letting these jobs these available jobs right here this little tab this four that's good we want to be a little bit lower so that we can get these these two jobs filled in right now we got one more farmer job open and then three more minor jobs left to go uh after that you know what I probably might go ahead and squeeze on another city district but I need some more minerals there we go that way we can get an open building slot and we can get some more amenities from clerk jobs now carrier operations this gives me the base basic strike craft component for my bases we'll be using that and then we'll go for zero g refineries since right now we are expanding our borders and when I do so I usually like all these these minerals here will be getting a little extra output in that direction now my science ship has finished surveying here and we're going to send them up here to help out the others uh other scientists and so we're actually going to have them wrap back around and start serving whatever is in this area if there's not just a bunch of hostiles over there blocking the way for my construction ship man oh man we did it ladies and gentlemen we had a goal to reach this home system here I'm just going to build some mining uh districts or um yeah I'm gonna mine these resources first same thing with the technology as well and then we'll come back and see if we can expand our borders once again I think we need about 67 influence now we have a new tradition and we are diving into the supremacy tradition tree even further and so uh next up we have Master ship rights says the ever increasing scope of our ship building programs has led to the creation of Highly skilled and efficient labor forces at our shipyards methods have continually been refined and the time it takes to go from Whole plating to a completed Starship is now shorter than ever before the effects of this tradition will increase ship build speed and decrease ship build costs and so that's definitely what we want what we want right now and we'll start building a little bit more of those later on when I get some more Alloys and so here again oh let's see are we going to be able to I need about another yeah we'll just get another 500 minerals right now and uh let's build the remainder of the uh mining uh mining things that we can build here later on we'll exploit those resources now uh for our home world three jobs available perfect our food is as high as it's ever been before and I think now would probably be a good time to squeeze on another Industrial District the consumer goods are at zero and so it's not the end of the world if that's it's kind of like it's maybe at like Point negative one or is that negative two so negative 2.2 resources so that's not going to be the end of the world for me right now I can maintain that we'll get that industrial district up and get those pops working right away biodiversity studies is our next tech that we've completed let's jump over to uh let's see here planetary unification this gives me a grant lump sum of unity and monthly Unity will be increased as well that is very good because on my home planet here we have a couple of these Temple jobs and those give me Unity and so we've also found a terraforming candidate World awesome awesome this Empire will not be expanding but again we don't know what's on the other side and so I think I may be trying to expand and inside this direction if we make it over there now for my scientists let's see what's going on I thought I had you queued up or multiple systems you know let's just start with uh automatically serving there we go and so they'll get busy at that and now uh we'll kick back and queue up some more ships to reinforce so that's going to give me about five more ships on the way wonderful wonderful another beautiful song from Stellaris ladies and gentlemen if you have a favorite solar song let me know what it is and wow we have found a a shielded world we gotta document this all right we gotta put this on the Stellaris Discovery Channel and so uh this is gonna be one of our goals for the stream here we got to figure out what is going on with that shielded world can we unshield it what is inside of the planet we must find out but in the meantime though we're gonna go with administrative AI for our physics technology uh we got a fleet growing we got AI ships moving around uh oh looks like my fleet was unable to build a final station here and so no worries uh we'll go ahead and move on to this next system oh is there a base here no there's not so I should be able to I had two construction ships selected we'll grab the other and we will try to expand in this direction next as well and so yeah I just I had two construction ships piled up on each other all right so let's keep our game going here but yeah uh we have a hostile Fleet here I'm not sure what's their dealio but right now we don't have the fleet power to even contend with them at the moment let's go back to our uh our Federation here and again our fleets are are Soaring Over theirs we are now in first place I mean we are still in first place we're actually tied for our economy but we're still doing pretty solid here compared to the other AI empires in this game so far and so we're playing with the Common Ground origin we start as the president of a federation we have 13 years to go and it says here that the certified science situation has appeared and one of our science Crews has succeeded in isolating a signal embedded with the unusual pattern of interference in the chalk system the signal is a song a complex sonification of an advanced mathematical equation to be precise and one that our science officer have read cannot seem to get out of their head who or what may have composed This Song Remains unknown though its complexity infers an incredible level of technological sophistication regarding the Subspace harmonics now the signals uh genocides suggest a point of origin from outside of our galaxy and so that's going to give us a ton of tech points right there but quite an interesting situation we have going on over there we found a song we don't know who made the song but it sounds absolutely incredible and sure I'll go ahead and now start researching some of these projects that come by uh but yeah here we still have low jobs we have that of industrial district on the way and so that'll add two more jobs in this world we should be okay for now we'll come back to it a little bit later on and oh hold up hold up I completely forgot guys we had a spiraling slum a planetary feature here and so you want to keep an eye on your districts when you're clearing these out because some of them will have some sort of aftermath or some sort of side effect when you do so in this case here we clear out a spiraling slum oh it's you can't see what's what it's doing behind my my Chrome Dome here but uh here this might make it a little bit easier this will give me one extra pop so on clearing this out it gives you an extra pop on your planet we'll clear that out right away and we'll go back over here to our engineering technology and now our mining station output will be increased when we research this long range Mineral Scanner technology now I see a lot of construction ships and science ships are queued up over here let's start serving some more systems and for my renowned scientist I'm going to just take them out on a whim and just have them survey these systems kind of blindly hopefully we don't come across any troubles we're expanding our borders as well that's going to be a continuation there and here we have the geothermal situation and so uh the measured pounding observed from the orbit is the motion of immense and ancient geothermal geothermal extractors breathing their last built and then abandoned at some point in the distant past the vast batteries of this incentegrating Machinery have been pumping up overheated fluids from the planet's core ever since now there are storage capacitors are all broken or leaking but some energy can still be siphoned from them and this is going to give me another tech deposit in that system and so already in this run we found a ton of special resources we found a handful of pre FTL species and now we have a new tradition and so again we got to go with anything that's impacting my fleets whether it increases it or if it decreases ship upkeep like this Fleet Logistics Corp is doing now and so with ships often deployed across vast Interstellar distances a dedicated Logistics Corp is needed to make things run smoothly and so yes this increases my Naval capacity by 20 this time and so now we're at 48 ships total that we can have in our fleets and we got some extra Unity here and so let's go with the colonial centralization next this is like your your planetary capital building it'll allow you to upgrade that into the uh yeah yeah to your planetary capital building uh for this world here I think now it is time to colonize our first world outside of my home system and we're gonna put our primary species on it my beak species and let's name this planet the um Hawk's Nest one of these cool bird-like bird related names and so Hawks Nest is my first planet that we colonize out of our home system and we'll get that Colony ship designated on that way right away over here we have found a ocean world and an arid World nice and yeah we'll definitely work on expanding our our borders in that direction a little bit later on so now I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to research some projects that I see oh and we got a dig site get inside we'll look at that a little bit later on in this series uh we have an agenda that is available and so this will increase my monthly Unity by 40 right now it's at 10 increasing it by 40 and so I actually want to see uh right now it takes me 28 months to get through my traditions when we uh we launch that agenda we'll see how long it takes but let's select our next agenda here and I gotta go for that military buildup and so now for this it's going to take me from 28 months to 22 months and so that is a a lot of time to cut off to get your next tradition right there now once again we got another technology available and let's go with the basic combat rules it says that with this technology recent progress and AI behavioral Theory allows us to designate specific combat roles to our shipboard computers I'll take that that sounds like a nice little Deb right there uh for my Homeworld we still have four jobs available ah we need Clerks we need clerks here and so let's go with uh you know what we might need a hollow Hollow theater center this will turn our consumer goods into unity and amenities and so we'll squeeze one of those on right now I haven't built one of those in quite some time uh our consumer goods are on track uh let's see if we can maybe build another city district here we go and so doing that that's going to open up another building slot we'll come back to that planet later on we got 3 000 energy credits and so I'm gonna buy about uh we'll buy about 500 worth of Alloys jumping back to the fleet manager let's reinforce as many ships as we can and then we'll come back and see what's going on in the Galaxy now these guys are still equal to me once they become inferior actually these guys their Technology's inferior to us hmm and I'm pretty sure they have a holding on my world they sure do so let's see what this does okay so this doesn't look like it's the worst thing in the world this increases branch office value and adds a merchant job let me go to my population here and there is that Merchant job that has been added to my Planet it increases amenities which is great it has an upkeep of food and consumer goods though and so you know an unauthorized building has been added to my world but it's not a bad one this will also uh let's see it says that increases amenities too so that's pretty nice but it cost me yeah two consumer goods per job upkeep so a little expensive there but no worries I'll take it we need more amenities on this planet anyway and now we have made first Contact over here on this side of the Galaxy I think we may be creeping up on a uh an Empire so yeah we got a ship right here we don't know much about it but we're gonna figure out who they are in the maybe in the future maybe sooner than later Let's see we have enough influence now we're gonna go ahead and expand our borders here and we have a choke point system I didn't think we would reach but here is the beak born dominion and already it kind of looks like a bird like here's the beak here's the head there's the body yeah wonderful uh let's go ahead and start building some observation posts as well and so uh once again speaking of observation posts we have found another pre FTL species and our Colony ship is underway it is now traveling to colonize uh the second planet that my species will be living on and so as always we got another first Contact there let's see what's going on with the Federation here we are a little under Midway to reaching level three but that cohesion that XP still really high right now and so definitely definitely enjoying all of that that monthly XP we are getting towards the Federation now we're gonna go ahead and once again build more uh mining stations there here there's energy credits but I can't seem to build anything around it so we'll have to come back to that later on let's go ahead and secure this system next as well this is The Relic World System we'll take that and use it to uh expand our colonies once again and so we've made contact with the enlightened Kingdom of deneb and this is a spiritual seeking Empire this is perfect another spiritual species all right I think we are having a phenomenal start right now and they're speaking on behalf of the enlightened Kingdom and they say and I bring you greetings our great leader High Queen Grace Penny father is very pleased to have made contact with your unique species and we look forward to an exchange of culture and ideas and uh right away we're going to start this with friendly protocols let's see where they are located and here we've completed the uh the habitable World survey event chain that gives me about a thousand energy credits which is nice but I want to see what's up with this Empire over here and so yes right away we will establish an embassy with these guys and uh yo let's improve relations we have an Envoy available I'm just going to assign it to them he says I feel like I don't use my envoices much to initiate first Contact protocol I let the AI find me and then based on who they are we'll use them to either decrease or increase relations or use them for Espionage there's a number of different things I'll use them for in this case here we'll befriend them and I feel like right away they're gonna get an offer we got a commercial pack with them right away but uh yeah they send us an offer we're gonna see if they can join our Federation which I'm sure they would fit in perfectly and so let's see if we can also get a oh offer them Association status let's go and so right away our Federation we're voting for it but I think we should be able to add a fourth member to our Federation and now they have Association status and so excellent oh man this is this is great and so this is going to cost me a little bit of influence but we're gonna go ahead and form a research agreement with them and we're gonna just go ahead and just we're going to go all out here we're just gonna have a migration treaty with them form a research agreement with them and just be friends oh my goodness oh my goodness we can subjugate them wow they don't have to join any of my conflicts I'll join theirs but I don't want their whole things way I want their resources I want a lot of their resources the only thing is that that's going to cost me a lot of influence all right what do I need to do here to make this this work there was something I had right there that would let me do it but I'm not seeing it now here let's let's reset this and see if what I had going there so let's propose subjugation there we go all right so here we go we got our first subject if they accept it and that'll be a game changer right there oh we got it we got our first subject holy moly hold up we gotta stop this here they accepted subjugation and this changes everything and so now we got contact with a curating order we have the uh kelzin dynastic Union uh they're ruthless capitalists so we gotta be careful with these guys we got the prime minterface this sounds like a machine species uh oh that's not gonna be good uh we have a union of uh Haven star they're explorers hello hello and there we go we got a bunch of AI Empires over here that we have discovered and so uh now let's go back to our uh our Traditions here holy moly I was not expecting to have a vassal this soon here but now we are overlords in a federation so uh let's go to war games this uh says that a strong war game tradition has taken root among the senior officers of our fleets whether the game be computer simulators or actual exercises in space this has encouraged our Admirals to think outside the box resulting in numerous Tactical Innovations and new strategies and so this tradition will increase my fleet command limit by 20. it'll decrease my Admiral leader cost and my Admiral leader upkeep so we'll hit yes on that and call that a wrap right there but holy moly guys the enlightened Kingdom of denibe is now a part of our Federation which I believe yes they're in the Federation and they're my subject and so now I'm even stronger I'm stronger look at that Fleet power baby so we're starting to take the the lead and kind of Coast with it our technology is pretty high and our economy is starting to break away a little bit and so wow talk about a head start there and right away I feel like we could probably look for another Empire to either try and conquer these guys are belligerent so I may have to be careful with them we got robots we also have to watch out for as well but oh yeah this galaxy just got very busy very quickly and so yeah we did find this Union of Haven star over here they look like they're aquatic species and uh we're gonna have to plan this out accordingly and so I'm gonna keep my basis still kind of near my home systems I want to make sure that we are building those still and so here I'm going to go ahead and try to upgrade this there we go so that's going to be our third star base that we have let's check out our primary one right here and uh yeah yeah I think we're still pretty solid and good to go and so let's go ahead and start squeezing on um spin all those uh those Alloys now so we'll have to wait to build some some defensive platforms but yo talk about a wonderful start right now talk about a wonderful start let's go ahead and expand to the system next and I actually need some yeah I need those alloys there we go and yeah now I'm going to start building towards them uh these guys want a migration treaty with us and we will definitely take that uh these guys want to establish an embassy with us also we will take that as well and now uh some some of these other worlds I'm hoping that as these migration treaties start to kick in a little bit and we get some more uh we get some more species within our borders I'm hoping that we can find a species that has a different planet preference than our own that way we can colonize different worlds but so far the beak born uh we've had some pretty decent early game expansion we are already in a pretty wonderful looking Federation right now that is now Midway to reaching level three and we have 10 years to go on my my Federation term and I would love to have our uh our succession type jump to strongest but I need to have a high centralization for this and so if I can get this to it a little bit later on that'd be nice but for now we'll have to wait uh we got 93 days until we can vote for a 40-year term and so we'll come back to that once we were able to and here goes the migration treaty yes we will accept it and uh I'm looking around I still see uh just about the same amount of habitable worlds nearby grab my construction ship and now I'm gonna have these guys start automatically exploring the Galaxy and so actually I don't want them to go that way though so we'll actually stop this here and I'll have them go ahead and start uh investigating anomalies archeology sites and researching special projects so someone actually just declared us a rival what these guys do you know what do you know who I am and so the uh dynastic Union these guys have insulted us they've declared us a rival and we're like whoa what is going on here like what is that all about and so I want to see uh if we could maybe [Music] you know what let's change some stuff up we're gonna go back over here to our policies in our government tab here's our handy dandy leader here and now that we have we've pretty much we've expanded a bunch I'm I'm satisfied with all the expansion that we got in this game we're going to switch over to Cooperative it says that this Empire will attempt to find common ground and negotiate with other empires in the name of friendship now sending an Envoy to harm relations will cost us influence but our diplomatic weight is increased our Envoy Improvement relations will be increased our border friction we decreased meaning that if an AI is right at our borders we will have an okay relationship either way our operation cost and operation upkeep from Espionage operations will be increased and so that we won't be doing as much let's try to make them our friend and so I want to see what our relationships at right now it's at negative 153 let me see here since my subject is now my subject we don't have to increase relations with them or increase relations with these guys for now and so that is all set and done and wow talk about a incredible start right here and so yes this is looking like a pretty interesting looking Galaxy guys we were playing on a ring shape a small sized Galaxy uh we have a colonial centralization Tech complete that's adding me an upgrade to my my capital building and after that let's go for some more Naval cap while we're at it you know what let's just keep increasing that enable capacity it's at 48 right now and once we research that we will have it finished now the denieve system oh we want to give another Empire the wait not the prime Min right what they want to give the prime and interface Association status to the Federation those are machines I suppose so I mean hey if it brings us a new friend to worship our our same Faith then bring it but uh yeah I'm surprised that we would even want to uh have anything to do with robots in this game right now um all right so we're still going to keep pushing forward here and building right at the AI uh to get my borders right on top of them as quickly as possible here we're gonna go ahead and upgrade both of The Fleets that I have uh oh and we have an asteroid we have an asteroid that is getting ready to attack the system here and so what I'm gonna do is instead of getting a fleet and moving them all the way over instead we're gonna build two defensive platforms should be more than enough to hold that off and hopefully we can stop that before it hits this planet this is a pre FTL species that has a a dead God the corpse of some gargantuan alien creature keeps silent vigil in orbit over this planet I don't know if I've ever seen that trade before for a world but that's pretty interesting as for attack we went for mostly resource Technologies here once again we'll see if we can get this defensive base up and we have it up I just don't know if my can my ship stop it from hitting the world or can my my defensive platform stop it from hitting this planet either way there's 25 pops here so we'll see what happens with this world later on if it I'm actually curious what what will happen if this asteroid hits this planet it's kind of beautiful when you look at it all right so for my scientists here let's go ahead and I'm just gonna have them do a little bit of everything research every single thing out here in the Galaxy it looks like they're gonna head first to the popular rock dig site we'll read that once we we get to it here but now my Colony ship is just waiting outside of the system and I'm gonna have their stance set to passive and I'm just gonna have them go ahead and rush over here to oh I can't colonize the system yet yo USM what's going on popping in and say hey and Scoot since uh it's almost bedtime for me hey thank you for stopping by this evening we are in the middle of a new playthrough here we're 23 years in we currently run a a pretty powerful at least at this point in the game a powerful Federation a Holy Covenant at that we're leveling up our allies are getting stronger as well everyone's doing pretty solid and so yo thank you again for stopping by and hopefully you have a wonderful rest of your week ladies and gentlemen if you're watching this stream too yo this Wednesday all right I'm gonna be streaming the uh Stellaris with a Twist this is going to be me partnering up with another content creator by the name of e3po and uh we're gonna be streaming with uh partnering with Stellaris official uh for a Stellaris with a Twist game and so tune in for that that's going to be on Wednesday 9 p.m or 9 A.M Eastern time zone so very early in the morning for me but yeah we're gonna have some fun doing that for our ships here let's go ahead and just build Maybe you know what is this base I have here queued up all right so this is near my home system uh we'll add anchorages since I'm starting to run low on space and let's keep let's just keep the food up you know what better yet let's get this Interstellar recruitment office so that I can increase my chances of finding more renowned leaders the more renowned leaders the better and so here again my it looks like my my base may not be close enough we might see a pre FTL species get hit by an asteroid and so uh going back to our Traditions here we got a new one available the overwhelming force that says that everything must be brought to bear on the enemy of Victory is to be assured a Swift and decisive attack can paradoxly save lives that would have been needlessly lost in a prolonged engagement and so this increases my ship fire rate as well as my orbital bombardment damage and then after this we'll be finishing the supremacy tradition tree the overwhelming force of alpha Yang delete yo old man or death what's going on Welcome to the stream we just started a new playthrough here with the Common Grounds origin and already we have four members in our Federation and I'm an Overlord and what is this this is a hive mind species I don't know who they are but they look easily subjugatable and let's see if we can oh oh okay so I feel like this is a pre FTL that just like found space here I'm literally doing everything I can to see if they'll let me be there Overlord it looks like right now not yet now uh let's go over here to them and let's try to improve relations with these guys I'm gonna pull one of my envoys off of my Federation now guys we got a new member here uh in the Knights of Yang that is found common ground with us Backdraft 47 are now Grand shoe the status of alpha the energy of yang and the ability to delete all Elites thank you for the follow and Welcome to our slower stream here where we are playing with a alien species known as the big born Dominion bend the knee bend the knee bend the knee yes we gotta make them friends though so we're going to improve relations with them I'm using my my diplomatic corpse I'm using edicts all that jazz to uh give us Envoy bonuses and um I think we went down a little bit of the let me see oh no we didn't go down this side yet but yeah I jumped over to Supremacy so that I can get my fleets nice and strong just in case we may want to subjugate another another species uh ethereum State uh yeah and so proposed subjugation here they will not accept it though because we're in a federation together and so yeah outside of that though uh the sky blue borders excuse me guys got a little itch in my nose ah feels wonderful um the sky blue borders right here this is all me we did some early game expansion we got uh two other Empires capitals bordering my home world as well and yeah we just been trying to uh wiggle our way out we're playing on a ring-shaped Galaxy and so it's been a while since I've played on a Galaxy of this type of size uh and yo somehow we found out about the system up here that's interesting but uh yeah already it's been pretty busy here this Empire over here we found later on and I got the chance to subjugate them and so I'm their Overlord I think they're pretty loyal to us at the moment and we're gonna try and keep it that way uh but while we wait on that let's go ahead and build another Starbase or starport in this case Julio and so for my Colony ship here we are still waiting to uh go ahead and colonize this planet we have to wait until this asteroid is it's gonna hit oh my defensive platform is trying to stop it I see it shooting at it but will it be enough I'm not sure and oh what is this a weak but insistent signal transmit on repeat from the diadem system now one of my science ships is pinpoint the source to its emmanating uh that or it's a manatee from within the mouth of a destabilized Subspace rift at the system's Edge what could this be perhaps we shall find out and so it's oh it's a natural Wormhole okay well we got to use some technology there to figure out what that is all about but here an asteroid is about to hit this planet and I'm so sorry uh oh oh and my Federation is actually about to go to war and so we are now going to be voting to go to war against the kelzin dynastic Union that is going to be this Empire appearance so ladies and gentlemen we got one two three or Maybe actually no no I'm sorry one two three and four four Empires going up against this dynastic Union above us what is our what is our Federation going to vote for uh this is going to wrap up our solar stream guys I'm Outfield this is the Empire of feathers playthrough uh our bird-like species may or may not be involved in a war against this dynastic Union but we're gonna leave this on a cliffhanger again this Wednesday we are playing the Solaris with a Twist uh game I'm gonna be streaming that on YouTube and twitch so you can tune in for that uh if you want to see some more Solaris content please feel free to like And subscribe if you're watching this on YouTube and uh yeah tune in after the stream here uh throughout the week I will be leaving some polls up so that you guys can vote and sway the decisions that I make in my game but if you're hanging out with us today right now thank you so much for stopping by if you're watching this on YouTube I will see you all later I'm about to shut down my screen over here so that we can get ready to drop a raid for anyone and let's see who we have online today and so um I see a couple of people actually I know the perfect person guys we're gonna be dropping a raid for meowpenheimer this evening uh yeah tune in for them say hello uh I'm gonna be heading out of here though uh this Friday we will be continuing the Empire of feathers playthrough and this time we will see if our Empire is going to go to war guys thank you so much for stopping by again I appreciate everybody that hung out had gifted just even watched for a little bit or even lurked uh have a wonderful rest of your evening and I will see you all Wednesday morning Alf out
Channel: Alphayangdelete
Views: 1,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris Galactic Paragons, stellaris, stellaris 2023, stellaris 3.8, stellaris beginners guide, stellaris galactic paragons, stellaris game, stellaris gameplay, stellaris guide, stellaris leaders, stellaris live stream, stellaris orion, stellaris overlord, stellaris psionics, stellaris roleplay, stellaris starting guide, stellaris technology, stellaris tips, stellaris toxoids, stellaris traditions, stellaris tutorial, stellaris update, strategy games, birds
Id: wy5E3zECams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 20sec (7580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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