Laziness & Discipline | Jonathan Pokluda

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[Music] ports are we doing come on come on man I love worshiping with a band I don't know where you're at Fort Worth of Houston or or wherever you're gathering I hope hopefully you just were able to worship the Lord through some gifted musicians can we just thank the band who point us to Jesus as awesome and it is awesome to be pointed to our Creator with those guys anybody here in in a band like those guys are so cool I mean they're in band III was in bands like when it wasn't so cool to be in band anybody else the male's timbale like that you you're proud of it like yeah yeah no you know what you want to do this do this like yeah I was in band yeah yeah would you play trumpet percussion I played percussion that's that's just a fancy way to say drums you know I wanted to be like those guys who played the quads you know anybody who you know Joe's guys hi I went and I got my snare drum and go and you you get it and there I was in sixth grade I had my snare drum and I was so excited about it and and I don't want to brag but for the first couple weeks I was first chair every week no big deal don't treat me different okay just a normal guy first chair and and I remember my sister loved Metallica and she was my older sister she loved Metallica Metallica's drummer was so amazing his name was law as he was just would just go off on the kitten and that's what I thought I was gonna be like so I signed up for band in the sixth grade well then we go to competition and they put me I heard one of you you shout it like like the triangle okay like that was that was my role in the competition all these guys were doing all this crazy stuff on the drugs that I was like you know hit some blocks or something and and so it was you know as the the next two years I was in band the next two years progress here's what happened I started out first chair first chair if you weren't in band that's just a really good thing and then as the week's went on the next 24 months went on I moved to middle chair and then that kind of next year I say in last chair and I stayed there and I never moved on here's why I learned I'm not real passionate about the drums and because I wasn't super passionate about the drums I didn't practice like some of my peers did like they were passionate they went home they practiced every night they disciplined themselves they moved on to other percussion instruments I sat there with the triangle in my last chair because my passion for the drums was waning you know I don't know if you know what they're saying about us the reason I start with that story is because what they're saying is that if we're not passionate about something then we don't apply ourselves to it that's what they're saying about our generation I don't know what you think about that you can take that and be insulted or you can inspect your life and and ask is it true is that is that something that marks me is that something that's true for me I can remember thinking when I was playing the drums this is man this is hard it doesn't feel natural and if it doesn't come natural and it seems difficult it must not be right maybe I used our question you said maybe I wasn't made to do this if I'm not great at it it must not be my thing did you know that only 1% of people are naturally extraordinarily gifted at something less than 1% actually think genius think savant think like be able to step up to a piano for the first time and play it by ear less than 1% of people do you know what that means for us the other 99 plus percent of people if we're going to do anything great in this life it is going to require discipline that's the truth if you are going to accomplish anything extraordinary with the days the Lord has trusted to you on this planet it is going to require you pushing through the discomfort and embracing the grind and disciplining yourself and so we're in this series vice and virtue and tonight we're talking about laziness and discipline laziness and discipline laziness is simply the lack of discipline I'd ask you right now do you think you're lazy most of us don't think we're lazy how many of you hope to wake up this morning to look out the window and see a blanket of white snow yeah me too me too I was excited about that and I'm glad I'm not the only one and why yeah yeah yeah because you wanted to stay home you went to bed last night hoping that work would be canceled today are you lazy how many of you made New Year's resolutions they say forty percent forty percent of us made New Year's resolutions just for comparison 33 percent of us watch the Super Bowl forty percent of us made New Year's resolutions what were they they were around disciplines I'll give you some of the five most popular ones be disciplined to lose weight be disciplined to exercise more be disciplined to eat healthier get a better job get closer to God actually made the list and did you know that January 12th is national quitters day that is where statistically most people stop their New Year's resolutions we make it into the year twelve days I don't know where you're at in that journey but they say eight percent of people keep their resolutions 92% of Americans stop why because we're lazy because we're lazy and some of us have even a work to be lazy mentality I know you don't think you're lazy because you're busy and what I want you to know is just because you're busy doesn't mean you're not lazy the Proverbs actually speak to this idea that we can be doing a lot of things but not progressing not doing something productive our life not produce seeing anything great we're just busy you've heard a crazy busy I'm talking about lazy busy that we would sit that we would stick sit in a bunch of motion that we would create a lot of energy but there would be no productivity see some of us have a work to be lazy mentality we go to work on Monday waiting for Friday drudging through the week hoping to get to that finish line so we can kick up our feet and take it easy and if you don't believe me on that week to week basis just think about retirement like some of us just think hey we're gonna work hard when we're young hope to make a lot of money store it up in a 401k and then kick up our feet and take it easy our goal our literal goal in life is to be lazy that's what we hope to accomplish with our life is to one day be able to afford to be lazy are we lazy are we lazy if you're not convinced I want to turn to the Proverbs it's in the Old Testament it's a book written by kings most of mostly the King Solomon the wisest man who ever lived they were it's the book of wisdom its principles for us to live our life by and in the book of Proverbs there's lots of characters okay you have lady wisdom the the wise you have the fool you have the characters of the scoffers you have the isolated man you have a noblewoman of Proverbs 31 you have those who are wise in their eyes you have and then you get to the one that we're gonna look at this evening called the sluggard when you hear me say sluggard think lazy person the proverb talks about this character about a dozen times we'll address most of them I'm going to jump around but let me start here in Proverbs 26 so I can continue to ask the questions as we move through the Proverbs we're gonna look at the the topic of laziness three things the cause of laziness the cost of laziness what it costs you because the cost is high and then before you leave here this evening the cure for laziness from the Proverbs so we'll started here in Proverbs 26 he says this in verse 13 a sluggard says there's a lion in the road of lion roaming the streets now what does that mean the lazy person says there's a lion in the road it's a riddle sometimes these proverbial sayings are riddles they saying that a lazy person will make any excuse not to go to work there's a lion in the road there's ice in the road there's ice in the streets I can't go what what is your excuse I'm just not passionate about my work man I don't believe in the product my boss is a jerk they don't give me enough vacation they don't pay me enough I think I was made for something different and then verse 14 it says as the door turns on its hinges so the solar slugger turns on his bed what what does this mean again it's a riddle what does a door hinge do it moves a lot but goes nowhere lots of movement but it doesn't do anything the slugger turns on his bed you can picture the person laying on their bed rolling over and hitting the snooze button again and again and again did you know that if you hit anybody snooze button there's news this morning ok you're proud of that did you know that if you hit the snooze button for 15 minutes just 15 minutes a day if you snooze for just 15 minutes a day that's 92 hours a year that's four whole days of sleep at the end of a year that's you not getting out of bed for four whole 24-hour days just hitting the snooze button wants 15 minutes like a door hinge not going anywhere a sluggard buries his hand in the dish he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth what does that mean it's a riddle it means they don't finish what they start they don't finish what they start I tell my kids they can play any sport they want to play but if we started they're gonna finish it my daughter this year started playing basketball and and before her first game she broke her finger in two places doctors said she couldn't play basketball she's thinking now season's over I'm just not gonna be on the team no no we're going to to every game because you signed up to play we're gonna finish you're gonna sit on the on the sidelines you're gonna cheer on your team you're gonna sit with your team gonna cheer them on a sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who answer discreetly a Slugger says I work hard not smart I mean I work smart not hard like a pro will show you there a pro by what they do a sluggard a lazy person says hey there always a coach never a player hey I know everything about everything I've done these things hey sit back let me tell you how to do it let me tell you how good I am don't make me show you though don't make me get up from the couch and so let's just ask some questions before we dive in further let's ask some questions for these SEC's verse 13 do we make excuses to get out of discipline I can't go to work today because I'm hitting snooze because I can't I can't spend time with God this morning I'll do it later I'll do it this evening I'll do it before I go to bed verse 14 or are we busy but lack something to show for the busyness not getting better not getting greater not producing something great do we start things but not finish them in verse fifteen job the job ambition - ambition diet - diet I'm gonna work out this time gym membership to gym membership hobby to hobby no I found the thing no it's not the thing you meet somebody that like dude I love my job I got the best job and to where I got new job it's awesome and you talked to him like two months later he like dude how's it going now I quit man accept a job was awful and then you see me go but I got a new job is awesome so great my boss and then you see him later how's it going I got laid off it's always something you know thing to thing to thing why why would anybody be lazy I think it's different than you think let's talk about the cause of laziness my first point the cause of laziness you might be tempted to think that laziness is the lack of a desire or the lack of Drive it is not that laziness is an intense Drive it's an intense desire the reason that you hoped that it would that the roads would freeze last night is not because you don't have a desire it's because you had desire to what stay in your PJs all day sit by a fire and binge on Netflix you have a desire for it to be comfortable laziness is driven by a deep desire for comfort let me show you from the Proverbs proverbs 13 verse for a sluggards appetite is never filled but the field but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied in the ESV it says the soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing proverbs 21 verse 25 it says the craving of a sluggard will be death to them they have a craving but his hands refused to work all day long he craves for more but the righteousness but the righteous give without sparing what does a sluggard or lazy person crate they craze they crave comfort the cause of laziness is a craving for comfort write that down the cause of laziness is a craving for comfort it's wanting comfort ultimately your problem is not laziness it's the idolatry or the worship of comfort which produces laziness it's that I don't want to do anything that I don't want to do it's believing this lie and this is so popular among us and our peers believing this lie that that if it doesn't come completely natural to me if it's not easy then I shouldn't have to do it or maybe I'm doing the wrong thing and the enemy he'll convince you of that and he'll keep you in apathy so that you never produce anything great with your life there's a lot of examples of this I think that the ultimate goal of the enemy is that he would just keep you in a place of doing nothing great for the kingdom nothing great with your life not living your purpose there was a an anti-drug commercial in the 90s it was called Pete's couch you can look it up on YouTube later maybe you saw it as I did this was a season in my life where I was doing drugs I was smoking a lot of weed at the time of my life and and and so I was interested in this commercial because there were so many crazy commercials out there this is your brain on drugs scrambled eggs and whatnot and that just didn't appeal to me but this particular commercial was like okay there's some truth in that and essentially they were sitting on Pete's couch and he's like you know and the guy starts talking he's like hey I smoked weed and and nothing happened I didn't die I didn't do heroin I didn't get in a wreck nothing happened I smoked weed and you know what happened nothing we just sat on Pete's couch and then it talked about how you know we didn't go mountain biking we didn't go on a date at the ice skating rink we didn't do anything great we did nothing we sat on Pete's couch this is a great picture of laziness what's that risk with laziness that you would get to the end of this race and a lot of people would stand up at your funeral and they would talk about all the great things that you did except there aren't any there's nothing to say man they were really good at relaxing taking it easy man you know I remember when they caught the whole season on Netflix and it was awesome and there's nothing don't be this person man you were made for so much greater than that God made you for incredible purposes that the enemy wants you to miss out on if you're here he has a plan for you and so let's look at the cost of laziness right the cost of laziness I'm going to give you four P words from the Proverbs proverbs 6 verse 11 poverty will come on the sluggard like a thief and scarcity like an armed man one of the things that laziness will certainly cost you is prosperity remember when you were little and maybe you played mash in the third grade or something and you thought hey when I get older I'm gonna be rich we all think we're gonna be rich we all think we're gonna be millionaires and you get here and you realize the only way you're really going to be rich is if you work really really hard maybe you were born into it probably you're like the rest of us and you're going to have to work really really hard you're going to have to discipline yourself laziness will cost prosperity he says lazy people do not plow in season so at harvest time they look but find nothing that's proverbs 20 verse 4 laziness cost you progress you you won't go anywhere you won't have anything to show for your work it's like a door hinge you're lazy busy lots of motion nothing to show for it you cannot have any tremendous output without the input of hard work and discipline that's just a fact of life that's what's called the law of the harvest proverbs 10 verse 26 as vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the ice or sluggers to those who send them is saying hey these sluggards these lazy people they cause frustration to those they work for they're there they're bitter like vinegar or they they you don't want to be around you don't want to look at him like smoke to the eyes laziness cost you people's trust or reputation but I think the greatest risk friends is laziness cost you your purpose Ephesians 2:10 says for we are God's workmanship we are his masterpiece that's that's a beautiful thing just stop for a second to think about that that there's a God he's an artist he's a creator he created you he made your ears the way they are your nose the way it is he gave your eyes the color they are he gave you some talents some skills some of you are fasting made you that way for we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which he prepared in advance for us to do we were created for what to do good works that God the Creator prepared in advance for you to walk in that that's your purpose but if you waste your days here pursuing comforts then you miss out on your purpose and you don't walk through the good works which God prepared for you to walk through you stay on Pete's couch and your life passes you by see laziness is feeding your comfort it's not doing anything unless you feel like it but Christ he calls us to a different message he calls us to embrace discomfort he says in Luke 9 and also Matthews tene he said Jesus says to them whoever wants to be my disciple anybody want to be his disciple whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves what that means is must deny themselves comfort must must not just feed their appetites but must not just do what they want to do they must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me for whoever wants to save their life will lose it but whoever loses their life for me will save it the cost of laziness is not carrying your cross the cost of laziness is a wasted life the cost of laziness is a wasted life that's what's at risk a wasted life you won't grow you won't get better you won't be great at anything my wife and I we have three kids our son is five his name is Weston and he's been coming in our room at night like in the middle of the night like last night at 3:00 in the morning which is a terrifying thing to wake up and have a five-year-old staring at you you know and and he's moaning and crying and he's not a you know he's not sensitive when he's crying something's wrong and and so for the past few weeks he's been doing this I'm like buddy what's wrong he's like daddy my legs hurt my legs hurt and so we take him to the doctor and we're like hey he says his legs hurt like what is it you know it's a parent you don't want to see your kids in pain like that and and you know my son's probably going to be tall and the doctor just says hey this is growing pains you know as his body's producing sales and that in the and the bones are growing and the muscles stretching as his body is growing that those growth plates are shifting and and it's experiencing some pain and I was reminded of a boss that I had when I was in the corporate world he would tell me this he'd say JP you only grow when you're uncomfortable the only time you grow is when you're uncomfortable and you think that's true physically that's true spiritually that's true personally you only grow and you're uncomfortable if you want to grow you have to press in to discomfort you have to carry your cross if you never deny yourself you are denying yourself growth if you've never deny yourself in the pursuit of comfort you are actually denying yourself growth you will not grow personally just think about it I mean if anybody's new year's resolutions to get in the gym more mine was right you get in there and you have to press through the discomfort of lifting weights the discomfort of the class the discomfort of what you're going through and as a result you will grow yeah you you will not grow spiritually like some of us have the illusion that one day something's gonna happen we're gonna wake up we're just we're gonna like it's like God is gonna send His Holy Spirit to pull back the covers and to lift us out of the bed and move us to the table and and set a cup of coffee in front of us and it's just gonna be like coffee with Jesus it's gonna be so rich you know and we're just sitting there you and Jesus and y'all are just catching up having a great time and and he's teaching you you know this word here and the Greek it means and you're walking around you know like walking away from the Bible and you just learned it taught by the Holy Spirit and and you you look back at that you're like man that was so rich I can't wait to do it tomorrow some of you have that illusion and maybe that happens or or maybe you enjoyed your quiet time this morning but can I tell you something sometimes it's a grind it's called a spiritual discipline that you wake up tomorrow even when you don't feel like it and you study the scripture even when you don't feel like it and you pray regardless of if you feel like it or not like that's what I'm trying to tell you and I hope you find relief in this you doesn't you don't have to like it for it to be right you might just do it out of discipline some days you might enjoy some days it might be grind and that doesn't mean it's wrong you will not grow professionally like you might not like your job you know what a great opportunity is for growth a job you hate you might not enjoy your job do you know that's why they pay you see if you enjoyed it you might be tempted to do it for free and they member they hey we're gonna keep our money and you just keep showing up and doing that thing you enjoy and it's called a hobby but they pay you to be there because they know you don't like it that's that's the exchange that's what's going on there right and it doesn't matter if you don't like it be awesome at it there's an application for you whatever you do work at it as though you're working for the Lord Titus 2:10 says so that you make the teachings of Jesus our Savior attractive so you you be awesome at it you work to get great at it I've had a lot of jobs man a lot of jobs I worked at courtesy car wash wiping down cars I was a lifeguard I I worked at gadzooks in the mall there's in my raving days I don't want to go back there and then I worked at champs force slinging them J's sold tennis shoes for like five years champ sports got into college waited tables did that thing and and then I was a graphic designer out of college for a short time I was in business development in corporate America that's a fancy term for sales had a lot of jobs there I had one particular job that I hated that's the job I hated the most there's working for my dad he owned a surveying business you guys know a surveying is it's like where you measure land essentially so don't think like surveying and Dallas like we lived in the country and so surveying was like measuring hundreds or thousands of acres and so like if I showed you this like that yellow line there like we'd have to draw that line by putting those two points together but here was the problem if you go to the next picture here's what the landscape looked like the other one the brush it was just like thick brush right and so they put little JP you know a hundred yards away and and then they would hold this sign that you couldn't see and then they would give me a machete and they'd say hey you'd have to cut that brush for a hundred yards so that it would look like this the next picture and you know you'd have to cut a line my job for a summer was literally chopping down brush every single day of my life and I hated it with all of my heart I hated it but I look back on that with fond memories because it taught me to do something I didn't love it produced in my life work ethic that when I didn't feel like going to work and I still had to it taught me that I won't always just want to wake up the next day and and do whatever the task is before me I never wanted to do that but I had to because it was my responsibility because it was my job and so I know you're asked a lot when you were younger what do you want to be when you grow up the problem happens when you grow up and you're not what you want to be or you realize you don't really want to be what you thought you wanted to be when you grow up the key word there is want what happens when the wants not there what happens when the desires not there see what happened in Genesis 3 if you're new to church or the Bible Genesis 3 is you know God created the world and he created man and he put man in the world and it was a perfect world and all was right in Genesis 3 man shows away that was different than what God had for him sin entered the world and then it talks about the result of that sin and one of the specified results is now you will work and it will be hard now you're gonna work the ground and it's gonna fight against you a result of sin here's what that here's the truth about work work is supposed to be hard today in this de fallen world that we live in work is hard that's the truth you know what's interesting about Genesis and work work shows up in Genesis 1 when God created man and he says hey I want you to work the ground and subdue it that's hard work that's shovel in hand digging holes digging ditches kind of work it's difficult work but the reality of that being in Genesis 1 is this before Genesis 3 when God created a perfect world there was work work is not the result of the fall in fact you and I will work in heaven that's the truth we will have jobs in heaven and so work is good work is hard because of sin not because you have the wrong job not because you're doing the wrong thing it's hard because of sin so what's the cure let's talk about the cure for laziness as you consider Jesus's example think about when he was in the garden as Jesus was a human he had to do things he didn't want to do one of the things that he didn't want to do or didn't feel like doing was going to a cross to be publicly humiliated and tortured to death the reason he did that was because he loved you and me but in the garden when he's talking to the father he says Lord would you let father would you let this cup pass from me this thing that you're asking me to do it's so big and it's so hard I don't know that I want to but not my will your will be done and we can learn from Christ's example that as we go to work tomorrow you said god this is really hard but what is your will in it what would you like to produce in and through my life through this and and by Jesus's example what we learn is simply this just because something is hard doesn't mean it's wrong you've got to leave here with that truth that just because something is hard doesn't mean it's wrong and when something is difficult but necessary it requires discipline and that's really the application of this message the cure for laziness is discipline despite difficulty you can write that down the cure for laziness is discipline despite difficulty proverbs 6 says this go to the ant you sluggard lazy person look at the ant consider its ways and be wise it has no command or no overseer or ruler yet it stores its provision in summer and gathers its food at harvest it doesn't know it doesn't know or care or think about hey is this hard it says hey this has to be done so I'll do it because I need to do it to live and so it doesn't and so it requires discipline professional laziness requires professional discipline it's learning a skill developing it growing in it Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book called outliers and he came up with this idea that to master something to be great at anything requires 10,000 hours McLemore later wrote a song about this called 10,000 hours he actually referenced his Malcolm Gladwell in the song he's saying hey to do anything great requires 10,000 hours of grind not 10,000 hours of pleasure 10,000 hours of enjoyment but 10,000 hours of discipline that you're going to continue to press into the grind that you're going to honor God in the grind and so the cure for spiritual laziness is spiritual discipline that's why they're called spiritual disciplines reading the word or or praying or getting in community going to church and fasting these are spiritual disciplines they mark your life whether you feel like it or not so did you wake up this morning listen did you wake up this morning and spend the first part of your day in God's Word and if you didn't if you didn't then I just would challenge you tomorrow to do so if you like man that's hard how do I do it let me let me tell you how to do it let me break it down for you okay let's say how long do you want to spend in God's Word let's just say 30 minutes okay spend a half an hour you know reading a scripture and praying asking God to be way to protect you in the day that you would be faithful in day you would do his will in that you know how we're gonna do that so here whatever time you woke up this morning just backup your alarm 30 minutes okay back it up 30 minutes you cool some of you're like shaking hand like no I can't do that yes you can I promise you can do that back it up 30 minutes here's and then here's what I want you to do you like yeah but I'm just gonna hit snooze no you're not we're gonna move the alarm across the room okay move it ya know some gas you know you're gonna be okay I'm walking you through this write it down it's gonna be okay call me actually called David and and and we'll we'll help you okay so so back it up back up the alarm 30 minutes now here's the here's the trick put the alarm across the room and fit your phone if it's an alarm clock whatever put on the other side of the room you got to get up to turn it off okay your roommates are gonna hate you and then here's what I want you to do I want you to put your Bible on top of your alarm okay so that before you turn it off you got to pick up your Bible you already hold it in your hand okay that's half the battle right there all right so you so you you get up you you curse me you walk across the room okay you pick up your Bible you turn off your alarm and then just keep walking to the kitchen okay and sit down make yourself a cup of coffee and just it's been 30 minutes or like I don't know what to do go to join the journey calm we'll help you you can read the same thing I will tomorrow you think man that's the same thing JP's reading DeMars reading Todd wagner's reading we're all reading the same thing be a short little scripture you can read it you can read a Devo you can pray about it I want you to do it tomorrow you know what I want you to do for the next 30 days let me tell you what's gonna happen the next 30 day like 30 days yeah 30 days you're gonna be okay 30 days here's where I want you to here's what's gonna happen you're gonna wake up and you're gonna think you know what I'll do that at lunch no you won't do it in the morning tomorrow morning you think you know I'll do it before I go to bed stop it stop making excuses there's a lion in the road there's a lot no stop there's no lion its Dallas okay its Texas there's no lion pick up your Bible walk to the kitchen and get in that 30 minutes and do it for 30 days it'll be a habit after that it will become easier and easier I think so you tell me if I'm wrong come back say I did it one easier and but but let's just do that just commit to doing that discipline yourself the cure for personal laziness is to grow in discipline you know working out eating right ah listen this is something I struggle with that's you've heard me say a bunch of times we've been here long I hate working out because it's hard it's not fun nothing fun about it not for me anyway I mean you know when it comes to food I like to eat whatever I want to eat so I had my own resolutions I started 2018 with a juice cleanse pray for me not eating anything solid just drinking juice my son my 5-year olds a daddy why would you do that I'm like that's a good question I don't know but but here's why because I don't want to be a slave to my cravings I don't want to be a slave to my body I want my body to be a slave to me I don't want to do what it feels I want it to do as I feel as I believe surrender to the spirit right and so I'm not just following those cravings think about hey how do I kill comfort in my life so that I would replace a desire for comfort with the desire for discipline that I would honor God in the grind because the cause of laziness is a craving for comfort the cost of laziness is a wasted life and the cure for laziness is discipline first Timothy 4 verse 7 says that that we're to discipline our self for the purpose of godliness and so if you're here and you're like I want to be godly what that scripture is saying is that you literally that you can become godly through discipline it says it right there in the scripture that godliness comes by way of discipline not easy not not just because you feel like it that sometimes you have to honor God in the grind and you want to know the truth about me when it comes to drums I ain't great I'm not a great drummer percussionist if you will like I could come up here and do my very best and try to fake it I'd love to invite my friend Justin up here that just happened that's as good as I got why cuz I never practiced I never discipline myself and Justin you've been playing the drum for what 23 years I just stepped on your tambourine bro I'm sorry 23 Justin I've been at the porch since the very beginning he's been a part of the porch band and do could play the drum can you play the drums play the drums for it's like it's like just like I didn't [Applause] is that can hit those things with sticks but I can't make it beautiful I can't make it in beat to do that takes control it takes discipline if you know anybody that's going to do something great with their life they're either part of the less than 1% or they discipline themselves and when it got hard they pressed in and they said Lord I don't want to do this but not my will that I will what would you have me do how would you use my life let me pray that you would God thank you for our friends that are here and just the truth and the Scriptures is these practical life lessons that can fill feel a little bit like you know tips and tricks to to living life but the truth is you've called us to discipline ourselves for godliness thank us some of us and I'll start with me I need to confess the sin of laziness I don't like it when my wife leaves a list for me to do and I've got a bunch of tasks and I love to sleep in God I really I'd love to do what I want to do I love to feed my flesh you've got to acknowledge that's not gonna produce your greatness an act of worship for you and so lord I want to present we want to present our bodies as living sacrifices would you see them as holy and pleasing that this would be our spiritual act of worship father help us not to conform any longer to the patterns of this world we got help us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind that we might be able to test and approve what your will is your good pleasing and perfect will in Jesus name Amen
Channel: The Porch
Views: 79,014
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Jonathan, Pokluda, Watermark, Community, Church, Vice & Virtue, Vice, Virtue, The Porch, Porch, Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, Texas, Young, Adult's, Ministry, Jesus, Christ, laziness, discipline
Id: oG1Uc4qn7ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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