Smoking Chuck Roast -- Start To Finish On The Weber Kettle

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today I'm gonna be smoking to chuck roasts with olive wood out on the weber kettle but I'm not going to be using the briquette baskets I'm not going to be using the vortex I'm gonna be using something I've never used before the slow and sear [Music] that's right I'm probably one of the three people in the barbecue world who's never used the slow and sear I've seen so many videos on it I've always wanted to try it but just never really wanted to run out and get one I have the vortex I have the briquette baskets well David had adrenaline barbecue reached out and said hey you want me to send you once you can try it out well sure why not I'll give it a try and the thing I really want to try with it is not the seer aspect of it today it's the slow aspect if it will give me that consistent temperature over a longer period of time during that slow cook will I do these Chuck roasts I'll consider that a success so let's get started and the first thing I've got to do is make this rub how many ingredients five ingredients not going over five today first ingredient two tablespoons of ground black pepper a tablespoon and a half of smoked paprika a tablespoon of granulated garlic a tablespoon of hickory smoked salt I did a video on how to make hickory smoked salt and this stuff is great and a tablespoon of Trader Joe's South African smoked seasoning blend I'm gonna put the lid on shake it up there's our rub let's give it a try really good it's kind of that classic SPG rub with a little bit of extra things in there got that salt got that pepper nice smoky flavor from both the Hickory salt and from that smoke seasoning blend it's gonna work great on these chuck roast so I have two USDA choice chuck roasts here they're each about two and a half pounds we have some decent marbling in them they're not prime their choice but they look pretty good I don't really need to do any further trimming on these so I'm just gonna go ahead and hit these with the rub it's gonna get a nice coating I'll make sure you get the edges on these two Chuck Rose have quite a bit of surface area when you consider the edges also alright these look like they're rubbed up nice good coating of seasoning over all the surfaces I'm gonna put these in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes while we go outside and get the slow and sear going when david adrenalin BBQ said he wanted to send me one i just asked well what are the parameters of this you know and he said just read the instructions and use it and see how it works so that's what I did I read the instructions so I've got a dozen briquettes here I'm gonna light them using my propane torch which is how I usually light these small amounts all right I want to give these about 15 minutes or so to sort of fully catch and start to ash over then I'll add the rest of the charcoal to this as it says in the instructions if you're hearing some lawn mower noise please pardon that I know you're here in traffic traffic's all the time at my house now if you're thinking had gosh another slow insurv IDEO or hey this guy got a free slow NC R all right yeah you know that was my concern - when David reached out to me I've seen hundreds and hundreds of slow insert videos and so I asked him I said hey you know I want to do some different things with this and he said go ahead so now this first cook isn't so different it's doing chuck roast which I know people have done using the slow ins here but I want to do over the next couple months I want to try out the aspects of this that I would use mostly big-time the slow aspect which I mentioned if this unit will live up to what I understand it's supposed to be able to do and I can put these Chuck rows on here and sort of forget about it for hours on end that'll be a major thumbs up in my book one reason is it's humid today I don't want to stand out here if I don't have to nursing the kettle or adding more charcoal or things like that I'd like to be able to just put it on there let it do what it needs to do and only come out when I have to do things like wrap it later and add some liquid and put it back on so in this first use of the slow NC R well I make these olive smoked Chuck roasts we'll see if it doesn't live up to the expectations I'll let you know I am trying to follow the directions to the letter here but I want to be able to use it the way I would use a piece of cooking equipment I'm not gonna use small chunks of wood I like using those sort of 6-inch splits of wood when I'm smoking I don't think that's gonna have any effect on it if it does that will be some point to consider in how I think I'm gonna use this so for this first test of the slow ones here today it's all about the slow okay our charcoal looks good there those first dozen briquettes I'm gonna go ahead and add the chimney full of unlit charcoal as per the directions just a few of these here may have to take a few off this too much because the cooking grate comes very close to this I don't know if my chimneys a little bigger I think it's just normal size but I may have to take a few pieces of this off I think I will just to be safe so it's not overloaded and not touching the cooking grate all right looks good now it's time to add the 1 quart of nearly boiling water let's get the cooking grate on get our temperature probe set up so I have the probe probably about 108 inches away from the charcoal this is normal position I would have it if I was running Birkett baskets or the vortex in here so let's go ahead and get these chuck roses on go ahead and get my temperature probe in here see if we have good placement 42 degrees that's perfect just came out of the refrigerator about 10 minutes ago I'm gonna get my first piece of wood on here I'm just gonna put the stick of olive I'm gonna start it over by this side so it will eventually catch as these coals catch I'm gonna leave the wing here open like that so it gives more room for wood that's one of the things I'm noticing is if you have this slow and seer filled with a full chimney of charcoal it does seem to come right up to great level so if you're adding wood chunks on there or anything like that can be a little bit of a hindrance if you don't have this opening so I've got to check and see maybe my chimney is too big it's just the weber standard chimney swap to see I didn't overload it it was actually just below the top rim but so far so good alright let's get the lid on and set the vince's they're supposed to be set okay it says to have the top vent open fully which it is and it says the bottom vent should be about 1/2 I have my 1/3 and 2/3 marks on here so I'm gonna bring it right between those there's 2/3 so I'm guessing 1/2 is somewhere right about there good smoke rollin out of there just gonna monitor these temperatures and adjust the vents as we need to so the temperature I'm hoping for in the kettle today is right around 250 if it gets 10 to 25 I'm totally fine with that the internal meet temperature we're going for in this initial phase is somewhere between 150 and 160 once we get that and we're in that sort of stall range we're gonna wrap it in foil with some moisture in there we're gonna put it back on and we're gonna take it up to somewhere between 195 and 200 plus but that's just the guide once we get to that desired tenderness we're gonna be using these Chuck roasts for two different things one of them it's gonna be using another video one of them I'm gonna slice for some sliced beef sandwiches so I'm gonna monitor these temperatures adjust the vents is necessary I'll bring you back in a bit all right the kettle temp is about 216 or so I reduced the upper vent to about half as it says in the instructions the lower vent is now at 1/3 that's the lowest mark I have and I think that's about where it should be per the instructions so I'm just gonna watch this and see if I can get it to settle into that 225 to 250 range I still got nice smoke coming out of there okay made a couple slight adjustments I opened the bottom vent a little closer to two-thirds and the upper vent about 3/4 and seemed to be stabilizing you know in the upper two 20s which is fine with me I know this is gonna take time to develop my first time using this you know I'll be able to dial it and better but right now I'm you know it's doing well it's doing what it's supposed to do you know just by following those instructions it's you know staying in that 225 to 250 range so so far so good internal meet temperatures in the mid to upper 50s still got about a hundred degrees to go there could take hours hours and hours anywhere from two hours to five hours just depends on the meet I'll keep monitoring this I'll need to add some more olive wood a little later I'll bring you back when it's time to have a look and see how it's doing okay so we've got an internal meet temperature of 157 the kettle temperature is 242 and I've got to be honest it's stayed pretty much rock-solid between you know 230 and 255 for the past three hours so that's pretty darn good the only thing I did was add one small piece of olive in that time didn't do anything else to the charcoal it's just been running rock solid so know so far the Sloan's here is living up to with that slope art so let's take a look at this Chuck roast so I think we're ready to wrap it let's take a look at a couple things on the slow and sear first we've still got a really good amount of charcoal left the entire one side has not ignited yet the other side is burning seems steadily but not too fast it might be hard to see but the water reservoir looks to be about 1/3 full still so that makes sense the initial part of this cook a lot of heat generated a lot of steam and you can even see a lot of moisture on the chuck roast which is fine with me the two chuck roast looked good we're not having a really hard bark develop yet there's so much moisture in here with that water that's okay I'm not really going for a hard bark on this if I wanted to I could let this go another hour or so and try and develop that more but I really want the tenderness and the moisture in this meat so so far this is looking really good we're at 157 it's stalled right now it's been at 157 for about 20 minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap these there's number one build up a little reservoir around this and I'm gonna add some beef broth here just so we have a little more moisture in this we wrap it up and that's maybe a quarter cup turn it and double wrap it nice and tight get that back on wrap the other one let's get this back on the kettle alright I'm gonna get my temperature probe back in and I'm just gonna try and get it to where it's gonna give me a reading to where we left off that 157 see if we can do that okay we're showing an internal meat temperature of 155 so that's a pretty close hit to where we had it before at 157 I'm good with that let's get the lid back on keep this cooking we'll let the kettle come up to temp I'll keep monitoring the temperature so we still stay in that you know to 25 to 50 range and when the meat starts hitting that and you know 195 range I'll start probing it for tenderness we don't need to worry about any wood smoke anymore it's all just about heat now bring you back when it's time to check this okay the kettle temp is 242 the meat temps 196 it's time to start probing it it has been almost five hours and this loewen's here just rocked this slow I mean it uh I haven't done anything to the charcoal it's still going in there I haven't even looked other than you know when we've had it open or just adjusted the vents initially so it's I'm impressed so far all right let's get this open because we're going to probe these chuck roasts first and if they're probing tender we're gonna wrap them in a towel and put them in a cooler for another hour and a half okay before I probe those I want to take a look at the slow ends here I would say probably about 75% of the charcoal has either fully burned or mostly burned the other 25% is in some state of actual burning which means this still has some time to go I mean this could probably go another hour to two hours without having to do anything and still maintain that temperature between the 225 and 250 so we're talking seven hours on one chimney full of charcoal that's pretty impressive I know that it's supposed to do that other people have done this before but when you're testing something yourself you really want to put it through those paces and actually see it do the work and it's doing it alright let's probe these chuck roast and see how they're doing start with this one over here now remember I'm going through two layers of foil here okay that's fair that's feeling very tender let's check this one same thing Guerry tender wants it through the foil just sliding all right it is time to get these off here and wrap them in that towel and put them in the cooler sit this down into the bottom there it's friend right on top we're just gonna bring the towel over Attucks gram in there close the lid we won't be opening that for another hour and a half all right here is one of our Chuck roasts I want to open it up for you before I transfer it to a cutting board so let's see what we have inside it is still very hot in a little more than an hour and a half look at all that juice oh look at that all right I'm gonna get this transferred to the cutting board and I'll bring you back here's this beautiful chuck roast oh it's still very hot but it's time to cut into this first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut straight across this way ah let's see looking good nice smoke ring there if you can see this look at that just falling apart oh this is beautiful this is pretty fall apart tender so slices are gonna be tricky you can see it's just pulling apart here it's kind of like that brisket pull look at that so I am gonna build a sandwich out of some of these slices from this chuck roast but first I got to have a taste of this this is almost like the point from the brisket it is so fatty Oh ma'am mmm sometimes just that beef flavor simple rub on it adding that beef broth while it was in the foil it just totally enhances the beefiness of this it is so good no good smoke ring not super deep we only had about three hours of smoke if this had been a chuck roast we did for five or six hours naked in there without being wrapped first you would have had a deeper smoke ring but it's there and I'm getting that olive that I used on some short ribs before really good oh man moist fall apart everything's just pull I mean you could shred this this is polo ball chuck is one of those cuts of meat that you treat like a brisket a little bit shorter amount of time but you can flavor it any way you want you could go sweet on this you could put you know brown sugar rub on it I've done that before it's really good I wanted to go just straight really traditional simple rub SPG you know couple extra flavors in there some really good smoke with that olive wood and it turned out melt just dissolve right there mmm okay it's time to build a sandwich out of this just gonna start laying some of these pieces on here well it's getting top-heavy nice fatty pieces place them crosswise here I want to put a little horseradish on here I want to put a few marinated red peppers on top of this now I could also go very BBQ on this and put barbecue sauce but I'm just going for that horseradish sort of bite I'm the kind of the sweet coolness of these red peppers all right let's top this and have a taste got my sliced chuck roast sandwich here very simple not a lot on it just a few flavors because I really want to taste this beef so here we go mmm Chuck works so well in a sandwich completely tender juicy takes that flavor of the horseradish really well a little peppers on top are nice this is just a simple sandwich look it's not big it's just so good mmm I mean really the sandwich is just a delivery system for the chuck roast boy it works if you wanted to you could take this you could serve it with potatoes you could serve it over rice you can flavor it any way you want again chuck roast takes flavors so amazingly well that's why at the end of this you could pull it you could dump barbecue sauce in there make barbecued beef sandwiches sliced beef sandwiches with barbecue sauce or like I did with some horseradish and some peppers chuck roast is one of those versatile cuts of meat that gets overlooked a lot of times it just takes time to cook like a brisket but not as long you get very similar results mmm and I want to say just a quick word about the slow and sear that I tried today for the first time during this cook of these two chuck roasts I'm impressed with it it did what it said it was going to do it allowed me to cook for five hours with one chimney of charcoal that I didn't have to keep tending to and I think that's really the key with it it's sort of you get it dialed in and I'll get better at as I use it more once you get it dialed into that specific thing you don't have to do much to it and that brings me to my only issue with it it is so large in terms of height in there that you can't really put a wood chunk in there with a full chimney of charcoal and close that upper wing now is that major issue not really that Wayne can stay open if you're adding wood for smoke you're not gonna have the meat directly over searing at that time anyway but it is something I have to plan for if I am gonna be doing slow and searing at some point I'm gonna have to close that wing now looking at the charcoal it's gone down by that point it's not all the way up to the top there's gonna be plenty of room so that's really my only thought on this is it a perfect piece of equipment no I don't think anything is but for what it says it's gonna do it delivers and again that was sent to me for free for evaluation I am telling you my honest opinion on it if I hated it I would tell you I'm very thankful that David sent it to me I'm gonna keep using it over the next several months trying different methods and different pieces of meat with it and I'll let you know if something doesn't work or if something works really great but so far in the slow aspect of it I'm really liking it I hope you enjoyed this video feel free to check out some of the other videos on my channel and consider subscribing and if you do click that bell for notifications thank you all for watching hope you have a great day I'll see you again soon
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 132,536
Rating: 4.880435 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, grilling, bbq, barbecue, charcoal grill
Id: fciMLkNy-qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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