Reverse Sear vs Traditional Cast Iron Skillet - Steak Experiments

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welcome back to another steak experiment video here on barbecue and bottles and today we're gonna be testing the reverse sear steak method out on a quemado versus the traditional cast-iron sear method to see which one produces the better result if you follow us on instagram we just dropped a picture of doing a cast-iron stake in the Quemado and a lot of people said well you're not gonna get the full smoky flavor of cooking in the komono through that method and we bought it in part to put that to a test here and just see which of those outcomes we prefer whether we go down the reverse sear method like people were suggesting or whether we just do the traditional cast-iron pan fry to start with of course you've always got to have a great quality piece of beef and if you look at this we've gone out and gotten some what is equivalent here in Canada to some Triple A prime and this is just absolutely incredibly marbled you've got to pay up for quality beef like this but that's certainly the best place to make an investment in your cook is just get a go to your butcher asked where the beef was raised make sure you're getting something that's got this type of marbling all the way through the tenderness the taste profile difference you're gonna notice it promise you then as you can see here we have put these steaks on the drying rack we've done almost a 48-hour dry brine with these we'll drop a link in the video below as to how you actually dry brine but just quickly we put a bunch of sea salt we use meld on sea salt on the steaks put those on a cookie sheet drop that in the fridge for 48 hours and the salt just really absorbs evenly throughout the whole steak that process also helps to break down some of the fiber and the muscle tissues just for a more tender outcome we think that's one of the biggest differences that we've tested here on the channel in terms of getting really tender and well-seasoned flavor profile on your steaks so if you've got the the time to do that make sure you season your steaks 48 hours before so now that we've covered off the prep here let's go fire up the Kamado and get the reverse sear steak on the grill so we've got our firebox loaded up with charcoal here we're using the Kamado Joe big block but that just burns really long provides a nice even consistent heat and now let's light it up you'll see we ignited that in three different places just to make sure we got even ignition across the charcoal now we're gonna put the lid down here get the vents adjusted so remember we're going for 225 to 250 so we're just gonna crack the vent open a little bit here and if we want to warm it up we'll take the vent this way if we want to cool it down we'll just tighten up that vent a little bit but we're usually getting to 25 right around this mark here so we'll leave that there and then with the bottom vent we're just gonna scooch that open a little bit just a tiny bit and now we're gonna go back inside give this probably 10 to 15 minutes to warm up and then we'll see if we're at our tent so now that we've got this lit we're just gonna put in place the slow roller technology which is actually some new technology from come out Oh Joe that was invented by Harvard it's just supposed to make for a more even smoke flow around whatever protein you're cooking so we'll see how that works and then we're gonna drop in there divide-and-conquer system here and you'll see we've got the shelves up top that's because we're gonna do our steak indirect here then we'll remove the slow roller system get this ripping hot we'll put a cast-iron pan on here and then we'll sear off those steaks so with that let's close down the lid and we'll give this a couple minutes to come up to temp so we're honor desired temper so I'm just gonna burp this open get this up now we're gonna take one of the steaks and we're just gonna put it right here in the middle now close this down this at between 225 to 250 it's probably going to take an hour we're looking for the internal temp of the steak to get up to about 115 120 degrees Fahrenheit and in the meantime we're gonna take this other steak back inside and you know that time it's going to allow this other steak to get up to room temperature so that when we sear it in the cast-iron pan there's a better chance of getting that perfect medium-rare from edge to so while the stakes out reverse searing there we've probably got 45 minutes to an hour so we're gonna make some compound butter we're just gonna need some salted butter some garlic cloves some chives and some freshly ground black pepper now the secret to this is actually to leave your butter out on the counter for at least an hour and ideally overnight before you make this just so that it's nice and soft and it's a little bit easier for you to mix once you bring the in group put the ingredients in it we're gonna go in with some freshly cracked black pepper you just do this to taste now there's no magic to this it's really easy to do this so I'd suggest over your steak cooks you just refine what mix a pepper what mix of garlic and how much chives you actually like in your recipe so there we go now we're just gonna go in with some garlic and now we've got the chives let's just get rid of the ends like that and now we'll cut this up nice and finely and this is just gonna add some nice color and texture to the compound butter it's really gonna elevate your sneaking this is something that you see at a lot of the really high-end steak houses or just it doesn't even have to be that high-end and just brings a really nice flavor profile to your steak and know if you need butter for any other purpose you've got an awesome garlic infused chive pepper butter that you can use so now just take a fork and mash this all together all right so once you've got this mixed together you're gonna want to take some parchment paper like this and just put a gob of it down right in the middle of one of the edges here now the secret is then to roll this into a tight roll and to do that just slowly work your way like this and it's not going to be perfectly uniform at the moment but once you get your role done now just twist on each of the ends and that's gonna push the butter into the center and give it a perfect cylindrical shape and now this you can put in your fridge it'll keep for at least a week you can put it in your freezer and then take it out whenever you need it alright it's been about an hour here so let's check the temp on mistake we're at about 128 so we've shot a little bit past where we wanted it to be so now we're just gonna take this off and bring that inside now we're just going to prep our grill for the sear so to do that I'm just going to pull this out pull out the slow roller now we're going to open up the vents all the way and just get this ripping hot get this back in here for our cast iron pan now I'll get our cast iron pan on here warm it up just like that close down the lid alright we've got this grill up to temp here you can see we've got it reading 600 degrees Fahrenheit in the dome now let's crack this burp it now we're gonna check what the temperature is in the skillet so we've got our infrared thermometer gonna point that in the middle here we're looking for at least 500 degrees Fahrenheit we've got this ripping hot as you can see so now we're gonna go in with a little bit of oil now we're using avocado oil because it's got such a high smoke point as opposed to extra virgin olive oil we'll just put a very generous amount in the pan now it's going to be time to get this all around the pan a nice even coating and then let's drop our steak in [Music] now we're gonna want that to sit there and fear untouched for probably three to four minutes before we flip it and that's really gonna let the mired reaction just caramelize the bottom of that steak and give it that beautiful crust that we know and love and then when we flip it will come in with the rosemary garlic and butter that it got on the side and that's when we'll add in the other steaks that we've been reversed searing and we'll make sure both of them get that same kind of garlic butter rosemary aromatics plus the reverse ear of course we'll have the extra smoke all right just look at the crust that we got on this guy a nice char and now we're gonna add in the reverse steak we're gonna add in the butter and be generous with the butter here folks there's no reason not to be [Applause] having the rosemary garlic cloves [Applause] just now we're just gonna be basing these stakes here making sure we're getting all that garlic butter rosemary up onto the steaks assuring mistakes get infused with that flavor beautiful now flip the reverse your steak over and just look at that crust absolutely gorgeous perfect 126 so it's time to pull these guys off just look at that beautiful sear absolutely incredible another great sear on this side too look at that so let's close this down and head inside now we've got the steaks inside resting we're gonna want to put a bit of that garlic compound butter that we made on top of these and now we're just gonna slice some disks and now we're gonna let these rest on tent it in foil for the next 10 minutes untended because we have these indoors they're not gonna lose a lot of heat and we don't want the tenting to just steam these steaks any further because we don't want to ruin that amazing crust that we created now if we're doing this outdoors and the ambient temperature outside was really cold then maybe we consider tenting but not today we want to let these rest let the juices redistribute throughout mistakes so that when we cut into them we're getting that juicy outcome that we're looking for all right we've had these steaks inside and resting for the last 10 minutes and just so that you can follow along this is the one that was done reverse sear method with this the brief sear in the cast iron pan at the end then this is the one that we just seared in the cast iron skillet all the way through so let's slice into these and see how we did now we'll take a few pieces out from the center of each of these just so that we can judge how we did here now I think you can see on the reverse sear at stake here there definitely is more of an even doneness all the way through it's not quite wall to wall but I think we had that pan potentially a little bit too hot and in fact I know we did when you look over at this mistake that was seared in the cast iron pan there's large walls of gray before you get to that medium-rare interior and frankly that's because I think we started with the pan around 650 degrees Fahrenheit we should have been closer to 5 degrees Farenheit to be honest we've got the smoking point of avocado oil at five hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit and it just allows for a little bit less burning on the crust and more of just that traditional mired reaction and Brandis that we're looking for so overall undone this here I'm totally gonna give it to the reverse your snake like that's the whole theory is that you get more even wall to wall medium-rare and it definitely beat out the cast-iron skillet in that regard now let's go in for the taste test here just gonna slice some of these pieces alright grab one with the fat cap mmm there seasoning on that is beautiful that 48 hour dry brine you definitely get salt all the way through the piece there isn't any overpowering of the salt or when you get a salt crystal that's on the surface to your steak that you just bite into and again it's that overpowering flavor not at all here that's really perfect that's what we were looking for really nice crust - there's a good crunch but you're not so much of the smoky flavor right and that's the other thing that the reverse sear should deliver for us is just a bit more of that smokiness that we're looking for from a charcoal charcoal cook steak I so let's try this and see if it lives up to its reputation mmm I get to buy Tara oh my gosh that was absolutely incredible you can really taste the smokiness of the charcoal and a similar seasoning profile nothing overpowering evenness all the way through super tender and you know what I think overall I'm gonna declare the winner here one that's just based on your personal preference now if you like that smoky flavor and we have some people in our household that don't then if you like it you're gonna want to go down the reverse sear method if you don't and all you're really looking for is a delicious steak just like a steakhouse come in your home then go down the route of searing and cast-iron and you'll just get that but early buttery garlic rosemary profile that's absolutely amazing with a super crust so if you liked this video give us a like below smash that like button consider subscribing to the channel if you liked this video and you thought it was worthwhile because we've got more of these steak experiments coming up and we've got we've done about a dozen of them we've got another dozen to come and as always let us know what you're interested in seeing drop something in the comments below if you want to see a specific steak experiment if you want us to cook other proteins like brisket or pork butt or you name it just let us know we're here to create content for you guys thanks for tuning in
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 171,196
Rating: 4.7144003 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, Reverse Sear, Cast Iron Steak, Steak Experiment, Reverse Sear Steak, Steak, Smoking a Steak, Kamado Steak, Kamado Joe Classic III steak, Kamado Joe Classic 3 Steak, kamado joe steak reverse sear
Id: -UvMwecFR-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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