I’ve been COOKING steaks WRONG all this time? Seriously!?

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys you saw the thumbnail sure we always let our steak come to room temperature before we actually cook it is it true have you ever done the experiment I've never done it I have no idea if it's true but however I've heard that from many many chefs today we are running that experiment check it out we all love perfectly cooked steaks and when we cook it right it comes out juicy tender and everything we ever won on amazing steaks just like this as I just mentioned many chefs swears by letting the steaks come to room temperature before cooking it and one of the reasons I believe they say that is so that it will cook evenly which does make sense especially because the heat comes from the outside in and if the steak is warm at room temperature you will get hotter faster so today we're gonna see if this is really true I'm cooking steaks with three different methods Suvi reverse sear and a traditional pan fry to settle this debate once and for all oh and just a quick heads up the results are absolutely mesmerizing and these are the star of the show for obvious reason they were delivered to me by my meat supplier aka my meat dealer and if you don't have one you should especially in today's time it is awesome to have somebody you can trust since they all come individually packed it is awesome to pick out of the freezer the exact amount I need this way I don't have to compromise any of the others after opening them up you can really appreciate the marbling of these beautiful steaks this is exactly what you should be getting when buying prime steaks but now that I have these beautiful steaks ready here's how this experiments gonna work the first thing I want to do is to separate them in individual trays so that I can easily move them around this will keep them all from receiving heat from my hand since you already know to be cooked sous-vide too I'll be using the reverse sear method and the other two pan-fried we started off with the two Suvi steaks as you can see they're beautiful revised before starting the experiment the first thing we need to know is when food starts growing bacteria at room temperature and according to the FDA here's what they say bacteria grows most rapidly in the range temperature between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 140 doubling in numbers as little as 20 minutes this range of temperature is often called the danger zone that's why the meat and the poor trade hotline at is consumer to never leave food out of a refrigeration for over two hours so to be clear a maximum length to let the steaks rest at room temperature is two hours every steaks start at my fridge temp which is 34 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degree Celsius one will go back into the fridge and it will stay at that temperature in two it's time to cook and this one will stay at room temperature and with all that being said this is the result I got after leaving it out of the fridge for two hours first my studio temp was 74 degrees Fahrenheit that is our target room temperature before cooking the steak after 30 minutes the steak went from an internal temperature of 34 degrees Fahrenheit all the way up to 37 but the surface temp went up much more it started at 34 and he climbed up to 45 degrees Fahrenheit after one hour the internal temperature raised by three degrees however the surface raised 19 degrees Fahrenheit and exactly after two hours the internal temperature was 46 degrees Fahrenheit or eight degrees Celsius which is a total increase of 12 degrees Fahrenheit internally and the surface of the steak had reached room temperature at 74 degrees Fahrenheit and as you already know we cannot leave it any longer than that if we do we're gonna be running some huge risks one interesting thing I noticed right away is that the room-temperature steak really is quite a bit a lot of juices and let me tell you something I was not happy about that but it's expected when you leave steaks at room temperature so I place both steaks in a cooling rack for seasoning and once I did that ah check out the juices I really wish that was inside of the steak and not on my plate for the seasoning I kept a pretty simple I seasoned it with salt pepper and garlic powder when I picked up the steak I'll tell you one thing the room temperature was so soft that he got me by surprised it's way too soft and something I'm not used to but the next thing is to back them up vacuum seal them and get them ready for sous-vide I'm gonna be cooking both steaks in the same container at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit for two and a half hours I got my beautiful steaks cooked at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit for two and a half hours but hey it's time to take them out and see if this is actually true or just a myth let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everybody I got my beautiful steaks here well maybe I shouldn't say beautiful right because they just came out of the bag they look gray ish they look like they were maybe not cooked very well or maybe just oxidized inside of the refrigerator but that's what is expected when you cook it sous-vide everybody the good thing about it is that inside in the middle it's perfectly medium-rare just the way I enjoy it now here's the deal I'm gonna be petting it dry so that we can get a wonderful sear and crust on this beautiful to be beautiful steaks right it's always a good practice to pet it dry so you can get a wonderful sear talking about wonderful sear I'm gonna be using the champion because we know that the champion will guarantee us perfection without overcooking the steak and when I say champion I'm talking about my flamethrower if you have not seen the searing serious competition that I did and this one here came out on top you should check it out on the card above later on or on the description down below now this will sear it hot and fast and quick it's the chair oh yeah it works quickly if it does not play around everybody now with all that being said it's time to put a nice beautiful sear and eat them to find out if there's actually any difference between them I know they don't look that good right now but watch this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we have it everybody they smell so wonder if I wish you could smell it with all that being said I can't wait to try it and to find out actually if there's any difference between them so we're gonna go with this one here first Cheers it's juicy ten there perfect the way you should be the way I'm used to having Suvi steak it absolutely never ever disappoints okay this is the one that we actually let it come to room temperature let's give it a try and see if there's any difference I know a lot of people always tell me good that you overreact but I don't even know how to react because it's just literally melts in your mouth as I'm taking each individual by the juices just flow all over so here's the deal there's absolutely no difference I think the theory is because he was cooked nice and slow and even heat didn't matter if he was room temperature enough because this is Suvi when you're cooking and sous vide you're cooking it gently unlike the traditional method where you just go nice and hard and fast with high heat but now I'm gonna test reverse sear to see how that works and also I'm gonna do a pan fry steak directly to find out there's any difference so that you don't have to try it at home for the reverse sear steak I got the same exact result as the previous one two hours is just not enough to get the internal temperature to room temperature but it is enough for the surface of the steak as you already know but then I move right into the seasoning and I kept it exactly the same with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder I put them in the oven to bake at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour my goal was to reach a Toro internal temperature of 125 degrees Fahrenheit and once that was reached I got them out of the oven all right here we have our reverse seared steak now a lot of people always say Guga this would be steak when they come out of the bag look absolutely horrendous which is true what about the reverse sear if you think that looks good I don't know what to tell you they do not look good at all they need a nice sear and a nice crust so that they can actually advertising with all that being said I'm gonna be using the cast iron to do that I'm gonna be using a little bit of thyme rosemary and garlic to finish it off I know these don't look good right now but watch this [Music] there we have the beautiful reverse seared steak I could tell you one thing this method is fantastic if you don't have Sophie if you never tried Suvi and you want to do an amazing steak try the reverse sear method everybody it is good I enjoy that method very much so let's give this a try and I'll let you know exactly what it tastes like it's amazing that butter thyme garlic comes through on the steak it is fantastic however you notice that it has a thick gray band that's because of the cast iron the longer it is in the cast iron Siri the longer you have that great band but hey I'll tell you one thing this is an amazing steak if you don't have to be available you want to try an amazing steak do the reverse see everybody it's great second steak cheers everybody it is just as good I'll tell you that right now it's so disappointing you know because I really hope that it was some type of difference and I thought that it was gonna be something different but it's not everybody these steaks are both amazing they are exactly the same there's no difference between them whatsoever the professional chefs tells you to do that at home maybe because they cook the traditional way you know which you sear the steak first and then flip it cook it mean low heat until you comes up to temperature now I'd say the only thing left to do is to try that method to see if this thing is really just a myth overall that chefs been telling us many many many years or if it's actually true so let's go ahead and cook a traditional steak right now as you would expect already we got the same exact result for these two beautiful steaks leaving them for two hours at room temperature will always give you the same result and yes I am crying in sign as you can see these delicious juices I just laughing at me but hey I kept the seasoning exactly the same with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder once that was done I got them ready for the pan I cooked both exactly for a total of one minute per side in high heat then I lower the heat and throwing butter thyme and garlic I kept flipping the steaks to ensure even heat through both sides and at the same time basting it with that beautiful brown butter and never forget to sear the edges you can render that delicious fat but after cooking them for a few minutes once they reach an internal temperature of a hundred and twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit I took them off the heat and let them rest for five minutes and once the time was up I sliced them and this is what I got [Music] [Music] all right let's give this one a try I will tell you one thing it is exactly what you would expect from a prime steak like this it tastes wonderful wonderful flavor but at the same time I'm curious to find out about the second one it's nice juicy but the tenderness of the Suvi and the reverse here is a lot better than this one I'm telling you right now and if you have not tried either one of those methods do it this is a total myth it is not true do not let your steak come to room temperature before cooking it there is no purpose for it it's absolutely a myth I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interesting anything I use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one make sure everybody you stay safe out there we are in self-quarantine because we chose to we love our family we love our elders abuela a whale Oh everyone so we're trying to protect everybody so everyone is staying home I do have a few videos that I've recorded previously they'll be posting it but at the same time self quarantine I can come up with some nice creative ideas and if there's anything in specific you would like to watch put it in the comments down below I'm gonna make it happen see you guys are the next one take everybody bye bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,088,689
Rating: 4.8757048 out of 5
Keywords: steak, sous vide, steak myths, how to cook a steak, cast iron steak, best steak, the perfect steak, reverse sear, cooking steak, pan fry steak, best steak recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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