How To Mess With AFK Players In Minecraft!

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if you play multiplayer minecraft you've probably got that one friend that just afks all the time and just isn't there well that's normally me and seeing as there's a lot of people that like to help me out on my server I've seen just about every afk trap known to man so I thought I'd share some of the ideas with you to mess with your friends that go afk all the time and maybe just maybe they'll remember to stick around when they're playing Minecraft alright let's get straight into it so epic melon is going to be my afk assistant today and what we're going to do is send him high in the sky to the very limit of building and this is what we're going to need some slime blocks a sticky piston a normal piston and a redstone block so pretend that this is the underground and we remove all of this giving ourselves plenty of space leaving him on one block we then go ahead and place a few slime blocks in this particular pattern it doesn't work if you place it in any other way we then need to go ahead and place our sticky piston it needs to go specifically here pointing downwards we then need to place the other piston here making sure that it's facing upwards anywhere else in this contraption will not work we then remove the dirt block that he's on and place a redstone block right next to the top piston which then sends him on a mission to Mars where he will eventually eventually stop and be very confused when he comes back but we can mess with them even more if they have a fk'd for a really long time so you follow them upwards and we're gonna rearrange this design to send them onward sideways so when they come back not only are they in the air somewhere there are also thousands of blocks away because this machine takes them you need to rearrange it in this specific order and you can reuse the same slime blocks provided that they don't fall down you then place a normal piston on the left and a sticky piston on the right in these precise positions you will need another redstone block after this you place one on the left hand side and you place one underneath on the right it then sends him on his way much like it did upwards and goodbye melon good luck on your travels so that one was a fairly complicated one to start with maybe you don't have that much time so let's go back to basics this is the quickest and most common one you just get as much obsidian or hard block as possible and in cage someone that's afk in it and label it to say something like do not feed or don't touch or do not talk to or anything like that so when they come back you get a good reaction of course they'll get straight out afterwards but if you don't want them to get out this is the exact project that you need to do this is kind of similar except it is a proper trap so we're going to be encasing them in the city and we need a cobweb some redstone and a TNT so what we need to do is remove some of the grass underneath them and make sure that they're on an obsidian platform with a pressure plate underneath you can then remove the grass block and they should be standing on it pearlescent moon is my afk assistant today and we're going to be encasing her in some obsidian much like we did Avex but making sure that there's no iron bars so that they can't get out very easily so once you've encased them you need to play some cobweb just in front of them so that it's a pain to walk through you then need to remove some grass underneath them and set up a tiny tiny bit of redstone but it is important that you place the redstone before we place the TNT and that will make sense in a second we place two redstone a block redstone torch and then the TNT on the top if you do it the other way around you're going to blow yourself up you then need to cover up the mess that you've made and wait for them to stop being afk you can cover up the TNT if you want and they may just think that they're inside some cobweb but I like to make sure they know what they're getting themselves into because there's no way out of it other than spending ages removing the obsidian quite a fun little afk trap so we're going back to basics again and Avex is going to be joining me as my AFK assistant what we're going to do is send him on an infinite water loop because it's really fun just to mess with people not always to trap them or to Geary action it's just fun to push them around while they're not there so you need to place two slabs diag to each other and make a perfect square around them like so you can increase the size but you will need a second layer on that corner and you'll see why in a second once you've done that you place a sign and then a bucket of water making sure that he is now in the middle you can if you can't push them place a piston just to push them into the water and watch them as they infinitely spin round and round and round on your water merry-go-round until they realize and wonder what the heck is going on now this one is not guaranteed to work it depends on how stupid your friends are you need to dig a hole reasonably deep underneath them then above them you place some stone and an anvil so that when they dig up trying to get out once they're confused they get squashed by a couple of anvils you can leave a bit of airspace but like I said it honestly depends how stupid they are most people may not go directly above them when they dig out but the average Joe may decide to dig above them and get squashed and die now I'm the one that's going to go afk and I want to display some of the things that happen to me when I go afk so this is roughly what it looked like but when I come back I'm just surrounded by lots of me on armor stands now obviously these people are in creative and you can mess with people just in weird ways just coming back to something that surprises you is often enough to mess with someone that's gone afk I don't expect anyone to try and make that in survival another example is this one and I came back and I was like genuinely freaked out because this one startled me quite a lot so when I was in this room I came back to loads of signs that said I'm not crazy I'm not crazy I'm not crazy and everyone was wearing my head and my skin and I was genuinely freaked out because they'd gone to such lengths to put this room together that said I'm not crazy I started feeling a little bit crazy so if you have enough time and you want to just weird someone out try something like that where you just surround in a cage of weirdness meanwhile I'm going to make a run for it thanks for watching everyone goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 12,130,614
Rating: 4.8867087 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, build, afk, traps, tricks, tips, hidden trap, tnt, trolling, house, friends, pranks, prank, minecraft prank, afk trap, players, player, protect, minecraft house
Id: CXdb-klJIZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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