20 Weird But Useful Ways to Use Mobs in Minecraft

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- 20 weird ways to use mobs in Minecraft. Mobs are a staple of Minecraft, but very rarely do they help us out. In fact, a lot of them aren't too friendly. But today, we're putting any and all differences aside and putting Minecraft's other inhabitants to work. And hey the YouTube mooshroom bet me that you can subscribe to the channel before he climbs all these stairs. So to prove him wrong step to that red sub button down below it's free, and it helps out a ton. Number one, anyone who's ever messed around with a mob farm knows this problem because after all even though it is great to have the mobs up on the spawning platform, we do eventually want to get them down to well they're inevitable demise. And in a lot of cases, water buckets were great for that. Except if you're in the nether you see in that dimension we got to get a bit more creative, and luckily ghast sweepers are just the thing for that. As it turns out, the large hit box of a ghast is perfect to just sweep other mobs off the spawning platform. So if you're willing to get the hands, arms, feet, legs this big thing inside the vehicle at all times this is definitely the way you can make your mob farms in the nether. Number two. Normally, when you want to AFK at a mob farm you got to use an auto killer. And while those are great. They don't get you any XP. Except of course we throw a man's best friend in the mix. Sure enough. I put in a dog right down here at the bottom of the farm. We're able to have it kill all these skeletons for you to get loads and loads of EXP. One great use of scene of this is putting an AFK skeleton EXP farm right next to your tree farm. Which overall makes us a really solid design to use in your world. Just make sure no protection or thorn skeletons having to get in the mix. Because if that happens, you might have to feed the dog. It'll take a couple hits. Number three, if you look at an undermine mob it doesn't seem like it has much use. I mean, it's meant to be an annoyance except the only ones that hate endermites more than us is of course, Enderman. And for that, we can put these endermines to good use. As soon as they were added into the game using a stationary endermite to agro all of the Enderman down to a bait and switch has worked really well for these kinds of farms, just like that. The burning hatred leads them down to a shallow grave. In the past, we had to worry about things like Redstone and pistons to get the job done. But here just one of these little workers to go and your machine will be producing and then some. Number four for any fan. And I'm sure you're well aware of the here's Johnny Easter egg and Minecraft. That is if you name a vindicator, Johnny then it's going to go absolutely insane against all the other mobs around it. And while this is a fun little reference we can actually use it for way more than that. You see, by putting this vindicator aggression into a mob farm, we can actually have it auto kill the different mobs that we breed. This does make for a pretty brutal system but the results are hard to argue with. And as long as you yourself managed to keep a respectable distance between Johnny he's going to go right to his work leave you be. Number five Puffer fish tend to scare really easily. One step to close to this thing and boom poison. It's a nuisance when you're swimming around the water. But as soon as you put one of these in a puffer fish player detector, it does a lot of work. Rest assured that anyone who stands way too close to this whether it's you, another player even mobs and armor stands, this thing will detect them. And then from there, you can use that Redstone signal for whatever your choice is, be that a secret entrance or more likely a secret trap. It's really startling to see how much damage you can do with one of these systems. Number six. If you're going to be settling down in Minecraft then mob proofing is an essential part of your base. And while placing down a couple of hundred tortures is great for getting rid of things like skeletons, creepers and zombies, as anyone knows the light level does not matter when it comes to Phantoms. Even getting something like a mob switch doesn't turn these off. So how do you get rid of them? Well, if you're looking to enlist a feline force that you can actually use cats to keep away certain mobs just like that, any Phantoms or straight creepers to try to wander near your base are going to be immediately deterred. And plus it makes for a lot cuter of a defense than all the other options I've seen. Number seven, getting music discs in Minecraft is kind of a toss up. Either you find them in a chest or you spend way too many nights to get a skeleton, to shoot a creeper dead. Both work for there's actually a simpler option here. You see if we actually take that same skeleton and take it right underneath a creeper farm, then we can use that undead mob to get us all the different kind of record drops that we need. And since building a farm like this is mainly going to produce us some creepers, that's going to be a lot of music disc coming into your chests. Putting you one step closer to getting that full music disc collection and the skeletons one step closer sort of redeeming themselves. Number eight. Powered rails are a lot of fun to ride around in Minecraft, but if you don't have a lot of gold and redstone, they are pretty costly. So if instead, you're looking for the poor players option and there's no reason you shouldn't put a saddled pig right in a mine cart. Just hop on the back of one of these things. And soon enough, you're going to be putting pork power to use getting you going just about as fast as powered mine cart rails anyway making this a pretty solid way to go get around. Even if it is a little silly looking, but who knows? Maybe that's just another plus. It's really just depending on how you see it. Just make sure you're ready to put in the time to learn how to use one of these things. Number nine. Horses are a lot of fun to ride around but as soon as you take one to a body of water, you know, you're out of luck. I mean, if you're ankle deep, you're fine but that's the most you're going to get. Unless of course you managed to luck out during a thunder storm because then you can get a skeleton horse. And folks, one of these skeletal steeds and the right amount of potions you can actually travel underwater, riding a skeleton horse. It's a weird form of travel. And I definitely don't see it happening much, but really how cool does it look to just go down in the depths of one of these things? If nothing else, just take a screenshot of yourself and put it on a metal album. Number 10. In life, you've got a few essential pairings. The sun and the moon, peanut butter and jelly. And if you ask Bugs Bunny, rabbits and carrots. The way that rabbits work in Minecraft is that they'll try to come near you when you're holding a carrot. Which means that with a system like this, you can actually build a rabbit carrot detector for secret entrances. It makes for an extremely weird concept but if you're willing to carry around a couple of extra carrots, those might come in handy if you forget your keys inside the base once again. I guess the only ones that don't benefit here are actually the rabbits, because after all that hard work there's still not going to be able to get the carrot. Number 11. Anyone has ever put together a sweet Berry Bush farm. Knows they got to keep the foxes away from it. But if we put it in system like this we can actually use the mechanic to our benefit. Wouldn't you know, that as soon as that sweet Berry bushes ready to harvest that hungry fox will scout it out and get it ready back down into your hopper minecart. Which is great and all but it just makes me wish that sweet berries were actual better food source. Because when they're just this easy to put together there's no reason I wouldn't want to put one in these in my world if it was practical. But in the meantime, unless sweet berries get a boost I think it's going to be the Fox is enjoying this more than us. Number 12. Foxes as we know are pretty versatile mob. And while they're great for harvesting different farms the only pesky things that they like to sleep and while they would make most Fox powered farms pretty much unusable, we can actually solve that by keeping another mob nearby. You see, if we have something like a chicken, for example next to this Fox then it'll just keep doing whatever we want to and never sleep as long as it's near. But if after all the work is done and you finally want to let your hard worker get some rest, just kill the chicken up top and it'll go immediately to sleep. And you know what, for the kind of graveyard shifts that's been putting in lately I think that's completely well-deserved. Number 13 while Bedrock edition lets us tie a rope between two fences, Java edition isn't as nice. Which means that in a lot of cases we don't get to use these ropes is really cool decoration. That is unless we get creative, because as you can see if we tie a lead to a fence and then the other end to a mob, like a chicken we can actually make some pretty cool builds. I mean, look at this. Rope bridges will never be the same again after finding this out. So until Mojang and decides to get the rest of us on Java, on par, the other people in bedrock this is the best way to do it. And I think we'll be tying up chickens with string for a long time being at that rate. Number 14. Now let me set up the problem for you. You've got a farmer you got to push mobs into the nether portal. However, as soon as they're there, you can't use something like water to actually get them out of the way. So you're kind of stuck. That is, unless you put any mob inside of a boat in that another portal. You see this system utilize the different boat and mob collisions to do so. And it'll actually push them when you come through the portal. Making this a pretty useful thing for when you're trying to move mobs around, or using it as a part of your farms. Using this design, it's simple, it's automatic. And most importantly, it's weird, which honestly I'm fine with all three of those. Number 15. Villagers and Minecraft are not a very aggressive bunch which can make them very fragile to different attacks from mobs. However, using dispensers like so we can actually give enchanted armor to villagers, and they'll use it. Which means that even though you don't see it this villager is actually fully equipped with enchanted netherite armor using thorns. But really where you're going to get the best results from this feature is by mixing your villagers together with frost walker. Put them on a large body of water and get ready to see the new hit show villagers on ice. And better yet it's going to mean that the next time the pillagers come through for a raid, they're not going to know what hit them. Number 16. Unless you're using mods, Minecraft doesn't really experiment too much with turrets. I mean, you've got dispensers with arrows but those are pretty limited in their direction. Really if you're trying to defend your base from many intruders coming too close you got to build a couple of guardian turrets. It only takes one look at these to see just how menacing these things can be. I mean, step too close and boom you're targeted on. And it's going to be a world of pain coming your way. Making the guardians from Minecraft way more like the guardians from Zelda. Turn it into way more of a high rule castle. And personally, I love that kind of thing. Number 17. Killing a bunch of chicken with an enchanted diamond sword is a lot of fun. But if you're a busy person you don't have a lot of time in your hands do that. So luckily for you, you're actually able to hire a bit of help and pass off that job to a Fox. Just like that, they'll take your sword and put to use against all those different chickens. Giving you a fully automatic chicken farm. And luckily because chickens are getting added into the equation that Fox isn't going to sleep. Making this farm pretty active in productivity. Given you both an easy and reusable way to get your Fox fried chicken well and supplied. Number 18. Anyone who's ever messed around with the technical side of Minecraft is well and familiar with the concept of a mob switch. That is you get a bunch of Withers in a cage, make sure they don't despawn and no new hostile mobs are going to be giving you trouble. It's a great system, but it's definitely costly. So a simpler and safer option to do is instead having a zombie villager mobs switch. You see if you trade with a villager and then zombify it, this will make them both unable to despawn, and also count towards the mob cap. This is actually a great way to put zombie villagers to use. And in turn, actually keep all of the villages safe. Number 19, if you've played on enough Minecraft servers then you're definitely aware that some people can be grievers. So if you want to give those annoying players more of a run for their money you can actually trap an elder guardian and boom you got your own form of anti-grief. Look, it's not perfect. If they have a milk bucket they're going to be able to get past it. But if they're not prepared they're going to have a hard time busting into your base. And hopefully that frustration that they feel will be enough to get them off of your lawn anyway. Especially if you trap the thing in obsidian. So they're not able to break through this makes for a pretty solid way to both annoy and hopefully ward off any greedy players. Number 20. The wither fight can be pretty tough, especially if you take it up into higher difficulties. So if you yourself, aren't prepared to take on that boss. How about you enlist a couple of thousand friends and take down the wither with bees. Now, this has happened before on YouTube and it's definitely a spectacle to see. Because really surprisingly enough if you have enough bees in storage you can actually kill the wither fully with bees. But as soon as the dust clears on the battlefield you'll have a fully formed nether star ready for the picket. Just make sure you don't accidentally hit one of the bees on your way over to pick it up because sure enough they're going to have all that force that they just put on the wither right directed at you. And if you ask me that sounds like a fate, worse than death. Better to stay on their good side. And with that folks' place that subscribe spawn egg down below and have a good one, all right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, minecraft, skip the tutorial minecraft, 20 weird but useful ways to use mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, mobs in minecraft, weird but useful ways to use mobs minecraft, weird but useful ways to use mobs in minecraft, minecraft weird but useful ways to use mobs, minecraft ways to use mobs, minecraft weird ways to use mobs, ways to use mobs in minecraft, minecraft mob uses, 19 Insane Places to Build Your Minecraft Base, minecraft skip the tutorial
Id: nKb3QjBQNgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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