5 Minecraft HOUSE PRANKS!

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today I'm going to be showing you five minecraft house pranks now what is a house prank exactly I don't know I've just made it up essentially but if your friends make houses kind of like the ones in the background I've got a series of tricks or things that you can do to prank them and generally make your life in Minecraft servers a little bit more fun and exciting now remember before we begin if you're going to be doing any of these pranks please please please make sure that you do not grief someone that cannot take a joke or you know it will upset them this is all meant being good fun only do it to your friends and remember always always fix the mess once it's over and done with okay let's get into it the first one is probably the funnest one that you can do so if you've got a friend's house that kind of looks like this it's very small and you've got some very defined shapes this is what we can do we can turn this into a monster and I mean that in a literal sense you can take a few blocks it shouldn't be too expensive and just start messing with it essentially we can make this house alive so that when they return from their mining or whatever and they look at the front of the house they go what on earth so there is a little bit of finesse to this one using what they've made into a face can be a little bit tricky so we've taken the corners of this house and we've added a couple of eyes with buttons on them and tongue so you could leave it at that you could just add a face it's very easy to remove but if you like me and you want to be a little bit more extra you can take this to a whole new level so as you can see they've kind of got this little dorm that sticks out now the eyes are either side of it so we can actually make this turn into some eyebrows over the top this is all about trying to use the overall face of a building and integrate it into a Minecraft Monster face so as you can see we've got some eyebrows we can add some hair using fence like you can really go to town on this and it's literally up to your imagination how you want to do it so sometimes people make houses that kind of look like a face anyway it's actually quite difficult to a void that but you can really take advantage of this and because the house is sitting on the floor you can actually make it seem like it's got arms and legs as well just by taking a few blocks and making the arm sort of jut out you can make giant fists made out of logs or whatever use the same pallet that they have for their house to make sure that it all fits and works together now the last thing you can do is add another set of limbs but this time its legs that are sort of jutting out on the floor so it kind of looks like the house is sitting back and stuck in the ground it's all about the positioning of the limbs and the facial expression that are gonna make this look wacky and then what we can do as well is add a giant foot on the end of these legs and to make it even funnier we made it a human foot you can really go to town on this and do what you want and that's kind of the beauty of turning someone's house into a monster it doesn't even have to be a monster it could be a human it could be an alien it could be literally anything now we decided to go for human feet because you could do this really neat trick with this particular block and then add a few pressure plates on the end to be toes and then you could actually use some leaves as like little hair on top of it like massive Hobbit feet and then you basically do that again replicate it over and you've got yourself a pretty funny-looking house so just imagine it they've come home and they see what is that what is going on then they go around the other side of the house and they see this pretty funny there's no destruction involved well maybe a little bit but you're just editing what is already there now this one was a pretty cool one but now let's actually go into a proper prank here's the next house this is number two and this requires your friend to have built their house on a beach or on a gravel pit or whatever you need a falling block underneath so what we do is remove all the sand underneath their house and it is a very very lengthy task now what you need to make sure you do is essentially remove the sand layer and make sure you mimic that pattern into the ground so that when we replace this later on it looks like nothing has changed at all not a block out of place and that's very very important if you want to remain kind of subtle in how you do it if they've seen that loads of the terrain has changed they might be suspicious especially if you're a kind of prankster like me and can't get away with it all the time so it should look like this where you've removed all the Sun and made a gigantic hole some of you may even know where I'm going with this as I did show this prank on my mumbo versus green collab so you can make it deep enough so that when they fall they're going to die as well from the full damage so the next stage is where the technical part comes in you need to get yourself a grass block or a dirt block and you need to make sure you go down three blocks from the surface and then you remove the two middle ones and a rose bock or a two high flower and then you can place the sand over the top now the trick is if you remove the bottom half of it the sand will stay and that is actually what happens when you do it multiple times so I think you can tell where we're going with this we're going to cover the whole thing in sand on top of rose bushes now this is where it gets dangerous you need to make sure that you hit only the bottom half of the rose bush when you're doing this otherwise you could end up with a lot of sand on the floor and you will have to start all over again and trust me it's happened a few times so better safe than sorry take it slow and make sure you get it right if you update the block in any way in any way it will all fall down so that means you need to make sure that the pressure plate that you place outside the door is there right at the start and then when they walk in the whole thing goes tumbling down now you may have noticed that she actually went inside and didn't actually fall so you can actually replace a block or two next up we've got our third one now this is probably one that you are expecting this is a very obvious one but it's still fun to do if you're a prankster and you like to do some very simple things you could just take their door or window or whatever they've made and just move it to the other side of the house just move it around play with the windows just you know mimic stuff around I've moved the door onto that side so that when they come home they're like where's my dog on I could have swung you can make them feel like they're crazy another thing that you can do is take it block by block and put the whole thing upside down as you can see on the hill there that will take you a very very long time this prank is sort of well known so I'm not going to spend too much time covering it next up we have a pretty cool one but it's a again very very simple all you do is you make a secret base inside your friends house at all times you're basically messing with them all the time you probably won't be that subtle about it you could just walk in their house and go down here obviously the joke here is that you've been living in their house without them knowing for a long time so imagine they come home and you just walk in and go here right Jim and you go downstairs and you go into your little base here again this is one that is fairly well known we do it on the Evo server all the time and I've got a very good one for the last one so this next one is probably a bit weird when it comes to making pranks and it's gonna be a bit difficult to explain so this one's gonna be slightly different in format essentially what you need is someone that's made a house and they have a bedroom they have a start point when they die they respawn here or perhaps this is where they log out so you need someone with a sizeable house with many many rooms now the idea is that you tell a story in their house now when I concepted this it's something like this so you start off with something like this this is Fez bot I've invented him a long time ago he's a happy dispenser and you can wave at him and whatever else he's just he's just a happy guy that's all that there is to it but if you made one of these in every room and perhaps you used a different block every time you could like have signs that say hi I'm first bot and then you go to the next room and he's like Fez Bart doesn't like you with this grumpy face anyway that's the idea the idea is you tell a story through things now it wouldn't be much of a prank or whatever if I just set one up myself and then recorded myself going through it and pretending to have a good time or whatever so what I've done and I I'm regretting it by the second is I asked DOM and Gareth and Jay to make one of these for me and I'm going to experience it for the first time now which is why I've been facing this way the whole time he's right he's watching me okay whoo all right here we go so now we're going to experience the prank so imagine it either I've died or that I've just respawned here or this is where I've just logged in for the first time okay good morning sir my name is GoBot don't ask me how I got in ha ha ha no come on let's now come on let's go and make some breakfast all right all right this is what I mean this is where we're going with this down here sir come on not yet leaving just yet sir with nice one sir well I'm worried not leaving just yet haha nice one sir okay we're not lads I leave yet where do we go through here sir we ran out of bacon go get some quick breakfast is on breakfast is the most important meal ever okay do we leave the house okay pig cave come on down for some pigs I regret this hello it is me a pig there are more of me down here clinking I hope I don't need a sword or anything oh my goodness what is this it's it is me mother pig like like furs I am king piggy because you are because you are nice I will allow you to keep one of my piggies so go find the one that ran away into the cave behind you don't come back well it's kind of what I meant but this is so over the I just wanted a few Fez boss that told you to go downstairs and I oh my goodness escape route okay this is where we need to go or do we is there it's something up here do we need to go up here don't think so let's go this way they've made like a mini adventure oh there's the pig there's the pig that we need oh I can't I can actually make it out do you know what I suck so much at parkour Evo has made me rubbish at it and we're free I think this is the right way whoa sir there seems to be some sort of alien monster he's trying to take out our well balanced breakfast okay I have to hurry I promise I didn't know this was the thing okay I need to get it in the teeth oh I'm not used to these bows I got him I got him go [Music] well I did it it looks to me like our adventure is over so the moral of the story is to eat a nice breakfast and don't pet Tom now make a map well it's kind of what I meant but you get the idea so this prank is not really a prank I suppose what you've really got to do well I can't get in my car again what the idea is that you make a whole scenario room to room to room to room and you tell a story you tell a story you send them on a wacky adventure whatever you want really it's just a bit of fun oh this is actually mrs. pit I was actually meant to go up here okay I missed a step all right so I was supposed to go up here he said it's me Pig letter I ran away because those piggies are mean I want to become a balanced breakfast it's so ridiculous so you can come up with anything I'm I'm not sure if Dom RAL is mentally sane but this was pretty funny I had a good time I wasn't expect ting nearly as much as I got from this but you get the idea you can you can make these little robots so it doesn't have to look exactly like this you can make whatever you want you can it can even be just a series of signs one after the other like go here oh no what's happened here Oh bah bah bah and you can make a funny story this one's a bit weird but it's still a lot of fun anyway thank you very much for watching this weird weird video on house pranks because a lot of pranks in Minecraft really require redstone and/or destruction in some way so I thought I'd do away I do a video where you kind of go over pranks in a more subtle way and a funny away in a more creative way so I hope some of these have sort of given you ideas on what you could do to your friends houses please please please remember do not grief anybody's house if you know they're going to get upset we're not griefing anybody just for the fun of it the idea is to have a laugh and make sure that you always always always offer to repair any damage that is ever done and you probably should just do it anyway so be nice play safe and have fun good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,903,603
Rating: 4.8998089 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, house pranks, minecraft pranks, traps, minecraft traps, pranks, 5 traps, 10 traps, top 10
Id: DkZqJunbhjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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