Live Streaming On YouTube -- EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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all right looks like looks like we're shooting this video all the way up here uh welcome to our temporary upstairs storage room let's talk about streaming on youtube we got test bench pcs we got guitars we got rugs furniture don't just just don't judge me for this room i moved over from streaming on twitch to streaming on youtube when did i do that can i look this up yeah i moved over from twitch to youtube almost five months ago because i saw opportunities here that twitch not only wasn't giving but i i gave up on hoping that they would eventually give and as a couple other large streamers like dr lupo and tim the time man and uh reportedly a lot of people think nick mercs is also moving over i see a lot of people also interested in moving so today i want to talk about the things that i've learned over the past five months the things that you need to know if you want to try streaming on youtube how to set up best practices all the fun things monetization the things that are different let's talk about them like let's just go over everything you need to know if you're considering streaming on youtube we got uh five categories here let's talk about how to set up your first youtube live stream how the whole system works let's talk about monetizing your live streams all the different ways you can make money while you're here let's talk about getting you discovered and getting people into your live streams because it's very different than it is on twitch let's talk about organizing your channel where should you put your live streams when you're done how do you fit it in with videos and shorts and all the other things and then of course probably most importantly let's talk about the big differences between twitch and youtube what you can expect and the things that you need to know with the transition let's start by answering something i see asked a lot on twitter there is one thing you have to do before you can go live on your channel you have to enable live streaming you do that by clicking the create tab in the top right corner click on go live and then click enable you will need to have a phone number verified first but once you click enable for some reason youtube requires you to wait 24 hours before your first live stream i don't know why if you're trying to go live make sure you create your youtube channel the day before and you'll be good i created a whole new stream beats originals youtube channel just to screen record that go subscribe to it we don't have any videos on there but we will so you have streaming enabled let's talk about how to set up that first live stream the live dashboard is much different on youtube than it is on twitch it's a little bit overwhelming to look at but you have a ton more control over your live stream than you had on twitch and by the way you get to the live dashboard by either clicking create and going to go live like we did before or just clicking the go live icon from the creator studio from the live dashboard you'll want to click manage and then schedule stream that's how you're going to set up every live stream in here you do a lot of things like you do with a youtube video you set up a description you set up a title you set up a thumbnail anything you need to do to set it up you do right in here and i know a lot of you are thinking like i have to do this on every single live stream on twitch all i had to do was click go live no actually you don't once you've done your first live stream in the future when you come back here and click schedule stream you can actually click a button that says reuse settings and it just takes your previous settings your title your description your thumbnail and it throws it on the next one they used to not have that back in my day you kids have it easy now but as for the thumbnail i find creating a live thumbnail to be difficult creating a video thumbnail is also difficult but at the same time you know what the topic of the video is going to be and you create it around the title and the topic of the video with this you don't really know what the topic of the stream is going to be until you've already streamed i really like and i've adopted the valkyrie strategy which is you make one really nice thumbnail that totally pops and you put that on every single live stream maybe with a slight variation here and there depending on what you're playing i think this alleviates the pressure of having to make a thumbnail from every single live stream while at the same time i feel like your audience once they've grown to enjoy your streams they see that thumbnail and they're like oh this is a live stream i need to go watch this a couple of the things to set up before you're ready to go live one you'll notice you have monetization options on here which not only let you control the ads that are plastered on your live stream they let you turn them off like let's be real all you twitch affiliates how much money have you really made from ads on twitch for me my ad revenue as a partner with about a thousand viewers my ad revenue is about point five percent of my total revenue on twitch so i just turned them off ads on a live stream have an obnoxiously high rate of losing viewers i i know it was like a 70 30 split it was either 30 or i think it was actually 70 percent of people 7 out of 10 people that got fed an ad at the beginning of a live stream left before the ad finish i'll have to go back and check don't quote me on that it was either 70 or 30 but i'm pretty sure it was 70. anyway feel free to explore the rest of the settings throughout the setup and then you get to schedule your stream which i think is really cool once you schedule your stream and you make it public it appears in the subscription feed of all your subscribers but it doesn't give them a notification yet because why would you want to give someone a notification that you're live and then make them wait a couple minutes before you actually go live looking at you starting student screens no this way you can actually have a starting soon screen that people can pile in and start talking and see that the string's about to start there's a count down there and then when you hit go live then everyone gets the notifications and then you're there when they pop in plus if you want something cool for reviewers to watch before you go live you can upload a live trailer which is anywhere from a 15 second to a three minute video that you can have playing while people are in the lobby before you go live on my personal channel which by the way you should subscribe to if you haven't yet youtube.comcellar i actually have our merch ad playing before the stream goes live all you have to do is upload a video on your channel you can leave it unlisted and then you can choose it as your live trailer and everyone who piles in early gets to watch it last thing in the setup phase which by the way i feel like this setup category went way longer than i wanted it to but it's very important it's probably the most important for you guys that want to go live when you move over to youtube your training wheels for bit rates and resolutions have finally been taken off you can actually stream up to 4k 60 and max like 50 000 megabits per second on youtube every single streamer even if it's your first stream gets transcoding options so you don't have to worry about buffering if you set your bit rate too high and then youtube gives you three different options for available latency you have ultra low latency which is like one to two seconds of latency you have low latency which is five to ten seconds of latency depending on the device that they're watching on and then you have normal latency which is anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds of latency maybe even 15 to 25 seconds the reason there are those three options is because if you choose 1080p you can choose any of those latency options but if you choose 1440p which is actually what i stream at you only have low latency and normal latency you don't get ultra low latency anymore or if you really want to stream in 4k you can only stream at normal latency so it's kind of like a balancing act do you want super high resolutions do you want super fast latency since i stream with super high-end cinematic cameras like like this one which is actually one of my main streaming cameras i feel like adding 1440p to my stream really makes it pop and makes it stand out and five seconds of latency really isn't a deal breaker for most people and then the last thing you need to know because this really threw me off when they changed to this youtube live dashboard is there is a switch for enable auto start and enable auto stop and by default i believe they're still off meaning when you hit go live in obs you're not gonna start streaming on youtube until you click the start button in the top right corner now if you turn on that enable auto start button you'll just go live as soon as it sees the feed from obs but that's the important stuff you should now be set up and ready to go live on youtube let's move to monetization now just like twitch you do have to hit certain thresholds before you can start monetizing monetizing go ahead and leave that in there that was embarrassing monetizing monetizing monetizing yeah before you can start monetizing members are just like subs on twitch and before you can do that you have to hit a thousand subscribers and you have to hit 4 000 watch hours i believe and if you compare this to twitch where they have affiliate status and partnership status it feels like it's kind of in between those two it is more difficult to hit than affiliate but it is easier to hit than partner especially if you're doing youtube right and you're posting videos and shorts alongside your live streams do that do that and you will monetize very fast that's all so if you're trying to get monetization and you're struggling i would probably recommend you keep your live streams public after you finish the stream at least until you hit that threshold and then we'll talk about making them unlisted in just a minute also shorts do contribute to that watch hours but not if they're watching it as short on a mobile device only if they're actually clicking on the video itself if that makes sense anyway so you're monetized let's go into creator studio click the monetization tab and let's set up all your fun little money features a handful of these features will slowly filter in as you grow your channel but you should be able to set up memberships and supers right off the bat memberships are youtube's version of twitch subs but they give you a handful more options than twitch does for example you can choose how many tiers you want maybe you only want one tier and only make a five dollar membership or if you want to get crazy with it you can get up to five different tiers of memberships i actually set up my cheapest membership and 99 cents that's just because i've managed to diversify my income so much streambeats makes way more than live streaming ever could for me so it just doesn't matter which by the way if you're not using stream meets it is safe to use music for your live streams and for your youtube videos i use it in every single stream but because of that i don't have to rely on live streaming income and i can allow my viewers to get all the emotes and everything for 99 cents which i think is really cool and then i also have a 5 and a 20 tier in case people do want to support a little bit more but it's totally unnecessary um and one extra little tidbit here um memberships actually give you a 70 30 split you know that thing that every twitch streamer wants you get it right out of the gate on youtube along with memberships you also have super chats and super stickers which are a lot like bits you can leave it with a message or whatever and then you can also tie in your merch store directly into your live stream you can even pin your favorite item from your merch store to the top of the chat which i do every single stream i'm still waiting on youtube to allow gifted members like why is that taking so long and then of course a free membership with like youtube premium or something like i pay for youtube premium i love youtube i love that i haven't had an ad on youtube in months i would like a free membership though but let's talk about category number three the controversial topic around twitch that's been going on since i started this youtube channel which is discovery because you have to understand you are finally on a discoverable platform but let's talk about what that means because that doesn't suddenly mean if you go live people are going to find you live streams in general are not discoverable the reason youtube has more discoverability is because it has more than live streams on the same exact channel that you live stream on you can also post full-length videos you can post shorts you can post stories to stay engaged with your audience and all the subscribers you get from those videos will be notified when you go live 100 of them it's a big deal what it's done is it's raised the ceiling of the exposure your stream is allowed to get and you are going to have to work a little bit harder to reach that ceiling i would highly recommend you start making videos and shorts just take a look at this graph of new subscribers on my youtube channel every one of these peaks is when one of my shorts got picked up by the youtube algorithm and went semi viral not even viral but got tens maybe a couple hundred thousand views suddenly 500 new subscribers in a single day on a channel that only has like four full-length videos posted start making shorts just do it but hey one more thing in here that i get people asking me a lot people are concerned that the low click-through rate of a live stream is going to affect their videos in the algorithm i would like to give my philosophy on the youtube algorithm here because youtube doesn't make their algorithms public but i will say that if we were to think logically about this youtube is trying very hard and they're spending a lot of money to beat twitch and be the next big live streaming platform i don't see the logic behind youtube then punishing creators who stream on youtube i've seen a lot of people complaining about it but i've never seen any evidence that it actually hurts in fact i would say that valkyrie and courage are prime evidences that it's just not true so to me it feels like a much better idea to put all your content on one single channel where subscribers from videos also get pushed to your shorts and your live streams and vice versa all the way around versus assuming the algorithm is punishing you when there's no evidence for that now that your channel hosts videos shorts and live streams you're going to want to make this organized properly so your channel doesn't look like a mess for example i click on the videos tab of channels a lot and as of right now full length videos shorts and live streams are all in that exact same tab i think they should be separated youtube hasn't done it yet one of the things i recommend you do especially if you put a lot of effort in your videos and you want those to really show is you unlist your live streams if you go into your live dashboard you can actually see an option in the bottom right if you check that box it will unlist your live streams the moment you're done streaming and then you add a playlist to your channel called previous live streams or something like that whatever you want to call it and when you're setting up a new live stream you can actually add it to a playlist called previous live streams that way when you're done it's not going to clog up your videos tab because unlisted streams don't show up there but it will still be on your main channel there where people can find it if they want to see what your streams look like i put mine at the very bottom of my channel in case people want to see them totally up to you do your thing final thing let's talk about some of the differences you're going to notice very quickly moving from twitch to youtube last thing i want you to do is be blindsided by any of this first thing you need to know it is easier to get discovered on youtube but there is a trade-off because you are streaming on the same place that your videos are being posted you essentially have a 100 conversion rate from your videos to your streams just to give you an example of what i mean by this i had a 33 conversion rate from youtube to twitch from this channel to my youtube channel for every three new subscribers i got on this channel one of those subscribers followed me on twitch which is a very high conversion rate by the way and the conversion rate was so high because this channel was about streaming on twitch it made it very easy to follow through however now that i've started my personal youtube channel where i live stream on every single person that subscribes on that channel is also subscribed to my youtube videos that is a hundred percent conversion rate but here is the trade-off while you get a much higher conversion rate to your live streams you are also streaming on a platform where people primarily come to watch videos not to watch live streams when you schedule a live stream and that live stream appears in the subscription feed it appears next to videos edited videos short videos easy to watch videos you are competing against video content because right now youtube is a video platform however i do believe that as youtube grows in popularity amongst live streamers and live streaming viewers and people start to come to youtube to find live streams i think that battle is going to subside a little bit and it's going to become more natural for people to click into your live streams i genuinely think this is going to shift over the next couple years but for right now there is that trade-off but how long was this video i tried to like boil it down to just the basics just the things you needed to know but this camera is at four percent battery right now it was full when i started this but i really hope it was helpful if it was please hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already subscribe to my personal channel where i go live i'm actually going live in like 30 minutes i'll see you over there and as always happy streaming
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 143,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, elgato, starting, new, dmca, copyright, strike, strikes, copystrike, algorithm, learning, start, make, videos, first, gear, lens
Id: qXzUOOD7Or0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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