How To Make Vehicle Liveries For FiveM (Updated Version)

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hello everyone and welcome to a follow-up video to my livery tutorial I'm just gonna redo this tutorial because the previous one I guess was a little fast-paced they kind of hard to follow so I'm gonna make an updated tutorial and we're actually gonna make a livery in Photoshop so I'm not sure what we should discuss first I'm kind of just going off of this but obviously the first thing you want to do is have a vehicle that you want to skin so for this tutorial I want to be using my North Yankton State Patrol pack which has templates included inside of it I think I already have these cars on my computer let me just make a little folder for this real quick just so that I can actually have a place to be on the same page as you guys so I'm just going to download it literally off of GT please spots my own pack so you can see that there's a main pack 5 I'm ready and templates we're gonna download the 5mm ready and the templates just so we can actually you know mess with them now my internet should be fast enough to get this done in a second but anyway if you're new to photoshop er don't have Photoshop a good alternative is but you can download for free I'll probably put it in the description so you can download it but that's that's what I used to use way back I don't use it anymore I use Photoshop just because it just has more features and stuff and you're gonna obviously want template so templates pretty much just it's a good guide for making delivery it shows you what's like where you're putting stuff so we're just gonna extract this in here and we'll just take this as well although we don't really need this right now so I'll just put it yeah there we go okay so this is what it should look like when you download it we're just going to start with the with the templates so we're going to go ahead and skin a cvpi so there's two different kinds of templates there's the window template and livery template not all cars have a window template but it's like if you want to tint them or add decals or something on the windows so we're just going to take the cvpi template and we're just going to put it into either Photoshop or paint gun edit or whatever you're using and it should just open up and you'll have it this one is in 4k which I always like to make my deliveries in 4k just because it makes a quality look better in games obviously so I don't really know what we want to make today in terms of a livery I think maybe I'll just look up something I usually like to at least base my liveries off of something because it you just so you can get it at a design so if you already have something in mind it'll make it easier but you can just I mean let me like this little informing police police just like see what comes up I've never even played I actually like this this picture I go with a lot so you can like it's pretty low res but you can see ideas um so maybe without making something too extravagant like we can buy and make like this one right it's it's tough to do like smooth stuff sometimes but you'll get your needle like I said if you need a Photoshop editing or any photo editing you get the hang of it it just takes along a little bit you know you can't go ahead and just make something amazing after like five seconds and I'm getting distracted so let's just take you know let's do this one cuz it has a black and white it has a stripe it's just pretty simple so let's just like roughly based so the first thing I like to do is actually color the car so this one's black and white for example so what we do to make the car black and white is I'm just going to go ahead and use my pencil size it up a little and what I like to do is create a new layer and I like to lock the template just so I don't move it around accidentally make sure you got the blackest black or what what you can do sometimes it's like like a slightly gray just so it doesn't look super like ultra black in-game which I'm gonna do for this you know it's black but it's not like five blindingly black so what we're gonna do is you hold I hold shift click and just like create line to line like you just click it and while holding shift in it I it like draws a line to your cursor so I just draw a line around what I want to be black which is obviously going to be the front in the back of the police car and it's kind of hard to see outside so I'm just holding shift and I'm just clicking around oh you can see it so just clicking around the car just to make sure the whole front is encapsulated and if we gonna go ahead and do the same thing to the back portion of the car um so the back can be black you [Music] I'm not really doing a super neat I'm just kind of doing it at like a pace where I we can actually move through the damn video without taking forever this isn't gonna be my best work but it will be adequate um Shh yep all right so then you just a fill tool and fill it in that doesn't look right did I do that right oh wait what do I do Oh what have I done I don't know what I did uh so just oh well I accidentally I did if what I was doing so it's not even attached because you got to make sure it's fully encapsulated in a fill tool won't work is that I guess that's right I just it's creating a weird effect with like whatever anyway just fill Tula and then when you should you like that it should look like this so you just got an outline of the car and we can create another layer below it for the white and we'll just go ahead and you can just make a big thick brush for this so you can just go over and make everything white because there we go this fill tool it and there you go it's not pretty right so but you get the idea black and white it works I like to attach those together so we have our little like mold let's duplicate it and put it over on the other side of the car so we can actually uh have it on both sides unless you want to have a half and a half police car so I lowered the opacity so I can line things up perfectly you can see you can kind of gauge where it's supposed to go that's pretty much perfect yeah that's pretty much perfect so that's good for me I want to merge those together just so we have those on the same thing we can go ahead turn that off for now because we're gonna be working on the actual like decal let me open its image up and just like zoom on this shape because it looks pretty bad but um obviously I'm just using this as a guide for my own livery but you can make a livery base off whatever you want so it's got these yellow stripes which we'll do next looks like they have some sort of outline to them so let's just try and pick a yellow that's pretty close actually we can just I can just grab whatever yellow you could get that's close let's just grab like it's exact yellow right close enough so we can have yeah that looks pretty good so what I did there was I used snipping tool to just cut out that part and then I just ctrl-c and ctrl-v to into Photoshop so I can use the color from it it can be useful if you have a higher res photo to UM pencil tool all right so let's just try and make this string right so it's a hard angle it goes from like right ear down to like ear so like I don't like to be perfect but it's like that and then what I like to do usually it's just duplicate it and just shift it over so I can create a line like this that's even um that looks fine so we'll put those layers together and then I'm just gonna got it right at the top and just hold shift to move on I on a single axis drag it all the way over and boom ice like that that's a perfect geometry right there move to do the same there and then just fill tool it and just like that we now have a yellow stripe gonna duplicate it since there are two of them move it over and boom there you go we now have two beautiful yellow stripes obviously they aren't perfectly they don't like clip at the top it's just the end right there I actually might want to just what am i doing did I break Photoshop can I select any layers oh it lagged okay never mind put those did it like what did I do oh I know whatever mine are right okay I think I actually want to just like squish them down a little more like that so I'm gonna go ahead and use the stroke tool which is how you can do an outline now I don't think has this so you have to do it manually which is a complete pain in the ass but for this just for ease of my own sanity we're just gonna use a it's called the layer style and then stroke I'm gonna go ahead and do a black stroke right fill it up a little so it's just like that then we can see how it looks with the rest of the livery so there you go that's what it looks like um I actually really don't like the color that we chose so I'm gonna change it make it a little more yellow I don't think it really translated that well that looks much better tad writer so I'm like kind of a perfectionist with this at least I think so whatever um so there we go we have our stripes oh you got a nice stroke on it looks pretty good not amazing but you know we'll get the job done um now we have this really weird police text that's already so we're gonna go and get our font or our text tool I have a lot of custom fonts that I totally legally acquired 100% that we're gonna use I actually like this closeness font it's actually free the closeness font um and it's a very good font for police so if you just want a nice like police modern looking thing you do that it's just a regular bold text nothing special no italics I'm gonna make this so it's not full of red I'm gonna damn it down a little bit just so it's not a blindingly destroying you see it's kind of it's not that tall so I'm gonna squish it down so it's like that it goes from about let's line it up with the door handle and line it up with the decide sing I don't even any call it I'm gonna rotate it so it lines up with the PM I don't even know you call this the side plate stretch it out a little bit so I can fit the rest of the car so it comes out to about the right about here but I don't think it'll look that good if we do that will do like this right it just says you know police I am going to stroke this as well just so that it looks good [Music] like that and then it says something up here I can't read it but I'm just gonna make it say Los Santos or something like that I can't really see it actually look what we like to do but I like to do is is just take this duplicate it so we can have the exact same angle and exact same like like lettering cuz I did scale it so it would look different so we're gonna go ahead and just take it do it Los Santos scale it down so it just says like it doesn't look so good actually okay well now is where you can do some interpretation we can put it down here right so the orange line or sorry launch purple line house we know that it's it's lined up put it right there where it's like even between there and light look at that we got Los Santos police not a pretty livery but you know that's just how it is I'm going to lower the stroke a little because it's a little oversized like that so we have lost Santos police you can add extra decals like we can add like let me just copy Los Santos so we can have it alright let's make it say like 911 emergency or something right you can kind of just experiment make what you want you know rotating a little so it fits put it down there and then you can add like a seal if you have one I don't I don't dare go my downloads folder right now let's just look up LSPD seal we could probably just go to the GTA wiki on this website and just take it from here because it's probably the highest res in which they have so it's a web piana thing I can open this I'm just gonna real quick web be to be me just real quick throat is through here which is annoying so I have I'm going a little fast with the this I'm just trying to get up damn PNG oh it's already transparent perfect so let's just take it and it looks like on the car I think it had a seal on the front it had something on the front right so we can just take and what kind of two interpretations you kind of make what you want so we'll just put the seal like there right that's on the front of this car see how it looks black and white actually doesn't look too terrible so there we go actually let's stroke this white you'll see how that looks cuz it's over I broke it there we go so stroke it white see oh that looks terrible but let's leave it um alright so then what we're gonna do is we're gonna mirror everything over to the other side so let's hold shift click on the decal the text obviously everything that we want to be any other side of the vehicle so everything once you have it all selected just duplicate should be able to just move it all up it's gonna look I believe what we're gonna flip it everything's gonna be all backwards and bad but we will fix this don't worry let's line it up I'm just I'm just making approximations normally I'm a lot more specific about how I line things up but that is pretty close Oh God uh like that is pretty close so now we're gonna do is just select like each individual things so for example will select the seal we're just going to do ctrl T and flip horizontal it's like that it's facing the right way now saying with this ctrl T flip horizontal boom we're gonna rotate it so it actually fits right something like that this one too that's probably close enough and then not one emergency flip that actually skit a slid way over so let's throw that just over again I'm not being very precise I'm just making it look like useful right so that's the size let's please go done now if your car has a custom license plate like my cars they all have customize ins plates so you can like type it in in game instead of having to make it here I'll show you what I'm talking about if I just jump over to a tutorial file which will see if it will load you okay so these are the cars from my pack so the crown get it has as you can see it has a dynamic license plate on the front which means you can type whatever you want so you don't have to worry about painting the the plate front and rear at least on my cars you might want to check in open for just check the model and look at it make sure let's see if it has a dynamic plate or not anyway let's go ahead and do the back now let's do the classic Crown Vic interceptor like black out thing that they all have here most of them we're just gonna throw it on the same let no no it's fine where does it throw out on the same layer as the black and white so this one if it was you know see it there there's get thrown on the same layer so there so nothing to worry about that I like to add things like American flags to mine I'm just gonna put my downloads folder on the other monitor I like to add things like American flags to my cars just so that we can actually like you know so I have an American flag decal I like to just like put it like on the bumper or something right just so that you can have it or whatever you just you can make whatever you want really let's go ahead and take the police fine this one just duplicate it one more time throw it up here let's fly me down so it's not so close enough and then something I like to do especially for crown vics is this warp tool and that definitely doesn't have this but you could basically click it and create an arch effect so you can lower it obviously but just add a little bit of an arch effect just so that it curves with the trunk or with the whatever if you're part of the car you want to call this as you can see it fits pretty well there's let's just pretend that's fine there we go just as police now these parts are black so she since those parts are black maybe you want this to be a white stroke cuz this is gonna be black so we'll change the stroke to white um alright let's go ahead and go back to our liver livery here and we're just gonna paint the car out supposed to be so obviously the roof is gonna be white because the middle part is white so we're gonna go ahead and select white hey sit and we're just gonna make the rest of the car black so it's like your hood and he's this thing you're fright which is gonna be black the trunk which is gonna be black we're not the trunk well that part of the trunk is then this part of the trunk well to make sure I didn't miss a part there I'm just holding shift to make multiple selections by the way and then we have our body frame this is typically just black I would just keep this black some vehicles have a like a little square that says other or keep black or something just make sure you do paint that black because typically it's stuff like that that you don't want to be like white or something so we just painted all that black and it looks pretty good we'll just turn this off so you can see again we can add a roof number let's go ahead and is take our fine car let's make this like you know sick 509 I just mash my keyboard usually so unit 509 we'll just leave it black text I used I rotate counterclockwise to rotate it hold shift to drag it out it's kind of laggy because I'm recording oh wow it's really laggy get it to a good size oh wow it really just messed that up oh my god it's lighting so bad that's good that's good whatever I'm not being specific right now it's just you put your roof number et that's about it for the delivery I mean you could obviously add so much more we're just gonna save it and we're gonna see what happens oh let me not forget to paint these black just so we don't have to I just forgot we were coloring this like off tone black I didn't I figure out we were doing that I just right there we go you know let me change the thing okay I actually want to color it off-white so it's not just pure white so off-white just paste it all the white and there we go so there's our livery so we're just gonna go ahead and save it so save as cvpi sign obviously you probably ought to have it as the same name that the car wants let me just show you how you can find out what it's supposed to be called so you're gonna want to have open for if you've ever use it before you you can browse the models and look at them and look at the textures so we're gonna go to the textures for the Crown Vic now most of the time the livery has the word sign and then code is gonna type sign and there it is here's our livery this is the default livery which is a North Yankton State Patrol's everyday made but we're not going to obviously be using this so it's called CBP I sign one now we're just gonna call it obviously CBP I sign one back out and we're gonna save it in here if you want to have multiple liveries all you do is call it well it's pretty much what it's called like right now but it would be called like cvpi sign to see VI sign 3 to make multiple liveries so we're gonna go ahead and import our oops we're going to import our delivery so I did save it just go to sign you're gonna find delivery you want hit replace go to where your livery is which I put mine heat not there here and there it is so are you going to replace it and it should just change just like that for 5m at least on our server an update has made it so that the deliveries are very blurry if you use MIT Maps which is pretty much anti-aliasing so what I like to do is hit properties go to MIT map levels and just turn it all the way down to 1 it's gonna look kind of Pixley but it looks really crisp in-game you can obviously zoom and see that it's in full resolution there so save it make sure you save it or it won't work obviously and then you can use open for to preview your livery to see if everything's lined up ok and see if it actually looks good so to view the model just go to either the yft or the high dot yft I like to do high just because it's the highest LOD so you get the full detail I'm gonna open it up and as you can see there our car is a nice black and white Crown Victoria with our livery on it police from Los Santos and how's our American flag it has our pretty much everything I've actually looks pretty nice so there is our livery and you know our roof numbers on there too you know it looks pretty nice it's a decent livery you know and this is pretty basic in terms of liveries but it does look good so it shows that you can anyone can just with a little practice make something pretty basic and it turns out fine just take it slow do some research online if you're having trouble finding you know a certain method like like what really helps me is the shift-click to draw a line so click once hold shift and click again somewhere else and it draws on line I love to use that to draw up lines obviously that's why these are so perfect a Photoshop has lots of good features so if you can get your hands on that I would highly suggest it um I won't say you should get it illegally but I'm saying you should get it illegally so yeah anyway that's about all I'm gonna go over I think for this video I'm just gonna go and say just now I'm not doing your quest for liveries because I have a million people asking if I can do liveries I don't I'm not interested in liberation people servers just not something I want to do obviously the point of this video is to learn how to make the trees yourself just give it a few goes and you'll you'll probably get something that you're happy with just experiment with it you know change things as you need just get a base set up you know work on it and it should turn out pretty good I mean it doesn't need to be anything extravagant just making you know put together what you want a minute this is pretty much just a black and white some decals some text a seal and like a decal that's pretty much all this liquor he is so yeah um that's all I'm gonna go over I'm not I has any questions let me know in the comments and I mean questions not requests please I would really appreciate if it's not just requests but yeah if you have if you need any help with I would prefer if you asked about Photoshop cuz I don't not really fluent with but I'll try um ask any questions you have in the comments and I'll try to help you out and I would love to see if what you guys are able to put together a great place to post liveries that you make GTA police mods website that i'm i have moved to exclusively for my modding it's a smaller kind of modding website where you could post things but I would um I would really love to see what kind of work you guys would put that you guys could put together and upload there obviously everyone I know websites looking for new content and we and we would really appreciate you guys uploading some new stuff to the website I'm not really associated with them at all I just you know want the website to prosper considering that it is new and I am based here now solely so yeah that's pretty much it so I hope this video helped you guys out and I hope you were able to create something that you were able to enjoy or at least get purpose out of so thanks for watching and I will see you guys in another video later
Channel: Cayden Franklin
Views: 63,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, liveries, how to, fivem, gta v, paint job, how to make vehicle liveries for fivem, photoshop, updated, 2020,, 2019, april, may, june
Id: pp1-wBMsnYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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