Learning the basics of drawing in Photoshop

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[Music] hey good morning everyone welcome back to drawing with Michael I am of course Michael were trying something new today yay so what you're looking at is a screen grab I'm using OBS studio today of my HP Z book and we're going to be working in Photoshop today so we're gonna do some character faces and some seasonal stuff that I think you guys have really enjoy so I've got my computer positioned on my drawing tablet so if you see them leaning forward just a little bit so you guys can see my face in the HD camera whenever I lean back and I start drawing your project see this part of me like this so my apologies for that but I didn't want to position it up too you know like this to where you could see my whole face because what inadvertently happens is the drawing position is kind of weird so my apologies for that but we're gonna do some character faces today working in Photoshop so basically what I'm going to do is I'll come down here to the program I'll go ahead and close that No and I'm gonna start up right from Photoshop so I am using Photoshop CC version 20 Photoshop 20-20-20 latest iteration latest update blob all that stuff so alright so in starting so I'm gonna go and lean back in my natural drawing position it is of course the holidays hopefully you guys are enjoying the holiday season so far it is freezing cold or AM it's about 20 degrees right now outside so we're gonna start a new document I typically like to work at 300dpi $299.99 9999 which is interesting okay RGB color 18 by 10 I do have touch turned off currently because I hate touch in Photoshop in the first and latest iteration of Photoshop I do have all the latest drivers installed in Photoshop which is good it's very important that you keep up on your drivers so here's the layout for Photoshop Hey those of you guys who I apologize for clearing my throat so much but I've got allergies and I take allergy medication and unfortunately it makes me crazy so I'm trying to not take it as much so we added a layer over here on the right hand side here's the layers palette the layers palette lives over here in this little swath of palettes that the that Photoshop has and depending on your workflow it's going to dictate what palettes you have open at the same time of course if you don't have a huge screen then you're gonna have these palettes taking up a lot of your drawing space you can always hit the letter F which will bring you into the full drawing space which I typically do whenever I'm working or this space right here because I like to have these tabs up here so every time you press F it'll bring you into a different mode so this is full-screen mode this is regular mode that has the window icon or window open and then this is full screen with tabs my apologies for the background noise it can hear somebody talking that is a visitor that I have in house it's my relative and they've got a conference call so my apologies for that so here's the tool palette over here on the left hand side and there are numerous tools over here that I'm not going to discuss because honestly you guys could go and do a much better job by yourself of learning Photoshop if you were to go and do a tutorial online on Adobe or one of those situations but what we're gonna basically learn how to do today is to draw in Photoshop so whenever you select this little brush right here that is the brush icon that's where you're going to want to be if you want to draw so just to get a few little elements on here as we start out what I typically like to do is a warm up a lot of times as I'll start drawing circles just to get to my arm flowing just to get my wrist moving just to get the things that I need to done before I start doing things now you're gonna see a lot of things happening on the screen you're gonna see like this little hand come up block okay here's his hand what I'm doing basically is I'm pressing the spacebar I've got my keyboard over to the left hand side you guys don't see that but my keyboards over on the left hand side it does a bluetooth connect to keyboard with PHP which is awesome and this is the same setup that I've had for gosh for 15 to 17 years on the Mac I'll have a Bluetooth keyboard over to the left my drawing screen or the Intuos tablet will be in front of me and I'll be drawing specifically on that so every time I hit the spacebar this little hand comes up then you'll see these this right here ctrl alt what that does is it gives me the ability to zoom in and out and this is very important because whenever I'm drawing I like to zoom in and out I like to get different perspective you'll see me zoom out a lot you'll see me come in a lot and that's because a lot of times whenever I'm suing in and out it gives me a better understanding of the silhouette the overall composition of the character and a better understanding of the direction I need to go as I draw it's kind of a lot it's kind of a feeling you know you hear a lot of times about quick keys and how you need to learn you quick keys and how it's important that you learn this process of interfacing with this piece of software and that's very true and you'll learn your own path over here is the history palette what's great about the new iterate Photoshop is the fact that it's you can control Z history you can state how many times you go back so 50 100 300 and it stores it and it's in its file structure so where you can go back and undo stuff back in the old days you had one undo and then you had to go to the history palette so that being said this history palette really isn't that relevant anymore so I don't really need it I don't use it that much so since we're not doing any fonts today I'm gonna go ahead and hide this palette as well if you want to go back and you want to show these palettes again you can go over here to the layer tabs I'm sorry not a layer tabs but the the tab menu over here and basically you can select which ones you want and you can drag these over to whatever area you want in the interface and a window so I do typically key players open because I use layers a lot that makes sense and what I'll do sometimes is I'll have the brush settings as well that's not really important unless I'm switching brushes a lot and I want to change the different effects that the brush has whether it be shape dynamics or or dual brush or color dynamics or whatever so if you click on one of these it brings up a submenu and you can control what the brush does and how it interfaces on the canvas so if you have pen pressure you can do tilt evade stylus wheel whatever you want then you know whatever you're drawing let's say I want to you know like right now I'm just drawing simple circles let's say I don't want pen pressure so I turn pen pressure off okay now this is a spread of brush if I come up here to this tab up here I got this little icon that looks like a pin going into a bucket of water if I turn this off now I turn this up to 100% what's gonna happen is the pin pressure it is not going to be in the mix at all so now if I put this on the harder I push the darker it will be that's very important to know because you want pressure whenever you draw in Photoshop okay so let's get rid of that so what I like to do is I like to put this down to probably about 55% here's the flow depending on how much air comes out and I air how much flow on paint is in your brush and also this has to do with you see how whenever I press that it goes into pin pressure mode and how it tapers at the end I like having that on because it gives me the best feeling overall for the paint effect that I want I'm kind of positioned a little bit weird this morning like I said I'm drawing on my drawing table and I've got my computer right in front of me and then I've got my a keyboard which is a full size keyboard that comes with the HP which is really cool okay so I'm gonna come back a little bit hopefully you guys won't miss my face it's good looking as I am I know it's hard not you know not to look at me you know good looking I'm just kidding but anyway so I've got this brush right here as you see I've got a whole myriad of brushes gosh I've collected brushes over the years from from people one of the guys that I used to work with Jose he gave me his brush set so I've got his collection of brushes over here and I used his brush pack quite a bit he's an ex Disney artists works for Universal Studios now big shout out to Jose if you're watching my channel love your brushes bro thank you and also I've purchased brushes over the years flat packs also Aaron Blais sells brushes Aaron Blais of course being the artist that worked for Disney director brother bear so I've got a whole collection of his brushes as well and I've classified them and put them in different categories over here on the left hand side it's important that you do that so drawing brushes is typically where I go a lot just because I've got a lot of brushes in there now brushes do not solve problems that's one of the things you have to remember a brush isn't merely a tool that's somebody a while back say that they were really frustrated you know with people that use brushes a lot I'm like dude what does it matter the end result is the only thing that matters when it comes to artwork people don't ask you what brush you used so anyway I've added a layer over here the right hand side and what we're gonna do now is just to some drawing do some character faces and hopefully you guys will enjoy the process so let's get in here a little bit bromine digitally is a little bit different to drawing traditionally what does that mean exactly it means that drawing digitally there's a speed to it there's a speed to it that obviously saves you a lot of time but also in my opinion it can sometimes be a little bit of a crutch I use digital artwork in my professional life because of the fact that I can go back and make so many changes and it's important that you understand how important that is that's kind of a weird statement right so we're gonna draw some fun elves this morning all the same principles apply in the digital world that they do in the in the real world right you'll still have to know all about composition you still have to know all about you know form and see now what I'm doing I just hit command T and I'm basically I just redid I resize on the canvas okay and what's really cool about working digitally whether it be on a tablet whether it be you know on a high-end monster machine like this is is the fact that you know I can take this and I can use this file to print from and that's pretty significant and important all right depending on how you set the file up and since it is 300 deep yeah now what I did right here since in a PC world I don't quite have the quick keys down to resize the brush no in a Mac environment I can just resize the brush by a person a combination of keys ctrl alt I believe and resizing I'm on a PC I just pressed this button on my pin and I can bring it on by resizing right here which is really cool so I'm gonna have to keep talking because my visitor is being so loud my apologies for that my apologies guys he's a Salesman and it's the end of the year of course and as we all know end of the year sometimes you have to have meetings and whatnot with your boss and that's what's happening right now I stay in the mountains in a house that he owns so my wife and I were very fortunate to be able to move up here from from Orlando and we stayed in this house because she was going to school so he comes here occasionally and he works and that's fine you know we we don't pay a ton in rent which is really nice but on the other hand that is a thing that you have to deal with with in-laws right you have to especially if they're giving you a break on certain aspects of your life or into whatever they've done and I have no problem he's a great guy so you notice every time I go around I'll zoom in or come in and out what's really great about this process is it's nice texture quality believe it or not if you go to a creature our teacher comm they're not a sponsor but unaffiliated with my channel at all I just benefit from the things that I get from that channel from Erin if you go to create art teacher comm and you sign up for their newsletter you actually get this brush the that I'm using right now for free which is awesome this brush is so great he uses this brush a lot if you ever watch his videos this is kind of his go-to drawing brush and he gets a lot of questions and reference to this brush in particular because it's a good brush so we talked over the past couple days about learning form we talked about the working in 3d we talked about you know all of these aspects of illustration and art and it's important that you practice and understand them you know whatever you're doing let's do the scarf I'm gonna have the scarf come down kind of drooping down like this right I remember back whoops made my button I remember back when I was in college at Community College actually I did go to Community College for those of you who were interested or if you're not interested you know that's fine I went to Community College I went on a scholarship for singing and performing and dancing yeah I mean you know uber awkward awkward God but I really enjoyed it gave me the opportunity to learn certain aspects of acting and it paid for my school and pay for my degree which is really nice of course afterwards you know I changed things a little bit and didn't want to go into the singing world so big buckle anyway was the saying what I was saying that's terrible oh this is what I was saying so even when I was you know in quote-unquote regular school I still wanted to learn about art you know I took design classes I took they didn't have illustration that just had design I took airbrushing so I know how to airbrush a traditional design class with a wonderful teacher her name was nonny 9099 ta da you thinkin and she actually was somebody that's famous she ended having her own show on TLC and I think she was Scandinavian or Dutch but she was wonderful just a great encouraging person somebody that actually modeled my my teaching philosophy after so if I ever meet up with Nani again I'll be sure and thank her for the wonderful things she instilled inside of me and me you know basically I taught myself a lot of the things that I took with me whenever I went to Ringling so I taught myself a little bit a lot of the history about animation let's make sure the gesture is all right okay this leg is wrong so if you notice us in here talking I've gotten things wrong and zoomed in that's why it's important that you zoom in and out because I've got this gesture on these legs need to be moved over so to do that you would think oh my gosh I got a redraw but not really you take your stylus or brush or Mouse you go over here to the tool pallet and you get the lasso tool the lasso tool is used to but lasso you're a cowboy so basically what you do is see it's got a little icon on there at the lasso tool so I'm going to put my cursor on the screen and I'm going to drag it into the selection that I want and I have to connect it all the way back now a little-known thing that some people don't realize that is whenever you press the shift key if you miss something while it's still selected press the shift key and it will actually if you drag inside and come around and reconnect it selects more on your current selection so I'm going to copy delete paste then I'm going to transform and move these legs over a little bit because I want that gesture that line of action to come down and be more established so for me to go ahead and solidify my decision I'll hit enter and what it did is whenever I cut and pasted it it created a new layer so what I like to do is I like to keep my sketch on the same layer so I'm going to go ahead and at control e and what that does over in the right hand side if you look it took the top layer and it put it down to the bottom layer now if I made a mistake I can hit control Z and then basically hit undo what I did not to redo what I did I ctrl shift Z and it to reduce what I just did so that's really convenient so I like this gesture so now whoops go back to my drawing and I'm just going to start establishing my sketch a little bit better okay currently my brush is a fixed size I'm going to make it a little and make a little bit bigger and I've got tilt on so if you watch you see how I've changes direction whoops you see how and I can change my position of my pin and it changes direction believe it or not on that HP z book tilt doesn't work great it does support tilt and it does have it but it's not like off the chain if I were to go and it does use Wacom technology which is important to note ok so I don't want this to go all the way down I want to keep my silhouette because if I were to go down see what inadvertently happens is this line right here kind of coincides and runs into that leg I don't want that so I'm gonna go ahead and make the brush a little bit smaller for you guys for the drawing I'm gonna make those stripes okay so I'm gonna make this kind of fuzzy sleeves because he is an elf after all there's a fuzzy sleeve over here okay he's got a scarf kind of covering his mouth hole okay all right so I'm gonna keep talking because I'm having that person in the other room is talking a little bit louder which is not ideal for doing a video but I wanted to get a video out to you guys because I highly doubt that I'm going to do any videos like this next week because hey it's Christmas but I am gonna do my pro create video and I'm working currently working on an illustration I showed you guys I believe yesterday is starting off though I started in the video yesterday I'm gonna be doing the the piece that I did where's that this piece right here I dragged it in to procreate and I'm going through the whole tutorial showing you guys how I work in procreate which is awesome I can't wait to show you guys how that's going to turn out okay so typically whenever I do a piece like this it goes much quicker because I'm not happening okay if anybody is interested in getting a tablet this year I know there's a lot of things on sale right now there's Black Friday right there's a lot of great deals a lot of companies are marking stuff down if you have a question with regards to a tablet it I have no problem giving recommendations just know that those recommendations come with a grain of salt you know everybody works different there is no one computer that has a catch-all okay so right now what I want to do is this particular brush has a taper right or it did so I turn the taper off okay so we'll come back to the taper now as a taker I'm sure that I can program quick keys for that to taper off and I'm now what I'm doing is I'm just putting in some value just some really loose value and what I'm gonna basically do now is I'm going to refine my sketch okay so if you want to rotate the canvas all you have to do is press the letter R now watch the icon see how it changes to and I release okay so now I can rotate the canvas and I come back now it doesn't automatically go back to your brush icon so you need to make sure and go back to the brush okay it's important if you're a traditional artist that you practice the same kind of techniques on the digital world that you do in your traditional world you don't want to have that disconnect affect you adversely in such a way that you're not going to want to work digitally I can't tell you how many times I watch traditional people sit down in a digital environment and they'll change the way they work right you can't change the way you work to cater to a tool right you have to manipulate that tool in such a way that caters to how you work so if you're a painter then you want to work and do things in such a way that is painterly if you're a sketch artist then you want to work in that textured environment try to bring out the textures that you're used to because at the end of the day the computer is there to inhibit you from creativity it is there to stop you and slow you down that's one of the things you know that I always tell students I say you're gonna get frustrated with the digital world but in the long run it is so much more better of a tool if you learn it and and respect it for its downfalls does it have greater things and and and and that you can do more yes and plus one of the biggest things that I always tell people is time you know the digital world is a time saver so alright so I've got my sketch want it I'm gonna go ahead and hit save file save as okay let's do fun okay elf fun okay alright save okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back and I refine my sketch it's important you guys do this because at the end of the day you don't want to you don't want to look at something later on and think gosh I could have fixed that right you want to go back and refine I'm not copying my sketch what I'm doing is I'm refining it I'm pushing the pose a little bit I'm doing things that make sense in the context of the art piece right I like the pose where it's at I think I want him to be curved a little bit more like this so what I'm gonna do is I want to make a copy of my my sketch okay cuz I if I don't like what I did then if I mess something up even though I have control Z I just like the ability to delete that layer so I'm gonna hit that and I'm gonna go ctrl T and then it brings up this bounding box which has to do with manipulation of an image there's a lot of ways you can manipulated image so what I like to do a lot of times especially in this context I'll take my my cursor I'll put it on it's not touching the screen I'll click that secondary button it brings up this other menu for the trance the transform bounding box and what I'll do is I'll hit warp warp basically instead of transforming it as a box now it'll transform it as I see fit so I can curve it in here just a little bit I can bring this out just a little bit right and I could have him curve just a little bit more okay and then I hit enter so now if I want to see the changes I've made okay see he's changed just a little bit just a little bit his head's up just a little bit more and I think that works so now I'll come back to the layer that I'm working on this little tab right here I'll come to the opacity I'll bring that down to about 30 ish percent it's typically it's like it between 25 and 35 so we'll go at 28 and then I'll add a layer okay so now I'll come back in with the same pencil I'll bring up my pasty my baseline opacity a little bit cuz I love this brush and I'll bring the taper in as well see in this in this situation I think a lot of people would possibly take this into illustrator or get a really fine line I like I like to sketchy line so I like to keep that so what I'm doing now is I'm just putting some of the little visual cues and details right we're gonna come here and then we're gonna have this little fluff okay I'm just gonna bring that down just a little bit cuz I think it's a little dark for this piece there we go what's great about this brush is more the more and more I work with it and layer it over itself it gets darker and darker so if I to take the first pass and then it would take a second pass you see right there how it gets darker that's very important because I want I had this little hat maybe he's got some spots that has a little bit darker okay put up a baseline a little bit more she's down like 4 to 4 to fire ok and hat kind of creases over alright good oops alright so now we're gonna come over to the ear I think this ear needs to come down I'm sorry just a little bit cuz I got the scarf that is coming here so I got this ear that comes up and maybe he's got some hair that's coming out here just slightly right he looks kind of ticked because it's that time of the year right okay all right so we're gonna bring this eye down and then we're gonna bring this here a little eyes shine just a little bit and he's looking he's kind of like pissed off that you took his hot cocoa he's like I'm gonna cut you so bad that you're gonna wish that he didn't cut you so bad right and he's been doing a lot of toy making so maybe he's got some baggage good okay hair comes out and his cheek comes in and here's the edge of that scarf whoops it's coming like this here's the other edge of that scarf coming here here whoops okay there we go we're going a little bit too fast I tend to do that whenever I'm drawing sometimes I'll just I'll go too fast see I'm already feeling I want this have a little bit of weight to it right here cuz he's kind of slightly turned all right okay maybe he's got a couple of freckles here and there yeah I'll put some freckles on his nose you know I have that cheek come out just a little bit more and then I've got this year that comes up maybe he's got some ear hair oops you know there is a hike Hiten I keep hitting that that button here and what's really cool guys about having a digital device that has pressure on it when I do that cheek to real establish that a little bit do some little shadow lines here and there is the fact that golly you can do so many great wonderful nuanced things in your illustration and your character design you know I was kind of accused of pooh-poohing traditional people and of course that's a load of crap because I am a traditional guy I came for additional background but I tried to explain to the students how important it was not to limit yourself to a certain area of expertise right if you get really good at one thing then it's just like you're limiting yourself and I don't ever want to be somebody that limits or even has the possibility of limiting myself a little fluff down here and that's basically you know where I come from and curb that arm a little bit because I want to be out just slightly okay so yeah traditional do it all you know do it all we're gonna have little puff balls down here as well you know I've got so many devices I've got and that's a blessing that is not bragging that is a blessing you know the fact that I had the ability to work like I do where I do how I do and you know be able to do a video on a Friday morning before Christmas when a lot of people are in the studio you know plugging away doing you know things for other people and not enjoying the job I was that guy you know I was that guy for years you know doing office Christmas parties and all of that and trust me I never a little anybody that is currently doing that I don't have any ulterior motive as to talking into one aspect of working or another whether it's freelance whether it's studio work you work where you need to you know we all have to make money to live in this world so okay so enough lecturing so basically what I'm doing is I'm just refining this cash so whenever I come to hands believe it or not I still have issues with hands I'm sorry you know I might be a professional and work in the illustration field but hands you know because I'm such a quick concept sketch or guy a lot of times certain aspects of hands are harder for me right so cartoon hangings aren't such a big deal but it's important that they look like ants okay you know and not so much like claws okay and this final finger come out here kind of like kind of like that and even that that's not really where I want to be it's too big so what's great about digital is I can go back control-z control-z okay all righty you know I have that fur coming to me and I need to come back and need to check his gesture and they're still good so here's this finger comes out okay here here all right so typically every year I do a Christmas card for mail out unfortunately this year just because of the nature of what I do and how busy had been I was not able to get a Christmas card out so I'm so distraught so this is kind of what I wanted to do today you know just do kind of my digital Christmas card for you guys whoops back painter crush sometimes believe it or not I'll be working and it's not so much on this one where it is my Mac my spacebar will stick and that's just like no don't stick okay okay here nice rose up around here okay all right so now what I'm gonna do since ever find my sketch right put a little ground plane in here whatever makes sense okay little bit of shadow line right here not so much I don't like that whoops here okay so all right so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna make this a little bit bigger we're gonna get rid of the taper so now we have a nice way to put in value okay we're gonna get rid of my sketch now we've got our final quote unquote final sketch and I'm noticing that once I did that I lost a lot of the life in it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back to my initial sketch and we're gonna just put it up from about 10% right there for some reason a lot of times whenever you leave certain leave sketches in it keeps the life there so come back I'm gonna give a little bit of texture here and there right doesn't make sense that we have fur up here and there but we don't have it there I'm gonna go ahead and erase good here you know keeping it Lively keeping it fun [Music] okay so now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start putting in a little bit of value here and there and I'm gonna go ahead and flatten a layer down I did control e which flattens again to the layer that's right below it so then I'm gonna come back and underneath everything see right now this layer one where my sketch is is on top of the layer that I'm fixing to drawing so I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna get rid of the taper and I'm gonna make my brush a little bit bigger I'm gonna put down the value the baseline value and I'm just gonna start putting in some value here and there cuz I want to give it some form right see whenever you work in the digital world what's nice is you can you have so much control with regards to doing this okay it's nice here we're gonna give them some kind of dark baggage right here right he's pissed but not too pissed he's like a jolly pissed and basically all I'm doing is if the light source is you know coming from up and like right here and then towards you putting some of these simple values gives the piece texture and right now I'm just working on the darkest some of the darkest areas or you're gonna have that dark shadow okay so this obviously is a scarf so comes down here right there there yeah make my brush a little bit smaller and then just slightly go ahead and do this and since I know that is going to be a striped scarf here here there okay and then we're gonna have a little bit of cash shadow coming here a little bit of a cash shadow coming there again very quickly roughing in some of these areas right there we go that's good okay okay little little Christmas balls out the bottoms Christmas ball is Christmas after all we love Christmas and all the people are purchasing stuff cuz you know else make stuff here just ever so slightly fun you know doing stuff like this when it's not so tight you know is so messed up there have that and then if you notice how nuanced that texture is now I'm barely pressing down and since I don't have a taper on the top it goes in and it does like a blanket texture which is so nice right instead of having the texture on the surface of the paper or having a alternate layer that basically has the texture on it then I can manipulate the brush itself is what is is putting down that texture which is really nice my apologies for that everybody my houseguest visitor came up unannounced and stood behind me so my apologies for that so we'll continue on with this illustration a little spot illustration really quick so what I'm basically doing now as I ate it as I'm putting in some texture value to kind of give it a little bit of texture not texture but contrast right because even though I like my outlines and I like my sketchy lines I am gonna put some color in here in just a moment and I'll keep going back and forth with the sizes because I hasn't quite landed here would go she's supposed to have like black boots on get a little bit of shadowing in here zoom out just a little bit I know what I'll do is now I'm just putting in some contrast just a little bit of contrast just a little bit just a little bit Oh for those of you interested I watched the new Star Wars movie last night I'm not going to spoil it for you guys I had a little bit of a challenge not reading some reviews and I saw some people were like you know the show lacked heart and whatnot I think they're full of crap I thought it was a great movie I always have a rule of thumb when I watch movies especially high-profile movies like that you know I did the same thing whenever I watched age of Ultron and then I watched The Avengers you know here's the deal I'm there to be entertained if I'm entertained and I like what they've done and the special effects aren't irritating to the to the you know to the umpteenth of fact that they are distracting then you know if it's an entertaining movie I typically give it a good review the rise of Skywalker was a very entertaining movie it had parts in it that actually almost made me cry right especially whenever you you know look at the whole situation of it being you know the last in the story arc of Skywalker and how it started back in the 70s and now it's you know kind of done so it was a great movie and it had lots of great moments did it have some cheesy moments of course they all do right because you're catering to a huge audience and you have to make sure and and cover a lot of your bases but overall it was really good so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go on the bottom layer so I'm gonna go ahead and combine these two layers with the value now since I have that value on a separate layer if I wanted to go ahead and adjust the value here and there I can whoops I'm on the wrong one here and there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and flatten that down to one layer and now I'm going to put in some color let's see what's great about the hpz book is the fact that it covers 100% of the Adobe ganot color game the profile so since I still have my brush I'm gonna go ahead and start blocking in some of this value and I want to keep in some of that texture right so since it's on a separate layer if you notice which is really good I'm gonna go ahead and block in and I'm gonna put all this color on one layer and it'll be called what it's called local color local color is the color that doesn't have any light or dark on it right so it's kind of a baseline color if you were to go to like the hardware store and they were like let me have a red you know and the red doesn't have tint of shades it's like a pure red right then let me see green we're gonna do red it's be gonna read okay now there's a myriad of different ways you can put in you know block in your color you know a really quick way is to take the magic lasso you know that tool we used earlier and go ahead and select the areas you want like this okay and hit F lips my bad and it fill for out color whoops oh it D selected things my apologies for that let's try it again would think I know what I'm doing and it fill and there's a quick key for that of course or I can actually program a quick key in my tablet if I wanted to I believe it or not I don't use this particular tab at a whole heck of a lot so we're gonna make his scarf red too so we're gonna go ahead and do this okay we're gonna hit shift and we're gonna select more all the way around here select yeah and okay till workout color okay it looks fun okay now I'm gonna do is I've got my lips deselect got my brush here I'm gonna put the taper back on it okay we're at a hundred percent so I want to give a little bit of roughness to this area right here kind of going outside the lines I've been coloring outside the lines my entire life right so then we're gonna have and two if you if there's a color that you like what you can do is you press the alt button and whenever you're in the brush mode alt selects the color that you I drop so if I'm like I'm working really fast I don't know what my computer's doing be honest with you it's doing weird things it's probably like I need to update oh yeah so we're just gonna come here and sometimes even though I have the ability to select and fill I that's kind of an aesthetic I'm here to draw and the fact that I have the ability to draw in the computer even though it's a time saver you know that select and fill it it's kind of a disconnect right so sometimes I'll just for the sake of drawing being able to draw in the computer I'll just paint using my brush instead of select fill right it sounds dumb but I do it sorry okay so now we're gonna come over here to the left hand side we're gonna get it kind of a darker gray tone yeah that's good however in this situation I don't want to paint so I'm gonna come I'm gonna do select I'm sorry I'm gonna go use my lasso tool again shift again basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fill it I've never been a huge fan my wife says you use that too much she's like never been a huge fan huh what I'm trying to say is I've never been a huge fan of the magic lasso tool I don't like the magic lasso tool you know I'll use it whenever I select things that have hard lines obviously but whenever it comes to selecting pictures and stuff like that I don't typically use the magic lasso all you nothing that oh yeah I'll use the regular lasso tool or the pen tool I won't use the magic lasso all right okay so we'll just go ahead and we'll do things like different this one we'll just paint this one in okay okay now what's really cool I'm go ahead and hit the eraser I'm gonna get a hard-line eraser action I'm gonna use the brushes my eraser which is really cool because you can do that Photoshop is choose body Racer X just a sample brush okay so here here ya know why it's doing this this is interesting trying to specify what eraser I want but it keeps going back like I've I hit the eraser I select what brush I want okay there we go we're fine my dad okay so we'll come here and we're gonna go back to you know that's interesting I think I found an anomaly okay so we're gonna head straight to right brush down a little bit we're going to go erase a couple things here brush works on the same brush dynamics that the regular brush does so if you want to have a taper if you want to have pressure sensitivity if you want to have whatever it is you can do that you you can do that when it comes to the eraser right now I just got a regular eraser I'm just getting rid of some of this ugliness that I had coming out here and there okay now um just for speed I'm gonna add a layer and I'm gonna drag it underneath this color layer right here because I've already established these hard lines let's get rid of this right here so now I'm gonna come back I'm gonna get a flesh tone flesh tone it's a little bit too yellow that's a little bit too pink to go up here yeah that's a good so welcome back to our brush nope it looks like he has colic color libraries solid coated we're gonna go 7 4 4 no 64 is a tan brown brown color cancel go back you know add a little bit more paint to it up there I'm gonna lighten it up slightly okay that's a nice mid-tone it's important that whatever you want kind of white because I don't typically work on white backgrounds just for this reason because now instead of the paper being the mid-tone you have to create the mid-tone and since I'm on the layer below it look I can go all the way over here and I'm not going to interfere with that red which is really nice okay come up here we're going to change the size just slightly okay a little bit larger okay believe it or not I do have work today I've got stuff to do for collectible pins okay we're going to do his hands and I've been working on a 3d sculpt now for Universal Studios and it's going to be in the new toy coming out next year I can't tell you what it is but it is awesome and I can't wait for you guys to see it actually there's a couple things that I've been working on for Universal Studios very very high profile not bragging it's just you know it's a lot of pressure believe it or not it's a lot of pressure you know working on properties of characters that you did not design you have to step into that and you have to emulate what other artists have done and as an illustrator an artist and a graphic designer and all those things in the toy designer which is what I am it's challenging you know I've been doing it for a while but it's no less challenging all right we're gonna head save this you know just doing stuff quote-unquote on model is challenging to begin with but also making it put life into it so I'm gonna go and select that local color I'm gonna go ahead and bring this down a little bit I want it to be a little bit Pinker okay so now I'm still on that base layer as we know now what's really cool right now I'm gonna lock to transparency see this little checkerboard thing right here so right now if I were to go out the lines look what happens oh my gosh destruction the world's coming to an end that's not the reality in Photoshop and a lot of the programs that are out there procreate it's clip studio paint nettie bangs some of those programs that are photoshop emulators you basically have a lot of the same things that you can utilize tools inside those programs so on layer 4 I'm gonna go ahead and lock that transparency and now whenever I draw look it stops it stops anything I draw will happen inside of that player and inside of the color inside that layer that makes sense I've got my pressure on and I've got my taper on so I'm gonna take my taper off okay give him some cheeks nose whoops okay it's tip of the nose is typically what's read there we go give him some cheeks again these ears kind of the tips of them we're going to be frosty right any tips go a little bit darker okay I like that right there a little bit right there good little cheeks right there okay go inside the ear just nice and then the knuckles typically we're gonna go ahead and do red lips get that a little bit Pinker I'm running out of time that's one going we're gonna go up here there we go one of the red and pink her good good good okay whatever the knuckles if you look your knuckles typically or what are pink and your nail beds are white a lighter color okay so now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put some highlights in but I'm up with the highlights in and I'm gonna do it above all the other layers right to kind of gives it a painterly look right okay and I can change the layer transparency on these which is really cool okay we're gonna little bit smaller still have there we go and what's nice is is it keeps and a texture on there which I love okay put some highlights here and there may be some freckles here and there or maybe he's got a since that eye shines right there we'll have a little bit of a thing right there okay oops so I'm gonna turn the layer transparency off of this because I notice I went outside behind too much we're going to erase this okay okay I'm gonna do a different shade of red on this we're gonna go a little bit lighter all the way up here all the way up here kind of a pinkish color okay again there's that layer with that color we're gonna pop that layer transparency on there cuz look I can do that and what's really cool in Photoshop if you don't want to add a layer or a layer mask or something like that because there's multiple ways you can do this particular um way of doing things so right now I've got this all set up towards got that lighter pink now if I want to go over here and change the way the brush reacts with the layer on that layer I can go to let's say overlay and look see it creates the layer effect instead of going over here to the layers palette it creates a transparency effect over here so what I can basically do without going over to another layer is I have that ability okay so we're just gonna put a little bit of maybe it's got some that okay whoops a little bit smaller I know this video is long but I thought it was important in the context of how to do things a lot of people are like I love the long videos I just sit there and you know and watch and do the videos and follow along and sometimes that's important you guys sometimes it's important to have that ability you know to do certain things so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna put some shades right I'm going to show you some else I'm gonna do here in a second but I'm just basically going in I'm doing the local color I'm putting a little bit of darkness in there little bit of darkness not much just enough right pay all right now over everything um I'm going to do okay so I go ahead and flights to have that on a separate layer I'm going to flatten this down so now he's on one layer so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to watch him call it so I'm gonna I'm gonna right-click this great clipping mask whoops so we're gonna go here right click create clipping mask and what that's gonna do is anything that I go do on this layer so basically it's like having a selection and then creating a new layer but this is a layer mask that I can use for different layer effects so and it only I can only draw inside of this see how it just stays inside so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab a purple hue kind of a darker purple okay we're gonna hit multiply and we're gonna make this about 21% I what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use that as my shadow layer okay because it's a cooler oops I forgot to buy forgot to do the white okay that's easy here I'm gonna show you a trick guys this will blow your mind so right now I'm gonna select okay yeah I'm blowing your mind all right you're like you suck so I'm gonna go complete black why would you go complete black and I'm gonna do it over the entire thing I should have done this from the beginning this is what you typically do you'll do a mid-tone gray that basically I'll probably as part of time-lapse for you guys okay so you're like why are you doing black that makes no sense I'll show you here in a second because again I'm on a white background and I could probably do this if it was a hard line basically all I would do is select out outer part this area right here and then click the inverse and select the inverse and fill black and I'm gonna show you why I'm doing black here in a second there's gotta be two reasons why you know what I'm gonna do this this believe it or not is a really fast way woops went outside the line so we're not sound and that's okay if you go outside the lines just a little bit just a little bit is just gonna side the lines just a little bit that's fine I'll tell you what I'm loving this computer for those of you who are looking for a very powerful traveling computer and you don't want to have to deal with like a Mac and having to deal with the fact you can't draw on the screen which come on Apple I understand you have iPads and stuff but make a freaking traveling computer that I can draw on I mean surface has been doing it since what 2013 or 2012 you know anyway I digress so this machine these peas ebook I've done a review on it before is a wonderful machine oh my gosh it's got Wacom technology it's you know got the eight core blah blah blah 32 gigs of ram SSD 2 gig video card it is a wonderful machine in the fact that I can work on a professional application it is a professional computer and it's wonderful however and I said this in my review because it's got an i7 processor with 32 gigs of ram and 2 gig video cards what do you expect I mean I get basically on a good day I get maybe two and a half hours if I'm working in Photoshop ok okay I think we're pretty close right no compliance there's no complaints nobody complains I got an email probably one of my clients like what are you doing I'm like drawing ah yeah that feels okay so let's do this yes yes I remember back whenever I worked at the agency foreground one of the guys that I worked with he was you know a great guy okay so don't let's let's do this really quick so what I basically did was I wanted Krita lair I filled it full of black the silhouette okay so now I'm gonna do all - I whoops I'm sorry okay so control eye which gives the opposite of black I'm gonna drag this all the way to the bottom okay okay and then what I'm going to do it's as fat as a layer mask I'm gonna delete that now I'm going to select I'm gonna come up here I'm going to add a layer okay hold on next I'm gonna flatten this down say II just you know I've pre-pro I've reprogrammed my keys on my PC to emulate a Mac so what I'll have to deal with quick key issues there's a great little program donc like a little side program called key tweak and I highly recommend it I've used it on all my devices so let's go ahead and make that a clipping mask so now I go back to my purple hue I click it to multiply I make the transparency and opacity down a little bit so now I can go in I could put my shadows the nice cool shadows that I want it's important that you utilize you know Photoshop for its strengths so now I'm just putting in some of the shadows I've got my pressure variable on and I'm just basically leveling in my shadows whoops really easy really simple and what's nice is I'm using the texture of the brush and it keeps REM ffice izing the textures that I have already in the piece itself right make it a little bit bigger and the bigger I get the the texture is accentuated okay nice and what's really cool is if with multiply the more that I do it the darker it gets all the way to the full saturation on the saturation all the way to the full what's my color of the piece okay so I think that's a pretty decent area now what I'm gonna do is I can always come back and I'll have like a warm tone or warm hue I'll position that down to overlay and what that basically does is it gives a nice or I can do color dodge which is really nice see again it's got kind of like glow you guys who use um and - if you notice just then instead of using a layer mask or anything like that because I want everything over my highlights and over everything I just come down here and I hit control over the layer of solid silhouette and then I just hit control and it selects that for that particular shape and now I can go in and I can just put in some of the warmer highlights right and I can kind of move these back just a little bit there we go and I can position this again underneath that layer actually I don't like that at all let me go with overlay computer froze there we go okay sometimes and this is what happens so you guys understand how pcs work right now Photoshop is checking my license overlay let's do overlay yeah so it gives it a little bit of a nice yellow hue and whatever that happens basically Photoshop goes oh are you allowed to have Photoshop and then it's like oh yeah you're fine but whenever that happens you have to just kind of stop for a second because it will freak out okay so I think that's where we're gonna land on this one just a simple illustration I'm gonna go ahead and adjust the layer transparency on that I'm gonna put a simple background save Oh sitting down hurts my booty I got one of those chairs that is a special economic chair because I sit so much and basically I'm kneeling and I found that it works really good so we're gonna do really good for for what I do okay so here we go again I've got that special just I did this almost entire piece with this brush so we're gonna go here oops nice we're gonna come back I like I like me a little bit of texture in there so now we're just gonna go in it we're gonna fill all this in now with PCs Macs you know especially in Photoshop you know don't judge a computer and its ability to do certain things based upon Photoshop slow or quickness you know because certain brushes in Photoshop work better than others this one happens to work pretty good for as a sketch brush but as a big fill this is a pretty big document 18 and I think by 10 and you know it's a 300 dpi and this brush size right now is at 158 pixels if I were to go and I were to make this lets go I like the texture so I want the texture to shine through there we go give it a little bit of life right I were to go to plug five and her pixels it would take Photoshop a second for it to chew and that's not to say that this computer isn't powerful but it is to say that you know not all not all machines work well with certain computer or programs you know I know my Mac if I were to take this brush and go really really big then it would have a hard time chewing so just know that you could set Photoshop up in a way that it works for you and depending on how you work I'm just putting lines in here right now I think what I want to do is I'm gonna have some little squiggly dudes come up yeah right and they kind of go in the back and again putting them in areas that make sense in the context of the composition I don't want to sit there and do this that doesn't make any sense I don't want to sit there and do this that doesn't make any sense I don't want to sit there and do this that doesn't make any sense these negative space areas that you're seeing even though there's there stuff in there it has to make sense you know maybe I'll have one right here and in terms of direction - this one's facing out this one's facing in because I have this curve right here so then we're gonna come up you know okay and again see that line right there that have that negative space that negative space is pushing that down right and you get a space is pushing that down so it helps reaffirm what I'm trying to do and then we're gonna do one final I'm gonna have a nice warm kind of a greenish color and we're gonna do a color dodge and I'm gonna find okay so let's go down the splat pack this will be the final thing that I'm doing I know you're tired I know you're tired I get it I get it I know you're tired okay so let's do this I like that a lot so let's go put that in okay we're gonna color top let's do overlay here we go like that here we go okay all right I think that's we're gonna land today guys thanks for visiting the channel I might work on a little bit more here and there but overall I'm pretty happy you know I could go in and mess around with the shadows down here and whatnot I could do so many different things but the reality is is you know I can't sit here and work on he's for 10 hours you know again that's not what I'm supposed to be doing I'm supposed to be you know just showing you guys a little bit what's going on in the world of Photoshop okay so we're gonna do opacity see this is the problem I start getting in here and I start messing around with stuff we've got a little bit of shadow right there good good okay ooh see what happens he wants to have a little bit of highlight a little bit highlight okay so you never did my highlights good good huh okay I think that's all I'm gonna do for you guys today thanks for visiting the channel like and subscribe if you like what you see Merry Christmas have a wonderful weekend and we'll see you next time thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Michael Clarida Arts
Views: 269,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illustration, design, fun, art, drawing, sketch, sketching, painting, digital art, creating, water color, funny, trending, concept art, photoshop, illustrator, great art, photoshop videos, drawing videos, art videos
Id: kmwAVVYytlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 40sec (4780 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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