[GTA 5 Tutorial] Creating interior (MLO) with portals

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all right welcome back to another tutorial this one is gonna be a longer one so you better strap in because it's gonna be like covering basically everything that has to do with creating an interior or mlo in one video so it's gonna be covering basically finding where you want to create your you know your interior exporting what like the different files you need creating the shell versus coloring shell collision opening the door windows etc importing the files changing the different file names adding portals calculating portals and we might dive in to lights but I think lights need their own tutorial so it might only just be very quickly just to add a bit of a bit of depth to your interior it really acts just having lights and there adds a lot rather than just having self-illuminating walls it kind of it is really boring so first things first I'm gonna assume that you know how to use open yvl I assume you you know how to use code Walker you have a rough idea of how why maps work etc etc you know how to work in 3ds max if you do not know 3ds max I suggest you watch a few tutorials on how to use Max because I'm gonna be running through a lot of things I will be commenting on what I'm doing but I'm not gonna go into depth how I'm doing it so first things first in this one I'm gonna be using a pretty basic building that is somewhat secluded which is easier to work with in this case there is no right or wrong you can basically open up any building in this case I'm just gonna be using this building here opening that up because it's a single building it's it's like very easy to get a whole off and there isn't really much to it as you can see here so this is the building I'm gonna be working with so as per usual you're gonna select it in code Walker and you're gonna just get the name in this case this is the name for this building let's see there we go and this is the building we're gonna be using I'm just gonna double check that we are not editing like making sure that there's nor like this is the only building in the world so we don't make changes to Malta like multiple of the same building so we're just gonna use coke Walker check the world for that and in this case there's only this building so if we make changes with this model is not gonna affect any other model in the world so go so we're gonna in open IV we're gonna select this model specifically so this one here export and then as for usual you're gonna find the place you want to export your files to I have my a mellow tutorial and this is from my previous attempts I did a tutorial earlier where I just kind of gave up because it became really unorganized so this is gonna be exterior so we're just gonna export that there and we're gonna check that which textual dictionary this is using is using this textured dictionary we're not gonna use this for anything really this is just so it looks correct in in max so we're gonna export that one so now we have this model so this is the model obviously that we're gonna open up we're gonna remove the doors we're gonna remove some windows to make it look like there's windows but we also want to open up the D coalition so obviously if we just export this and we open up the doors you won't be able to walk in because there's gonna be collisions that will block you so in code Walker we go up here and we click on the coalition tap you can see that it will give us this view so if we select we right-click this is part on the house it will give us this name up in the top right so this is CX cs6 oh one for good wipe and so we go back here should this kid not but more often than not they're in the same folder this case is it's not so let's go search for it to find it here right click export and then we're going to create a new folder called exterior call this is the exterior coalition and then we're gonna find the exterior coalition for the details so it's probably gonna be the same name just hi so this is the bench no we're gonna select one of the smaller parts so you can see this is the high one so we need both of these just to make it so you can if you don't fix this there's a high chance that you cannot pull out a weapon inside a building or if you try to shoot from the inside to the outside there's gonna be some coalition that will block you so make sure you get both of these exported and changed so now we have both of these we have the model itself exported so now we're gonna just jump in to max open open up our games Evo in my case I'm still using 2017 I find that to be the most not the stable version I think 16 is old a more stable version but this one works for me and then we're going to import our our model and we are also going to import our collision so this is this is pretty unusual but this model has a built-in collision this is not very often that happens because most of the time any building you open up is using external collision files over a coalition or whatever you want to call it but this one seems to be some reason having some embedded collisions so we will more than likely maybe be deleting that but we will see so first of all we'll just hide these these are the coalition files and then in here we're gonna do the same we're gonna hide the collision we don't really need that right now we are gonna go to materials turn off transparency viewport clipping and just make sure everything's good and I'm gonna go to our edible mesh select everything and then we're just gonna weld it it makes it a bit easier to work with in some cases I'm gonna go to polygon mode again ctrl a and select everything then we're gonna click on auto smooth this is gonna fix the smoothing groups as you can see if we go back and we make everything into one smoothing group you can see how these shadows look all kinds of up and that's gonna reflect in-game to make sure that whenever you weld everything you make sure to smooth them correctly so for this one we will be removing a door obviously we will also be removing this door since I'm gonna be making two exits and I'm gonna be removing I think these two windows here these two that one so then we count that's pretty straightforward we're just kind of removing the the things that we want to not not be there on the bottle so if I were to go in depth I will obviously be remembering these windows as well the back windows and this window but for this one this is pretty basic I'm gonna be using these two doors I'm gonna be making a split in the middle here and making this a second room so I'm basically covering having multiple rooms as well so obviously if you have a building that is rotated in a lot of cases when it comes to rock stars buildings and things say they might be rotated at an angle more often than not they're rotated in a like five degree increment so you could export a building that would be rotated like this just make sure you rotate it so it's lined up in this case you can see this is obviously lined up like it's a square you set up being like this so make sure you line it up and whenever you're done you've reset the rotation then resetting the rotation is basically just let's say this is the rotation you can see down in the lower right you can just right-click on these arrows that will reset the rotation it's easier to work on when it's lined up like this because if I create a box you can see the box is now lined up with the shape but if the building was rotated like this our box would be you know hard to work with we will have to rotate it moving a segment or a corner would be really tedious so yeah just make sure you line up your model when you start working also in this case our building is pretty much centered which makes it a bit easier to work on if you do have a a building that you're working on let's say that is part of a bigger building so the interior is located out here you can create the interior so it will fit to this building but you can also create the interior so it's located around zero so basically in the center of your model and then you move it in cold water the OPP's there's a few ups and downs when it comes to it cold water is a bit messy when it comes to moving the exterior further away from the center of your model it it will disappear and do some clear stuff but it's easy to line up things which you will see when I start working on this one the downside to working on say having everything in the middle of the of the of the scene or your model being serious zero is that it's you would have to line it up in cold water which can be a tedious process because you literally have to line it up with zero zero zero one decimals at a time to make sure everything is lined up we just keep that in mind when you work on things so we have our model export it we cut out the windows here as you can see so we're just gonna start with a simple box so I'm gonna be doing this I'm gonna be moving the box to zero zero zero and then we're gonna convert it to an editable poly go into polygon mode select everything like I'm flip so you wanna obviously in this case the box is gonna be black but if you click on the plus you go to the X view and then you click on a face orientation you can see green is good because that means that the back side is out which is in the case I'm in terror is what we want you can also see if we hide the box which is not letting me do for some reason there we go we hide the box and we set flat color xvu face are in taken in this case it doesn't show but it should show the same thing that these walls are like this should be and the inside should have been green so we're gonna just unhide our box here seems like my 3 is max it's having a bit of a rough time them it is what it is all right so face orientation obviously the green has to be outside meaning that the back side is facing out and the what are you calling it be the faces are facing in so in this case that's what we want so you're gonna just turn this back off and then we're gonna start aligning our interior so obviously this is too tall so I just want to align these to the walls I'm gonna turn on my snapping making sure I have vertex enabled and I'm gonna move it so it fits with these windows and I move the top down you want the top to fit roughly with I think these corners here like so gonna move this part in in the line this site with this doorframe like so it's also aligning with this window which we're not gonna be using but it would be easier if we just opened this up as well but uh you won't be able to see this anyways all right we also have the front here which we are gonna be aligning with this doorframe as you can see this also aligns with these windows so that's good this is obviously we're having some max experience comes into play we're gonna align the floor with the floor here and that seems pretty good so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start aligning and opening up this interior so we go into our edge mode and just select the edges that goes around Oh actually they might just make sure the bag is also fitting here so I'm just gonna line up to the window so obviously if I opened up all of these windows they would somewhat fit so there we go what I'm gonna do is if I go into in this case f3 mode which will show the wireframe I'm gonna hit Alt R which is gonna loop or ring around our box selecting everything I'm gonna go to connect I'm gonna create two which I will if I sit like one of them and I hit alt L or in this case loop and then I will move it so they fit with this door-opening so there we go like so I'm gonna do the same thing over here fold L and then I'm gonna move it so it fits with the door opening there we go I'm gonna do the same over here so ring connect to I'm gonna select this one line it up with this window here and then here so obviously if you already know this you can skip a skip ahead this is just gonna be me aligning everything so it fits with the door or with the exterior so connect L aligning L again and the lining in this case I want to make sure it's aligned at that one all right oh and it seems that our exterior is a bit wonky so we're just gonna move this one down to fit with this door instead there's gonna be a step down over here which is fine we can live with that there we go then we're gonna do the same thing just around here so we're gonna ring around this and we couldn't connect twice we're just gonna move this over here I'm gonna loop and then we're gonna connect to this door loop so there we go and then there's literally the last bit this gonna be ring around this entire entire thing here and connect once which is gonna be the height so in this case we're just gonna start out with this door frame here and then over here we should be able so since we have all of these points we should be alright so we can lower this bit with that one we can do the same over here I can find a line it is hiding behind there move this down to that one alright and then we have this here which is we're also gonna move down so it fits with this door like so and then this one is gonna be fine but we're still gonna need the lower area so we're gonna be looping or ringing ring again around here creating one which we're gonna move quite far down so actually you might be just a be able to align this one with this window frame like so a doorframe we're gonna move it down to this corner like so and here and then we had that one so this one should be alright because this is a line with the bottom floors this one should be alright now we have the interior lined up with the exterior so now I'm just gonna start deleting these so if I have all these selected yes you can see now and just hit delete so now our exteriors open up to the or our interiors open up to the exterior I probably could fix this window as well but in this tutorial that's not really necessary we should be alright obviously that's up to you if you want to make that fit it's now the interiors is fitting the exterior as you can see here and if we make sure we deselect everything and we have this movement tool you can see that everything is set to zero zero zero that means that if we use the same coordinates as this building the interior is gonna line up with the exterior because we basically made it to fit I will show you in cold Walker it's gonna make more sense when we get to them at that point so now we're gonna start texturing the interior so in this case I'm gonna just find a a simple texture dictionary or whatever you like text your reference that I want to use and in this case I'm just gonna be using basically these walls of this roof these walls and this this floor we're just gonna be taking this this building here I believe this is the one there we go so this contour it's just gonna go back to our open IV find this export it and put it in to our texture reference I'm just gonna call it breath and I'm gonna go into archetype make sure I get the texture dictionary exported as well as so and then we are gonna go in and we're gonna import text your reference our tower here I'm gonna let it do its thing so a good thing to keep in mind is that a lot of times Rockstar makes a model that is not always up to I wouldn't say it the standard but up to a size specific like a door isn't always the same size in these models so this in this case this door might be smaller so what you can do is that you can use this website up here real quick that I will link in my in my description as always where you can basically find every single model in the game so this is the website I will link it in the description so we're just gonna use this actually if we search with door and we find a decent looking one we can use that as the reference so this this door might be fine it's a cutscene door yeah you know what that should be good we're gonna use this the reason I'm a bit iffy about it so we're gonna use this door as the outside so go back into open IV we're gonna finding a store just export it I'm gonna put it in the texture reference just because it's so now we have this door exported the door is gonna have a few extra things that we don't need we just want this high to the high then we're gonna move the door and make sure that the the size of this entrance is roughly the normal size and the way we're gonna do this is we're gonna align it so I'm gonna move it up in this case it's being a bit of a no I'm gonna turn off snapping there we go so I'm gonna snap to the height I'm gonna snap it there and then move it a bit to the side like so and you can see that this door is a bit taller usually the case is that these are smaller in one or another way so having it be taller is not too bad and that's most likely also gonna be the case over here with this but this is fine we can work with this so we're just gonna hide this so we also wanted to have two rings for this so I'm just gonna hide our exterior here like so and I'm gonna create a second room that is split up by a simple wall so I'm just gonna loop or ring around here again I'm gonna connect with two that we make somewhat fifty here and then we can use this door over here as a reference to how wide we want this to be so if we go up in this view and we select all of these here and just straight up the ladies like so and then we just start start putting these together again as a wall so you can see here we want this to align with these these lines that we have so I select the bottom I hold shift and then I drag up with snapping on that's gonna align this to to this line I'm gonna do the same here to the next one and then to the top I'm gonna do it over here this is just so we have a decent looking mesh like so and then we're gonna do the same over here like so and there and then at the top and then this base we want to bridge you can see that there's a bit of a scuffing as to that so we're gonna bridge these two as well but we want this to be the same height so we're also gonna select this and bridge this here so what bridge does is that it just kind of put these the gap and closes the gap so at the top I'm gonna go into vertex mode I'm gonna select these two corners what's not being enabled and align it to this one and I'm gonna select these corners as well and just align it with the back here like so just make these two and then like this this is just again having a bit of a nicer mesh flow alright so as you can see here if I if I select this corner you can see these are not put together so what you want to do is you want to make sure that everything is welded again so I'm gonna select everything I'm gonna go to welt I'm just gonna turn this one down to like Serie C or one and so you can see before is 152 and after it's 136 I means that it's gonna weld these these areas together and then I can move these as one which is good like so alright so now we have a wall in this in the middle of the room here so now we want to start texturing this so what you can't do is you can just if we go into our material editor I'm just I'm using the old material editor if you don't have this one if you hold left click on this button up here you can see it will show it drop down just make sure you select this one this is the old material it's a bit easier to work with click on material pick material from object you can see this will now give us a long list of different materials that is from this building so what you can do is you can just apply this to the interior but we kind of just want three three textures we will just want the textures from the inside so we're gonna go to our default material here we're gonna click on standard we're gonna apply our multi soft object and discard the old and delete down so we have three then we're gonna call this one roof wall and floor and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on this go to edible mesh we're gonna click on the wall so the wall is number five floor is number six and the roof is number seven then we go back here we say okay it's the wall the wall was number five right click copy go back and then wall and just gonna paste that the roof was number seven copy roof and the other one was number six so copy and paste now we have these textures that we want to use so I'm just gonna click on this I'm gonna hide this like so and then we are gonna just apply this or I assigned this to our material or to our model like so and you can see this is a mess it looks like a mess so what we're gonna do is we're gonna fix it first of all so we're gonna select only the walls which we're gonna set to material ID number two and then we're gonna select the floor only as you can see we have now which we're gonna set to number three and then the roof only this is gonna be number one so that's already good then we're just gonna start by selecting everything control a I'm gonna put our UVM or uvv map on it our modifier uvv where we have everything selected gonna go back to edible poll hit f2 disable red so we have a rough idea how does this gonna look I'm gonna set this to Bucks I'm just gonna do like three three three this looks looks alright for what it is you know it's collapsed two we want this the roof to be a bit more in line so what we're gonna do is we're gonna select the roof only gonna apply to modify again and now you can see that it's it's made sure to fit the texture to the roof so what we can do is we can scale up like say three times that's not very good so we're gonna do a bit more five times all right so that's a bit better but you can see that this this texture is a bit stretched in this direction so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna up this one so it's more of a square they're gonna 7.5 I'm gonna hide our lines there mind can do that here but that looks maybe make it eight but I collapse this down into our holy and then we are much good to go so while we're at it we already have the the shell mate and created we're gonna go into our vertex mode and then we're gonna select everything so ctrl 8 and then we're gonna give it a vertex color so usually for an interior the vertex color is just straight-up green what green does it makes the walls glow or not globe but illuminate so if we turn this all the way down to black that means that the walls are not gonna be lumen ating at all it's only gonna rely on lights we don't really want that it looks kind of bad unless you have really spot-on lighting so you're gonna set this to something like a hundred and forty that's a in between in the middle of everything if you want the interior to be lighter obviously you just turn the green up you want em to be toggled you turn it down you can also mix in a bit of blue and red and again on my discord I'm gonna be linking it in the description because I've had people give me for trying to you know get traffic onto my discord so in this picture you can see what the different colors do so ambient occlusion artificial lighting with the screen and moonlight so you can up to both the red and the blue a little bit if you want either of these let's say 55 on this one and it's 29 like sir again play around with these colors but usually green and just green is is good enough so I'm gonna just have these two one click on ok now our interiors is somewhat it's not perfect but it's decent it's a shell this is where you want to start adding details so this is pretty much done so what you want to do is as per usual when you create a custom model and are going to create object and I go into models and the game mesh modifier and then a bottle modifier and then our box we're gonna drag into this a bottle modifier and then we're gonna rename this to this case we're gonna call it 4 ml o on the score tutorial on this course shell and the box so the model itself we're gonna call the same just with hi again so now we have the shell pretty much done now we want to create the coalition so easiest way to do this is when you have created the shell just the shape you just create a copy of this so we're just gonna take our our shell it's gonna clone it that's the copy and just call it o X 1 so now we have the ox1 we're gonna delete the game mesh I'm gonna go back in the into games and then we're gonna go to not export great object coalition gonna at the mesh modifier to ox1 then we're gonna create a composite like so and as you can see it's gonna give us some flex these we don't still we still don't care about these this is the same on when you create an embedded collision and then we're gonna move the Oh X 1 in here I'm gonna copy this name and I've been getting a lot of flack for some reason that I call call my coalition or call but this is just for for it to be easier for me to figure out where like where are my things located what are the names of these so I know this is the call and I know this is the shell so we're gonna hide our our shell and I select our Oh X 1 and then we're gonna apply a coalition like a coalition not a modifier my coalition material to it and in this case we're just gonna make two different months we're gonna make the the the walls I'm gonna make the roof flew so roofing floor then for none I'm gonna go to games materials we're gonna find what I think these walls are gonna be like so I think these are there gonna be wood I'm gonna be salted food sold medium this is how they react to like when you shoot the walls and you walk into the walls and walk on the floor walking the the the ceiling what you also want to do is a room ID you want to set this to 1 in this case we're gonna create a second one for this room because this is gonna be room number two but in this case or for now we're just gonna create this first one then so for the fluff we're gonna create a another game's material that we're gonna call for man-made then we're gonna be selecting laminate I don't know I don't know what this is it might be some metal it might be some ceramic now let's just select ceramic oh there we go go back so now we have these two so because we have two rooms or in this case Oh in another case if you had three or four or five rooms you would have to do the same thing but because we have two rooms we're going to add two more which we're gonna call walls to and blue - you're gonna copy these into these two here and then we're gonna go in and we're gonna make room ID - and room ID - now we have these two so you go into edible poly we assign this material to our model like so you can see this looks alright but it's still not entirely correct so we're gonna select this room 1 and then we're gonna assign we're gonna sign just set ID number one at first and then and then we're gonna select the roof and the floor but not walls and these are gonna be number two like so and then we're gonna do the same thing with the second room just with the other material so we're just gonna set these two and then we're gonna be select the walls make this my bad three which is gonna be walls and then the roof and the floor is gonna be for now you can see that if we go by these walls - and floor - is the room ID number two and this is a room ID number one so basically we have room 1 and we have room - this should make sense to you if not try to wrap your head around it it makes sense especially like if you start having more rooms you have room ID 1 room ID 2 3 4 which has to fit the different rooms that you create alright now we have the coalition created almost if we go back to our mesh collision mesh modifier we have to make sure that this sets - BBH and then 0 0 - same as embedded coalition we have map animal nav cover map dynamic map weapon map and that's pretty much it so now we have our exterior and our exterior interior and our coalition created so now we want to go to our world coalition we want to be able to obviously go inside this building so if we just hide these two for now and then we unhide our exterior coalition so the high + CS o 1 we select one of these boxes and then we had set to make it go to like a focus and then you can see we have this coalition over here this is the coalition that we obviously we want to work on so I am gonna work on not the details at first we're gonna hide those but just rough [Music] the shape on this you can see this is the box so this box which is not part of the high is what will block you from going inside the building you can see this is literally just a block which is the way the rockstar doesn't usually when it comes to these buildings because it's easier to just have a block around the entire building so what you can do is I'm gonna unhide the exterior again this will give you an idea where like the walls are and the windows obviously you don't want to be able to we we don't want to be able to jump in and out the windows in this case that doesn't really matter so easiest way to go about this is when you select the big block the big block here you go to view and then you click on local you also do the same thing with the scaling click on local so if this would be at an angle you are able to move this freely as you can see if I if I rotated this like 60 degrees and you can see now I'm still able to move it on that that axis so if this was at an angle I will still be able to move it at the correct like angle as you can see here these are rotated like 30 degrees but I can still move it like so so if we go back to our exterior here and we select the big block what we want to do is we want to kind of just hash out the the walls as four walls rather than one big wall so I'm gonna use the the big block as a reference so I'm gonna hold shift and then I'm gonna scale down to block which is gonna create a copy like so and I'm gonna make the walls a bit thinner like so and then we're gonna move this still with it snapping enabled I'm gonna move the corner here to match the corner on that one and then I'm gonna just shift hold and do the same thing over here that's a copy mmm that's a bit more annoying you know what I'm gonna do without snapping I'm gonna just make sure that when I can see it that's where it should be there we go I'm gonna select the big block again like so and then we're gonna create another one another copy just in the other direction that's a copy and I'm gonna move it this way like so so that should be good maybe making this thinner yeah and I'm gonna move another one over here so obviously now we have four walls but that means that this entrance is still gonna be blocked so what we want to do is first of all you want to get rid of this big a big block this one we don't really need anymore because now we have walls instead so we're just gonna delete this one like so but then we're gonna select our new walls and then we want to make these walls fit this doorway here so I'm just gonna scale it down and move it scale it down a bit more so it fits the doorframe let go obviously if you want the window to be enterable as well usually that's pretty rare you would also meet some of these blocks go around so this is like playing with LEGOs so you can say you kind of build up the the coalition around the exterior so we're just going to copy this over here and that's another copy in this key like so and then we're gonna create the last one that is gonna be in the middle that is gonna just be the top here like so and then I'm gonna scale it down and move up that should be good enough all right I'm gonna do the same over here real quick so I'm just gonna do this real quick but I'm really commentating is basic the same thing all right there we go so that's pretty good so that is the basic coalition now what we want to do is we want to remove these which is the high this is the detailed coalition this is when you shoot at this door it's gonna absorb the bullets you can still walk through it but it's gonna absorb the bullets and it's gonna react like hey this is a door this is a wooden door so it would react as I get wooden coalition so we're just gonna select these different pieces and just three up delete them there we go same over here so what something to keep in mind is that sometimes these places are a mesh you can see if I select the road over here this is part of a bigger mesh so if there's a piece that you could not just delete as a box you would have to find it and then select it as a mesh and delete it you can see this roof part is a mesh so if I wanted to remove that I would happen to you know click the mesh going to mesh modifier and then delete it like that for these doors I didn't rehab that so it's not an issue so if I select it it's like this wall you can now see that the interior on the inside is kind of open there's a bit of a gap between the door and the floor that doesn't matter we're gonna have the collision there's that so that should be good what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select these pieces that we don't want to export so the tower and the door I'm just gonna freeze those that's gonna make them not show up in our export window I'm gonna go back to our exterior and like I said this is pretty rare that this has an embedded collision but for this one it seems to have one I don't know why I'm just gonna make the assumption that it's not used so I'm actually gonna straight-up delete this we'll see if this comes back and bites me in the ass like I said it's pretty pretty rare that these are embedded so this shouldn't be an issue depending on where you select that you want to build all right exterior outer coat or world coalition and then we have our shell so we're just going to select our shell real quick and then in GIMS I'm gonna go to tools and then we're gonna click on embed game material texture this is gonna embed the textures that we used on our shell to the shell this way we don't have to like define a what are your kind of called a texture dictionary what I also want to do is I want to make sure that our pivots set to zero zero zero or both our shell and our collision so that seems to be all right okay so we're just gonna export so I'm just gonna create in ml toriel I'm gonna create a new folder cool this is just something I do for me to make it easier to like figure out where things are so we have the exterior they have the tutorial shell we have two world collisions and then we have our collision file for the interior I'm just gonna export that and then in the meantime I'm gonna go back into open IV I'm gonna assume as well that you know how to set up your folders and if you don't go back and watch literally my first tutorial I believe I I made so I'm gonna go into my tutorial RPF and I'm gonna download the interior template that I've created again I'm gonna link it down into in the description so you don't have to join my discord and I'm just gonna take the interior template and put that into our files here and then I'm just gonna direct these five files into open IV so you can see we have interior template shell and interior template coalition these two you can just straight up the leads these are just for naming and we're gonna just do some quick renaming I'm just gonna delete these two and I'm gonna go back to our output folder where we have our files and we can see this is done exporting and then I'm gonna just drag these into open IV so now we have the exterior pollution files and email tutorial coalition and our shell alright so next thing we want to rename our interior template an interior template Milo or mlo but I just rename these to the same thing as above so it's gonna be a mellow tutorial and the same down here a mellow tutorial Milo what we're then gonna do is we're gonna right-click Y type and click on edit gonna hit control a open something like notepad plus plus in okay so you can use just normal notepad or whatever you're comfortable with I'm gonna paste that in and then you're gonna find just a name you're gonna highlight interior template hit ctrl F and we're gonna click on replace we're gonna replace everything with mlo on the score tutorial which is the name that we were going with and because the template is already created you're basically just renaming it to use the new coalition and a new shell and a new the newer what is it what's it called a new why maps in the new Y type so we're gonna replace all this to replace seven that's it I'm gonna select everything ctrl-c ctrl-v and then click on Save button do the same thing for the Y map select everything and just gonna go to replace again and replace all of cube replaced three and I replace place that in there and click on save so now we have all these files what I'm gonna do because that's easier for me to work with is that I just move all of these files into my server folder already so in my resources I have my tutorials I have my mlo my stream folder and then I'm gonna just in my stream fold I'm gonna create a new folder got just called tutorial I'm assuming that you know how to start a resource and all of these things like these are very basic things if you don't know how to do it I suggest you go watch the tutorials and how to do it this is not a tutorial about these things I'm not gonna cover it so I'm just gonna take all of our files and put it in here so we have our changed coalition we have our change model and we're just gonna go into code Walker we're gonna close it for the new files and take effect so and I make it allow it to open up we're gonna create on our click new and then I'm open then we're going to paste our path which is my cases in a low esteem stream tutorial I'm gonna select mlo tutorial Milo then we're gonna find our mlo tutorial coalition which is located underneath the world so you can see that this is is floating a little bit which is fine what you can also see is that our box here is incorrect and the reason this is incorrect it's because our BB mins and Max are based on the old model that we had as a template and the way I usually fix this is that I use Y type crater I click on the usual open-open and I go into my output folder so there we go and then I go and select my output shell click on calculate and then import bb's and then I just click on create and then I click on view created now we're gonna have the BB min Max and the BS Center and a BS radius and these are other things but we kind of just want these three lines so we're gonna copy these so ctrl C I'm gonna go back into open IV and then we're gonna go into our Y type and edit and then the first the ability of light line 9 10 and 11 we're just gonna replace this then we're gonna take these two lines so BB min and BB max which we're gonna scroll all the way down to rooms and then we're just gonna paste in here for now because this template only has one room we're gonna create a second room so these are gonna get changed but for now we're just gonna paste these two in and then we're gonna hit save we're gonna take our mly type and put that into our tutorial again and just make sure we have this updated so because Cold War II is code Walker we're just gonna close code Walker we're gonna save it and make sure we have the project just because it's easy to open name the project tutorial it's gonna close this down open so something would code Walker is that when you change something it doesn't take effect until you close down Coldwater and open it back up so if you create a model you update a model you need to close it and open it for it to show so open our tutorial go back to our collision and now you can see that this boundary box is now fitting our our shell here oh okay there's a little bit here that I forgot to to change we can update that in this case it doesn't really matter it's a minor detail so that's really up to you so what we want to do we want to move our Y map map so so it sits in line with our new location so we're gonna fly all the way down to our house which was located over here I was over here yeah and now if you fly it close to this you can see that this is opened up with windows that open the door is open the other door is open so if we go to selection tool and we select make sure we select the knot decal that's not the one we want the actual house so this is the house and then we add this to project and we go and copy the position copy we go to our MLL and we paste that and then we go back and we select the house again we select the rotation and we put that rotation out there we're just gonna calculate extents calculate flags you know we're gonna remove this Y map since we don't really need that save this close the project because we moved this interior quite far so we need to recalculate the extends for the Y map or if we don't do that it's gonna kind of be wonky well there's a bit of misalignment so we're gonna just rotate this so it fits like so so because we did in in match we made sure that everything is aligned you can see that the doorframe is literally perfectly aligned there's a little little tiny bit of a gap usually you would fix this with having a doorframe model around and you know running I don't remember the name of these but the things that run around the lower part of the floor here that runs around so the perfect are that the interior is literally perfect matching with the exterior so if we save this and we just make sure we update the white type as well just because it wants to we haven't really made a change so now we have the the y map and the y type what we also want to do is we want to double check that the the collision is correct so usually when you import a collision file into open IV it doesn't reflect in cold water so what you want to do is you want to go to files you want to go to open and then you want to go to ibn and then when you want to open your yn files this is gonna update the collisions you can see if your collisions are actually correct so if we go back to coalition and now you can see that hey we actually have the correct coalition like the doors here the stairs are here the roof is slanted I guess shouldn't have an effect didn't you probably will never really go to the roof but you can probably if that is an issue if the roof roof is an issue you would just move the roof up or make the this collision box a little bit thinner you can if you feel you know if you feel like you want to give it a try you can try and do this in cold water since cold Walker does have an ml Oh change your kind of thing anyways that's not what we're here for we just checked and everything is correct so we're just gonna remove these ypn again we don't really need them in this project so we're gonna go back to energy and we're just gonna move this fill up this is our trusty trashcan that I use for my template he's gonna move him over to this corner did I I did i rotated this house for some reason there we go make sure it's back so you can see these are the windows that we obviously didn't cut out these are not gonna be an issue when you go inside the interior itself they're not gonna show up but right now you can see them so we're just gonna make sure that we have all this saved so next thing just gonna make sure I'm reading my notes so we fixed the world import files so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna create the portals so the portals are what's gonna make you able to walk from the outside inside a interior without the interior being all invisible and just these these things they will as you kind of work on it it will make sense so we're gonna start by creating our second room because we obviously have the back room here and we have these this the first room so right now we only have one room selected so I'm just gonna go into our render and click on show gtav map so we just have this as the only thing in room or if you click on room you go to Y type and go to mlo and you click new room and then we save and then we close the project and then we open the project we're just gonna restart and we're just gonna restock coke Walker Walker is being a again coat III have all the respect for Dec see for what he's created it's amazing obviously shout out to him for creating this amazing tool well sometimes cold warmer can be a bit of a pain in the year the ass alright [Music] I don't know what that's about but uh that's fine now we have the two rooms so we're gonna call this entrance and then this is gonna be room back back room that's because so obviously that the size is gonna be a bit off for these rooms so when we create it or we calculated the extents these extends are based on this entire shell that's not what we want we want these two rooms to have a BB min/max that is roughly the size of these rooms so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go back into your into max and we're gonna hide everything but the shell itself and then we're going to edible mesh into vertex mode and then you're gonna select for obviously this is gonna be for room number two you want to select the lower left and copy these coordinates down here and make sure you have movement tool selected and you have vertex mode and you have view we're gonna go back in here and in BB min you're gonna paste these for the first line it's gonna be four four two two nine and the second seven seven this one like so and then for max you're gonna select the top right so it's basically whatever it is across from each other you could also do this corner to this corner that doesn't really matter you could probably also do from the top corner to the lower corner it doesn't really matter just as long as the two points are like I don't know what you call that but like at each corner yes across from each other so I'm gonna select this corner up here I'm gonna select that then I'm gonna put that into the max here and here so this is now for entrance because I'm an idiot I'm gonna copy this into backroom max like so and then for the entrance I'm gonna do the same over here so in this case because we want this middle part to fit I'm gonna select this lower corner for the entrance and then this and this all right so that's fine and then I guess I like top which is also fine like so and like so so I don't know why it's doing this it seems the rotation is a bit messed up here I'm just double checked I can I don't know what's up with uh with cold Walker here in this case but it should be fine it's showing the the series your zero rotation for some reason I'm just gonna try and rotate this back just to make sure that everything is like it should be I'm gonna save this I'm gonna save the Y type I'm gonna say everything's gonna open up again you I don't know what's up with co-worker but this should be working just fine this is after we added the other room so I think the co-worker might have had an aneurysm for some reason which is fine it can it can do whatever it wants all right so that should be fine usually if code Walker doesn't have an aneurysm this should be lining up just fine with these as you can see limbo is the entire thing and then we have the back yeah all right so portals we want to add two portals actually when I at one two three four five high portals I bonus five points and there's one reason my interior just rotated again Jesus Christ cold water would you I feel like cold water is just not on my side today it's like hey you're gonna be doing a tutorial right I'm gonna just with you all right save that close this I don't act and some accidentally it's like this and then we're gonna go to our tools go to Y type go to MLL and new Odin so the way that these portals work is that they're gonna have these coordinates which is based off of your shell so as before we're gonna create these these portals by just taking coordinates from our shell and the way we do it is you usually start in the lower left corner and then you work your way up to the top left top right lower right so for the entrance we're gonna select the bottom left and then it's just gonna be some copy-paste work this is gonna be a little bit of a long segment because I'm gonna have to copy-paste it a few details so like so and then the top left that is not correct top right and obviously the reason you want to do this is because the way that grow when you do it from the inside in this manner usually when you put the to and from will get that but you're basically going to and from the exterior to the interior it's always when you have this like nailed down it's always gonna be the same you're always gonna go from room one to room serum you can also flip the portal as you can see room from one room to 0 and then the flax we're gonna go a bit more into I'm gonna link a website where you can check different flax and what they do and what's common and what common flax you use for things so if we go into interior instance and we click on this our poll is now at the back while our interior is rotated I'm just gonna save this and I'm gonna just close down that code blocker and open it back up and hope that it resets everything did I did I rotate my interior no mighty Ria's fine so I'm gonna have to do some troubleshooting here so I'm gonna save this I've got a close close coworker and then I'm gonna go into open IV I'm gonna import my Y map my Y type like so I'm gonna go into my Y map and then in the rotation I'm gonna make this 0 and 1 and then hope that this is gonna reset the entire thing like so just double check I'm gonna check my Y type OD shell the shell is rotated are you what my Y oh okay okay all right just gonna save that put that in back into my tutorial Oh an app called Walker I don't know what's up with that how did that's a that's a first for me all right gonna go back go to and then we're gonna see if everything is lining up there we go now everything is lining up again and then we're just gonna rotate go now you can see that the entrance is lining up with the door perfectly so I'm just just gonna move this prop bin and site again our trusty bin and then we're gonna add a few more bottles though we're just gonna go down two portals go to two tools Thank You Y type mlo portal and then we're gonna just go through this the same way so lower right lower right and then let's see 30 so that's the same access so we're not only gonna be do these two so like so and like some like sound hold up hold up pull the phone no that's alright okay so there we go and then again if we go back to interior stance and we select this you can see that the window is lining up perfectly so lower left top left top right lower right no I'm gonna do next one time portal and now you can see we have interior interior insides enable so we can actually see when we stop moving these coordinates around so if you don't want to see me do this you can skip ahead I'm not I'm gonna be doing this for the next at least five minutes more than likely but if you want to see roughly how I go about it oh my god hopefully I will be getting a tool mate for this to be easier where you can just select the different vertices and it will output this just straight up so you can just select the four vertices and they will just output these four core or these four lines so you can just copy that in alright there we go now we have these three portals mate now we're gonna make these two for this window and for this doorway here Y type and hello new portal and then what we're gonna do so we want this portal to be roughly in the middle and we want to do it from you so from room number two to room with number one so we select both of these vertices because I'm gonna make the portal be in the middle of this so I'm just gonna send like that and then we're gonna update this and this and is gonna move up to the top and that's these two only yes sir all right so just like those two which is the same coordinates of those all right we use the door basically so that's that would make sense so we all be really really doing is just removing these points so there you go so we're not gonna update the portal this yet we're just gonna have to last so we don't think yet so why type a mellow new portal so that it's the same and like I said this tutorial is gonna be quite long so if you're still here I'm assuming that you really want to create an ml oh I'm proud of you for sticking with me for this just long oh so the first one is incorrect I got some all right there we go so so now we have all these five portals created so these three right here are all gonna be 0 to 1 to 0 1 to 0 1 to 0 that's because it goes from the outside to the inside and it goes from outside to room 1 so from room 1 to 0 so euro being the outside one being the inside what you want to do is for this door here which is going from room number one to room number two we want to make it room two to one or from 2 to 1 because we made the coordinates from the inside like so you can see the bottom left so it's basic the same way it would work if we went to the outside so it's going from room - to room 1 this window here is also to the outside or inside this room so it's gonna be from room number 2 to 0 because it's rule number 2 to the outside that should makes sense so these are actually pretty much done this is pretty much done but there's a few things to keep in mind especially when it comes to adding entities so usually when you have a portal you would add an entity to the portal usually in the case of the exterior or interior you add the doors to the portal itself the same goes with here and here maybe even with the not so much with these maybe with the windows but it can't be done as well and the reason you do that is when say you walk outside and the portal is not in in view so you can basically stand here and then the door which would probably tie to let's say room number 1 would disappear because the portal is not in view hence that in according to the game you are not seeing the portal you're not seeing what's inside and that means you're not seeing the door so there is a let's say the door frame is a good example of something you want to keep in the portal entities and the doors is something you also want to keep past door entities so I'm gonna go back to that website we we were looking at before I'm just gonna find two doors so in this case I'm gonna use maybe not apartment doors maybe apartment doors I feel like these are not doors that actually work I don't know I'm just gonna go and skip ahead a little bit I'm just gonna use these doors even though they're actually from the trash yep so what I'm gonna do is for portal number one this portal and this portal and also this portal I'm gonna add a new art your archetype what ml o new entity make sure you have the right portal selected and then you click on new entity and then we're just gonna copy the model in there in that case that is the door we're gonna be using and then we're just gonna move it as per usual so it fits roughly with the door all right so these doors are a bit bigger like I said that's that's fine as long it's is not the door frame that's too big we can basically play with that but it's not gonna be perfect but it's gonna be alright so let me count and then we also have that step but yeah I will live actually let's move that door out a little bit it's not perfect but it works yep we're gonna go to the next one which was portal number it was number two and we're gonna do the same thing so ml o new entity at that I'm just gonna move this into place door is way too big but well lift and then we're going to select from two to one I'll do the same thing new entity and like so I'm just going to move this into the middle oh no you can really see that there's a size difference here but will live again that's why I said make sure you have you know the right sizes exported or and use that as a reference to how big you want to door to be okay we should be all right they're too big obviously but that's that's fine we'll live so we're just gonna save this just make sure everything is good save that and now we have doors so like I said there is a website where you can basically have the different portals that you like portal Flags so their current nature I'm not sure if I said his name right has a pretty in-depth website of different things so if we go to tutorial and then we go to general map mudding then we go to flax and then we scroll down you have white type flax which we're not really gonna be using in this case we're gonna be you looking for a mellow portal flax and you can you can look at these and and I kind of read up on what they do and how they are used and see window flax door flax door flight connected to em ellos and then we have a mellow room flax kind of just makes a match what you think is the correct one so for this we just have 32 and 64 32 renders limbo as LOD using the roof windows mechanical we can Michaels house we don't really need that we're going to disable that one so we have 64 disabled portals while the door is closed now this is the portal flag I'm reading what am i what am I doing here my life room flex my bad reduce the vehicle population and then reduce pet population so it's 32 and 64 so obviously you can have these on you mean not have these on when it comes to 5m it doesn't usually make a difference I believe the back room has the same you can still see outside so for our total flex we're gonna go to window which is either nine sixty five seventy two seventy three and then we're gonna select this is our window and then we're gonna take a look again we're just gonna go with 9 which is height inside from outside nope we don't want that one one extra blue maybe there's really a lot of these that we cared too much about so I'd leave these at zero obviously mess around with it there is some some some that are better than others especially if you have windows that are one way let's say that you can not see from the outside but you can see from the inside and out you would use how to hide inside from outside because you don't wanna render the inside when you can't see inside anyways but in this case we're just gonna leave these at zero there is also for the doors there is hide when doors closed usually you would use this when it comes to let's say an interior where there's no windows that means I mean the door is fully closed you will not render the inside it's a bit fluffy at times but you can make it make it work there is also mirrors which we're not gonna be covering in this one but I believe in these in this case here we're gonna have we're just gonna leave these at zero I highly suggest taking a look at this website reading up on two different flags and then you know messing around with things alright so what we also want to do is we want to change the time cycles for these two rooms right now we have a part in high for entrance and back room there is a long list again I have it linked I might discord I can I'm gonna put it in the the description where you can see different time cycles you can mess around with it see which one you find to be the best one for your interior in this case gonna be using MP apartment high for the entrance and for limbo I'm going to use in gas station alright for the back room I'm gonna be used in gas station so there we go so now we have these two time cycles and then the last thing we're gonna calculate the portals or how many portals you have in the different rooms and the reason you do that is because you need to tell the room how many poles there is and if you don't do this they're not gonna work and either they're not gonna show anything they're gonna act up and when you walk inside things are not gonna do like what they're supposed to do so there's a lot of things so you want to make sure you have portal count set the correct way if you have too many portal cap portals defined you're gonna straight-up crash so keep that in mind if you get near your interior and you crash it's because you have too many portals defined so floor ID we're just gonna update these to match entrance back room so one two and then for portal count for the entrance we have in total one two three and four so we have four portals for at the entrance room a pole count is four for the back room we have one and two so one count is two four limbo we have one two three and four and the reason we have four is because limbo counts every portal going to the outside so every every portal that has 0 so you can see 1 2 3 and 4 if you had a mirror a mirror is also using 0 to 1 that would also be defined in limbo so keep that in mind then everything that goes to 0 is is defined in limbo so limbo is for and I have this handy calculate pollen count that a guy named Yoda on my discord mate so if I click on this it should say for and here it should say for and here it should say - let's see if you set this to zero and click calculate exist 2 4 & 4 so that is correct so we now have the porters Portland mountain or portal concept we have the portals created we have the entities for those for those portals made and then I'm just gonna add an entity to the backroom just so it has a single entity in there I believe there was some s if there is an empty room or a big empty room so prop alien egg up so obviously this is a very basic guide on how to create a name ello I would make very much suggest that you look into adding a lot of details to like these corners down here like a lot of grunge all these kind of thing that makes it look live in and worn but for now we're just gonna run with this so I'm gonna save all of this make sure everything is saved and good to go make sure we have everything in our stream folder yeah we're gonna have to update the manifest real quick so manifest save manifest save that under tutorial like so and because you can rename manifest you don't want more than one manifest file with the same name so for this one I'm just gonna call it manifest mlo so as long as this has this name you can basically name it whatever at the end and it's still gonna work so we have the updated coalition we have the mlo tutorial collision milo fire map which the shell the y time that should basically be yet so let's give it a try since we haven't tested so i'm just gonna fire up my server and then we're gonna go take a look that's what your show I'm just gonna close on cold Walker so I'm sure I have I have all you yes oh yeah so because I saved the Y map while I was looking loading into the server is now gonna complain and crash so that was my fault yeah so keep that in mind don't ever update a white type or an ml o or a Y map while the server is running all right and then we're just gonna teleport up to our interior which is located I believe there so they are related right this Lina has teleport to Waypoint it is downloading a lot of asset and then we turn around wait where's our interior oh it's over here then you can see there's a bit of stuff with the the render distance we can fix that fairly easily but you can see that you can see the inside you can see the doors and then if we go up to the door also don't mind the lagging if you go up to the door the door is locked because of course it would be because of incorrect flags I believe but if we go inside the door is also locked that's pretty typical so we're just gonna head out and we're gonna fix that real quick while we're also gonna fix the occluders because there's most likely an occluder in the way so the way occluders work is that they they are a box or a model that tells the game that they don't have to render anything behind that box it's a optimization to the thing so a lot of times if you have an MMO you've created and you go inside the mlo and it starts acting up I like acting all wonky that could be the reason I'm just gonna just copy these flags for this door real quick why not go to - why not and so I'm gonna go to poles maybe these these doors weren't the best idea so I might just replace them real quick so I'm just gonna go and find some doors that I know work when I go to the what's it called the this here whatever that's called it's gonna select that one I'm just gonna set that as the stairs like so all right that should be good so just save this real quick and then we're gonna go into a closing mode which is the last one so if we go into occlusion mode you can see there's a lot of boxes showing up now I'm pretty sure that if we go in here it will also show a box you see if we can make it show up correctly so I'm just gonna save this I'm gonna close our project then you can see if we fly into this house here there is a box that is pretty much the same size as the house you see down here that means when you stand here it tells the game that anything behind this box it should not render it's the same if you stood over here it will not render anything behind it but it also means that if you're inside it can mess up with your portals and basically a lot of things so the way you go about removing these clueless is that you have to do it manually but it's pretty straightforward so if I can let's see if I can select this there we go is now selected and then we go into selection and then we have the name of the occlusion so we are gonna open up not open IV code Walker and then cold Walker RPF explorer we just go search for this file specifically and then we are gonna in our stream folder we're gonna pull this out in there and then we're just gonna put this back in I know why I did this in code Walker but thing so we have this occluder a1 dot yml so we're gonna right-click we're gonna click on edit if we go back here you can see that index is 32 you can kind of use that to find which box occluder it is if it would be numbers 32 but what you can also do is you can look at these these coordinates in the Y map see the position or there's usually a good one to go by there we go so Center why research for a center I Center why we have this one and then we check the X which is 2 and T 28 fits and then 17 so we know that this is the correct box so we just go straight up delete this and save that sometimes I'm just gonna cover that real like real quick sometimes they use a model instead as you can see here there's a white box around so if I open up this clutter real quick and then we render and show but you can see there's a white box the way you would go about removing this this is a model instead of a just a box inside these Y maps and you scroll down there's these here the occluder models the way to go about that is you literally just select an item so let's say this is the one and then you just delete it so from item to item you delete this you save it you open it in code Walker and check if it's gone and then if it's gone obviously you delete the right one if it's not you go back you revert revert that deletion and you delete another one and then you kind of try for each one so in this case we have this this one open and wasn't reason the box is still there she's gonna double-check I deleted the correct one yep it is the correct one so I don't know why it's not disappearing but this this one oh I know why cuz I didn't put in the updated one every close project no don't say that and then we open up again there now you can see the box is gone so we are just gonna they can save clothes coat Walker and then we're gonna fire up the server again and now crossing fingers everything should be working correctly this is the issue with trying to make a tutorial MLS there's so many small things that can go wrong then it's that's usually easy to fix but we'll draw out a tutorial and this is even after I I made notes on what to cover so on and so forth it's basically like the rotation the shell rotation and so on so I will probably be making some timestamps so people can just kind of skip over like the rotation thing where I realize that hey I done goofed the rotation I've rotated the interior for some reason so we're just gonna tell pull it back up here almost almost Adam all right so let's see if these doors are gonna open this time there we go so I have this thing called a mellow dev tool which is the one showing me two different portals and as you can see the coordinates it's saying the portals and whatnot so I'm just going to disable that stop mellow and ever real quick-like so now you can see we can walk in and out of the the portals we can look inside in login site over here and we can walk from this room to this room we have our egg here so we cannot jump outside these windows because there are still coalition's because we didn't move these code remove these collisions so if I give myself a weapon and I try to shoot at this window you can see it's still each - bullet like oh there's a class that's because there's leftover collision from the original windows or it's worth class in this case this can work in your favor if you just add a class model around here it's still gonna block the bullets you can also just remove it and then embed the class collision so that is pretty pretty much it we are done we have created our interior and the rest is really up to you how you're gonna fill up the interior how you're gonna like add details and obviously you can make it prettier this is pretty quick mate and it doesn't look great and you can also see that the interior is kind of dark but not really so if we go to night and see the interior is the same color really because that's the what we set the vertex colors to like you said it's at noon it doesn't really change and obviously this is gonna change when you start adding lights in sight that will make it better so I'm probably not gonna cover lights in this case because lights are a bit more if he but I will do is a secondary tutorial or is another tutorial on that but yeah that is pretty much how an ml o with poles are created and everything else is on you how you're gonna fill out the interior with details and what what not textures and so on so I hope this tutorial is gonna help you and I'll be seeing you all in the next one I'm sorry for making it so long all right bye
Channel: Tobiii
Views: 169,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA, GTA5, GTA 5, GTA V, Mapping, Modding, tutorials, codewalker, ymaps, ytyps, GTA modding, GTA mapping, GTA tutorial, help, info, how to, how, MLO, Interoir, milo
Id: 2WbLb3NCrrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 43sec (6523 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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