How To Make Car Liveries For FiveM The Right Way

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hello guys today i'm going to be making a short video um because someone requested it right here um about how to make a car delivery for a car for your 5m server uh first what you're going to need is uh either photoshop or or some other thing where you can just paint over stuff or color over stuff and make text and all that stuff um you're going to need those and then open iv which is also something that you're gonna need um and yeah i think those are pretty much the only two things that you need uh so to start out here we've got um this template right here we're gonna do the 2016 explorer yeah so let's just put this into here uh for this i'm using photoshop cs6 which is personally my uh favorite you're just gonna start out by choosing the color which you want your uh what you want the base color of your car to be your cop car so just you could do it like this you know just coloring it in just doing anything like that it doesn't need to be uh neat whatsoever actually wait let me um create a new layer so it's not destructive uh so yeah let me just color all this in real quick color in everything you want to be colored so for example i want the whole car to be colored like this it doesn't even really matter where you make the coloring as long as all the things that you want to be colored are colored okay now that all of that is filled in uh we're going to choose a paint bucket to just fill in all this stuff there we go so then if we make that layer invisible there we go um so yeah now what we're going to do is make the unit number on the top really quickly so let's just make the text here it's going to be 303 or whatever your number is going to be let's make it in a reddish there so then just put it wherever you want the number to be and then i'm just gonna have a nice little uh duplicate this all right got the unit number down there um so then also what you're going to want to do is um get your badge or if you want a badge on it so let me just get my badge now i have my badge in here uh i can just move that down there resize it to whatever i want and then let's duplicate or wait no let's just make a new text just do sheriff just wherever you want it right there it's fine uh okay all right so i'm just going to make a simple little line there you will obviously make it a lot more in detail but uh you know i'm just making it for the tutorial's sake what you're gonna want to do is um [Music] since you have all this stuff on one side you just have to uh you just have to duplicate it all to the other side okay what you're gonna want to do is uh copy this duplicate layers or just duplicate it or whatever and then move it straight down to right here and then while all these are selected click flip horizontally all right so now now it's going to look a little weird um this this one is not where we want it we want it over here so actually no we do want it in the front so that's good but we see it's facing the opposite way so what we're going to do now is it's like this and then click flip horizontally sheriff is like that and also the batch so all um select both of them actually no you have to select them individually so i'll just select uh share first and then flip horizontally and then also this badge flip horizontally all right and then make sure it's all aligned to where you want it yes uh all right there we go wait i need bcso in here so let's do new text vcso oh now let's move it down to here so there's bcso we've got our sheriff and our badge and all of our numbers in there so we're good with all that um so then as you can see here we've got the colors all that stuff uh okay so you see how the uh badge and the sheriff are not uh in the right way also we've got to change that so let's just change all right so let's just move uh sheriff over there okay and then badge move uh over here yep just like that should be good there we go all right and now what you're going to want to do is um find the layer that is the template so okay so see what i am uh putting on and off that thing you're gonna want to hide that layer or delete it if you can't hide it and then this layer that you colored all the colors you're going to want to make that visible and then now since we've got all that done click uh save it save it as so save this and then save it as a png png there we go and uh you see here in the template if it says you have to copy down exactly what this says if you want to replace the skin but if you want to add on a skin to a car you have to do what that skin is and then just type in two just like that so it adds an additional delivery so let's save this to um our desktop yeah there we go and then save that there yes and now this is where so here's our thing right there here is where we take the or no we go into here into the car that you want uh you need the ytf files drag those into there or actually you're going to need all of these to the y2d ytfs but for right now this is what it looks like okay uh which is cool no skin on it for now drag the ytd in there so the y2d is the skin for the car okay so for this skin is it's not my skin it's someone else's skin so that's what the skin is uh what you're going to want to do now is uh in open iv put it into a file whatever folder you want and then uh open the ytd file and you see all these confusing things it can be confusing but um what you're going to want to do is type in sign okay this is what it's most likely at uh you see here t-h-e-r underscore sign one underscore one that's what it was that's what we saved it as here um check make sure none of the other things have the skin make sure this one is the skin that it is so yes it is click replace up there and then let's just replace it with the skin right here th that thing there and then make sure if the mipmap levels are uh higher make sure to set it to one because that'll just do the best in game it'll look the best so click save once you're done with replacing it and then once you're done with that just click on your ytf files and there you go it obviously looks ugly right now because i didn't make it actually good but um there's your cop car but we see some of these are black right here and the uh the call sign is kind of blocked out there so what we're going to want to do is go back into here and get rid of that and then get uh this layer on so we're gonna see what is the problem so the hood is black all right the hood this is the hood right here uh let's see what okay so that is the color that i chose um yeah that's all good let's see if this is good yes it's all right so then it should not be black i don't know why it's black which is dumb uh let's try the height my tf okay the same um whatever but it should work for you should be all the colors that you chose it to be uh looks fine now um obviously the call sign i'm gonna want to move that a bit to the left or to the right over here and then just so it's not in the way of the light bar so it should be right over here and let's try it out let's um first of all save this since we made that change uh save it to our desktop as a png delete the other one and then save that to the desktop yep and go back to your ytd file type in sign this one uh replace this one oh oops uh i did not mean to do that hey um yeah i forgot to make that visible and then hide that all right so then in here there it is so then it just moved that far down all right click save and uh yeah click on one of your ytf files and there you go as you can see it has changed just like that all right now let's get to um putting into the game so now that you have all these changed yt this y2d file and all that what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go into the stream file of the car that you want to change the skin and these ytd and ytf files you're going to want to delete those or just replace them and then drag these new ones into there so just replace them yeah so there's their stream folder uh now this isn't an actual like it's not set up as an actual car so let me just do that really quickly all right so now that we have our uh ytf y2d files into the stream and our all of our data stuff and our resource file into this uh lovely little file here we can then just bring this file this uh file into your server where your resources are and i'm putting it into vehicles leo that's where i'm putting it and then uh let's just wait for this to transfer all right since this explorer is in here we can just go ahead and start up our server and and then i mean just let's check it out yeah all right so now that we're in the server uh we're going to type in the slash refresh just like that and it says foundry new resource 16 explorer in that and then let's just do start whatever the resource name is so start explorer 16 explorer there we go okay and let's go back into the resource here the car and then go into stream and then see whatever this is so uh s o explorer okay so okay so then we go back into game uh vehicle spawner uh spawn vehicle by model and then says s o explorer all right and then let's just wait for it to load oh and by the way while we wait for this to load um in the other episodes that i made uh making the fire delivery here is the finished product in game there we go i really like actually how it came out it's pretty nice yeah here is the sasp charger that i made with the saf delivery oh uh liberty there we go all right and then i should be spawning in a minute now and here we see it has spawned okay so now we're going to go into vehicle options and then uh liveries change delivery there we go and see the black the black spots in the uh hood and all that is gone and um it's looking alright so yeah that um pretty much concludes the episode uh it's working fine everything's good let me just put on some extras there you go [Music] and yeah it's working perfectly all right and that was how to make a delivery for your car in 5m hope you guys enjoyed the video peace out you
Channel: Enchanted Hero
Views: 12,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, fivem, fivem livery, fivem car, car fivem, fivem car livery, car livery, how to make car livery, make livery, fivem server livery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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