How to Solve Spelling Mistakes in English - Basic English Tips

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right welcome back Internet welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alicia and in this week's live stream we're going to talk about some tips for improving your English spelling this is something many of you have asked about it's difficult because there are lots of different issues depending on the country and depending on the language you speak but today I'm going to talk about some ideas that hopefully can help you in improving your spelling so we're going to take a couple minutes live to wait for everyone to join as you join and even if you're watching later please make sure to hit the like button on the video it really helps us because other people can find a lesson of course share too we really appreciate it but we're getting everything rolling on Facebook and on YouTube so please check us out on one of those resources I see YouTube is up hello YouTube toya from Indonesia hello there Fabiano from Brazil hello Andy and gear man samara and Rashidi hello I think Facebook will be Facebook will be up in just a moment and we'll begin all right good so if you're joining yes today's topic is improving your English spelling I'm going to talk about a few tips to do that it's a good one this is something actually we have I'll talk about it later spelling competitions in in like elementary school so I'll talk a little bit about that later okay it's Facebook up yes Facebook is up hi Facebook Carla and Eunice and Wilson and Robinson and Issac and Hana karna and Rudy hello Facebook but everyone is here so as I said please don't forget to hit the like button it's super super helpful for us today we're talking about improving your spelling so let's begin in just a moment quickly one quick announcement I think I have a picture for today maybe yes maybe yes yes yeah okay yesterday I shared a video a quick video on Instagram but yesterday Davey and I shocked some new episodes of English topics but if you have not seen the recent episode of English topics this one was a really funny one check the YouTube channel for some really good some good episodes of that series we made some new ones yesterday so please keep an eye out please watch before those but some new episodes will be coming soon too so definitely check that out on the YouTube channel as well okay good ah but I think we're about three minutes in so perhaps we can start today's lesson improving your English spelling that uh actually I'm going to talk about this rule I before E except after C I will talk about this later this is this is okay I'll talk about it later I'll talk about later anyway let's get started let's get rolling and of course during the lesson please feel free to send your questions and I will try to catch them it's very fast the chat sometimes anyway let's get rolling all right so let's begin with tip number one I laid everything out here the first tip is the most basic thing but I think it's the most important thing you can do to improve your spelling and that is read read so it's it's really important because the words are written on the page you can see the spelling it can help you better understand grammar so it's like it's like a full package really it's like spelling and grammar and you get to find like writers you enjoy and stories you enjoy I would say this is something you should probably expect to do every day constantly like it's something that you need to do all the time so not just reading like you know one hour a month or something but just reading a little bit every day so another point about this though is be maybe careful I don't want a careful but please choose carefully the things that you read so if you want to improve your spelling make sure you choose things that are edited so that means someone checked the text to make sure it's correct so make sure you're reading things that are correct if you read only like Twitter or Facebook or other social media posts there's a chance that the English is not correct also like we're human we make mistakes typing mistakes typing mistakes are called typos so there's that kind of danger also sometimes people intentionally that means they purposefully use incorrect grammar or incorrect spelling for a variety of different reasons so I would recommend when you read choose books or choose magazines or choose like online newspaper resources this is a great thing to do if you're not sure where to start a good I think tip is to think about your hobbies or your job so what is it that you need to know or you want to know how to do you want to know more about that and look for online a resource in English that you can read about so like a blog you follow like if I wanted to find information about editing or English teaching I could find and I do check blogs and articles regularly about that topic so this is a great and important step for your spelling and for a grammar as well and for just language learning in general so this is our first tip reading please read please read everything's for you okay let's go on then to the next tip next tip is very different from from the first one the next tip is actually a game maybe some of you know these these are called crossword puzzles crossword puzzles so we can break this down cross you can see this is one example I made a very simple example here cross is this motion so if they're moving across these are words that cross each other this is a very simple example of a crossword puzzle so puzzle it means like kind of a game a thinking game a crossword puzzle is a word game essentially so when you make or when you do a crossword puzzle each of these each of these like rows of boxes this should become one word each of these should become one word and your job in doing the puzzle you have to decide the correct word that fits into each box and they have to connect so this means you have to spell things perfectly you cannot make a mistake because if you make a mistake the puzzle you can't complete the puzzle so let's try one I made a really really simple crossword puzzle here so let's imagine let's look at this one as number one across so if the tip here every every crossword puzzle has a set of clues for each line so if I say for number one it's a sour yellow fruit that's our yellow fruit I have to think okay what's one word that means a sour yellow fruit if you think you know the answer you can send it in the chat you know if the timings right but you think you know the answer and it but it is lemon so you can see each letter fits into one box that's kind of the idea that is the idea of a crossword puzzle here so we need to think about what goes this way and what goes that way so you have to kind of think about all the different things that will fit into each of these boxes so maybe like down here I could say let's see something that costs no money something that costs no money so here it'd be like f REE free and then some word needs to like connect these two so you have to think of all these like different words that might fit and try different words so some people when they feel really confident in these crossword puzzles they will write crossword puzzles in pen so that's kind of like a confidence move for sure yeah nice one and nice thanks for sending your ideas there for sure so these are really fun to do you can find very difficult ones so these aren't just about words and vocabulary also when you get to advanced levels of crossword puzzles you need to know about science about history about literature you have to think of lots of different things to get the word correct so I would recommend if these are new to you start with some easy ones you can just google do a quick google search for like free and easy crossword puzzles to practice so this is an example of a really basic one these are much much larger actually I just chose a couple of easy words to begin with but this is the idea the words need to fit together in a puzzle like this this is really really fun okay so please check this out it's great to practice your spelling and it's fun to do you can do it alone or with friends so give this a try all right good I think let's see we're ten minutes in so we can take a break for now I think um yeah thanks for sending your guesses to in the channel nice all right so we'll take a quick break as always we have free stuff for you guys yay I was thinking for today a nice one you might check out a nice free thing you might check is this a business English PDF so this is for free you can find the link in the description of the video on YouTube that's below the video on YouTube in the description or you can find the link for this above the video on Facebook so please click the link and download this this is just one example but this is a free PDF you can download so when you're writing business emails spelling is extremely important like if you don't use the correct spelling it might look really bad it probably will look really bad so these are probably some good phrases to know if you're using English at work maybe take a look at this just to get a couple of useful expressions like Oh like back here is job titles this is another thing it's important to spell correctly so maybe take a look at this and try to review the spelling for the words you're going to use at work very important I think hey so this is for free you can find this below the link below the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook yeah there's a big list of everything there so we have lots more lots of different topics to check out so please take a look at those they are all for free alright so check those out yeah soon today do it now alright let's continue on that so if you are just joining today's live stream sorry if you're just joining today's live stream please make sure to hit the like button and share if you like as well - we appreciate it okay let's continue on though to the next spelling tip the next spelling tip is number three number three okay number three number three here is spelling contests it's spelling contest so I mentioned this at the very beginning of today's lesson we have in the United States a spelling contest for I think elementary school and mainly for junior high school students I'm not sure the age limit on it but we have a spelling contest it's called the spelling bee the spelling bee this is a national contest for kids to improve their spelling and like to compete against each other to be the best speller in the country actually so why did I include this here because the spelling contest has some rules that I think are really helpful for people who are studying English and who are studying spelling so I'll tell you like the basics of this contest the basics of this contest in the contest I participated in this in like fourth grade I won my school's contest and fourth yeah anyway the the the contestant will stand on the stage and an announcer what they call a pronounced er someone will say a word to the contestant the contestant has to spell the word correctly if the contestant makes a mistake they're out of the competition so this is a spelling contest a spelling contest for kids but kids can ask questions to help them guess the correct spelling of the word so those are the things I wanted to mention for spelling contests some things kids think about when they participate in this contest and that you can think about are one they can ask about the definition the definition of the word so definition means what does the word mean definition sorry it's hard to see that's des i n i t io and definition so the definition of the word they can ask what's the definition of the word to guess how to spell it they can also ask about the part of speech part of speech how is the word used in a sentence is it an adjective is it a noun so they have to ask about or they can ask about how the word is used in a sentence the part of speech of a word how is it used they can also ask for an example an example of the word in a sentence so when you're looking at a word that you don't know as well you can think about the way the word is used in the sentence to that might help you a little bit another thing they can ask about the language of origin the language of origin of the word so language of origin foraging means like the original place the original place the word came from so maybe the word originally originally came from the Greek language or originally came from German or originally came from Spanish so the language of origin is something else you can think about finally they can ask about alternate pronunciations alternate means different alternate pronunciations alternate pronunciations of the word so this means is there a different way to pronounce the word you might think mmm I know a word that sounds kind of similar but I'm not sure so there might be alternate pronunciation so these are all things that you can think about when you're reading a word and when you're trying to spell a word like thinking about all these little things over time after like you've studied for a while you will start to find some patterns in speech so these are all things that I think can help learners and anyone interested in studying spelling so check out the rules for the spelling contest I know this is a lot and it's hard to see if you want more details google the spelling bee the spelling bee contest the spelling bee competition all the rules are on their website so check that out okay then this then this part this goes into my fourth tip for today my fourth tip for today please read some comments oh no I'm missing comments probably this class is not live it is live Adriano ah hello from Vietnam and hello to everybody in the comments okay all right hi um if you have questions let us know someone says they have participated in a spelling bee that's nice that's cool yeah it's good it's fun it's positive I think okay um let's go into the fourth tip is it okay I'll go into fourth tip now yes okay alright so fourth tip this continues into the fourth tip which is to learn some basic spelling rules and by this I mean some very common ways for example to end words or common exceptions or things that are a little different some examples of this are words that end so this this - means like before the end of a word in plus T Oh N so like shun that shun sound like celebration invitation for example so tion makes that shun sound so that's a rule that you can remember tion mix-up shun sound another one is this a BL e ending Abel Abel so what's a good example is one so it has that sort of sound but think about words that end in these kinds of sent a letter patterns so these are a couple examples of rules another one I put ad here Edie it's hard to see sorry easy because Edie has a few different pronunciations there's the it there's the end and then there's the the soft D ending so just remember your past tense regular past tense spellings as well another one to remember is words that end in gh like enough for example so enough makes an F sound when we pronounce the word enough it sounds like an F at the end of the word but the spelling is g' HGH so these are a few things to remember a few kind of exceptions differences to remember other things depending on your language you might have trouble or it might be difficult to remember certain like differences between letters some very common examples I've seen with students are first the th sound versus the S sound so a great example is think versus sync like how do I remember like like I need to make sure to always use the correct spelling th like I'm thinking about and sync like the place where you wash your hands s so think about those words that are always difficult for you and try to focus on those practice those a lot until you can remember them yeah think and let it sink in nice one okay another great example of this is our vs. our versus Elle this one is difficult for some people to remember especially where like the the American English our sound is not common in your language but it's really important to remember these this is one where like choosing the wrong spell can cause miscommunication so for example like fry and fly if you spell that wrong if you choose the wrong one you could miss communicate or like lice and rice is another classic example so these are words that have totally different meanings it's important to remember the correct spelling so to remember that practice it will take some practice okay oh also yeah I wanted to introduce one more thing actually control this can we see today's thumbnail sorry like over here thank you okay this is another example of a rule so remember that not all rules are 100% like usable all the time they're not perfect all the time this is a very famous example of a common rule I was taught this rule when I was like an elementary school student I remember this rule but this rule is not always true so I'll read it it's hard to see maybe the rule is I before E except after C I before E except after C so one common problem is even for native speaker children is remembering is it I first is it I first when you're trying to spell something so for example a word like science let's let's keep that there I'll put a word here here's a great example here's a word that kids have problems with the word science so we use this rule this I before E except after C here we have a C in the word and then I and E come after that so this is an example where we have a seat therefore I should come before II I should come before II I before E except after C but it's not always true so you have to think about like there are some general rules that you have to kind of keep in your head as a good guideline but then you have to remember there are cases where it doesn't always apply so like an exception to this is the word weird weird so there's no C here but he becomes or II comes before I so it's like these are some kind of exceptions yeah cheese chief works though chief works though so C chef so keep in mind that there are some of these rules yes there are some of these rules but they're not always like perfect guidelines so keep that in mind and if you can remember these little patterns if you can like invent your own pattern it might be good for you yeah there is another example to so ii and i are commonly confused alrighty so let's stick one more break da da okay thank you so let's take another quick break today's lesson if you are just joining is about ways to improve your english spelling i showed you guys this business english PDF before but maybe another important situation i know many of you are students i know a lot of you are students so when you're at school it's also important to have good spelling so this means of course these are phrases you can use in class but maybe just a couple of expressions to think about for your school experience in general these like your school subjects are a good example of some things where you know spelling might be difficult so like in chemistry for example there are some difficult to spell words i think so you can consider something like this-this-this is free by the way you can download this on the website this could be something good to review to review your spelling or just to think about for your studies to couple vocabulary words there anyway those are all of the ones all of the free PDFs that are available on the website so please go to English class and download those they're all free you can find the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook check it out alrighty good yeah and don't forget if you're just joining don't forget to like the video and share the video much appreciated alright we have just a couple more things PDF yes they are PDFs joy on youtube they are PDFs so I have I have a bunch of them here like I'm only showing a few but there are like what are we at like 13 now there's a bunch of em that you can download these are all free pdf so if you don't have internet access when you want to study that's okay you can download these to your computer or like to your smartphone so you can check them anytime so yes they are PDFs you can print them as well if you prefer that check it out they are for me okay Alvah hello from Peru hi umm let's see how pronunciation comes G and color I'm not sure about your question from Mongolia hi they're from Mongolia um can we get this video to watch later now on YouTube yes this video is being recorded now you can check this if you want to watch this video later if you want to watch this video in like a slower speed also later you can find it on our YouTube channel or on our Facebook page so search for English class 101 on either YouTube or Facebook you should find it no problem yeah okay so let's continue on to the last couple things yeah the last couple things for today's lesson our last tips for today tada let's go to number five number five is watch English media with subtitles watch English media with subtitles subtitles so this is like the words that appear at the bottom of the screen I know many of you watch our videos with subtitles that is perfect I think that's a great idea so one it's great because maybe you can catch all the words that the people are saying on whatever you're watching that's one but two if your subtitles have been properly prepared your subtitles will have the correct spelling of the words that the people are using so this is a great way to practice spelling and it can help you when you find a new word you have properly prepared I mean if the subtitles have been spelled properly that's what I mean that's what I mean so watch English media with subtitles so you can see like on our YouTube channel our a lot of our videos have subtitles on them it does take time to prepare subtitles but there are also automatic subtitles you can check as well so but we do try to put subtitles on our video so if you have not seen that on the YouTube channel there is a little I think it's a CC button you can click that button and turn on subtitles if the video has some subtitles prepared so please check that out that is a good resource a good way to practice your spelling and to like be able to understand more of a conversation to you okay so that's another one you can do that with TV with movies YouTube videos all kinds of stuff alright so that's another big tip really good one I do that when I practice the other language I'm studying okay o TI hi t fellas Ellen Show is fascinating yeah that's a great idea a talk show doing a like watching a talk show can be really really good because you always have the same host in front of you like you know the host in the hosts way of speaking but the host will have guests on the show and so you kind of get to see ways like other people speak so talk shows can be great hmm okay ah let's continue to the final tip for today final tip for today is maybe the most well I'll just say practice practice is the final tip for today this is there's no there's no replacement you have to practice so that means like I said studying is a form of practicing that means writing words I find personally that physically writing not just typing or texting the words that I'm studying but physically writing the words helps me to remember it more so that could be helpful for you a method of practice so make sure to practice other ways you can practice honestly you can play like spelling games with your friends you can play spelling games you can try word games like I talked about here there are lots of word games online as well if you're just Google for like English word games or vocabulary games you can find a lot and a lot are really simple too so just find fun and interesting ways to practice and you might be surprised to at how much fun it is to play a spoken word game to that's something I did and sometimes do with friends and family now so practice and find some ways to enjoy your practice that's very important so a good one oh yeah another common one maybe you know this is the game I want right here Scrabble there's a game called Scrabble I'm out of space where could you guys see uh-oh are you gonna write it there Scrabble and can you write words with friends dude sorry Scrabble uh-oh sorry words with friends is the name of the game I want to give a couple recommendations for phone-based word games that you can try that are actually really really fun yeah thank you that's perfect okay so a couple quick recommendations if you if using your phone is something you prefer you can try these two things scrabble is a very famous board game that's a word board game that's this essentially however with Scrabble you have to create this and then your friends have to make new words from your words so Scrabble is really really fun but if you don't have that game if you don't have like a group of people it's not easy to do you can find this words with friends is basically Scrabble but it's on your phone and you can play with people from around the world if you don't have a friend to play with it will match you with someone so this is a really fun way to play to play this kind of game so give it a try it's really really fun and actually in this application if you spell the word incorrectly it will give you a notification so this can be a really fun way so you can download this free from the app store you'll lose friends I hope not I hope you don't lose friends so this is a great way you can start practicing with a game today okay but that is it for today so those are six things you can think about to improve your spelling I hope that you found something new and/or interesting I think personally I like crossword puzzles I don't do them very often but they're really really fun so check them out and of course practice and of course try to create things yourself that's also really really useful yeah yeah so good luck improving your spelling it's tough but it's always happening it's always going on alright we have to finish today's lesson though so thank you all so much for joining in this week's live stream live stream thanks for joining this week's live stream we will be back next week same time same channel same blackboard same human hoping back next week on June 27th June 27th Wednesday June 27th 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time our topic will be text slang text slang so if you saw our internet slang livestream it'll be a little similar to that but text slang will be specifically words you use short words usually when you're sending text messages to your friends on your phone so please join us next week for text slang if you don't know 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in your time zone please google it please google it it will give you the answer very quickly it was amazing all right but we'll finish up for two days lesson please don't forget to go download your free stuff for today there's all kinds of free stuff from the link there you go here from the link in the description on YouTube or from the link above the video on Facebook so please check this stuff and more stuff out you can find it all for free so please do that also thank you as always for liking and for sharing the video we really appreciate your support so we'll finish there I hope you have a great day a great evening and a great weekend I will see you again next week bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 42,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, spelling, english spelling, spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes in english, basic english, english tips, basic english tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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