English Common Preposition + Adjective Combinations

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rolling hi everybody and welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is alicia and in this week's lesson we are going to talk about common adjective and preposition combinations for example angry with or surprised by i've chosen a bunch that we use a lot in everyday life and we're going to talk about how to put the correct adjective and preposition together so you don't mix them up we have a lot to practice and i hope that you send some in the chat if you're watching live or write a comment if you're watching this later so as we wait for everyone to join us live a couple of quick announcements as always and as you join please please please make sure to hit the like button and share this video so that other people can find today's lesson we would really appreciate that okay so first announcement as always there is free stuff for you from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you can get these free pdf cheat sheets you can choose your favorite topic so whether you want to talk about your schedule and time planning or the stuff you like to do with your free time or other things you can take a look at all of the topics we have on our website if you click the link you will get this page right here so if you want to know how to get those pdfs lots of you write asking how to get these you can scroll down on this page choose the one you want to get there's a one two three four step price step process right here so check the one two three four to make sure you can download and grab uh the topics you're interested in you can download all of them there's a lot actually i need to print out some new ones but check that out if you want to get some more free study resources that would be super cool also the other thing as always if you have questions for me if you want to send me your questions for our weekly question and answer series the series it's called ask alicia you can send them to me at englishclass101.com ask hyphen alicia there is a link in the youtube description for this as well so if you have a question about something different from today's topic or you think of a question in your everyday life you can send it to me i will read your question it may take some time but i will see your question so send it to me for that series and i'll check it out uh also if you want to find me on social media this is my instagram and my twitter account is also in the youtube description so find me there follow me there for more information okie dokie that's all for our updates for this week so let's go to today's lesson topic today's lesson topic is as i said about common adjective and preposition combinations so we've got um let's see one two three four five six seven seven that we're going to cover today i'll show you today's lesson boards right now so you can take a picture uh if you like and then we'll get started so this is what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about all of these groups of adjective and preposition and some of these adjectives can be used with more than one preposition okay so you might think to yourself during in today's lesson you might say wait can i use this adjective with this preposition and this preposition yes there are many different combinations that are possible so today we're going to talk about a bunch and you can send me your example sentences live i will try to check uh and get back to you okay everybody is here now i think great hi facebook facebook what's up hi everybody uh ome hello welcome and sergio hello and ali hello everybody on facebook youtube you're there too hi david and jonah ki hello javier oh sushi hi bonjour do hello welcome everybody great oh i need to share the lesson okay i'm sharing the lesson okay now i'm ready let's get started okay first one let's begin with these two so a common theme for today's lesson is emotions we use a lot of these pairs to express our emotions how we feel about something so let's get started with this first group also important i chose some very common adjectives to practice for today's lesson but there are many other adjectives you can use to follow this pattern to practice this read reading is a great way to practice this and to pick up more adjectives here so let's take a look the first preposition i want to focus on is two two so for this practice i've chosen these adjectives we can use happy excited sad nice hard this hard means is difficult it means difficult not hard like a surface difficult scared and afraid so these are adjectives we use with to and the infinitive form of a verb the base form of a verb so happy to something excited to something you can send your example with one of these or if you want if you know a different adjective that follows this pattern you can try so for example i'm happy to see you i'm happy to see you i'm happy to see you we cannot use four here we cannot say i'm happy for see you incorrect i'm happy to see you another example she's excited to go she's excited to go so that means she's excited about the prospect about the idea of going somewhere it's a different way to say it much longer way she's excited to go we're sad to leave we're sad to leave so we don't say we're sad for leave i think i see lots of mistakes where learners like to use four maybe here so please use two another one everybody i think knows this one maybe it's nice to meet you it's nice to meet you right so this too comes before meat it's nice to meet you okay and one more it's hard to stop eating these cookies it's hard to stop eating these cookies so again this hard means difficult it's hard or it's difficult to stop eating these cookies okay we can also use scared and afraid of this like for example she's scared to try or i'm afraid to go so all of these adjectives can be used with two okay uh alaratam says i'm overwhelmed to start over with my essay good okay uh khanwajit says it's very hard to convince him about the trip nice examples okay other ones oh some people skipped ahead to about raquel wright he was livid about the car crash good good good we'll get to the next part in a second okay other examples with two i'm trying to check your two examples uh libra says i'm excited to present my emotion maybe i'm excited to present maybe my project or i'm excited to present my paper we don't use uh present with our emotions really okay very nice it's hard to stop playing this song says david very nice okay uh zu zuzan says i'm scared to watch horror movies me too i really i have a hard time with horror movies good uh itsumi on facebook says i'm happy to meet you again good a-ron says i'm afraid to fly okay great examples everybody all right all right uh byron i was afraid to lose this class ah close i was afraid to miss we use miss for classes i was afraid to miss this class okay everybody is doing a great job very nice job let's go to the next one about about so you can see these adjectives many adjectives here are the same so we can use many adjectives with different prepositions that's okay no problem but be careful because we cannot use a verb with this pattern in the first pattern we use two with the infinitive verb yeah here we're using about plus a noun so let's look at this what's the difference here okay i'm happy about my test i'm happy about my test i got a good score i'm happy about my test so we cannot say i'm happy to my test nope incorrect incorrect i'm happy about my test we don't say i'm happy of my test either okay another example we're excited about the movie we're excited about the movie we use this pattern we're excited about or i'm excited about when something is coming up in the future like short term like i'm excited about my next vacation or i'm excited about that class so we use this to talk about something we are looking forward to i'm excited about something okay oh my gosh facebook has many ads okay let's go the next one i'm sad about that i'm sad about that so you can use these kinds of patterns that you can use that or this uh to refer to uh the object of your emotion like i'm angry about that or i'm happy about that so that makes a lot of sense in conversation you don't have to repeat uh the topic every time okay good example uh nohorah says i'm happy about the holidays yeah great great good okay other topics hi everybody just joining thank you for your nice comments says i'm happy about our victory very nice very nice example on facebook john carlos says how about mad yes you can use mad here so i have angry but you can use mad in this uh in this pattern okay all right oh alaratam says i'm not afraid about the roller coaster good try but when we want to express fear with afraid we use of i'm going to talk about that later you notice it's not here we don't use afraid and about together good try really good try okay i'm happy about my car says haseeb your car okay so did you get a new car are you happy with it okay um can we use i'm sad about you are sick no so this noun here notice in this pattern this noun we use my test a movie this or that competition so we don't use really a pronoun like you for example we might say i'm sad to hear you are sick i'm sad to hear you are sick okay let's look at some more examples he's nervous about the competition he's nervous about the competition so again this competition is just a noun here we're not using a person i guess with this one we might in some situations use uh a person after this for example he's nervous about her maybe like a date he's going on he's nervous about her but that's a very specific situation generally we use uh just a simple noun here okay uh good let's go to the next one she's worried about her friend she's worried about her friend okay and one more i think my roommate is angry about something angry about something quick point here angry uh we can use we've seen angry here uh and we'll see angry in some other points later this sentence uses angry about something yeah so when you want to express angry feelings you're angry you want to use about when you have a noun after it angry about something some thing is the key when you want to talk about a person we'll practice later angry with him angry with her or you might hear angry at me so we don't use about with angry to talk about people okay sauron says we are worried about kovid19 very nice example xiang says i'm make sure to use this one i'm nervous about covid19 great job okay uh nookie says i believe my wife is angry with me angry with me so at this point this about point make sure to use about when we follow it with this noun competition test movie for people use with okay nohora a good example i think he's angry about my decision very nice very nice okay oh my gosh there are many comments hello everyone joining today many people joining today uh angry about something angry with person says oh sushi in the youtube chat perfect perfect do you have instagram yes please check the link in the description i'm pretty excited so not convoluted i'm pretty much excited pretty much means kind of like so-so so i'm pretty excited about our new project uh i'm nervous about her looks to me i'm not quite sure what that one means i'm nervous about the way she looked at me maybe des roses says can i say i'm sad about this news yeah you could say that or maybe i'm sad to hear that we use that more commonly all right many good example sentences here fantastic so let's go to part two we'll take one very short break and then go to part two we're going to cover with by and in in part two so super super quickly if you missed it there's free stuff for you from this link below the video if you're watching on youtube and above the video if you're watching on facebook if you want to practice your vocabulary if you want to practice some phrases you can choose your favorite topic from one of these and get some practice so whatever your favorite topic is you can print these out put them on your phone whatever you like check them out there's a lot there are a lot of these uh on the english class 101.com website so please check the link below or above the video to get that all right let's go to part two and if you haven't please make sure to hit the like button and share this video so other people uh find the lesson it helps it helps us okay part two let's talk about three more prepositions now in part two we're going to practice with by and in so again uh this uh this list i prepared this uh doesn't include all the adjectives you can use many many different adjectives uh in these patterns as i talked about before but i've just chosen some very common ones okay so please remember you can use others you can practice in the live chat today okay let's take a look let's take a look so first with angry happy and gentle i chose these three adjectives to practice here angry happy gentle with a noun or a pronoun so i just talked about this point yeah angry with person angry with me angry with her and so on we can use happy with something or someone or gentle with something or someone so let's look at some examples of this with pattern for example my mom is angry with me my mom is angry with me oh no you might also hear my mom is angry at me at me that's also okay uh angry at we don't use at with happy or gentle here so if it's difficult to remember just remember with just use with they mean the same thing angry at and angry with okay next one i'm happy with my haircut i'm happy with my haircut so you might think this width sounds really strange right like some you do something together with your hair no we just mean i like my haircut it makes me happy we express that with i'm happy with my haircut i'm happy with something so we use this pattern i'm happy with something after often after we make a decision and we feel it was a good decision like i'm happy with my new apartment or i'm happy with my job or i'm happy with my plans for vacation i'm excited so we use this a lot after we make a good decision i'm happy with something rundle says i'm happy with the gnarly waves today cool okay nice uh other oh my gosh there are so many examples coming in i'm happy with the new song driver's license by olivia rodrico okay sophie your quest or your statement is 100 correct i would say i really like the new song driver's license so like i mentioned this pattern we tend to use it when we make a decision for ourselves and we feel good about that okay saram says be gentle with the teacher good example uh marvin warble says he has he has been gentle with the customers okay so maybe please be gentle with the customers don't be aggressive okay yeah let's look at this last one be gentle with the baby be gentle with the baby so that means be nice to the baby don't be loud or noisy or i don't know too tough so be gentle with the baby okay amelia says i'm happy with myself yeah very positive expression very nice i am happy with myself good daniel says i'm happy with my life here in brazil very nice very nice okay uh jermaine says i'm happy with my new business good chosen says i'm happy with my clothes good byron says i'm angry with myself is it okay yeah good question when you feel the opposite of happy you feel you made a bad decision you can say i'm angry with myself or yeah i'm angry um i guess we would say i'm angry with myself or i'm upset with myself yeah something that expresses that or i'm angry at myself we might use that too yes you can okay good examples let's go to the next preposition bye bye okay so here i chose three adjectives again surprised amazed and inspired surprised by amazed by and inspired by i chose these because i see a lot of mistakes often with the adjective that is used you'll notice in today's lesson the adjectives are all ed adjectives yeah surprised amazed inspired we're not using surprising or amazing or inspiring here right that's because these forms we use to express our emotions and that's the goal with these sentence patterns so surprised by a noun or a pronoun just like here yeah for example i was surprised by his honesty i was surprised by his honesty so not two not of not four i was surprised by his honesty okay next one amazed so something that causes you to feel amazed amazed by something we were amazed by your singing we were amazed by your singing and one more inspired inspired i'm inspired by you i'm inspired by you you could say you inspire me as well so there are different ways to say these things okay um all right i don't see any question oh remy michelle i'm inspired with be careful i'm inspired bye i'm inspired by so we use with with these we don't use inspired with we use inspired by then it's perfect okay others i was surprised by her honest secret mind star on youtube very close honesty honest is an adjective we need a noun here honesty is the noun okay emz cresco on facebook says i will i was surprised by my friend okay good uh lucia says i am happy with my happy day you have very positive sentences everybody that's great okay carol on youtube says i'm surprised by his behavior okay lian nguyen says i'm amazed by fireworks fireworks plural there good nilam says i'm inspired by your teaching very nice that's awesome thank you cool okay um i'm looking for your questions uh i'm amazed by okay two people are writing about looks when you want to talk about someone's appearance you want to use this like i was amazed by her looks where i'm amazed by his looks you can use that looks plural we use looks to describe someone's physical appearance okay all right uh okay we need to move on to the next one there are many comments oh my goodness oh my goodness there are many comments great job everybody okay let's go to the last one there are only two i chose these because this one right here is so important interested and disappointed interested in something interested in something i see this mistake interested to or interested for i see this mistake in the comments so often so much so please remember this is your very very very important point for today interested in something for example i'm interested in space travel i'm interested in space travel or i'm interested in cooking i'm interested in your favorite topic so i'm interested in something please please please remember this is your friend this in this is your friend this preposition is your friend in this pattern okay i'm interested in then this second example disappointed so that feeling your expectation was not met parents use this pattern right here my parents said this to me when i did something bad when i was a little kid we're disappointed in you we're disappointed in you oh that feels bad so when your parents say we're disappointed in you it means you did not meet our expectations we expected you to behave really well to be a good kid but you did not so we're disappointed in you hi mom and dad if you're watching okay so please use in in these cases i'm interested in and we're disappointed in some good examples are coming in with this many people many people are writing i'm interested in learning english very nice or i'm interested in this video very good um byron i'm disappointed for your attitude nope not for in i'm disappointed in or i'm disappointed in you probably or i'm disappointed maybe about your attitude we might say that okay what does inspired mean to someone on youtube inspired means you cause someone to feel motivated or energetic about their work or their passions so maybe your favorite artist makes you feel inspired you want to try something new okay many people are writing i'm interested in your teaching okay i'm interested in this video i'm interested in learning english so some of you right here at this point use a noun after this so not i'm interested in learn learn is a verb i'm interested in learning english i'm interested in learning english use the ing form there uh okay others oh my gosh there are so many i'm interested in learning a language and learning english interested in the lesson okay everybody's doing a good job with interested great great okay time's going quick i need to go to the last point for today's lesson thank you for your awesome example sentences let's just finish uh quickly i won't take another break until the end we have two more just two more to practice today so let's take a look all right um [Music] this is of and this one at the bottom is four so let's take a look scared afraid jealous and tired of noun okay so these you'll notice these are kind of negative yeah but i noticed that lots of people make mistakes especially with this one tired so let's look at some examples i'm scared of snakes or she's afraid of heights the difference between scared and afraid in this sentence there's no difference you can choose which you prefer like you could say i'm afraid of snakes or i'm scared of heights both are 100 correct okay so you don't have to worry about remembering the difference heights by the way heights with this s at the end heights means very very high places very very tall places like the top of a building some people don't like high places that's called heights i'm scared of heights or she's afraid of heights another one jealous jealous don't be jealous of your neighbor don't be jealous of your neighbor sometimes i see learners write too here don't be jealous to your neighbor so we don't use two jealous two we don't use don't be jealous of your neighbor don't be jealous of your neighbor okay and one more we're so tired of changing our plans we're so tired of changing our plans so this one tired of i see this one a lot i think learners tend to use two here i see that every once in a while tired of something tired of something i'm tired of this weather or i'm so tired of not sleeping well at night tired of something i'm tired of doing a lot of homework carol instead of many homeworks and i'm tired of doing a lot of homework okay what is the difference between study and studies well it depends on the sentence but grammar generally different study is the base form studies is the form we use after he or she or it could refer to someone's topic of learning don't be jealous of your sisters someone okay i'm jealous of my friends as strong good okay uh nahora i'm so tired of this strike very good kanwajit i'm tired of his excuses good gurpreet says don't be jealous of your partner good okay hamid says i'm so tired of the quarantine yeah that's a great example everybody almost everybody in the world is so tired of yeah the different the different types of lockdown and quarantine great example okay um i'm tired of the pandemic yep for sure for sure absolutely okay uh john carlos orale is it also correct to use two with scared we talked about it in the very first part of today's lesson if you missed it you can review after the lesson finishes so yes you can but the grammar changes okay let's go to the last point because i'm late already okay the last point for today is this last preposition four four here so what can we use with four here are some very common examples we have happy for ready for late and early for and good and bad for so again there are more adjectives we can use with this pattern but these are very common so we use this with a noun or a pronoun so no verbs no verbs please so noun or pronoun for example i'm happy for you i'm happy for you please remember this one it's great to use when you hear good news from your friend from your co-worker from your classmate when you feel happy for another person so your friend is happy you feel happy you can say i'm happy for you i'm happy for you okay someone says i'm so happy for you alicia did i do something so usually we use this phrase after your friend or someone you know had like great success in something or they achieved something good i'm so happy for you you got engaged or you got married or you got a great new job i'm so happy for you so please remember this it's a very nice expression okay next are you ready for the meeting are you ready for the meeting this is a great one for work situations are you ready for the meeting not to uh are you ready to the meeting nope are you ready for the meeting are you ready for the presentation are you ready for our discussion so please use for okay you can also use this for meals like hey are you ready for lunch or if you want to use two in that case use a verb are you ready to go to lunch so it's possible to use a different preposition but the grammar changes okay all right next uh we're late for dinner we're late for dinner so you can use this again with late the opposite kind of ready we're late uh for dinner so not prepared for something we're late for dinner or we're late for the meeting or we're late for the flight okay here early then the opposite of late always arrive early for your flight always arrive early for your flight okay some examples are coming in good yasir says i'm happy for i and great great are you ready for our trip says emerald good okay um acharya says are you ready uh to go home so we can't use four with a verb we can't say four go are you ready to go home is okay are you ready to go home it's okay okay uh others others are i'm ready to go anywhere in the world says cho very nice secret mind star says i'm late for breakfast oh please eat so okay uh we're late for the flight says javier great good examples everyone let's go to our last pair good and bad good and bad we use good and bad a lot when we talk about food when we talk about our diet something that is good for you is healthy food something that is bad for you is junk food not healthy food so for example we might say this i don't know this salad is good for me or this salad is good for you so that means it's healthy another example this opportunity is good for me this opportunity is good for me this opportunity is good for me or on the other hand something bad so not healthy dangerous maybe chocolate is bad for dogs chocolate is bad for dogs so you can use these two to talk about personal health quite often or other examples like these all right uh good saram i'm ready for the meeting i'm ready for the meeting uh sophia she is ready for presentation about environment at her school very very close she is ready for maybe the presentation or maybe she's ready for her presentation so make sure don't forget a little article there she's ready for the presentation uh mommy isham pine i hope i said that right says vegetables are good for the body perfect perfect neelam says this class is good is good for me this class is good for me vahid says what a disgusting food it's bad for us good okay very nice examples everybody great great everyone is doing a great job with this people are saying i'm ready for today i'm ready for a date ooh it says bagage frank on facebook is it true okay great examples everybody oh my gosh i have to finish i'm late i'm very late oh my gosh i have to finish so i'll show you today's lesson boards you can take a picture and practice and of course as i said there are many other adjectives and some other prepositions that we use too but today i wanted to practice some very common ones so that you can practice uh and check your books when you read uh to understand which ones are the best to use or very very good to know good to practice with so that's it for today but next week i'll be back next week's lesson here is the lesson information all right next week's lesson next week i will be here may 19th that is a wednesday uh 10 p.m eastern standard time that is new york city time if you don't know your time please use your google skills uh or you can set a notification on youtube or on facebook or if you follow me on instagram i always post an update in my stories with a link and a reminder about the topic so you can get it there too next week i'm going to talk about common phrasal verbs to express movement movement so you always ask me for phrasal verb lessons next week i've chosen to do a phrasal verb lesson we're going to practice movement an action related phrasal verb so i hope that's helpful for you so please join me again next week for that lesson all right i have to say goodbye now but thank you very much for your awesome questions and your awesome example sentences that was great don't forget to pick up your free stuff from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook and if you want to find me on social media you can check the link in the youtube description to get instagram twitter check it out so have a good week have a good weekend and i will see you again
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 34,071
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Keywords: learn english, english, learning english, englishclass101, english grammar, english lessons, free english, english vocabulary, english phrases, how to learn english, speaking english, free lessons, english prepositions, by, for, to
Id: HjS1R594o5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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