How to Tell Time in English | Basic English Phrases

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you I have to alright I have seen the button get hit hi everybody hi YouTube hi Facebook my name is Alicia and this is our weekly livestream welcome back thanks very much for joining us as you join don't forget to hit the like button and of course share the video too so other people can find the video a bit easier this week our topic is time we're going to talk about time in English how to tell time so this is something a lot of you have asked about especially prepositions like at in on and by so at the end of today's lesson I'm going to talk about those points a little bit so we're going to begin in about maybe two minutes or so so please say hi when you join the chat for sure hi everybody hi Harley namja no nan Gemma G - Daniel Facebook I see you as well sorry at my time in hello they on hi sorry if I say your name wrong alright but we're gonna get started we're going to roll out very soon so I'm going to share this while we wait though a couple announcements first one is if you have not checked the YouTube channel as always there's lots of good news stuff there for you to check out there's a new episode of know your verbs about the verb ask and there's also some like compilations and some good listening things to check out there this week so please take a look at that also I already shared a bit about this on Instagram but we did we have a new studio here these are a couple of our crew members we have a new studio here where we're shooting some new things that are hopefully going to be on the channel soon as well so this is really exciting this was from kind of a test shoot the other day so please keep an eye out for that very exciting okay but yes today's topic will be time in English we're going to talk about how to tell the time in English we use the expression tell time to tell time means to understand a clock and to express the time of day or related words okay hi everybody Raphael and Sultan and Leon Rica hi lots of people great welcome alright we're about four minutes in so let's get started uh the as always I made kind of three groups for today's topic Group one first part will talk about basic time expression so maybe review so very basic it's one o'clock it's two o'clock second will go to like intermediate like middle level time expressions and third we'll talk about some like prepositions we use with time so let's begin let's start then with the first question for today a basic one the probably most familiar question for many of you which is simply what time is it what time is it so the basic time related question when you want to check the time you want to ask someone the time the current time what time is it what time is it so what time is it so this is the most basic way to ask about the time here we can see it more clearly my handwriting is terrible what time is it what time is it so to check the time what time is it or what time is it now you might also hear what time is it now so we don't need to use now but if you want to you can so what time is it our basic question for today how to ask the time yes to ask the time what time is it what time is it no I'm not wearing a watch okay can I move the blackboard oh yes the light change sorry okay toward me is that better better okay cool ooh ah I see it's a little hard okay so what time is it what time is it okay then to answer this question we have a couple different ways we can answer this question uh yeah nice you guys are sending your the time and your time zone right now that's awesome so when you answer this question there are two kind of patterns we can think of it's plus a number so this number is like it's 11 it's two it's 12 it's three so when you answer with this pattern this means it's like the top of the hour so top of the hour means it's like the like right at the zero minute mark of that our top of the hour so now it's not the top of the hour now it's six minutes after that so when it's the exactly at this point on the clock this top of the hour mark the expression I'm using is top of the hour you'll see it in a second I think but when it's the top of the hour when it's exactly at this point in the clock you can use this basic one it's two it's 11 it's 12 so don't forget to pronounce this s clearly it's it's not it but it's it's so it's - it's 12s however it is not the top of the hour it's some other point in time we can use this pattern it's where you have your hour and two other digits so some of you are writing like it's 837 someone wrote in the YouTube chat or it's 10:10 in the Philippines thanks guys so when you use this pattern as well someone said in the YouTube chat 23:07 when we're speaking like when we're using like when we're we're actually talking we don't use you know verse 13 to 24 we only use 1 to 12 we only use 1 to 12 we don't use 0 actually at least in US English is that ok yeah so we only use 1 to 12 for this pattern so this is for this part actually for your hours 1 to 12 only so it's it's 2 p.m. we don't say like 14 we don't use that in speech for this part however we can use well we'll use 0 we say Oh usually 259 for this part so this first digit should be 1 to 12 your second digit should be 0 to 59 so great some of you are saying 907 10 a.m. perfect it's 7:40 perfect perfect nice so we say this number and this number separately seven forty seven forty someone said at 7:40 okay so these are the two basic ways to express time actually I think these two are probably the most common ways we use like they're quick and easy to remember so this is a great basic kind of introduction to telling time okay sounds good nice alright so let's move along to the next point next point some of you have asked before what does this mean like when should I use o clock this word o clock like people ask what is it what does it mean this word again I explained this expression here top of the hour so when it's the top of the hour like 10 o'clock 2 o'clock 3 o'clock we can use this o clock after that time but why this actually comes from an old English point before we had you know digital clocks before clocks were common we used this of the clock this is a long time ago hundreds of years ago so there were two systems for telling time and one system was using the Sun using the Sun and the moon another system was using a clock or like a sundial or some way of telling or understanding the time based on a system that was not the Sun or the moon so of the clock became oh clock so you can see the of the was reduced here and became oh clock so o´clock has a historical use we don't actually need it now we don't need it now but many people do use it hmm Harley yes 1405 is not typical we could say it on his schedule yes but when we're speaking we don't say 1405 okay so this is one point about the word o clock you can use it when you're talking about x at the top of the hour it's two o'clock it's three o'clock we don't say like it's three o'clock thirty something we don't use that we use it for these top of the hour expressions okay good then the final point for this part I wonder if you can see I'll put it here a lot of students ask about these two things AM and PM yeah really fit AM and PM what are these for we use a.m. for morning and PM for the afternoon but what do these mean so when we use a.m. we use it for honest schedule we do not say this in speaking this is midnight this is midnight the middle of the night midnight we wrote wrong oh okay so this is midnight and then we use a.m. until 11:59 in the morning gotcha control desk okay so 11:59 in the morning this is am p.m. therefore is 12 o'clock noon so midday - 11:59 at night or perhaps it's easy to understand 23:59 so why do we use am & PM then like what's the reason for this another like historical point here this AM PM this comes from the a here I'll use a different color the a here comes from the word aunty so aunty this is Latin actually aunty means before and then this M here means Meridian ante meridiem is before so this means like middle middle so before the middle in other words before the middle of the day ante meridiem so we don't need to know this we don't need to know this but we still use this AM and PM to mean them am entity then what is P so meridiem stays the same this M is still meridiem with PM but this P changes so ante means before P we talked about a postscript last week this means the same thing post means after ante meridiem post meridiem becomes AM and PM okay Oh is there a little hiccup in the stream some people are saying there's hiccups on the stream and YouTube and Facebook everything okay I shall keep going checking okay yeah I don't see anything on YouTube or Facebook now I hope it's okay then send messages if something happened okay but with that this is sort of the introduction to today's lesson so this is sort of our beginning point before today all right with that said then let's take a quick break today as always we have free stuff for you guys so I think some of you have maybe seen this before but a lot of you asked about how to oh wait it's frozen Oh Oh something terrible has happened oh hi Instagram we're having a bit of a bit of an issue at the moment I'll come check the Instagram feed I usually can't check your feed okay cool all right sorry about that everybody I don't know we had a little technical trouble there for just a moment I think we fixed it sorry about that I hope that we can we can get back rolling okay uh we've got the video going again so let's let's come back with a quick and freebie for the week while we give everyone a chance to join the refreshed stream this week's free thing for everybody is this uh shall I not go to this camera will be this guy this PDF so some of you have asked before about how to make plans for your studies so what you can do to like kind of understand the best way to move forward with your English Studies so these are a few ideas these are some goals you can think about when you're studying English these are some ways that you can kind of improve your motivation so for example travel or just because you love learning new languages or it's part of your study routine and so on so this could be a great way to kind of help you make a study plan for yourself so check this out the link to this is in the description on youtube so please check the description box below the video on youtube if you're watching it on facebook please check the description above the video on Facebook so this is free if you have an account you can download it right away if you do not have an account you can make an account and it's good okay yes I think we fixed the broadcast it should be up on YouTube and I think it's up on Facebook maybe Facebook is coming back as well sorry about that everybody we a bit of a technical problem today that's kind of rare I wonder though I think there have been some weird little issues here and merrily with live streams I've noticed on YouTube as well anyway let's get back to today's lesson where we're talking about time so beginning again let's get back to the second part of today's lesson then we'll go a little bit quickly I suppose we're kind of running low on time so to give back to today's topic let's take a look at some more intermediate expressions we can use so I want to look at this I'll use the same clock can you guys see it it's kind of small isn't it I'll make a new one I want to talk about expressions that are sort of leveled up from these that we talked about earlier so I want to use a visual to do this so if we imagine it's two o'clock so for the purposes for this for this point this means two o'clock sorry it's hard to see there isn't it so let's imagine it's two o'clock and then I'll draw some other some other things so we can talk about different times I want to first talk about the expression till so it's minutes till a time this expression using till to talk about a time we use till four minutes before an hour so in this case it's almost two let's imagine it's it's not two o'clock yet so maybe a more accurate line is here for my hour time then right about here is my minutes hand for this expression if I want to use this pattern of speaking I could say it's 150 it's 150 or a different way that we use is this expression it's minutes in this case it's ten minutes till - it's 10 till - so till means before so that means it's not 2 o'clock now it's 10 minutes before - it's ten minutes before - so 10:00 till 2:00 10:00 till - or maybe ten until two but more commonly we use till TI ll if you can see that okay then let's take a look at a similar expression ten past - ten pass so past means after it's ten past - this is the opposite thing till meant before two o'clock ten past - means it's ten minutes after two ten past two a different way to say this time is it's to 10 it's to ten ten past two means to 10 10 past - okay so so please be careful of this till and past I know people get kind of caught up with that all right then I want to go on to the next one we've talked about till and past and now I want to add this word a quarter quarter so quarter means 1/4 when we read fractions in English we say 1/4 1 over the number I made a video of hepta sexually so quarter we can use with till and past a quarter though in time refers to 15 minutes quarter of one hour means 15 minutes so 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour a quarter of an hour we can use quarter with till and quarter with past so quarter till a quarter till two would mean would mean about this time right here so it's 1:45 we could say it's 1:45 or we could say it's a quarter till 2 in this case they mean the same thing people just use whatever they feel like Enzo what's most common til or past they're both common they have different meanings though til means not yet past means after so quarter till quarter past however quarter past two would mean something like this it's 2:15 sorry it's getting messy 2:15 would be quarter quarter past two 215 215 so please keep in mind people do use quarter and till and past the final one I want to review is this expression half past a time really half past an hour half past an hour so if quarter is 15 minutes half or half an hour means 30 minutes so this expression half past a time means 30 minutes past an hour 30 minutes past an hour so in my example here if we're imagining two o'clock is the hour and we're at the 30-minute mark here we could say it's half past two so it's 30 minutes past two half past two alright so these are kind of a little bit more advanced half past two thirty minutes so to review half an hour one hour is 60 minutes one hour is 60 minutes half an hour is 30 minutes quarter hour is 15 minutes okay all right hi raka teeth okay good um shall I take another quick break 10 to 5 without till is this correct yes that is correct Youssef says is 10 to 5 without till correct yes so instead of till sometimes we use 2 it's 10 minutes to 5 that means 10 minutes before 5 yes ok then I will take a quick break if you missed it sorry about our technical difficulties earlier we fixed everything I think but in case you missed the free stuff for this week this week's free stuff maybe you haven't seen it yet but this week's free stuff many of you asked about getting kind of study plans Oh getting study plans for your English practice for your English Studies so the team made a free PDF which is here you'll see here I showed earlier these motivation points a few ideas to help you keep your motivation up so please check this out on the back here this is a really great point for beginners to start this is learning the grammar this is a list of vocabulary words for all the basic parts of speech so what is a noun what is a verb what is an adjective all of these words that are really useful for language study are here on the back so it's a quick list you could use this if you're a beginner if you're just starting you could check this out and there are also some basic questions here some patterns and some examples as well so this is for free you can find this free the link to this is below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so please check out the link for this it is free right if you have an account on the website you can download it right away if you don't have an account you can make an account for free alrighty good let's continue on to the last part of today's lesson also as you're joining please don't forget to hit the like button we have to recover I think from from our technical difficulty I think we lost part of it part of our group today um all right oh do I need to finish shall I finish her can I look at prepositions or no five minutes yeah all right let's talk about prepositions for five minutes okay I should say this is going to be very quick if you have questions about prepositions of time please check the YouTube channel we have a video on the YouTube channel about prepositions of time but I want to make sure that we have a chance to review can't add the text okay gotcha gotcha blackboard only okay gotcha then I'll do a quick somehow introduction to how to use prepositions of time I will choose a couple many of you asked this question about using this so doing an activity at a time so for example I wake up at 8:00 or I go to bed at 9:00 or I eat lunch at 12 o'clock we use at for the time a specific time happens it's like the specific point in a schedule something happens so you want to talk about the time an action occurs you use at use at to do that if however you want to talk about like a deadline there's a video about this on the channel we use the word by we use the preposition by to refer to deadline so I need to finish this live stream by like 10:30 for example or I need to do this reports by 8:00 o'clock by shows us the time something has to finish we must finish something by this point it shows us like the last point for an action an action needs to finish by that point alright another one that people confuse though actually there's a video I've used till here but you can use em till I made a video about the difference between by and until these two words are very commonly confused actually so it's like this these two words it's like we're using it like I said by is used to talk about a deadline but until is used like for a continuing action something that's continuing and then might change into the future so I don't have much time and it's hard to show but till and until are kind of often confused with by so I recommend checking the by versus until video on the YouTube channel for more details about this point okay um I think I should probably end there because we have no more time for today so if you want to know more about prepositions of time please check the YouTube channel there's a video there called prepositions of time where I talked about these points so please check it out and I hope that answers some of your questions also for bye and until there's a different video just for by versus until so please check out those two videos those are great points for review for this for this lesson I think all right so to review I think these are some good basic points if you're beginning this stuff right here is great for you to practice I recommend this if you're like an intermediate learner if you're getting a little bit leveled up you might think about using these expressions quarter and half past and so on so maybe this part is good for beginners and maybe this part is good for intermediate learners so I hope that you found something new in today's lesson and sorry again about the technical difficulties our awesome team fixed everything up though okay but we do have to finish we do have to finish for today's lesson so we'll be back next week we have a new topic for next week next week next week's topic is how to say you're sorry so how to apologize yeah this is important so how do you do this in like a natural way and how do you do this in like using the correct words for the situation so depending on the situation you might need to use a different way of apologizing so this is our topic for next week please join us July 18th that's Wednesday July 18th 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Standard Time that's New York City time please Google your local time if you don't know it but yeah please join us we'll talk about different ways to say sorry there and also please don't forget to go download your free stuff for this week your goal sheet if you are looking for a place to begin it's hard to see here if you're looking for a place to begin definitely check this out please download this free pdf you can find the link below the video in the description on youtube or above the video there's a link on Facebook too I think you'll also see a preview page after I go away but we'll finish there so thank you very much for joining us this week for talking about time next week we'll talk about how to say sorry so should be good we'll finish there though so thank you so much for liking and sharing the video we always appreciate it enjoy your day enjoy your night have a nice weekend and I will see you again next time bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 44,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english
Id: nNoI-UFwb04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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