Useful English Greetings for Everyday Life! - Basic English Phrases

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hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alicia and in this week's weekly live lesson we're going to talk about English greetings English greetings so I know this is a topic a lot of you have practiced in so today we're going to review some greetings you probably already know and then I'm going to talk about some casual greetings you can use with friends and with other people you're close to finally then I'm gonna talk about some special use greeting so like when you haven't seen someone for a long time or you're really excited to meet someone for example so today I have three parts to the lesson as usual we will wait for a couple of minutes to give everyone a chance to join so as you join please send a message in the chat for sure hi YouTube I see lots of you in the chat on youtube today Marcos and Charles and Pablo and hacia and Juan and Jose hello everybody and I also see Facebook is up as well Kim & masaya hi again masaha Carla and Abdullah and Bob you're great so many people so as you join please don't forget to hit the like button so other students other learners can find the video we really appreciate it as I said today's topic is English greetings English greetings so today will be a lot of review for many of you but I hope to find or I hope that you can find some new things in today's lesson also good okay wow people are watching from New York from Brazil hi again as always Brazil great all right we're going to start in about one more minute the proper lesson so as you join as I said make sure to send a message great thank you all for sending your messages Wow there are lots of you watching fantastic let's get to I'm trying to share the video as well ah okay I probably shouldn't say that directly into the mic should i sorry everybody okay great sorry okay let's get started then as I said today we're gonna talk about English greetings so I want to begin with probably the easiest types of greetings this is gonna be our review our review stuff so review means like the things you probably already know but just to practice and maybe you'll find something new here so let us begin first the most basic ones are these greetings Hey hi and hello hey hi and hello by the way today's greetings are all American English greetings I'm going to introduce American English style greetings so hey is probably my favorite way to greet someone and we can double this up so like actually just this weekend for example someone a friend greeted me said hello to me saying hey hey that's kind of a more casual way an even more casual way to use hey so hey very nice very easy to use friendly that's probably my favorite the next basic one is hi hi hi sounds a little more stiff than hey hey is more relaxed kind of cooler I feel like hi is a little more like stiff it's not quite as relaxed it's not quite as cool you can extend this vowel sound like hi to make it kind of funny if you want but in general hi sounds a little more stiff than hey okay finally in this group of three hello hello hello is the basic is the standard phone greeting so standard phone greeting I mean when you answer the phone when you pick up the phone the standard phone greeting you pick up the phone you say hello in most cases if you use hello when you actually meet a friend it sounds a little it weird because this is used kind of only on the phone or it's used like the first time you meet someone like hello my name is when you're introducing yourself after you've met the person a couple of times it might be a little strange to use hello because it sounds not so familiar it sounds like maybe you don't know that person so well so hello it's okay it's not a mistake to use but I would recommend if you've met the person a few times use hey or maybe hi depending on how close you are so I prefer hey in most cases if you have questions please send your questions in the chat for sure all righty let's move on then to next point next one more formal situations so if you want to greet your co-workers your colleagues your boss when you get to work for example you can use good morning good afternoon or good evening good morning good afternoon good evening more formal more polite than hey hi hello so one thing you'll hear native speakers do is native speakers will drop this good so we'll just say morning or afternoon or evening instead of good morning or good afternoon or good evening just morning afternoon evening it sounds a little more familiar but still kind of polite to make it even more casual though we drop this G sound or we make this n sound shorter so it sounds like mornin like no G sound or evening as well here afternoon like the end sound gets a little shorter morning afternoon evening so that sounds even more like casual even more friendly we use this style of speech with coworkers we're very close to of course you can just say good morning like I said good morning to control desk when I walked in the room today I think I think I said good morning yeah okay thanks I think so okay so that's fine to use in any situation like it's never incorrect to use one of these expressions to greet people it's always nice so if you're not sure like ah is it too casual what should I do these are great to use good morning good afternoon good evening okay ah one point about this one good evening good evening is used only when you greet someone I've heard people use good evening when they leave a situation to say goodbye we don't use it to say goodbye only for greetings I have heard some students use good evening to say goodbye you can say have a good evening that's fine but not good evening just have a good evening alrighty I don't see any questions so I will continue thanks for your messages guys cool ok last one can you see it oh sorry I've hidden it under the banner sorry I'll write it again oh you can't see it on that camera cool thanks okay we'll see it in just a second this is greetings greetings Thanks control desk greetings I have it here because it's kind of like a really really cheerful somewhat old-fashioned group greeting like when you come to the office or you come to a meeting and you're surrounded by people you know it's like a it's a cheerful way to say hello to everybody like greetings but it does sound a little old-fashioned it does sound a little bit funny so I love this one actually that's just sort of my style I suppose but I've heard for example like talk-show hosts use this kind of this kind of greeting to welcome guests who are watching the show greetings so actually if you watch our YouTube channel if you watch the English class 101 YouTube channel you have probably heard me use this to begin videos quite a lot actually greetings so usually it's like a really cheerful sounding greeting okay good um I don't see any questions someone says take that banner off no the banner is very important it's very important okay I don't see any questions if you have any questions please feel free to send them in the chat but yeah this part is review we'll move on to some other things later alrighty let's go on then to a quick break thanks guys for joining our review I think there are lots of people watching now Wow from all around the world hi everybody thank you for joining us I want to take a quick break we have different free stuff for you this week different free stuff from last week if you have joined our live lessons before you probably have seen these things but which camera should I use this camera this camera thank you okay so these are a free pdf style or rather PDF format vocabulary lists I've shown them in this lesson before but each one it's double-sided there are two sides to this this is the back-to-school one so the purpose of these is to give you some key vocabulary words and some expressions so for example this is phrases you can use in class so I know lots of you are students who are practicing or maybe you're going to study in an english-speaking country so these are kind of just to help you get some basic phrases or maybe pick up some new expressions you can use in your life so this is for school we have lots of topics this one's for romance oh my so there's this one let's see what's another good one for today today oh maybe this is a good one for today you can think about family and relatives so when you greet these people like maybe you can think about what you might say do these people or of course just to review your family members oh sorry it's hard to do that okay so here's some expressions you can use for family members here's like first time meeting people as well so you would use greetings sorry you can use greetings here as well alright so these are just a couple of examples of some of the free stuff that we have if you want to grab this if you want to download these please check if you're watching the video on youtube there's a link in the description not the chat box please be careful not the chat box it's in the description below this video if you're watching on YouTube if you're watching on Facebook check the link above the video not the chat box but it is above the chat box on the big screen or from the newsfeed page its above the video so please check that out you can download everything from English class 101 dot-com awesome once a business English please I think there is actually a business English one of these let me find it maybe I can find it maybe I'll show that one later I'll try to find it and show it to you later I think there is a business English okay but let's get back to today's topic today's topic if you are just joining us today's topic is English greetings greetings so greetings this means how to say hello to somebody how to say hello to somebody if you have questions please send them in the chat and also don't forget to like the video so other people can find it raphaƫl on youtube says is goodnight useful when the people I'm not sure about the question but goodnight is a way to say goodbye goodbye so I mentioned good evening good evening is the greeting good night is how to say goodbye so hello good evening goodbye good night don't confuse those two okay let's go along I don't see other questions let's go along then to maybe some new stuff for some of you or casual I want to talk about some more casual greetings so casual casual means expressions of vocabulary words you can use with people you are close to so you're close friends close english-speaking family members may be close colleagues so these are casual relationships close relationships first one very very commonly used what's up what's up so the answer to this question is not much not much what's up not much not much or nothing this is the standard there are these two standard answers - not much maybe some of you have seen the English in three minutes video where we talked about this it's very old like six years old so I was explaining what's up and how to answer this question generally in most cases we use not much not much what's up not much how about you what's up nothing those are the standard answers if you say great or not so good or bad something like that you should be prepared to explain like why like what's so great or why are you not doing well today so if you don't want to talk about anything in particular use not much or nothing here not much nothing these are the standard answers okay good then let's go on I'll come back to what's up in just a minute I want to go to this one how you doing how you doing so you can hear my pronunciation this says how you doin this is not like grammatically correct in terms of grammar this is not correct it's missing parts how are you doing is what this means how are you doing but we drop the verb are it sounds kind of cool kind of rough how you doin and my pronunciation just now I used ya instead of you how you doing everything connects how are you doing like I talked about here - with this afternoon as well or evening or mornin we see the same thing here there's no G here in doing how are you doing so this sounds really casual how you doing the proper answer to this good good I'm good how are you doing that's a great way to respond to this how are you doing sound it's exactly the same thing as what's up or how are you how are you doing you might hear some people use this like if you're a fan of the TV show friends you might have heard this expression how you doing in that intonation how you doing like to talk to someone you want to ask on a date but I don't recommend it for that it sounds just ridiculous it sounds so weird so I recommend using this in a cheerful greeting not as a way to introduce yourself to strangers so please use this one with your friends okay let's go on then to the next one yes sup sup so I talked about I talked about this expression what's up here stuff you can see this part su P comes from this part of what's up what's up so what's up what's up we know is a casual expression sup is even more casual so I would use this I use this with my brother my brother for example my brother and I absolutely used this like even if we haven't seen each other for a year so that's how we that's how we talk so very casual people you're close with sup sudden and the answer to this to respond to this is sup right would you would you say anything else no right yeah see sup is the answer - sup sup sup that's really the conversation so please use sup to answer sup yeah no one's easy yeah I think that one's easy uh-oh somebody I saw I sorry I didn't catch your name someone asked what sin apostrophe apostrophe is this mark this mark right here is an apostrophe sorry you can't see oh can we zoom in that's okay if it's a small extra point maybe but uh apostrophe is this is this mark right here this little mark we use it for a few different things this is an apostrophe okay let me see where was I yes okay it's catchable greeting so step and step we've learned very easy one very casual one to use then let's go along to another very casual expression no yo also extremely casual this tense this is most commonly used by young people I would say probably like college-age people most likely young men I feel it's okay for women to use this too it sounds very rough and cool yo yo so you can extend this yo to sound more rough to sound like cooler I like to use this like to kind of be funny I suppose but you can use it as well just as a really super casual greeting someone on Facebook you asked about the expression how do you do this one how do you do how do you do that's that's a nice greeting but it's very formal sounding we do not use this greeting in American English it's correct we'll understand you but we do not use this greeting how do you do it sounds quite fun but it's okay um okay Kenya on YouTube says what about what's good yeah nice one okay what's good sure this so this person thanks Kenya on YouTube suggested this expression what's good what is good so in other words what is your good News is kind of how we can understand this it's like how are you but cooler it's way cooler than how are you what's good so I'm not cool so I don't use this expression but what's good what's good yeah very casual mostly young people used by a lot of young people what's good the answer to this what's good I feel like there could be a lot of things you could say here what's good what would you say what's good I would try because this is such a cool expression like what's good I would probably reply with something like you know same old it's not this isn't really a question about like what is good in your life now it's not really asking for you to share all your news it's more like hello but like what's good with you and you're like ah you know it's the same old same old means like nothing has changed everything is the same hey you know same old same old okay good let's go on to the last casual one for today I included this because it's funny but because people still use this people use this word howdy just sound sort of funny and it's just it's still used even though it sounds like a cowboy film sort of thing howdy howdy is an american english expression and it's just it's something that we use with our friends when we just we just want to say hello but we're feeling like we have like a lot of energy maybe or we have kind of a sense of humor about the situation i've used this expression on the channel here and there just when I feel kind of funny like when I want to feel like say something funny so how do you not as common as these other expressions but you I think you will hear it for sure okay good uh I don't see any questions um so ah someone said come out on Facebook says how are you feeling how are you feeling the sentence is grammatically correct yes but we would not use that for a greeting that would sound unnatural as it greeting how are you feeling we would use if we meet someone who is sick or we knew that person was sick in the past how are you feeling like are you better are you feeling better okay um Ronnie says sorry how with the pronunciation of morning afternoon evening in a more casual way ah if you missed this you can check the video back but it's morning afternoon evening so drop the G sound there alright I have to continue let's take another quick break do you think yes yes okay great great um let's we'll take another quick break someone asked earlier about business English materials so today's topic today's topic is greetings in English and I was sharing a couple of free things that we have on the website for vocabulary here it is but one of you somebody asked about business English so this we do have a business English resource this is one of the free the free PDFs we have on the website so this is maybe the better page to look at for today so this is some examples for business English related to a meeting but here there's an example of the greeting I used like right here is this good morning everyone so in this case in a meeting you would not use that morning pronunciation I talked about good morning everyone you want to make sure to make it polite so these are a couple of expressions you can use for business meetings just to get you started some job titles and so on so for those of you who asked about business English you can check this out so you can find this the link for this thanks that was awesome you can find the link for this in the YouTube description below the video or on Facebook above the video not in the chat box in the description please check it out these are free to download oh okay alright let's finish we have a lot to talk about and only four minutes to talk about it so good planning okay let's go on to the last part of today's lesson I don't see questions yet Govinda no we cannot start again this greeting lesson this lesson is being recorded you can check the video on our YouTube channel or Facebook page if you missed the lesson okay let's go on to a special use greetings I have a lot of these prepared so let's look at the first group the first group of greetings here is right here maybe this group these are greetings you can use when you meet someone you have not seen for a long time so friends family members colleagues co-workers whatever so if you have not met that person you have not seen that person for a long time you can greet them with this expression I want to show some key grammar points here too first one I haven't seen you in so long so I have two variations here I haven't seen you in so long or I haven't seen you in ages ages means a long long time an age is a very long time I haven't seen you in ages plural I haven't seen you in ages so here are grammar I haven't I have not seen you in so long I have not had the experience of meeting you for a long time so you can use so long or ages both of these are fairly casual fairly friendly and use this with I would say all of these use these with a cheerful voice cheerful intonation to show you're excited about meeting that person okay next one maybe I think lots of you know this one long time no see one time receive so try to really connect these words together not long time no see but make it long time no see so this part in particular time no see comes together really quickly long time no see long time no see so this one is perhaps the most popular way to greet someone after a long period of time another one it's been a while it's been a while what does this mean it's been a while this really means it's been a while since we last met it's been a while since we last met or since the last time we met this it's also this it's is it has it has its apostrophe again for the person who asked apostrophe s is it has been a while a while means a long time it has been a long time since we last met is quite a long expression so it's been a while it's been a while much better it's been a while okay this one is the next one nice to see you again nice to see you again you can include it's it's nice to see you again this it is not it has just it is it is it's nice to see you again it's nice to see you again I use an upward intonation right here it's nice to see you again sounds nice nice to see you again so this again sometimes sometimes we do drop again nice to see you it's nice to see you or it's nice to see you again both are good both are friendly very friendly and they're fairly polite you can use this at work or with your friends nice to see you again okay good let's go to the next group really quickly we have to finish soon so the next expression how have you been how have you been this is like the the next part when you see someone you haven't seen for a long time your next question or your next statement can be how have you been how have you been so this means in the period before this meeting were you good were you bad how have you been over that period of time to level this up most native speakers don't say how have you been we contract this we reduce this so how and have come together how love and then we make this you into a yeah sound like I talked about earlier with how you doing so this becomes how have you been how have you been much better how have you been the answer to this question good or a lot of people use busy or okay so you can think of this how have you been how have you been it's kind of like how are you but for a period of time for the period of time before you met the other person have you been is a really good one okay good two more these last two these last two expressions I included because if you meet someone you really respect or you meet someone you really admire you're a fan of that person like maybe someone famous in your field of work or like an athlete or a movie star for example whatever you meet someone and you're really excited to meet them you can use these expressions first it's great to finally meet you it's great to finally meet you it's great to finally meet you means like I wanted to meet you I have wanted to meet you and now I'm really excited because it's my opportunity it's great to finally meet you so finally is in parenthesis here it's great to finally meet you you can drop this it's great to meet you including finally if you use finally it sounds like you really really wanted to meet that person for a long time if you remove finally this is just a polite greeting so it's great to meet you is it just a nice greeting in general if you use finally though it sounds like you were super excited to meet this person it's great to finally meet you okay last one for today last one for today I've heard so much about you I've heard so much about you so again be careful of your grammar here I've I've I know this is a pronunciation point for many of you I've heard so much about you is I have this I've is I have I have heard so much so so much means so much information this sentence has a very positive feeling about it I've heard so much good information about you so if you are meeting a friend's friend a mutual friend your friend's friend for the first time and your friend has said this person is really great they're so interesting they're wonderful you can say I've heard so much about you heard so much about you sometimes this has like a little pressure like on the other person like cool why I wonder why but I've heard so much about you is a very positive way to say like other people told me good things about you alright so I have to finish I'm late I'm four minutes late sorry okay we'll finish there for today but I hope that you found something new that you can use from this lesson if you missed the lesson where I not do not worry the first part was a review section second part was kind of casual expressions and this last part is some special use expressions so this video has been recorded if you missed the lesson you can watch this video on our Facebook page the English class 101 Facebook page or the English class 101 YouTube channel so please check there also you can check on Instagram if you like that for some reason the behind-the-scenes look you can check us out on Instagram there's another camera over here but anyway we hope that you found something new in today's lesson in the meantime though I have to say goodbye for now so oh my gosh coincidentally next week's lesson next week's lesson we'll be back we'll be back next week and we will be saying goodbye in next week's lesson so I kind of a pair this week is greetings next week we'll talk about ways to say goodbye ways to say goodbye so our next lesson will be next Wednesday August 15th August 15th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday evening Eastern Standard Time is New York City time if you don't know that in your cities time please google it you can do it so please join us again next week for ways to say good bye ways to say goodbye we talked about like good night for example in today's lesson but I have to go for today so please don't forget to get your free stuff for this week I showed it a couple times earlier but you can get the free PDFs we have like so many of them there are lots and lots of topics so check this out the link is below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook I hope it's useful for you I hope this lesson was useful thank you for your questions thank you for your comments enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your night enjoy your weekend and I will see you again next week bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 33,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, english greetings, hello in english, basic english phrases, everyday life english, useful english, greetings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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