THE BEST Lentil Soup and Cheese Empanadas Recipe

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[Music] you can reason sepsis perfect hello and welcome to the views club today I'm gonna be showing you how I make lentil soup and to pair my lentil soup I'm gonna be showing you how I make empanadas and I've switched them up just a little bit and the best part is that I found this delicious mess a cup that is yellow in color it's a little bit of a smaller bag but it's definitely worth it so if you're interested in watching how I make lentil soup please keep watching I also want to let you guys know that I'm going to be adding the vegetarian option throughout the video but the recipe is going to be up it's going to be the regular lentil soup and a vegetarian one and I just want you guys to make it comfortable for your home so let's get to it [Music] hiyee okay let's get this party started okay guys well we're gonna need in a nice steep pot and when you're making lentils you want to make sure that you have a good steep pot or your calculations for your lentils are accurate because they do double in size so what I have in here is I'm gonna be pouring in six cups of hot water and I usually use this because it saves me time from boiling my water but it's six cups exactly of water okay and to our pot we're gonna add our lentils and I have two cups of lentils I've already washed them took out all the nasty stuff and after this step I'll show you guys exactly why you want to wash your lentils I don't want you to get scared or discouraged but we do have to clean up our our grains when we use them okay guys okay sure you get all of them every little one counts okay and to our blend I'm gonna add 1/4 of salt okay what we're gonna do now with our lentils is we're gonna bring this pot to a boil once we bring this pot to a boil we're gonna put it on a low okay so let's go ahead and get started what I'm actually gonna do I'm gonna boil this in the back because we have some other things going on that's gonna speed up our process and make it a lot easier for you guys at home this is a beautiful way to get your family to eat lentils if they're not familiar with the soup or the lentils themselves cuz a lot of kids don't like them okay my kids have been there but now they do the GameChanger is bacon or if you don't have bacon use chorizo and if you don't eat pork then keep it out you don't need all these ingredients okay you can do the same steps that I'm doing just keep the pork part out what I did for my poor for the pork is that I picked one piece of bacon per person that I'm going to be serving and today I'm making soup for eight so I have eight pieces of chopped bacon and I'm telling you guys right now I used to be that person that was not too happy with lentil soup until my mom made it this way she messed around in the kitchen and they think I get that from her like I'll play with an ingredient until I get it just right for my family to enjoy so I'm gonna cook these for a little bit on a medium heat just so we can get all the nice pork fat to come out of our bacon okay as I mentioned the reason you want to clean and wash your lentils this is just some of the stuff from the last wash because I washed it three times I usually do that with my greens washed it three to four times depending on the water color and what comes out and there's little specks they look like rocks or seeds from the branch that they were in but it might get bite into this it's gonna hurt their teeth and you kind of don't want to get them stuck and discourage anybody from eating your food so make sure you wash your lentils so you can avoid some of these little specks I wish I could tell you what they are I have no idea but you know I know how to clean beans I'm wondering if they're rot they look like rocks you think so close I don't know they almost look like the feed from the lentil that didn't um grow and some of them look like rocks and then some of them look like I don't know what I don't want you guys eating rocks this isn't like what's that movie called the neverending story that guy that you've brought I don't know put you're going to be the rock guy okay so let's get back to cooking ok this took me about seven minutes to get to this point but if you notice I have way too much pork fat so I'm gonna be taking a little bit out I do want to keep a lot of it in here but we're gonna take to be taking most of it out so just give me a second so I dumped if you guys saw it dump most of it out I still have enough fat in there and I think that's like 1/4 of a cup that came out and I got her ass guys if I can make their eggs with bacon fat it was it was a little bit overwhelming during the circumstances okay friends I'm gonna be dividing I'm only gonna be using half of the ingredients that I have here for your recipe at home you're more than welcome to use a portions I mentioned to you but for me to cut some time and feed all my family happily I'm gonna be dividing because half of its gonna be vegetarian and half of it is gonna be with bacon and baby my little one of my sister and sometimes I'm not up for certain protein so I join in on that one too but since my sister had a really bad week actually of work week this is all we're gonna treat her with and I I tend to do that a lot with my whole family so if you have family that works hard and doesn't always have the time to get the meal set make them a tray of food guys they would love you for that so let's go ahead and add half okay and then half of my garlic but I won't cross the company you can go seek some of that and put it another you know what it is for me like whenever I cook for you I even use a different spoon it's just tap it it really is so what we're gonna do is we're gonna saute those vegetables right here the other thing that I want to mention to you guys is that if you're not gonna be using or making them bananas or anything crispy on the side you can make this a plain dish by adding finely chopped potatoes just small little potatoes will go really good in here but since I'm gonna be doing empanadas on the side that's the card that I'm giving my family so that's that's what we're doing so for my vegetarian option all I'm doing is adding a little bit of oil and what we're gonna do in this pan we're just gonna saute the rest of these ingredients that we used you'll see that I'm using a chicken bouillon for this part but at home if you're vegetarian use whatever vegetarian bullion you have I'm saying it like that guys cuz somebody was really like bothered by the way that I say it I want you to say it boo-yan bullion no boo-yan I say bullion and if I if I could correct all the things that I say with my accent then that's not me and that wouldn't be me so but I just think it was very particular highlight the common because you guys know that I do read all your comments how it was like I was not understanding what you're saying almost as if a lot of people just come on my channel to correct my behaviors but they can talk to my mom for hours trying to get anyone tries love you all but and I don't want to see them stubborn because I'm not I'm like I change often I'm just particular okay I consider my source I do that when I go through like animal rescue videos on YouTube seriously all we're doing is keeping it the same just sauteing this and you're gonna saute it for a good like six minutes into your Tomatoes get a little bit soft we're back we'll be here with our bacon and thank you clawed for that angle like wow okay so once you've sauteed these ingredients gonna take you about six minutes you want to add your chicken bouillon your bullion after you add your chicken bouillon you want to add your Cuban and your cumin is optional but it definitely gives it a really good flavor guys I am known to add tumeric to a lot of my food so that's optional for you guys as well today I'm skipping it because I've been adding it to everything for the kids these past few weeks so I'm switching up the flavors for them so they don't get used to and they don't never know what's coming to them cuz you know kids are very smart they build up that habit like ooh my mom made this I didn't like it I'm gonna refuse no matter how she makes it so me switching it up for my kids all the time keeps them guessing if they're gonna like it keeps them like open-minded about the food he wants his mother let me go ahead and switch my pot and I need to get some lentils out of that pot so just give me one second for me I already know how to eyeball what I need and about how much liquid I need in here so I'll base it off of that when I switch it but on your end do go ahead and do three cups of water per cup of lentils okay of uncooked lentils okay so the same thing over here we're gonna add our our boolean whatever you guys choose to use and the cumin I know you guys spotted that oil back there that's where I'm fine uh-huh I definitely seasoned my own finance depending on the dishes that I'm making usually or even my tortillas for my mustika for the tortillas I usually season that differently as well you guys missed it I almost burned myself so you guys know I'm not being dramatic use a heat proof plate when you're transferring because this one pulled a lot of heat through please be careful well you know what I try to it's just sometimes the oven mitts are too thick for me maybe I can use those gloves from the curling iron you know I like it but no you know which one I'm talking about we're curling your here yeah that hand cool I wonder if that would work I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it okay guys okay so pepper is a very very strong flavor it can make it really spicy you can add it or you can keep it out for me I'm gonna add a little bit of pepper just slightly and then I'm gonna go ahead and season my other one a little bit with pepper so I have this on a very low heat almost simmer and we're gonna let it simmer for another ten minutes so it's gonna take you anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes to cook your lentils properly so now what we're gonna do to our lentils we're gonna go ahead and add all of these delicious ingredients including the fat every right thing I'm gonna add a little bit of the liquid in here just so that we have all that flavor to come out I always feel once you introduce your your family or your loved ones to a different style of a certain thing they usually don't like for example lentils once you introduce it like this perhaps they're more open to try it different ways okay these both both of these pots have been cooking for five minutes so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go ahead and add the carrots and the zucchinis one thing I don't like is my vegetables to be too overdone and the best part about these veggies is if you want to use to zucchinis you can use too you want to use two carrots it's gonna be up to you the amount of vegetables that you like you're cooking for two different styles of food one of them has a name one of them does it easier when you're grabbing your spoons oh yeah Kyle doesn't care if she mentions but you know you ever never know who you're gonna be cooking for you need to be prepared for that and respect people's dietary preferences right I'm gonna continue cooking both of them for about five minutes and then I'm gonna turn them off and they're probably gonna be done while I'm making them bananas but just cook them five more minutes and then turn it off okay if you have a family member that likes their lentils with more liquid like my sister does and a few of the steps because we're not done with the suit there's still two more steps to add absolute an extra amount of water right here I have about a cup and a half of water because my sister likes them very supey [Music] the only difference that I made for this recipe guys for this style empanada you guys saw the ingredients is just slightly different and it's good to adjust to whatever recipe you're making your own bananas for if you guys would like a more in depth and banana recipe I'll link it in the description and at the end I already got started on a few of my empanadas now let me show you how to do it and if you don't have a good deal press in that video I show you how to do it without okay you guys know I tend to over stuff my empanadas on your end on your end yeah not that end guys on your end take it easy okay take it easy on the sauce I want to you know what my eyes want to eat it all so they overdo it okay so now let's go ahead put it together so we can seal it there's different ways to doing it I know that this way helps out a lot and you seal it this way for them for now you can make a design at the end but today I'm just gonna press them in just like that so the blend I gave you can make you about depending on the size that you're making them if you're making them huge like I do mines are about I want to stay three inches yeah about three inches and I'm making about seven of them so it's going to depend on the size that you choose and how you the amounts that you make the little balls in I'm in the process of getting another tortilla press because this one's so unbalanced it's time guys I hope you guys are enjoying the way I give you guys my recipes because there's so many options on how you can take one thing and make it into a different kind of meal and I think that might be helpful for you guys because a lot of you you got a lot of you guys actually do watch all the video and some people just enjoy watching cooking channels right without having to cook either way I hope I'm giving you guys plenty of ideas so that you can continue to love your family all right so I'm gonna show you guys how to finish the lentil soup and after then after we finished that part we're gonna go ahead and fry these empanadas okay our lentils are ready so we're gonna do now is this is optional but it really does bring in the flavor I'm not chopping it up finely it's gonna be up to you guys but for the kids I'm just gonna put it in whole so that it can give a really good flavor and I'm gonna do it to both of the recipes same thing for this one we're gonna add the little bunch so once you've added your cilantro to your recipe you want to bring your pot to a medium hot okay and it's gonna allow this to boil and if you like eggs and your lentil soup this is a time when you want to add it okay so you're gonna add one and if your family members like two eggs at two eggs we have two people going for this one today so that quick boil that we're doing in here is gonna help cook the egg a little bit faster so once it hits that medium boil you can turn it off we just wanted that initial heat to help the egg and this is gonna be ready to serve as soon as we're done with our empanada so let's get to it you guys already know how I seal my soups in the flavor I add one ice cube and what the ice is gonna do it's gonna help seal all that delicious flavor that's in here okay you can only do this with a wooden spoon a wooden chopstick the cooking spoons work dip it in and if you see the oil is bubbling on the outside think you guys can see it there we're ready to fry whoo yeah yeah I'm ready where's my card you have your okay my loves and I'm gonna say it this way because there was a certain comment that really it kind of terrified me because you guys have seen my band-aid fingers I burn myself and I've been cooking for a long time you guys know that I've experimented in the kitchen since I was about four years old and for those reasons I feel very compelled to express to you guys the dangers of cooking because there is for example I have hot oil whether it's oil lard a boiling pot of water I always suggest that you guys are very very careful when you're cooking if you don't if you're young and you don't have an adult there please wait till you have adult supervision because this can be dangerous I know that a lot of the seasoned chefs this is like easy work you guys don't need to know about it but we definitely have a young generation and we even have older grandpas that are starting to cook to that need those extra tips so if you guys aren't enjoying those you can skip through them but I'm gonna keep adding them for whoever begins to cook is learning to cook so you guys know how to be careful whether it's oil lard boiling pot of water soup or even making your eggs please be very careful now that I'm out of mommy's own and back into cooking I love you guys I like a mother that's the way that I love and I look out for you guys that way so do you you know when I was younger I loved like the ma meanness in humans and I just became you guys all I played when I was younger was Barbies puppies and babies were my thing so when you were asked when you wanted to do in you hurt when you grow up it was I wanted to be a mommy I wanted to be a mommy holy smokes that was ready guys you would think that I would have like five or six children but you guys for me it's a little bit different I mean I could have had six seven children but having two children is a lot of work and I want to make sure I put two wonderful gentlemen that are ready to begin with a good family and hopefully you meet one of our you know nice club junior anybody yeah yep that's true if not I'm going out with you guys with old luscious beautiful baby I'll take care of kids yeah you do you know what if people think I'm a baby lover you take the cake for that one you really do all right guys let's get to cooking gently drop it and move it a little bit so it doesn't stick to the bottom so for this particular one I'm not gonna overcrowd anything I'm only going to go with two and you kind of want to see how big your pan is so if you have a smaller one do it with one you're not overflowing anything and you're paying attention to all of your pieces all your empanada is in this case I tend to cook with canola oil you guys I don't really use vegetable oil and if I'm using anything different I'll let you guys know I love frying with peanut oil but we do have a peanut allergy in the house so I stay away from it and if you guys don't have peanut allergies and you want your food to be super crispy peanut oil is the one to go with but when that family members gone we do yes we do the other thing is that you're gonna have a lot of gassy bears in your house so a child will you know get away yes peanut oil I'm using my judgment here I have enough space I have an ample area to go ahead and add another empanada and see you guys I make mistakes often i overestimated on my quantity and okay see but it's still gonna be good those challenge really so sure no I I over did the fulfilling on that one but [Laughter] if you guys see here I'm using my egg carton to drip the oil off of my empanadas you can use your paper towels however you want to do it but save these these are very helpful for this particular reason thanks to my mother-in-law I learned that I wish I would have learned that when I was younger because growing up having paper towels was a luxury they were super pricey I think there still are but I think that's an adequate amount we should pay if we're using trees top 3 I'm gonna green 3 there was only one thing that I actually mean that I could not handle it and Robert the same way that particular dish was just not hunting everything else other than that 100 there's certain family members to that light their bananas just as soon as they turn golden me if you notice when I took when it's something for myself I like to overcook things I don't know why it's a habit for my liking and my taste buds but for everybody else you're gonna want to cook it 3 to 4 minutes and it should be a perfect amount of time to cook these enough for me yeah it would be a little bit longer you know was the same way by your bio the same way yes yeah like when I had certain friends at school and like I went over to their house and their parents made something I had a very difficult time because we were taught you eat everything that you're presented and you're not rude but there was just a thing that was still considered to me she's in that one huh you guys are ready all right Paul if you're watching this this and bananas style would be perfect for you to pre make them put them in your freezer and fry them up when you're ready you single bachelor you because all you need is a few ingredients remember I mentioned to you to keep my second round well you can stuff it with just about anything so that that's tip for you Paul if Paul joins us for this one I'll open your comments everybody knows who you are he's a single bachelor by choice we're trying to start the views Club connection here guys my help with starting to yep you sub if you guys want cloud to show you how to set up your your mingling devices but you don't do tinder do you I don't see why I don't know oh god for like super young kid I don't know that's for something that requires like if you guys want if you guys want to learn how to use tinder I know somebody that uses tinder and they can probably are Justine okay she I think she mentioned is in a few videos yeah he would just see if you guys check her up she does a mukbang eating show and he's just so loving I'm just so blessed and I've met her and I'm so wonderfully but I feel like if somebody's giving a lot they are losing out I agree dude she is she's one of those gems like always happy always smiling very similar Justine if you're watching this I adore you girl I love you too bro you don't yes I love you so yeah we're just gonna wait and finish trying these up guys and I have a pic I have picky eaters okay so I accomodate for everybody you want me to show you how I'm gonna alternate for the ones that don't want these let me show you real quick you guys wonder how I do it well I freeze let me show you let me open my little packet I make little buck Ethos you can make them out of beef chicken whatever you want and I roll them up put them in the freezer and whenever I need to make a quick meal these are ready you can bake them or you can fry them and those are a bit of a pain to make because if you don't do them well they'll fall apart in your fryer yeah and that's how you want to make a lot a lot of time yeah these are the times when I have like a little assembly on my island and when the families hanging around I get everybody together the kids everybody's helping out I do the rolling but they help like chop you do the mixing putting it on the top it's a little assembly so I can first see the days where I'm not gonna have a lot of time especially this next month of May it's towards the end of school for my kids so I have a lot more things to prepare and also prepare our summer time with activities as well as learning and yeah we do have a road trip coming up I'm very spontaneous as a human being that I feel that that keeps me happy although it gets my family to tick so they're kind of over the years are kind of used to me just being very spontaneous and they just roll with it I think they like it I'm the only family an issue with it well Robert needs to have more details he both like details and I like I keep it fun I guess I guess that's why I'm still married I'm unpredictable he's a planner I loved his planning style when I had the babies guys cuz after you're a mom and you have the babies it's so difficult to you to get your brain right with mommy brain I mean I still struggle now guys or if I'm like I ran out of this ingredient he'll go to the store and stop by to get something for whatever and he'll be like Oh baby look what I got you but then he's like I got you three no you try I don't think he wants me to go anywhere guys that's a dissipating AZ tria one of the other things you can do for your in bananas when they're done is get a pinch of salt and sprinkle it right when it comes out and that's gonna help salt it up even more and give you that golden fry Chris okay all right so I'm gonna fry these up real quick guys and then I'm gonna plate I know guys I totally skipped out I'm putting a video of this wonderful little fella I would like to present you guys with re can you please give everybody his full name club re oh you made PSG so this is a new member this is my new fur godchild and he's super sweet guys he is a rescue little guy um he kind of looks like a lemur I don't want a body shame him so I'll just turn to slightly he has a tail that's kind of like a fox oh I love it Oh their hair their you don't have to be camera shy ready his eyes are reflective that's my sir those earrings at night yeah he you guys in a period of a few days a week over love you had um under two weeks I fall in love with him he's just a sweetest little guy in the whole world and he likes to be loved and correct he loves kids adults cast birds yeah he loves kids our previous family member didn't like children too much he tolerated them but he wasn't crazy and he will just get really excited to see cutie and stranger danger he'll go with anyone mm-hmm he loves to wander he's really enjoying his balcony sitting with his Nina his godmother yeah his first so soft and he's just so cuddly and I don't know guys he passes out so often he got a checkup from the doctor he's in good health his heart's good everything's good for him so why'd you guys take time to meet him look at his face he's like are we done he's under a little bit of medication what do you smell you smell my cookie you can't have that he's wonderful you can't have that you could have a puppy food even though he's another puppy nice he's a he's a my sister's so sweet like there's a lot of people that won't even adopt an older dog and you're just soul you're really good with like the older dogs he had the whole ASPCA look going for him with flies around him I mean yes there you have a really good heart for taking them inside Oh shout-out to your mama he's a baby bag who's the one that say wash my hands really a little like thank you let's go be in the camera and that's how I make lentil soup if you guys like this recipe please give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed take the time to subscribe right here and next or you see a little bow and to become one of my bells click that bell it sends you notifications when I upload because I know what the YouTube feed I can get lost in there so let's go ahead and taste this delicious soup also if you guys are making these recipes please continue to send them to me on Twitter and Instagram this month I'm a little bit tight on my time but I'm definitely checking in there for your guys's recipe so we could not I'm right here you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys this soup is delicious if you're not a lentil lover definitely give it a try with bacon and even the vegetarian option is gonna be great my tip to you is gonna be if you're gonna make this soup and you don't want it too sweet take it easy on your portion for the carrots cuz the carrots will make it taste like canned soup so take it easy with the carrots other than that everything's gonna be pretty simple just how I show you guys I want to thank you guys all so much I'm looking at the subscriber count' and I am just speechless like if I think about it too long I'll start crying so on that note I wanna thank you guys so much for joining my channel and being part of the views club and being part of my life I I respect and adore you guys more than you'll ever understand and I'll see you guys on the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 148,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lentil soup, sopa de lentejas, mexican lentil soup, lentil soup with bacon, lentil recipe, mexican lentil soup slow cooker, lentil soup recipe mexican style, views recipe, empanada filling ideas, views empanadas, cheese empanadas, 4k recipes, million views recipes, lentil soup, soup (type of dish), cheese empanadas recipe easy, red lentil soup, FRIED EMPANADA, fried corn quesadilla, EMPANADA FRITA
Id: 2pBBOnxPGs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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