How to make Fresh Cucumber Water (Agua Fresca) Views Recipe

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[Music] okay you want to pick three of your favorite cucumbers if you're going to be using English cucumber you're gonna get a different flavor if you're allergic to ragweed and melons and things like that you might not eat this you know yeah yeah cuz I know that you get allergic so there's times where I can't give you organic cucumber like I have to buy like the regular the non-organic because when you buy the organic when they don't spray it with anything and it helps you because you didn't rush up last time for being on organics good looking out alright so we're gonna do we're gonna cut the ends of our cucumber these little ends you want to rub it against your cucumber I've been doing it my whole life I don't know the science behind it but it helps with the bitterness because sometimes you just get that cucumber that's really bitter so just if not it's for good luck now let's begin killing this cucumber oh it smells so good in here it smells fresh right once you start making this you're gonna be like yeah more see if you want to entice your children to have these drinks or a family member and sometimes like me if the packaging is good I'm very likely to try it so what you want to do is you want to cut your cucumbers very thin like this so that way after you make your water you have a few of those thinly sliced cucumbers floating around and you get to choose I have a lot of ways to make cucumber water but this is gonna be a very very simple way for you guys okay so set those to the site if you want to decorate your pitcher and then just begin killing the rest of them as well so cutie right now has a sting going on where he has a store going on in the house and I had I bought him a lot of snacks okay so that he can sell his little store when his cousins or whoever comes over you can buy from his little store kind of like lemonade stands and it's really cute because I'll make him I'll make him water in this pitcher and he'll start selling it and all of a sudden like when my sister's here everybody's here we're all up there cuz we're thirsty and I just made it and they can smell it in the kitchen so they'll go up there and be like let me buy some how much was he selling girl he sent us 20 bucks on a Mila yesterday his price these guys are so expensive and I'm proud of him because he knows his value like this is my stuff this is how much it's worth it gives excellent customer service - it really does your experience has story is amazing it's it's like almost like Disneyland yeah I'll try to I'll try to capture it for you guys a little bit of his of his items that are there so you just want to chop this up so that when you put in your blender it's easy to blend okay and if you have children that are not crazy about like cucumber flavor or don't you know what there's so much good snacks out there's like it like kids don't want to eat link vegetables and things like that but there's a way of giving them good vegetables and fruits and even if you're using just a little bit of sugar it's gonna get them excited about it and then when they get older they're more likely to have it with less sugar and take more of a healthier option or at least I hope that's what's happening here we're gonna take them all sunny make them sweat so my goodness you're very genius with parenting folks you are I'm sure you want why are you're driven at the weight drink your water take your family for a hiking guess what if all you have there is like vegetables and fruits that's what they're gonna eat because you know that if you take a one-hour hike or 30-minute hike in that heat it's on whether it's humid like in Texas or hot-hot-hot like the desert so I'm gonna start off with two lines because sometimes well my key limes are very sharp and the flavors very unique but if you can't get ahold of these you can use lime or lemon but there's something about key limes you guys have heard me say this before that just make me go a while and I have a little bit of sugar here and I might be adding a pinch of salt depending on what flavor profile comes out so let's go ahead and and begin blending right so I have about seven cups of water you can use 7 to 10 cups for this it's very very forgiving guys it all depends on how potent you want the flavor or Honda Luda you want it so I'm gonna go ahead and go with about 7 cups of water and I'm gonna add my cucumber you can remove the seeds of you if you don't have a liking for it you can do whatever you guys want let's try not to drop so many let me see I think I might have gone over sign that's pour some water all right I'm gonna start tightening you let me pour okay here we go ready we're gonna blend our cucumber in our water and we're gonna blend this about three to five minutes guys the more you blend the better it's gonna taste and that's what makes a difference like when you go and buy your ayahuasca at let me check on now when you're in Mexico you know how it tastes just different that's why a change different cuz we take the time to blend it for like three to five minutes got it already [Music] ooh you see the little bit of the foam but it's very very smooth so anywhere from three to five minutes will work if you have a blender that's not as powerful and strong it doesn't mean you can't make this just make sure you blend it a little bit longer okay maybe add two minutes to the time well you can have family members that like it with the pulp and there's some that are gonna get picky with it so for those reasons you can strain it let me help you hold the stream sure thank you camera on one hand and strainer on the other there's times when I'm editing and like your help you mean I forgot to say thank you and I'm like oh I hope you say thank you very emotionally the pulp is so fine it's like it's like baby food like applesauce like baby up that's what it that's a consistency that's less can I have the pulp to make a mess for my face of course I'm gonna be using a little bit of the pulp in here because of an I love it punky is coming along with this cucumber liking he really is yeah he's been late because I make a little containers for a movie with like apples and cucumbers sprinkle a little salt and the views chili powder so I think if you press it down you can get more of the liquid oh but I'm gonna be putting it back in one of the jars so I should be okay with doing that now that we strained and blended our cucumber and water ooh nobody's already the one is already if you guys are interested I'll put the link if Hinnant that's what we got brewing in the back what you want to do is you want to squeeze your your lemon your lime juice whatever citrusy chose to use I'm sure you can even use orange for this and it would be delightful okay but I think there's gonna be like how do you make it cuz you guys know I have a technique for a lot a lot of things of use way so you know I'm happy to share guys so once you've squeezed your lemon juice okay you want to add your sugar so let me go ahead and I'm gonna do three tablespoons of sugar and you want to dilute it into your lemon juice okay have you ever made something where if you don't dilute it you get that big part of sugar at the bottom that of course I like to sip on cuz it's a big versus sugar but for the most part not everybody else likes it so you want to make sure you dilute it before you add it to any of your OS your fresh waters yours at no idle my being here I'm a highly patient person what did you say yeah I really am I've been tested many times about things and I'm definitely very very patient so far should take you about one or two minutes to mix it around well you start seeing like a little clear shiny top and that's when you're getting closer to being done okay and you guys know I balance out my sweetness with a pinch hardly anything of salt I said it right this time guys yeah that looks pretty good to me pretty diluted so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and pour it into the jar your cup whatever you have at hand guys and you're gonna pour in your cucumber water I was mucho and Spanish I say you say you say like if something's coming your way you're like I was like watch out water the waters come take a look somebody's underwater at you and it's a way of like keeping you alert okay so that's when you want to go ahead and add your your cucumber decor there you go start pushing it down and v2 and if you really want to you can add your your lemon if you're gonna be adding your lying to this it's gonna turn it bitter because the lion possessed is a little different so be careful if you're using your lineman here okay you want to keep it to more of a lemon that would work perfect for it okay I've tasted my cucumber water and I feel I can use a little bit more freshness from the life and I can definitely add a little bit more sugar so what you don't want to do is you don't want to go in here and add more you want to get your little bowl together if you're gonna be adding lemon add sugar but if you're just gonna be adding lemon or lime into your water then you're good to go what kind of sugar are you using I'm using the Mexican cane sugar I believe it's called azúcar and I'm trying to wean myself off of using half a cup of sugar for it so I just have to find a good reasonable balance and you guys should do the same on your end okay what take it easy on the sugar yeah I like slowly add your sugar I wouldn't say I'd like the half a cup because if you really want to bomb one out of your half a cup of sugar all right yeah but if you're trying to wean it off and like show your family that there's more nutritious ways of eating then you have to give them what they want and also keep it like to a minimum that's kind of what you're trying to do it's not that I don't want to is just say you can't do that for everything and I get asked a lot like how do you keep your shape and I'm human Thursdays when I feel more bloated there's days when I feel thinner but I try to do things in moderation aside from things that I've ate before or how I've ate in my past what's going through something okay so go ahead and add your sugar blend you are pretty good with your sugar intake yeah like for example if I have this today and I know I added that much sugar I'll probably keep it like the rest of the day with certain things like my carbs you know it's something I'm gonna go eat this much sugar and going eat a big bowl of pasta absolutely what do you say do I stick my hand in here like Napoleon Dynamite and mix it oh man Oh get you some eggs in the back yeah you gave you BB so yeah okay now let's give it a taste and see if it works for us that's a little better well I kind of a little bit yes I have been 67 tablespoons of sugar really makes a difference in their whole doesn't it it works out cool that's good I was expecting some tartness but um the cucumber really came through in those in the water which is almost like a small like ish lemony mm-hmm yeah so this is how we're gonna make this one let me fill it up all the way like I said it's a forgiving recipe and I think this is the one who is gonna sell yes you know store credit I got these at the Korean market because they remind me of my mother-in-law and I didn't get to keep well we didn't get to keep a lot of her her dishes and things like that so purchasing things that remind me of her in our home it keeps her spirit alive and I've always liked there's something about like the Korean glass that you get that's very different than like the Mexican one and I have to you guys I have a mixed family so I have to keep all of our culture alike yeah okay so now that we got the sugar fun out of the way let's get healthy for a minute okay when you guys asked me what I was drinking but I don't want to eat anything all day this is exactly what I was consuming like I would have it early in the morning like after my coffee to hydrate myself and all of a sudden it's like 4:00 in the afternoon and I'm still not hungry cucumbers very philia it's kind of like watermelon of you watermelon all day for a week you're gonna drop weight and you're gonna be yep those are my favorite kind of monomials when you're just while these for me like not so much like a dietary class but a spiritual one yeah like if you drink the water I don't know a lot of clarity yeah and here in the desert guys we have three like degrees quick right the three digits yeah and it gets overwhelming it really does so I have to keep a lot of the healthier options during our spring winter and somewhat fall cuz it gets crazy okay and one of the things I want to share with you guys is chia seeds if you haven't added chia seeds to your pantry I definitely recommend that you do you can get a really good portion for a good price and let me just go over a few of the things that are great about the chia seeds okay let me give you guys a closer look and clean my area you know if you ever wondered how a sticks build all those pyramids and how they were so strong and yeah let's let's get straight to it the reason I asked if people were so strong it's because chia seeds were a staple food along with corn and beans one of the great things about this chia seeds are these chia seeds is that they're big and huge on omega fatty acids and I think it became very popular with more of the veggie crew because they are so easy to digest unlike animal proteins or dairy proteins those kind of things these are very very easy to digest for your system and I know that a lot of you guys are on a dietary journey and this is gonna keep you full it's gonna give you your protein and you can still eat healthy you know you guys know that I'm always raving about foods or let you know about foods that are high in antioxidants because as we start aging or whether you're young and taking care of your body antioxidants play a huge role in our system and it handles those free radicals that we get that act up right so one of the great things about the chia seeds is that it has more antioxidants than flax seeds do whoo their dari huh so now that you learned a little bit about chia seeds this is how you want to do it I know that you've seen it whenever you want to make like an overnight oatmeal because what happens with the chia seeds is they don't clog you late and they'll get really thick it's almost like if you believe gravy overnight how it gets that gelatin that's what you're gonna get from these so if you're gonna consume them I say sprinkle them into your drink give it about five minutes so it can start absorbing the liquid and they'll get a little bit of the jelly fill in the outside but it's not gonna clog you let your drink and even if you were to add it to your drink and leave it there throughout your day you want to add a little bit you don't need that much because when you come here why do you want to drink it and it's all clogged you lated on the top you have to be really careful so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a small little spoon I would say one teaspoon yeah that's really what it turns out to be and the other thing that I feel that I get filled from my cucumber water is because I do leave my pulp so I'm gonna be adding this pulp back in here oh my goodness this is divine have you wonder which one I'm drinking I'm drinking the sugar one I was going to let it go to waste but if you guys liked this video make sure you give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed take the time to subscribe and if you want leave me a comment and chat with me go ahead and leave it down below you already know I get really excited when you send me like the pictures or your guys's take on the recipes and you make it comfortable for your home so if you're doing that make sure to send it to me on Twitter my Twitter fam and on Instagram for my Instagram family and if you have both oh yeah hey guys this is cloud so I snuck in some bloopers for you guys let me know what you think oh no no thanks I see market going on on there you're gonna Fiesta I think positive I think so I got so much in munch it this es plus si si you ready ready ready Jeff on with that yeah do nothing follow directions do you want Salt River yeah and guess what I got going on in here you can't see what do you think that is what is it yeah let me show you you're gonna know as soon as I picked it up meet up this a song what is it he's fainted what it is you forgot the cactuses don't me to cut this with it how come you don't forget that when you want to eat up others to ask can I have something abundance don't forget then do you want it in for or in half okay anything else don't a few pieces of cucumber all right baby let me give you these over here don't see me don't see me really you should've said that six years ago mmm-hmm there you go was too late now bye sweetie you want more let me know okay okay it's ready honey was in walks guys once no box really sorry the Train okay my goodness yes like this and I like let's get it there okay oh there's a party going on upstairs and we weren't invited okay
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 558,338
Rating: 4.8761015 out of 5
Keywords: cucumber infused water, cucumber detox water, weighloss drinks, weightloss recipe, keto recipe, agua fresca, aguas frescas (beverage), cucumber lemonade, aguas frescas, views recipe, cucumber infused water health benefits, cucumber detox water for skin, weight loss drinks, how to make cucumber water, how to make cucumber water with lemon, how to make cucumber water for skin, agua fresca views, weight loss, heatwave recipe, summer recipes, summer drinks
Id: fs_vJP0qEmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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