What's The Worst Case Of Oversharing On Social Media? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst case of oversharing you've experienced on social media to active-duty soldiers who are married to each other with completely open Facebook pages start tearing their drama about cheating on each other each admitting that they cheated on each other how they are going freak each over in the divorce their CEO was on their Facebook page so was the garrison commander both got to UCMJ action for adultery but wait it gets better they were ordered to cease talking about the proceedings on social media what do they both do they go to social media content to brag about cheating on each other and put their commander garrison commander and respective jag lawyers on blast they are both no longer in the Army and yes they are divorced it was truly epic and they kept bitching about their punishment and everything they basically both started digging a hole and didn't frickin stop until they got to hack they then bitched about how freaked they are I didn't know adultery was punishable in martial law it was an accident so I don't know if it counts but a friend meant to post a question including some private details to her private pregnancy group instead she posted it on her own timeline she told everyone on her timeline she has lost her mucus plug and had her bloody show to Clare an hour to realize what she had done I also know a girl who posts fully nude pics of her two years old daughter on Instagram apparently her husband's family had spoken to her about it and she totally freaked out about it now she still posts the pics and videos but covers her nipples included with various stickers energist which I personally find even more awkward my half-sister every trashy detail of every trashy moment of a trashy life ends up on FB or it did before she blocked me for calling her on her balls the final straw for me and my brother was when she posted well my mom wouldn't send me money so I'm homeless and freezing to death it was September in North Carolina I slept with some dude for money and now I'm pregnant my stepmother refused to send her her money for drugs she was homeless for stealing from her former run mates for drug money she had also faked several pregnancies for drug money and sympathy I can't say sorry in the least that she blocked me before I could block her I once knew this chick who was weirdly obsessed with her male cousin numerous posts a day about him and when she went to stay with her aunt for a while she posted play-by-play accounts of herself going through his underwear drawer oh lord have mercy guy whom I was f be friends with and his GF whom I wasn't would start an argument I roll unfriend each other on Facebook then continue arguing via public status updates it was annoying until I got sucked in like an episode of General Hospital then it was all I could do to keep up with the fight switching back and forth between profiles and getting peed when one of them would stop responding for a few hours overall it really wasn't that bad but a set of twins I went to HS with got pregnant back-to-back and they posted pics and do it as relentlessly multiple times a day so about six months into the second twins pregnancy I commented on one of her pics Jesus Ashley you've been pregnant for like fifteen months have the baby or don't and was promptly blocked by them both their elder sister who I'm actually friends with thought it was hilarious a friend of a friend decided it would be appropriate to post about her six month old son's erection that's not something I ever needed to know about a Facebook friend of mine posted pictures of her wedding and then the next day posted that her husband had walked in on her performing a [ __ ] on her neighbor her husband had kicked her and her five-year-old daughter out and did anyone have a place they could stay these are the Jerry Springer people credit card expiration CVV on early Twitter someone I used to work with posts a picture of her and her boyfriend every day on Instagram with some lovey-dovey caption at the bottom and account of how many days they've been together every month they celebrate their anniversary when they broke up she deleted every photo with both of em annette leaving about only three photos left on her account she got a new boyfriend about a month later and now she does the same thing with this new guy and i swear to god I think she's been reusing some of the old captions she made of the old bf so idk why maybe just because I'm up way too late if this reminded me of the other mother from Coraline how she makes the little don't look like the newest child e.t.c hides the old children and the creepy closeted CTO of my company went through a bitter divorce his wife was friends with a lot of people at work so everyone was aware of everything she posted about him on Facebook she stopped referring to him by name and instead called him all three inches two minutes that's just cold a cousin who gave the entire world updates on the intercourse she and her husband had in over-the-top pornographic detail she was friends with her entire family on Facebook from our grandmother to her children she got super angry with me and lashed out when I suggested in a comment that she keep it to herself I'm embarrassed to be related to her thank God she loves hundreds of miles from me and I never see her mum I'm sexually active now get over it some guy I worked with constantly posted about his and his wife's fights every little detail of what was said and what happened after I think we he wanted us to sympathize with him but he came off as an but in most other posts before I friended him on Facebook he seemed pretty chill but after reading those posts which on some days came once an hour I was worried that we'd get news that he murdered her and I started to avoid him at work after I moved on to another job i unfriended him but a few years later out of morbid curiosity I went to check his profile and they were still married and had two more kids this happened with a friend of mine so mad at my husband getting a divorce a few years and two more kids later I knew this girl who would post a blow-by-blow of literally everything she did for the entire day down to how many times and when she used the toilet and what she did there my cousin's ex-girlfriend made a post about how she gave birth to a moth because she went to pee and a moth flew out from between her legs I was like what the Frick she'll make an excellent Martha I was in the airport on my way home from another continent when I was scrolling through Facebook and read my aunt's post not a message but a facebook status about how my grandpa who I was going home to stay with for a couple months died that morning but called my mom who had apparently asked all family members to wait 24h before posting anything on social media so that I could have been told in person my whole family was livid at the sunt for a while three years later my uncle a brother to my mom named this art died unexpectedly in the middle of the night he's a dolt daughter happened to be travelling to their house that day from her out-of-town home so her mom asked all family to refrain from posting anything on social media until the daughter arrived so that she could tell her in person and also prevent her from driving wild distraught the aforementioned aunt decided to ignore this request again and my poor cousin read about her dad's death in a Facebook post when she stopped for breakfast friend of a friend posted about her affair identified the person she had an affair with when it happened in what office in her place of employment went into detail about how she broke her fiance's trust because his previous wife had an affair - it was a clusterf recalled away around cousin made a post about her boyfriend cheating on her his mother denied it he didn't deny it fifteen minutes later her her sister's her mother her mother's boyfriend and about six of her mates were having a full-blown argument with him his family and friends in a comment chain that I swear went into quadruple digits and lasted about eight hours it was an entertaining night it's not nearly as exciting but I'm watching this unfold on Facebook with a former high school classmate and his ex fiance we are all in our mid to late 30s and it's embarrassing to see a facebook friend of mine posted that she was worried because her 15 year old son's right hand had begun turning a strange brown orange color there were pictures she made a doctor's appointment she then explained it was because he was using his sister's tanning lotion only she didn't seem to realize the reason only his right hand was tan and not the rest of his body so she let all of facebook know her son jacked off using tanning lotion one little mistake in poor Timmy had to suffer his last three years of high school being called cheeto dong guy from my old school had to post a story of him taking his first crap of the year I'm friends with this lady on Facebook who posts about 10 pictures a day with her son just existing and she has to document every detail last year when he was 3 he went through a phase where he would whip it out and pee anywhere on anything for months and every single time she had to post about it on Facebook once even followed by a picture of him sitting completely naked on his training Posse with a little tiny star over his willy he is going to hate her so much in the next couple of years at least she had the decency to censor his willy some parents don't even do that my alcoholic great-aunt spilled coffee on herself and uploaded a picture of her burnt boob to drive home how painful the experience was I will never forget his post old restaurant co-worker followed him because all of his life drama would go down on Facebook people posting to his wall about how he stole a child's bike and ruined her birthday his mom calling him out for drug relaxants and stealing from her all on Facebook when he broke up with another old co-worker he took to Facebook he wrote a wall of text calling her every name in the book talking about how he was going to miss a daughter then finished with something close to this good luck finding another guy willing to put up with your fish market smelling coochie my mom wrote a very long very detailed blog post about my sister's miscarriage before most of the extended family even knew she was pregnant definitely strained their relationship when my sister got pregnant again about a year later my mom was the last to know we now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else without permission this is why I have given up telling my mother about things that are sensitive you can tell her over and over not to tell anybody something and she's emailing her sisters five minutes later my uncle found out that my cousin his daughter and her husband were filming [ __ ] pee and posting it online so he posted a long detailed status about the whole thing on Facebook asking for prayer the entire extended family found out and no one sees her anymore Facebook mom's talking about her daughter's late period my mom and I went shopping for a wedding ring for my wife she took a picture of the one I bought and posted on Facebook like instantly so I had to do an impromptu you proposal row what Adam boss girl I went to high school with posted a picture of herself at the bikini waxing place with just a giant fountain drink cut covering haha this woman is a mother of three whose eldest son was a teenager and was also on Facebook after reading some of the replies on this thread I think she deserves a little credit for covering her genitals a girl at my school wrote on snapchat about how she pissed her own nipples and how they are infected and described the pus and stuff coming out the aspiring professional pisser in me is trying not to cry pour one out for her nips kids some girl posted her youth pad on Facebook and everyone was congratulating her friend of mine died after OD'ing his mom had access to his Facebook and because she was convinced he was murdered posted pictures of his body in the morgue I get that everyone deals with grief differently but I've got those images burned into my mind a leader of a political party in my country posted a dong pic on Instagram my sister-in-law checks in at the spar and talks about how she's going to Brazil getting waxed my son was like 14 when he figured out what she meant and blocked her well I like that your son was mature to be like yeah I don't need this kind of crap in my life a girl I went to high school with posted a picture of her dog tags from when she was in the army I had to remind her that those have her social security number on them I was scrolling through my facebook feed and I notice a girl I went to high school with posted this long rant and that she revealed the HIV status of another person every comment was telling her to delete her post had a facebook friend post pictures of her results showing that she was HIV positive to prove all the haters wrong she thought positive was good and negative was bad a cousin decided to out his open relationship with his now ex-wife had a complete meltdown named the man she was cheating on him with all where his kids could see it he pointed out that his daughter sided with him this was less than a year ago he's just got married to wife number five during his last weeks my grandfather was really unwell he was a proud man at least with regards to his appearance and didn't like people seeing him so poorly the day he died my cousin put a photograph on Facebook of her son hugging him title did pops last hug it's an uncomfortable picture the boy has an expression that reads I have been told to smile for the camera so here's a grimace and my grandfather just isn't there in it at all I was mad he'd have hated to have that picture to for everyone to see even taking the picture was tasteless but sure whatever but uploading it was disgusting I silenced her recently after more uncomfortable oversharing it isn't healthful for me to see her nonsense family friend posting a video of her mom flatlining in the hospital after a battle of cancer and then pictures of them hugging and kissing her still in her hospital bed after her death I work in hospice and I've had patients family members try to take pictures while I'm providing some pretty personal cares like toileting or a bed bath one day I was shaving a man that was pretty close to death and turned around just in time to see his daughter snap a picture everyone grieves differently but I don't think the patients would appreciate those pictures being taken a girl I knew posted pictures related to her wedding constantly now you may be wondering what's the big deal people post a lot after they get married it's a big moment her wedding was two years ago 2-3 times a week she's post a photo of her wedding her rings or some obscure picture with a long caption about her journey with her husband if any of her friends got married she would post pictures of her with them at her wedding with a caption to express her excitement for their wedding any time she posted pictures to recognize something in someone else's life it would be a picture of them at her wedding I unfollowed her sounds like she's really secure in her relationship guy I went to high school came out as gay cool good for him he posted a photo of himself giving hair to some dude not cool that'll come back to haunt him crap all over myself and some dude caught it on tape they shared it like 20 k times line was drawn at 12 K amar need an explanation of that situation my ex-husband's aren't posted a picture of her hot man who looked like the definition of a ham head wearing nothing but a slightly long very torn t-shirt that clearly showed that he hadn't bothered to wear underwear that day tolerable mention goes to my dad who is 50 morbidly obese and likes to post those are I have sex worthy memes on his Facebook I don't need to picture that thanks my one friend from high school finally grew out of this phase but every time her toddler woulda stayed lunch she would post a pic of him in his highchair with the phrase Billy consent his name for privacy loves mommies peanut butter toast Billy loves his spaghetti Billy loves mommy's pancakes and so on and so forth I can understand if he was way younger and occasionally show him trying food or if he was autistic and this was a feeding therapy milestone but nope a whole two and a half years of what Billy ate for breakfast lunch dinner and snack same highchair every freaking day I almost became invested as I would log into Facebook like gee what did believe today my friend posted about where she kept her stash off money not in the bank she said because she was avoiding paying taxes on her tips on Facebook the next week she got the whole bag stolen after leaving her door unlocked come tax time she got audited as well at my high school having a Finster fake Instagram account was a huge trend basically people would post their bad stuff like smoking weed and drinking on those accounts around my senior year all the women just started posting their nudes no shame they posted that crap and kept it there for everyone to see I've seen at least 15 different girls nudes from my high school simply because they posted them on Instagram Finster's are very popular but i don't know of any that post nudes another mom i was f be friends with because our kids were in the same activity would share all the horrifying details of any incident that befell her family along with pictures husband cut his arm share a picture of the bloodied cut before and after stitches if father has a major health incident share a picture of the poor man comatose in his hospital bed family pet dies share a picture on child crying while holding the dead animal child has abdominal cramps share a picture of the child doubled over in a hospital bed crying the penultimate was when she herself was having a health issue that included blood in her urine she was hospitalized and catheterized and shared a picture of her and easier in collection bag at that point I deleted her you have been visited by the paparazzi dog comment the perfect framing so that a paparazzi never pursues you if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 54,030
Rating: 4.8936877 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit social media, reddit oversharing on social media, reddit facebook
Id: 9tUhU3r8LDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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