How to Make Smothered Pork Neck Bones

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hi everybody I'm back I'm back and today today I'm going to show you all how to make pork neck bones here's what you will need over here I have some pork neck bones and I bought from my meat market you're gonna need those you're gonna need a green bell pepper a white onion you will need a garlic clove as well as soy sauce you're gonna need onion soup mix you will also need beef broth parsley flakes adobo and you can see that we have the Maggie and the beef flavor beef flavored Boyan you will need sessom as well as garlic powder cracked black pepper allspice white rice and flour okay so then we are going to the first thing that we're going to do you want to make sure that your sink is impeccably clean and you want to also make sure that your hands are nice and clean first thing that I want to do is open up this bag here and we're going to put our meat in the sink so that we can wash our meat off okay what we're going to wash the meat off today is we are going to use lemon so I have some fresh lemon right there that we're going to use I've cleaned my sink out let's put our pork neck bones down into our sink just like so I am so excited to make this recipe for you all I've had so many requests Gina can you do pork neck bones sure I can so today we're making pork neck bones in the house all right beautiful so now let me show you what they look like so you can have an idea they look just like so I have a little bit of glare coming through let me see if I can fix that I have my kitchen window open there that's a better picture I'm getting a little bit of glare this is what a pork neck bone looks like and we're gonna scrub this and we're gonna get it nice and clean okay and they all look different shapes different sizes and they all have a lot of meat and so much flavor see this here I have about seven or eight pieces okay so the first thing that I'd like to do we're going to use lemon and we're also going to use sea salt to clean these as well the sea salt serves as an abrasive you know I kind of like it'll help to scratch the meat and clean it so the first thing that I like to do is put you some sea salt on there and don't worry about this sea salt making this salty because it will not this will get rinsed off okay first thing that you want to do is you want to rent your meat just like so with the salt on it okay and rub it together remember we're using this salt as an abrasive okay just like this you don't want to use warm water and you don't want to use hot water only cold water okay just like this get it nice and rough together and then we'll go in with our Lippman if you don't have lemon feel free to use lime and if you don't have either of those you can always use vinegar okay let that water out beautiful and then we're gonna go in with our lemon well that lemon is juicy my goodness and you're just gonna kind of rub it just like so what this lemon does is it really cleaned your meat and it gives it a good flavor absolutely it does that asset gives it such a great flavor oh yeah and I just rub it okay until all of my lemon or my lime is done like I said feel free to use vinegar as well if you don't have lemon or lime we're gonna do each piece top and bottom the sides take your time to clean it when you have clean meat you have some good meat there oh yeah this is one juicy lemon okay and you're just gonna scrub it just like so every piece don't forget a piece I'm gonna continue to clean the meat okay and then I'll press the pause button when I'm done cleaning this meat I'll come back and I'll show you the cooking process okay one thing that I want you all to make sure make sure that you clean your sink out I'm done washing the meat off and I've claimed my sink make sure your sink is impeccably clean after you're done because you don't want to leave any bacteria from the raw meat in your sink okay everybody now that we have our meat nice and clean let's go ahead and start seasoning our meat up okay I'm gonna go in with some parsley just like so okay just gonna put parsley on one side then we're gonna use some beautiful odd bubbles a dub a dough ball is very tasty it has so many flavors in it and anytime I make neck bones I always use a dough ball always do absolutely we're gonna use the beef Maggie okay if you want it to if you have the Maggie poyo which is the chicken flavor at one then you use that okay absolutely let's get these nice and seasoned up oh yeah these are gonna be so tender and so flavorful you hear me whoa and I am so excited just wait till you see them in that gravy oh my word oh yeah this is garlic we're gonna put some cracked black pepper on and I'm gonna have fresh green beans on the side and white rice and I'm gonna smother these and gravy I like to use ground allspice and I think what I'll do with my Old Spice is I'll put my allspice in the gravy okay so then we're gonna put some size on this well okay just like so and we're going to let these seasoning soak in for around about 7 to 10 minutes before we start the cooking process all right we're gonna give these a nice sear okay to sear in some of those beautiful juices and then I'm going to show you how to cook them from there beautiful okay let's go ahead and give these a turn just like so there we go I I love my meat market that I go to anything that I'm looking for I can find it and you can find the best of it you know some of you all say Gina where did you get that meat from where did you find those ox tails or whatever it may be it's my meat market and they have the best meats okay so then let's go back in with the same seasonings on the other side says all get you some on there don't be afraid to season only seasoning you have to worry about is your seasonings that have salt in them or salt itself this sazon is gonna give such a beautiful color absolutely in a great flavor as well whoo Maggi beef flavor or beef or beef buoyant you can use the chicken flavor if you like absolutely you can okay they both will give beautiful flavor adobo put you some on there guys nothing but flavor here oh yeah garlic powder and black pepper let these sit for seven to ten minutes before we give them a nice sear aren't they beautiful oh yes they are whoo let's let these bad boys sit and then over here I want to show you my pan that we're going to use let's come over this way here's my pan that we're going to use and we're going to put it let's go ahead and put our oil in now we're gonna put some vegetable oil in and that's all you need just to give them a nice sear okay and I'll turn the panel and right before we start to cook them and then over here you can see my wok this is what we're going to simmer our neck bones in okay let's walk here alright so we're gonna let these sit 7 to 10 minutes and then I'll come back okay everybody be honest with me be honest with me isn't this the most beautiful season meat it's so beautiful I love that I love one it looks beautiful even before we put it in the pan so my pan is nice and hot and you can see I have the oil in the pan let's go ahead I have my pan on medium-high let's go ahead and start putting our meat your season meat right down into the pan okay okay everybody it's just start to see when you put your meat in the pan it's just sizzle right away and if it doesn't that means that your pan is not hot enough okay so be make sure that your pan is hot enough so you can get a beautiful sear get a nice crust on the outside okay and that will make for a beautiful tender necklace okay cookies in here just like so and I've turned my heat up just a tad bit over medium-high okay it's not a little high though it's a little bit above it I think I can fit those all in there just like so okay once it starts to get beautiful nice and golden brown I'll come back so we'll get a little bit turn and then we'll finish with the cooking process okay everyone let's check in on some of our color that's all flavor being protective what do you mean by protective that's all flavor that's gonna stay in there that's all juice just gonna stay in there because we've got this beautiful serum okay go ahead and turn me and here in a few minutes we'll be ready to take these out you start to get these in a beautiful broth I like to cook mines in broth rather than just use water because if you just use water you don't have much flavor you use some chicken broth or some beef broth now we're talking right we want to build flavor on top of flavor on top of laser look at success yeah you never had these before you better make you some look at that okay everybody now let's see the bottom of this one like this what you're looking for no it's a [Music] nice beautiful crust on each side I know these things are going to be great so those of you that we're looking forward to today I'll have to cancel the superset until further notice because I'm feeling a little under the weather I can't for some reason I can't stop sneezing so I don't want to do the superset and I'm uncomfortable you know and my nose is running and I just don't feel the greatest so I'm going to hold off on this super cat until further notice you know another thing if I feel better all right right and all this flavor right here you're gonna pour it right in that raucous whip okay so now that you can hear me a little better here's what you're gonna do next I want to take this is soy sauce this is just the Maggie Mangrum okay but it's just soy sauce we're going to put some soy sauce on there if I can open it the soy sauce is gonna give it a nice flavor and a nice peach color with your gold bottle a big drop if you don't have beef bro feel free to use vegetable broth or you could even use chicken broth whatever floats your boat okay just like so pour the whole thing on there because you're gonna need all that broth beautiful then I like to go in with my onion soup mix you can use Lipton onion soup mix or any onion soup mix that you would like to use let me grab my kitchen shears alright let's go ahead I've opened up my onion soup mix and they have a different kinds of onion soup mix they have one that has mushrooms and some that has beef I just use the onion con the onion con is perfect for me and I just pour it all over just like so okay and then we're gonna let this cook I'm gonna let this get nice and tender and I use both packets you should have two onion soup mix packets useful I believe I have around about seven or eight neck bones kind of swish your onion soup mix around okay so that that seasoning can get down into your broth you want to turn this onto a medium high and just let it cook you can put your lid on here and just let it cook and what's gonna happen is these are gonna get nice and tender and when I see that these are nice and tender the way that I'm thinking of where they're almost fall off the bone then I'm gonna show you how to make a beautiful gravy that these are gonna be smothered in okay so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna grab my knife and we're gonna cut up our onion our garlic and our green bell pepper because we want to cook our neck bones in onion green pepper and garlic because it's gonna give so much flavor off alright so these are all medium-high just let them go okay let's go ahead I have some fresh garlic we want to give our garlic a nice pop here and what you do when you hit your knife like that you help for the skin to come off of the garlic otherwise you'll be pilling for days trying to get that skin off and you also help yourself chop the garlic up see how you kind of pre chop it by giving it a nice whack okay so I'm just going to give it a rough chop just like so and then into our beautiful beef broth all right and then back over I've washed my bell pepper okay you're gonna want to roughly chop if you want small pieces you can I'm just gonna kind of roughly chop it because all I'm looking for is flavor from the bell pepper okay and I don't mind eating it as well so I'm just gonna kind of go in and cut some and we're just gonna throw it in this right here if you are a fan of peppers and you don't mind peppers I highly suggest that you use your some peppers because they make it so delicious you hear me absolutely it does okay but if you're that person that says oh no Gina I really don't like peppers well here's the thing don't use it and it'll still be just fine okay I promise you I never steer you wrong but if you like peppers use it but if you like the peppers please use it okay and I'm gonna do the same thing with the onion here just a rough chop and then I'm gonna get started on making some white rice and I'm gonna get started with cleaning and snapping my fresh green beans that I have okay because you can't have neck bones without green beans you have to have green beans and white rice on the side of smother neck bones at least I do absolutely I do it's like it just goes together you know like spaghetti garlic bread and a salad you know how that goes together I feel like neck bones rice and green beans just goes together and it has to be fresh green beans oh yeah if you're that person that doesn't care for onions then just use some onion powder okay but I do suggest using some type of onion for flavor okay beautiful now what we're gonna do you don't even have to mix those in cuz I mention we they'll get mixed in go ahead and put your nice lid on make sure your lid is nice and tight and then we're just gonna let this go on a medium-high heat and then I'll be coming back up probably after maybe two hours of these boiling because that two hours will allow and it might not even be two hours but I'll let you know exactly how long I want these bad boys to be falling off the bone before I put them in my gravy okay so when I next time I come back we'll be peeking in and out and I'll be letting you know how long it's cooked and what they're looking like if they're tender yet once they get tender I'll show you how to make the gravy okay everyone let's peek down inside of our beautiful neck bones oh yeah those of you that have never tasted neck bones before you know some people are squeamish and they say oh no I don't want any neck bones but here's the thing it's just the neck you know we eat pork ribs we eat pork chops you see what I'm saying and so we eat pork roast this here is just a neck and it is so tasty you hear me Oh what it tastes like if I had to tell you like what does it taste like it tastes like ribs oh yeah it tastes like some meaty nice and tender ribs that's what it tastes like oh my goodness so you can see our sauce is starting to reduce down and you can see our vegetables are kind of starting to disintegrate into the flavor land oh yeah so then in our meat still at the point to where it's getting tender once I feel like they're almost fall apart falling off the bone then we'll go ahead with our gravy process so let me show you hold on guys whoops I have some beautiful white rice here so that's what we're gonna put our pork neck bones on top of we're going to continue to let these cook and I'll be back okay everybody I want you all to look down into my wok because our pork neck bones are completely cooked let me show you something let's grab one see that there oh look that's fall Oh let me get another Fork here this right here is what you call fall off the bone okay see that oh my goodness like listen here I could eat this just like this I can barely grab it because they're so tender see that beautiful that beautiful meat I can just gnaw on this bone right here just like that okay so they're done let me show you a couple others let's grab one back here okay just look at just how tender that is see that right there beautiful that beautiful pork all right and it has so much meat on there watch this watch this just pull it off you got some nice tender beautiful meat see that there okay so I just wanted to show you all that and then let's take the spoon because I want you all to see how the sauce has read you still but yet it still has all that flavor okay now here's what we're going to do and the vegetables like I told you the vegetables have cooked down to barely just flavor okay I have my green beans going in here and I have a skillet here guys I have really feeling under the weather feel like I'm getting sick we're gonna go in with some oil and what I want to do is I want to start a roux okay let's get this nice and hot and then we're gonna grab some of our I'm gonna turn these green beans down a little bit grab some of our flour you're gonna use flour and oil to start your roof and this is going to be that part of the gravy that's this is what starts your gravy the roof okay so you have equal parts oil equal parts flour and you just mix it up just like so until it becomes a smooth consistency okay just in this manner and then what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to temper and what temper is is I'm gonna take some of the liquid from our meat and I'm gonna pour it into here to make our gravy okay instead of using water because normally when I make a gravy I'll use water or chicken broth but since we have that beautiful broth right there why not use it and make it into gravy okay so that's what we're gonna do today I want to use much more roof because I got a big pot over there so I'm gonna use a little bit more oil a little bit more flour and we're just gonna mix it up just like so you make sure you mix it until there are no lumps and everything's nice and smooth take your time you have time when you take your time and you have patience in that kitchen hey you're gonna have you some good food patience is the key and I see it a lot of times patience has a key to good food guys and you see I keep going back and forth with the oil and the flour because I want to make sure that I have a nice smooth consistency room because I don't want any lumps in my gravy nope no lumps over here guys okay you see how I'm starting to get it nice and smooth that's what you're wanting and if you feel like yours is too thick put you some more oil in if you feel like it's too thin put you some flour in no problem there and I'm cooking this on a low heat okay because if you don't it'll burn you have to be very careful and stay right here with this roof okay let me answer my phone guys I'll be right back see how we have this nice smooth texture oh yeah that's what we're looking for this right here and you're wanting it to start to get you see how it's starting to get a peanut butter color I'd like for mines to get a little deeper in flavor honey a little deeper yes a little deeper in flavor and a little deeper in color because at the longer you let this cook the more that flower taste kind of cooks off okay and it gives you a nice nutty flavor okay if you all can understand that and you can see as I speak this is getting dark before your eyes okay so then what we'll do is we'll put some of our liquid from our from our neck bones in here I'm putting some more flour how come well the reason why is because I've got a big pot to make gravy for and I want to make sure that I have enough gravy I don't want to mix this in with the liquid and have enough gravy for all of that meat so that's why I put a little bit more in okay I'm going to continue to do this for around about maybe three to four more minutes and then I'll show you how to pour the neckbone juice in here to start our gravy process and then we'll pour everything back into the neck folks be right back okay everyone see this beautiful color this is a beautiful color to start your gravy office and you can see that there's absolutely no lumps whatsoever so I've turned my Rood down to the lowest as it can go okay let's come over here alright and you're going to see me I'm gonna take this cup here and I want to gather some of our liquid okay bring it over here check me out guys anytime you're making gravy whether you have the meat juice or water you always want to make sure it's a hot liquid okay which this is a hot liquid this is our hot juice okay I need to grab some more or either you grab hot water okay once this gets to where I can actually pour it horrible I'm gonna pour it back into the neck bones you can see it's really thick right now okay so all I need to do let's come over here grab some more there's a bone that got in here we don't want that bone we just want all this goodness that beautiful broth okay check me out guys and we're gonna mix it mix it mix it mix it okay until it's nice and smooth all right and then we're gonna put it back inside of our neck bones okay give me a second and I'll be right back everybody what you can right here as you can see that I had to put my gravy in a bigger paint so all I did was I just transferred everything to the bigger pan so I could mix it up okay and I'm just gonna keep on we'll take that bone out I'm just gonna keep on putting more juice and more juice in until my sauce is nice and you can and nice and beautiful and smooth okay and then we'll take this and pour it on top of our neck bones and we will have smothered neck bones 101 this right here was so simple how long did they take well they took exactly 1 hour and 35 minutes to get nice and tender and these are fall off the bone oh yeah so this is the consistency that I'm looking for so what you're gonna do let's come over here cuz we're good we're gonna go right right back into our pan even though that extra sauce is in there that's fine this will mix right into our sauce okay and we have smothered Nick bones check it out guys hear me look at this oh my word do you see this oh I'm so excited look at this one guys this one right here is just like ready to be devoured right okay and we have white rice on the side and I have some homemade fresh green beans that I've cooked those of you that are curious how I made my fresh green beans please check out my video for how to make fresh green beans because that's how I made them today they were fresh lease and I used the exact recipe that I have on YouTube for my green beans so make sure to check out that recipe because it's an awesome recipe and like I said earlier if you're having neck bones you have to have green beans and white rice to go along with it so I'm going to put my green beans back on the stove that's what keys are okay I have my white rice I'm just waiting on my green beans to get done once they're done we'll plate these smothered look at this some other neck bones we're gonna plate them up I'm gonna let you all know what these tastes like look at this look at this guys look at this oh my word be back everyone look how simple it was so simple okay everybody here is the pork neck bones and you all know I had a couple extras but everybody started to eat dinner okay stop watch this smother pork chops 101 if you never had this before you better make you some whoo look at that mm-hmm this right here is some goody goody and I got some fresh tomatoes here on the side I'm gonna take a little bit of olive oil and just put just a little splash over top of those tomatoes just a little splash a little bit of salt and pepper all my tomatoes to bring that beautiful tomato flavor out a little bit of cracked pepper oh yeah all right let's scoop look at this beautiful starting to make a plate here let's go ahead put my beautiful tomatoes that we've salt-and-pepper and put a little bit of olive oil on put them right there next to our fresh green beans I have to eat that one oh yeah and then let me grab the best neck bone over here so that we can get started okay everyone which one do I want let's see I think eeny meeny miny moe mmm that one this one or this one let's go in right this one right here looks beautiful get right there on my plate oh yeah I gotta wipe that off make my plate look pretty for my thumbnail picture all right Lord we thank you for this beautiful meal we thank you for your mercy we thank you for the roof over our head and the love that we received from you Lord we pray that no weapons formed against this family shall prosper no weapons formed against my viewers shall prosper in Jesus Christ's name send your angels down to surround us day and night in your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind once again we thank you for this food today amen let's dig in guys all right I'm going right here this right here my mouth has been watering all day for this pork neck bone you give this a try and let me know what you all think look at this we look at that oh my goodness oh my word you know what your girl has done it again oh for sure look at this beautiful nice and tender remember when I told you we were searing that meat to keep all the juices in and you're gonna have a nice tender meat that's what we was doing when we was browning those neck bones off look just how tender fall-off-the-bone tender mmm you all enjoyed this video of the day mmm give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on the notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes who's that guys [Music] fresh green beans look at this this right here well this will make you smack somebody man like I said when you make this you have to have it with green beans white rice and you have to smother it in as always god bless each and every one of you have a great night thank you all for watching hey get in that kitchen and make you some neck bones you see just how simple and easy it is make this for your loved one make this for anybody you love mm-hmm this is a dish you'll never forget good night mm-hmm couple more bites guys I know you all want to taste that tomato mmm-hmm oh yeah now we're talking my goodness is this thing good it's full so good so delectable mm-hmm taste that guys hmm I just can't stop myself mmm good night [Music]
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 237,953
Rating: 4.8332448 out of 5
Keywords: #porkneckbones #Godisgreat
Id: BQHyvt4w2Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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