How to make Lamb shoulder chops

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make a lamb shoulder chop here's what you will need you will need lamb shoulder chops and here's what they look like all right and feel free honestly feel free to use lamb chops I was gonna get lamb chops guys but seriously the lamb chops that I found were this big like literally from here to here they were so small and once you cook them up hey you won't have any meat left right so I decided to go with the lamb shoulder chops today you will need one garlic clove chopped up finely you will need olive oil parsley fresh mint you will need honey soy sauce herbs de Provence I have some sea salt and black pepper a little bit of butter and over here in my pan let's turn the camera just like so I'm gonna use this skillet and I have just enough oil in the bottom of the pan just to coat the pan alright give me one second I'll be right back and I'm gonna show you how to cook these bad boys up be right back okay everyone I am back and the first thing that I'd like to do is take a little bit of this olive oil and we're just going to rub this meat just like so all right and then this will help for our herbs too here one two this meat it's just nice and juicy right just like so and get the sides very well and then we're gonna season this up I'm gonna get rid of that oil right there let me wipe this oil off of my fingers guys I'm so excited for this recipe my mom used to make lamb chops and she didn't make them often but when she made them guys oh my goodness they were so delicious and like I said lamb chops ours are tiny they have a little bit of meat on them so you kind of gotta fight for the meat right but they're so delicious and so I've been thinking about these lamb chops for a couple days now and I said I gotta get me some I've been all over the world looking for these things I finally found them at Walmart and I'm so grateful for that this is black pepper I'm gonna put the herbs de Provence in there all right just distribute it nice and evenly onto the meat just like so all right I kind of smash between my fingers like this guys I kind of smash it like this kind of crush it as I'm putting it on that way you don't have huge chunks of your spices in there all right just like so and I have sea salt today all right put just some sea salt on there guys and then we're gonna do the other side make sure you season both sides of the meat you don't want to have what we see lopsided uncie's meat all right let's flip these over just like so and on the side of this I'm gonna have rice pilaf absolutely and that pairs up perfectly the seesaw again um rice pilaf goes perfectly with lamb or you could do couscous or you could do potatoes or some type of smash red potato absolutely that would be beautiful okay there's that this is nice and seasoned let's get a little bit of pepper on this side just like so all right and a little bit of herbs de Provence all right and I want to let these seasonings soak in for about five minutes before I cook them now one thing that I would like for you all to do any time you take meat out of the refrigerator listen to me guys any time you take meats out of the refrigerator don't cook it straight out of the frigerator because what happens is you take it out you take it straight out the frigerator and you go to throw it in that skillet or however you're cooking it it kind of seizes up and gets tough because it goes into shock a little bit the meat does so what you do is you let it rest at room temperature you take it out the refrigerator you know at least give it a half an hour so I can get nice and room temperature and so that way it's almost like you're tricking the meat you know like if it makes any sense but you don't want it to be freezing cold you put it in this burning hot pan right so now my pan is gonna be hot the meats gonna be room temperature and it can kind of relax when it gets into that heat you understand me okay so we're gonna let these seasonings soak into here just for about five to seven minutes and I'm gonna heat my pan up and then everything happens so fast from here this is so easy and so quick to make that's why I went ahead and made my rice pilaf ahead of time cuz once we get this in the pan hey it's done really quickly be right back after this sets for a few minutes you okay everyone my seasonings have kind of set down into this meat for about seven minutes we're gonna go on the end and put this right in this to this oil just links up and don't go in with the knife grabbing it stabbing it and picking it up just let it do what it's supposed to do in the pan so that we can get a beautiful sear on okay and what that will create is a beautiful brown crust that we're looking for alright so once you get it in here just let it be just like so all right like say you wanted to turn this right now it will kind of stick to the pan a little bit because it when it's ready to be turned it will release from the pan like you shouldn't have to you know like go under there and get a spatula and tug at it because once it's ready to be turned like I said it'll release nice and easy for you okay let that go oh it's smelling beautiful right away I'm smelling that herbs de Provence it smells so good alright and that olive oil smells beautiful so what I'm gonna do at this point I'm gonna put just a little bit of butter in the pan now the oil will help in assist to cook the meat oil cooks at a high temperature so it doesn't burn butter will burn so I'm gonna put a little tiny bit of butter in here and that butter will be for flavor all right so we'll just put that in just like so so we got the oil to helping assist cook and we got the butter for flavor absolutely oh I am so excited [Music] [Music] smells good oh yeah baby now we're took it I've seen a lot of you I had yesterday when I did my a shrimp for boy sandwich I said that I was gonna do the lamb chops a lot of you had responded back in messages I'm saying that you all have never tried this before I tell you what after a recipe that's so simple so quick and yet so tasty trust me when I tell you this all right so just let it go be patient once this starts to get nice and brown on one side I'll come back and we'll flip Oh be right back okay everyone what I'd like to do I have some flat leaf parsley we're gonna go ahead and kind of roll it up as much as you can and just give it a nice chop okay this is gonna be used for garnishing when our chops are almost done we're gonna throw some fresh parsley in there it makes it beautiful absolutely and it gives a bit of freshness okay so I'll chop it up kind of fine just like so and then we'll just set that aside and then we will need cement absolutely there's so many people that eat miss with your lamb I don't know the reason why I wish I knew the reason behind it I'll have to research and see why but it's so interesting it's kind of like so here you have this savory meat and then you turn around I'm gonna use three sprigs of mint and then you turn around and you put mint fresh mint by the way with your lamb and it's really beautiful it has such a beautiful note now my grandmom she used to use mint jelly I'm gonna kind of roll this up the same way and just do a slight in the same manner okay so that I can have this towards the end okay very tiny thin pieces if you may all right that's all you need Oh so my grandmom see this see how it's kind of like confetti that's what you're wanting just set that aside and separate the two all right those two are done meanwhile let's come over here and I'll continue to tell you about the mint jelly my grand mom used to use mint jelly and she would just put mint jelly on the side and I believe she would have white rice with her so I went out and bought some mint jelly guy okay in memory of my grandma and in hopes that she's looking down and smiling because I bought that mint jelly yes absolutely she would always have that mint jelly with it her lamb chops were so good she would just season those bad boys up she put them in the broiler and cook them and then have the white with a mint jelly on the side that makes my mouth water just thinking about it okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and turn these over just like so it's such a different smell it's so different than like a steak or a pork chop it smells so good we're gonna take these out when they're almost done settles late and I'm gonna make a nice sauce I'm gonna make like a soy honey sauce but don't think for one second this is gonna be really sweet because it's not it's gonna give it up how do I save this like a little savory sweet take and that honey will just kind of glaze over it and give it a nice shine to it but choosing you guys will say absolutely okay just let folks go after it gets an eyebrow I'll be right back [Music] you I make this beautiful lamb out okay it's done but remember I'm still gonna cook it in the salt okay so right now this is about a medium but then it's gonna be medium well or even well once I cook it in the sauce which is just fine with me because this is not by far a dry meat all right it's nice and tender look at this guy's absolutely okay let me set this aside give me one second I'll be right back I'm gonna show you how to make this sauce okay everyone what I've done I've clean my pan off because I didn't want to use the drippings from that I didn't want to use that charter oil all right so here's what we're gonna do I got just a little bit of oil just enough to coat the pan we're gonna go ahead and with our one garlic clove and cook it up once it starts to become excuse me once it starts to become nice and fragrant we're gonna start adding all of our ingredients now there's one ingredient that I left out and you will need chicken broth sorry about that if you all don't have chicken broth hey use you a Boyan cube and heat it up in some water make your own chicken broth cuz you only need a little bit for this okay just enough to thin out the sauce is what we're using that for so once this becomes nice and fragrant and you can smell it very well then we're gonna start adding things in excuse me all righty beautiful don't you know guys it is so nice outside in Italy I don't know what the temperature is but it feels like it's like 70 degrees out there so don't fall out here one nice day if you all that live out this way you have a Peugeot in little I will put in the description measurements okay so you can have an idea I'm just making a little bit of sauce guys I'm not making a whole bunch okay in there just like so just a little a chicken bowl that's all we need and I'm gonna turn this off down oh look okay and then I'll continue you give me one second guys oh I hate when my stove is a mess I know I probably drive you guys crazy with that right but it's okay absolutely so we have oh and it smells so good okay so we had the oil in the pan and we heated up our garlic we put soy sauce and chicken broth all right and now we're gonna go in with just a little bit of butter just a little bit guys that's all you need alright get that in just like so and then we're gonna put some honey in this is what makes the sauce nice and beautiful in the butter all of these guys makes this sauce so beautiful just two nice squirts and that's it like I said we're not trying to make a sweet sauce it's kind of sweet and savory it's so beautiful it's hard to describe but you all can make this this is so simple alright right before this comes up to a nice boil let me give it a taste and then I'm gonna Nestle my my lamb down into the sauce to coat it oh yes mm-hm and then I want to squeeze just a little bit just a little tad bit lemon juice oh man that'll really round it off okay let me break on me back into the equation absolutely get on in there meat if you got some salt some juice in there put that right on in there get in there baby whoo yes okay so this we are going to let this sauce babysit this meat absolutely and we're gonna let this meat just stay nestled down in here and every once in a while we can go in let's bring this sauce up to a are just a little boil spoon some of your sauce right on top of those beautiful lamb chop lamb shoulder whatever you're making this right here guys trust me when I tell you this is a winner right here you hear me I want to bring this sauce up to a nice boil see it starting to boil that's exactly what I'm wanting it to do mmm lord have mercy my mouth is watering whoo right at the end we're gonna throw parsley and then when we plate the meat then we'll put our Mataura why can I say it guys are meant right on top oh yeah we make sure that sauce comes up to a boil just like this because what it'll do it will actually reduce down that means some of it will evaporate and this sauce will get nice and thick oh yeah baby now we're talking hey I can step shoot I could sell a plate of this like let's see so this is how I think I could sell this lamb shoulder with couscous or the rice pilaf that I'm making make a mint jelly sauce on the side I would make mint jelly sauce on the side and I could seal that bad boy for $14 you hear me absolutely I could absolutely and this didn't cost pennies guys seriously okay so I bought one of the lamb chops was 357 and then the other one I think it was this one I cut it in half so I got three pieces the one that I cut in half was five dollars cuz it didn't cost me anything if you can look in the pan you can see how the sauce is reducing and starting to get nice and thick that's what you're wanting and like I said I do like I did squeeze you just a little bit of lemon in there oh yeah absolutely not to alter the flavor but just to give it a hint of lemon in there oh wait guys I'm not doing the mukbang today where I sit at the table and eat but I am gonna taste this for you all this right here flavortown for real you hear me if you never have those guys make you some and try this recipe your family will love you for it be right back guys you okay everyone now what I wanted to show you look how the sauce thickened up that's what you're wanting if you just have time and patience your sauce will thicken up just like this guys and it is beautiful and the flavor gets even better once it thickens up so now what we're gonna do let's go in with some parsley get you some parsley on there guys just like so it makes it beautiful right it puts off a little bit of flavor but most of all it makes it beautiful all right just like this I'm gonna go ahead and plate this up we'll give this a try I'm gonna let you know what this tastes like be right back okay I'm ready to put my beautiful lamb on here guys seriously I just went back to my bedroom and I made my husband a plate and he lost his mind you hear me like he was sucking on those bones of that lamb chop and he basically he was saying the flavor of the sauce is amazing and it is guys it really is let's see let's make this very beautiful oh come on stay on there for me let's see there we go mmm I'm still gonna clean the plate up a little bit and make you like I see it make you some rice pilaf it goes perfect with it or couscous if you don't want couscous guys mmm oh that sauce look at it or you could do mashed potatoes do use some smashed red potatoes look at this guy's oh my goodness glory hallelujah now here's where we put that speckle of in here right we need to put you gotta have that mint put you some mint don't put a whole bunch just enough so it can be tasted and it's traditionally on there okay beautiful there we go all right I'm gonna taste this and we have to let's go back here we gotta get that mint jelly because this is what my grandmom would always use so I'm gonna put some mint jelly on the side so here's what I did with my mint jelly I heated it in a microwave just only for 10 seconds that way I can dip my meat in there all right I'm cleaning the counter off guys so I don't have a mess while I'm tasting everything okay everyone let's God bless this meal thank you Jesus for feeding me another day blessing over me and my family and taking care of us Amy all right I am so excited oh my gosh all right first thing first thing first thing I gotta take some rice pilaf and I'll give you all a taste of this it's amazing guys taste that right there oh absolutely there you go okay one more bite is so good mmm all right let's do this guy's oh oh it is so perfect oh my word all right guys you all look at this taste citrate oh my look at that a little bit of rice on there how about that right there like right there guys oh my lord let me taste em [Music] I'll tell you what this is compete competing with the best of the stakes guys Oh delicious hmm nice and tender that's what I love about is salt and that flavor you let it sauce sky seriously let that sauce reduce down and get neither full okay I'm gonna give you all a piece with this rice on there look at that bite right there oh yeah okay I'm going in and you can taste that beautiful fresh mint on the top that delicious it does it really does give it a nice note look at this guy's and this is perfect it's not rare it's not overcooked just not driest not juicy let's put some in here okay and let's see what grandma was talking about I'm sure she knew what she was talking about she always did let's give this a try mint jelly mm is interesting mmm it's definitely interesting if you all ask me like Gina ok Gina do you suggest the mint jelly no but I do suggest I'm just bein honest I do suggest the fresh mint to the fresh mint for sure oh absolutely but this mint jelly oh I don't know about that guys hmm look at this mm let's go Dakota ate a little bit he got a little bit of rice and a little bit of the lamb and he liked these starting to feel a little bit better guys we got to go out and getting some more Madison look at this right right there guys oh look at that beautiful glaze on there absolutely such a nice flavor hey seriously such a easy recipe I want you all to go out and try it go out and get the recipe you know get the ingredients try this in order for this to be successful you want to make sure that sauce reduces down and starts to bubble and after a while if you just hold your patience and be patient that sauce will thicken up and it turns so beautiful guys oh my goodness and if you wanted to do lamb chops you could like I said I'm doing the shoulder part because it's a little bit bigger I didn't want to do a video and have these teeny weeny tiny lamb chops right cuz you guys would drill me like Gina I can't see the meat so I said yeah I can't I gotta get huggy get something a little bigger look at this guy's bite right there I'm gonna sit down in my table and enjoy this for lunch and you all will see me tonight make sure you tune in tonight because tonight I'm making seafood gumbo oh yeah I'm making gumbo tonight you all requested it and you're gonna get it tonight if you all enjoyed this recipe hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night you
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 91,504
Rating: 4.8310809 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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