How to make Fried cabbage

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hi everybody I'm back into that I'm going to show you all how to make fried cabbage here's what you will need okay over here I have two heads of cabbage that I've chopped up just like so all right I have five pieces of bacon I have Everage smoked sausage I have three tablespoons of sugar two garlic cloves 2 medium garlic cloves chopped one large onion one medium green bell pepper one medium red bell pepper one small orange bell pepper we have sea salt chicken powder garlic powder onion powder black pepper and red pepper flakes so now over here I'm going to use my wok that you all love so much and the first thing that we need to do I want to get my pan nice and hot so I've turned my pan onto a medium high heat and what we're going to start off doing is since we're going to fry the cabbage today we need to start building flavor so let's take these five pieces of bacon that I've chopped up just like so get them into the pan and we want to brown that bacon up until it gets starts to get a golden brown color once this starts to get a golden brown color I'll be right back okay everyone so while our bacon starts to cook up let's talk about meats if you are a person that does not eat pork you don't have to use pork feel free to use a beef sausage they have beautiful beef sausages out there I feel free to use turkey sausage you can use turkey bacon you can use a chicken sausage okay it definitely doesn't have to be pork if you'd like to follow this recipe follow this rest peon just use whatever kind of meat that you like hey if you wanted to use neck bones you can absolutely you can you can use turkey necks what whatever meat that you would like to use in this cabbage you can definitely use like I said check out if you don't eat pork check out those chicken sausages they're beautiful in beef and turkey sausages they have so much flavor and what you would do is you would just do the exact same recipe except with the kind of meat that you would like to put in to yours now our bacon is starting to cook up it's not brown yet once this gets brown we'll be right back okay everyone our bacon is starting to brown up nicely and our bacon is letting off a lot of oil if you have a bacon that's really really fatty what you're gonna need to do is pour up some of your oil because this oil is what we're going to fry our cabbage in my bacon has let off quite a bit of oil so I'm going to pour off half of the oil that's in here I'll do that right now okay so I've poured off the oil you want to be able to fry your cabbage absolutely you do but you don't want a mouthful of oil okay like I said there are some Bacon's that barely let off a lot of oil okay if you have that type of bacon then you won't have to pour any of your oil off so here's the oil that I'm left with all right my bacon is starting to get nice and golden brown now what we're gonna do is you're gonna put your sausage in just like so now a lot of times I'll use kielbasa sausage also which gives off a beautiful flavor okay and what we want to do is we want to extract some of that juice as well when we're making fried cabbage you want to build flavor on flavor on top of flavor but anything that I make in this kitchen guys we want to build some beautiful flavor you hear me I mean I'm trying to make some mouths water tonight absolutely I am and this is smelling good already I'm gonna let these salsa just go for a little bit and once I start to see a brown crust on to the sausage a little bit then I'll show you the next step [Music] okay everyone our salsa just starting to brown up nicely next what you're gonna do I'm gonna put whole garlic or fresh garlic in I have those two clothes that I've chopped and what you want to do you want to get that garlic down in that oil all right you're gonna start to smell your garlic very prevalent okay what you don't want to happen is you don't want to overcook your garlic to where the garlic burns if it gets too dark what'll happen with garlic is it'll get really really bitter sour tasting so once you can smell it really really well right before it gets too dark what you're gonna need to do is put an ingredient in okay and what when it happened is we're gonna put our onions in and the onions have water in them the onions will start to let off water and then it'll cool the cooking process of that garlic down so that your garlic doesn't burn okay all right beautiful okay so let's go ahead and do that our garlic smell you can smell it very well and it's nice and golden brown we're gonna put that onion in just like so all right in the onions and the vegetables you can you see down in here see the pan where all of those crunchy bits are kind of stuck to the bottom of the pan see that right there where I'm scraping now what these vegetables will do once we start to put them in the vegetables will let their water off like I said and then all of those beautiful taste events from the bottom will come right up into your dish okay and I'll show you all right so stir your onions around and now the garlic can kind of calm down a little bit beautiful I could eat this right here right on top of some white rice you hear me so I can of crushed tomatoes in here and absolutely I could so let's talk about my last cabbage video well I got the new cameras and I taped the video I uploaded the video and even posted it and then I got at least a hundred messages saying Gina your camera is upside down I took them I took the video down okay and I told myself I'll get back to it and so here we are today I'm getting back to my fried cabbage video sometimes if I tell you all something it might take me some time to get around to it but I'll get to it so here we are today and we're making frank habit okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna put those vegetables in but we're only gonna put half of each in we're gonna do a little bit of the red a little bit of the green okay and just a tad bit of the orange because what I like to do is I like to put so what we have in here right now is gonna just disintegrate into flavor land you hear me all of these vegetables are gonna cook so long they're just gonna disintegrate and they're gonna make so much flavor all right but these ones over here we want to put those in towards the end of the cooking process and you'll still be able to see them and you'll be able to taste and bite down into them like I said these ones here oh they're just like I said they're going to disintegrate into a whole lot of flavor because those vegetables have the most beautiful flavor and what I'm doing I'm just scraping up some of the funds that's at the bottom of the pan all of those juicy crispy brown bits of flavor okay so that it can go inside of our beautiful dish okay oh yeah just like this this right here is building flavor on top of flavor you all never have fried cabbage before you've got to make you some absolutely you should so here's the thing I grew up with my dad making boiled cabbage and he would cook his cabbage in water but you know what and he would use bacon pork bacon and I loved it oh I absolutely loved it if my sister didn't want her food guess what she do she's scrape her plate right in to my plate and I'd eat all of it that's the same thing she'd do with liver and macaroni and cheese - she's scraping right into my plate we never said anything but I eat it all up you hear me I had a big pallet back then also okay so let me show you our vegetables and you see how the vegetables have let off the water okay oh oh that's flavor guys you hear me all right so here's what we're gonna do now mmm or does that look good okay what you're going to do is we're going to start to put our cabbage in here's our cabbage that I've chopped up like so and I've washed my cabbage and salt water when you're putting your cabbage in this is what I like to do I'm going to turn it down I'm going to a low heat right now what I like to do is as I'm mixing putting the cabbage in I like to kind of bring my vegetables in my meat up okay so everything can kind of cook together I don't just want the vegetables in the meat at the bottom okay if you can understand that all right just like this nothing hard about any recipe that I make in this kitchen you hear me I make everything so easy so much fun and yet it tastes so good absolutely it does okay just like that now cabbage is just like collard greens or any type of green that you would make it has a lot of water in it and what will happen during the cooking process see how its way up here to the top what will happen once it starts to cook is it'll shrink down oh it'll shrink way down here okay so it's gonna shrink down to the middle of our pan or less all right and that'll happen I'm gonna put a lid on this and then I like to season so what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and season now I'm gonna use some sea salt if I can open it but you some sea salt in there don't be afraid to seize it all right we're gonna put some chicken powder in this is just like Maggie polio the chicken flavor Boyan powder this is um it's just called chicken powder it has the most flavor you all could ever imagine and it's so tasty do you hear me but be careful when you're using it because it does have some salt in okay so know how much you put in it's better to put less in in the beginning this is garlic powder then to put too much because you can always add too but you can't take away all right so that's a good key this is onion powder and I just put the garlic powder in let's put some black pepper in just like so beautiful this is ground black pepper and then I like to put just a few crushed red pepper flakes in if you have a family member that can't eat the red pepper flakes don't put it in the end or you can put this beside the person's plate that likes to have the red pepper flakes in theirs okay what I'm gonna do I'm not even going to stir that in just yet because we're gonna come back and then when we come back we can stir it alright right now what we want to do let's get our lid on here and just let this start to cook down and it's gonna do just that once it starts to cook down we'll come back and stir it and I'll be back okay everybody so I've killed four large potatoes into quarters and that's what quarters looks like okay this is cold water and I've put the water just above the potatoes anytime you're making matei toes or pasta you want to salt your water well okay this is sea salt and that's good enough we're gonna go ahead and put this pan over on the stove and I have you can see the pan over there I have that turned up to a medium-high heat we're gonna let that come to a boil and cook around about 25-30 minutes and what we'll do is we'll stick a fork down in there like this and when the potato just slides right off of that fork that's what fork-tender is that means like I said a hell else can I explain it or I can show you all you'll take a knife or a fork and you poke it right down in that potato and that potato will come sliding down it's fork-tender and it's done all right so we'll let those cook and I'm gonna show you what I like to do with my potatoes because a lot of you might wonder like Gina like you're not gonna put red potatoes in with your cabbage no nope I don't like that I don't like it just like I don't like the potatoes and carrots in with my roast I like to have my potatoes separate I like to make a separate potato different that that's not gonna cook in the cabbage or in the roast so I'm going to show you how to make boiled potatoes today they're going to have parsley you're gonna have garlic and butter and salt and pepper I'll show you how to do that I like to have mines on the side and what I do is I like to eat make my cabbage Bowl and then I put potatoes around it so anytime you want to potato you just grab a potato and put you some cabbage on that fork and go at it that's how I like to eat mine but I have in the past I have put potatoes in my cabbage and I don't prefer to have it that way okay so once this cabbage starts to cook down everyone you can see I have the lid on it I'll be back okay everybody our potatoes are boiling nicely and now what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead now we can pull up all of that beautiful meat and those vegetables from the bottom I just like to use the lid just for a little bit just so that cabbage can start to cook down a lot faster okay without turning our heat up because you don't want to turn your heat up and the reason why is because you don't want mushy cabbage all right so I leave the lid on for a good 15 minutes and then take it off and then what will happen with a little bit of steam water that's in there oh it will evaporate and then we'll be right back into frying again okay it's that simple okay so then look at this all right like this is so beautiful already you hear me and I am ready for cabbage tonight my whole family loves it and when I met my husband he would say oh no I don't want any no thank you I don't like it until until he tried my cabbage and now he's like oh I love it you sure yes I want some cabbage you know that the right so he loves them he loves the potatoes on the side now when I grew up my dad would always put cabbage and greens over white rice so I used to do that sometimes I still do okay now what I'd like to do I'm gonna put sugar in and I'm not gonna put the whole three tablespoons in okay I'm just gonna put maybe two because you don't need a lot but what that sugar doesn't don't you think don't think for one second that this is going to make this dish sweet because it's not I promise you it's just gonna interact with the other spices and it really gives off a good flavor absolutely it does sometimes things just need a little sugar just like when I make a red sauce I'll put sugar in it now tonight I'm doing a Bolognese or a boy in a sauce I'm not gonna put sugar in it but normally when I make spaghetti or any of my red sauces I always put a little bit of sugar to cut that acid in the tomato okay look at this beautiful I'm gonna taste it okay so let me grab two first because I want to taste the seasoning to see if I need more seasoning or see if I'm okay on the seasons on the seasoning in taste that guys taste it right there mmm-hmm oh yeah mm-hmm what do I love me some cabbage you hear me it's so good what I'm gonna do a little tiny bit more red pepper flakes let's have it just a tad bit when I tell you all chicken bouillon or chicken powder and that's it we won't have to season this anymore we're gonna let this cook when this is almost done we're going to put these other vegetables that we have sitting here they'll go in and like I said these ones have kind of got really smushy and lost a lot of its color but the ones that we have over there we're not gonna cook them that long and they'll keep their beautiful vibrant color they'll keep their crunch and you'll be able to taste them when you bite down into your cabbage and I'd say this cabbage needs about 15 minutes and this cabbage is absolutely done all right let's take a peek let me answer my phone I'll be right back guys okay everyone let me show you what my potatoes are looking like they're starting to come to a nice boil but they're not done yet and when they're done I'm gonna show you how I like to dress them okay so make sure you don't put the lid on these from here out okay we need this to finish frying up oh my goodness this is so beautiful and it smells so good and I think I'm gonna go in one more time and give this a taste boy does it look good look at this mm-hmm I just have to I love cabbage I could eat cabbage once a week absolutely I could look at this guy's taste that Oh taste that oh my goodness oh my camera tried to jump in there you see that taste that everybody mmm oh so good and so tasty you hear me hey I'm really cooking in here I came to cook tonight soon as I'm done with this video I'm gonna do a boy on this video all right there's that and this is cooking on a low heat okay and when I cook this if cooked on medium most of the time once I took the lid off I'm cooking it on low now all right potatoes are almost done I'll be back everyone okay everyone my potatoes are done they cook for 20 minutes and they're perfectly done so I'm gonna poke my fork in let's see and this should slide right down okay that's exactly what you're looking for that's what fork-tender is we're gonna drain these and I'll come over to my counter I'm gonna show you how to dress these up be right back look at those guys oh my goodness okay now let me show you just how I like to season up my boil potatoes this is one of my favorite potatoes this is the potato that my grandmom would make only she would just put butter salt and pepper I'm putting of course you all didn't know me you know I gotta put some parsley on there you gotta get that parsley on there if you want it to be beautiful you hear me and I eat with my eyes guys I love for things to be beautiful okay it has to be beautiful in color look at there my cam is trying to jump down in the food today all right so I'm just gonna go in well hold on a second let's put some black pepper in okay cuz we don't want to handle these and stir them and mix them around a whole lot this is black pepper okay I'm the and why we don't want to do that is because these potatoes are so tender right now they might fall apart if you go to mixing them let's put you some garlic powder in garlic powder absolutely garlic powder guys you hear me you never had to like this before you thought make you some alright and then we're gonna go in with some salt I have some sea salt today I'm gonna pour some in my hand so I can control this okay put you some nice e salt on there okay so we have parsley we have a garlic salt and pepper just like that then we're gonna go in with some butter what I like to do is just break the pads of butter just this way alright and we're gonna lay a pad of butter on top of each potato and we're gonna put a lid on there and we're just gonna let that butter just melt right down into the bottom of that pan right over top of these beautiful potatoes and then what you'll have you'll have sort of a garlic butter parsley sauce that these potatoes are sitting on top of and oh my goodness you hear me all it takes is you to put that lid on there to let this butter melt and you have a garlic butter sauce in the bottom of your pan absolutely you these are the best especially when you pair them up with look at that guys you see that and then I'll show them to you after the butter melts especially when you pair this up with that cabbage oh my word be right back everyone okay everyone now it's time to put our vegetables in just like so just watch how beautiful these vegetables that we left to put on last in last watch how beautiful this makes as if your cabbage wasn't beautiful already just watch how beautiful it makes it not gonna cook it long from here okay you just want those peppers to get just a little soft to where they still keep that beautiful color alright as soon as that happens we'll plate this up I'm going to give this a try I'm gonna let you all know what this tastes like okay everyone our fried cabbage is done this beautiful as vibrant and it's flavorful let's go ahead and make us a plate let's get a good pitcher down into here let's see let me fix my camera all right look at this take a look at this guy's oh my word you hear me oh my goodness all that meat you got that bacon you got that smoked sausage in those peppers and the onions and the garlic wait it'll get no better than this you hear me all right let's check in on our beautiful potatoes oh and you see oh you see yeah oh you see it all right let's make a play I cannot wait look at this everybody take a look at this bowl a fry cabbage and see how vibrant and beautiful oh my goodness let me put some parsley on there cuz you all know me I can't have enough I just could never be satisfied without enough look at this well that's definitely gonna be my thumbnail picture Oh beautiful and now here's what I like to do here's what I like to do whoops I'm gonna take some of these beautiful potatoes this is how we do it at the Young's house put those potatoes right there but you as many as you like right there on top it doesn't have to be cooked with it you can make it separate on the side but just as much as you want in there oh I am making my mouth water look at that that's how I like it look at that let's dig in god bless this meal mmm thank you Lord for feeding us today thank you Jesus for all your blessings taking care of us and keeping us safe in your arms please forgive us for our sins we thank you Lord for all you do we thank you for you what you're gonna do Jesus we believe in you we have faith in you and mercy on us Lord and help us to have mercy on others fill us with the overwhelming sense of peace and joy and keep us safe in your arms amen but this fork in your spoon and this camera let's dig in I'm turning my cabbage off that's what I'm doing right now and hopes that my cabbage is cooling down some so that I don't burn the daylights out of my mouth I want to wipe my wipe this Dale beautiful okay let's go I start to whisper when I get excited alright you know I'm gonna let you all taste the first bite and first thing you need to taste first thing you need to taste is this broth here look how beautiful and just look at the slate oh you can see the flavor look at that flavor taste it make sure you put you a little bit of sugar in there guys I promise you it makes a difference does not make it sweet at all but yet it's so good alright I'm gonna grab some cabbage some peppers some bacon oh my word get a load of this hold on I want to make the perfect spoon for you all taste that spoon right there oh my goodness taste this believe me when I tell you just how good this is mmm and then you want to go in gotta taste this potato you have to taste that potato all that seasoning that garlic salt pepper and butter and parsley it's so beautiful now we're gonna go in for the meat I like to taste everything separate the meat we got some potato right there at the bottom cabbage taste that guys oh my goodness Oh yes I'm I'm so serious make you wanna smack somebody you hear me yes it does put that potato in your mouth and then following right after grab you some cabbage mmm eat it all together mmm so delectable god bless this meal thank you lord it's so delicious oh my goodness if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a great night good night one more bite guys one more just one more bite
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 492,193
Rating: 4.8525615 out of 5
Id: j0xP0kERHuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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