How to cook Chitterlings AKA chitlins / tutorial how to wash

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm going to show you all how to make chitlins okay now what I like to do when I buy chitlins I love to buy the bag I don't get that red bucket guys if you can avoid the red bucket please do so because the red bucket is very dirty now these here say that their plea their pre clean please don't believe that you have to clean these yourself so I'm gonna use three bags and here's what they look like okay so right now they're kind of frozen solid I got up about 7:00 this morning and Whitin got me some fresh chitlins and I'm throwing them out and you can kind of see that they're starting to fall out okay now the ingredients I'm using three bags the ingredients you will need you will need baking soda you will need an impeccably clean sink make sure that you clean your sink out very very well okay so we've done that here's our ingredients you will need one large onion two large potatoes you will need fresh garlic cloves 2 green rep two green bell peppers one red bell pepper I have a habanero pepper that you don't have to use if you don't want to and then I have two chicken bouillon cubes alright and these are the bigger ones if you want to know the name brand the name brand is core ok so then we're going to need apple cider vinegar in two containers these are 32 ounce of chicken broth alright so we'll give these chitlins let's come back over to our sink give them a little bit longer to get nice and thawed out and then I'll show you how to do the cleaning process and then we're gonna cook these bad boys up and I'm gonna have some mouth-watering tonight be back okay everyone one hour later all right so they're starting to thaw out but they're still frozen I need to give it a little bit more time so that they all can fall out and then like I said I'll come back and show you how to clean these I'm so excited they're almost slow out now so I guess I've been thawing these out for about three and a half hours like I said because they come in like a frozen brick and the ideal is to keep them in cold water and they'll start to thaw out make sure you do not use warm water be back everyone okay everyone I'm back now let me show you how to clean these okay so you pick one of your chitlins up just like so and you have the chitlin and then you have it's like what do we want to call it like a film that you want to be able to take off you want to start at the very end and then I'll show you what it looks like okay so you're gonna separate this clear film here all right see how that's nice and clear you want to take that off that's the part that we don't want okay and this here it's clear also but it's thicker the thicker part is the chitlin that we want to eat this thin part is that we don't want to eat that so then we're going to just pull it off and you always start at the end if it rips just go back to where you were okay if you see fat along the way like this you just take it off all right this is how you clean chitlins now I'm gonna get all of this part that we don't want off before I actually clean them with the I use I'm gonna use salt I'm going to use vinegar and I'm gonna use baking soda to clean these after I get the unwanted part off okay so we're gonna continue to do this all right now this is very very very time-consuming okay so those of you that don't have time don't cook them honestly don't cook them cuz you have to have time like I had to make myself available for hours today in order to do this okay I'm in my pajamas right now and I'm cleaning me some chitlins and I made sure that my schedule was open so that I can do this okay this here see that that's all the unwanted part this is what the waste travels travels through we don't want that get rid of it okay this is the good part alright and then I need to go through the good part and I need to look at it and make sure that there's no fat and nothing on there okay that's a good chitlin right there alright so we'll set that aside I have a bag that I'm going to put my waste in all right I'm gonna use the bag that the chitlins came in and put the wasted part into the bag and then I'm gonna put that inside of like a Kroger bag all right and then we're gonna grab us another one and we're gonna do the same thing alright start at the end and you want to get the wasted part off see it'll come off no matter how big or how small it is get that part that we don't need off of there alright come over here pull that film off alright just like so in the Young's house we're gonna have us some clean chitlins guys you can't eat chitlins from everybody because you you don't know how they clean their chitlins right so you make sure if you eat chitlins from somebody that is someone that you know that they're clean and they care about you know what they feed to others I'm so afraid to anyone other than like my father right let me get another big one so that I can show you again all right let's see here I was listening to have you all ever heard of the gospel group Mary Mary I the for the past couple days I've been listening to Mary Mary and I believe the song just can't give up oh my gosh guys this song is amazing I've been singing it and it makes me feel so good inside because I feel like what they're saying it said I can't give up now come too far from where I'm started from and they said nobody told me the road wouldn't be easy but they but then they said I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me and that's the truth guys God didn't bring you this far to leave you he will never leave you nor forsake you I'm not gonna preach guys I'm not gonna preach but if you haven't heard the song listen to it okay so then you can see I have that clear part that very clear thin part once again that's the part you want to get rid of take your time and then once I get this off I'm still gonna double back and check everything all over again absolutely you have to when you're cleaning chitlins now normally I use hog mugs in mind and I was so upset I went to the butcher this morning and I said you have any hog logs and he's like no he's like they're all frozen he said what I have they're frozen and I need to like unthaw them in order to package oh mama like can you sell me some some of them that's frozen I'm like I'll take a couple of them that's frozen he's like well that's the thing they're in one big What did he say there are one big frozen lump and I'm thinking oh shucks so we're not gonna do the hog marks today with this but we won't have us some chitlins guys I'm gonna make some mouths water you hear me I'm excited my son is my husband doesn't eat them but now I'm gonna be honest with you guys I've made them and he's ate them you know so he he'll say I don't eat chitlins but when he gets to smelling so good and he sees us eating on these things he'll say let me try a little bit you know and he'll eat a whole bowl so it's kind of like that with him see this one here I'm kind of trying to I'm kind of struggling a little bit to get it off but take your time that's why I said make your schedule available so that you can take this the time out to do it correctly all right there's that okay can see I got some more of this film that I want to take off just take it off just like so and then you're left with one beautiful nice and clean chitlins see that that's what you're looking for you hear me all right so then let's go in again I'm gonna clean maybe one or two more and then what I'll do is I'll put the video on pause so that I can clean the rest and then I'll come back and show you how to cook them because I don't want to do too many minutes of showing you all how to clean this alright and make my video too long so here's what you do you find the film that you don't want again make sure you start up at the top guys you'll be able to find it if you do this motion right and there it is alright come on off for me baby get nice and clean mm-hmm so then we're gonna do just like this like I said any fad that you may come across cut that off just take it right on off you don't need to digest it all right beautiful and make sure you have a trash bag on the other side of you sink that you're putting the wasted part in so that you don't get it mixed up see this take that off of there take that right off of there now I have a trick to making mine when I make my chitlins I do something special so that I don't have a funny smell in the house and if you follow what I do you won't have a funny smell in the house either okay I've been doing this for years and it always works for me no one never complains about the smell in the house when I'm making chitlins all right so I'm gonna continue to keep taking this off just like so see that and then I'll come back once I have everything nice and cleaned and then I'll show you how I wash them with the vinegar salt in the baking soda see how that comes off comes right off of there that all that's waste all right and here's our good part all right so let me finish this and I'll be right back ok everyone I just wanted to show you I'm still let me get a good picture I'm still cleaning them guys it's been about 15 minutes and I'm still cleaning these bad boys I'm getting them nice as clean as I can ok so earlier and when I first started the video I was saying the film or so to speak we I meant to say the membrane ok take that fin membrane off of there all right and then you'll come out with nice clean chitlins that look like this and when you see the vein sometimes you'll see some veins you can just pull it right off hey what no problem just like that ok see that that's what you want it to look like guys ok but I wanted to correct myself because I was saying filming I meant to say membrane be back everyone ok everyone I'm back now let me show you what we're gonna throw away this is the waste that I came up with look at this guy's all that's waste all of this is we're not gonna use that so you put it back in that bag alright and what I like to do is put it into like a you know one of your grocery store bags Kroger bag and then I'm just gonna discard it that way I'll probably put it in another bag alright now let me show you the good stuff okay so I play my sink once again here's the good stuff that we have right here I'm doing a video okay so here's what we have this is the nice and clean chitlins and they look just like this now here's what we're gonna do I put them in cold water irie washed my sink out this is clean water here and I want to show you something let me get my cutting board set up because I like to cut mines a little bit some people some people don't cut theirs we'll just put my cutting board right there okay let me get a good picture in let's see there's a good picture so we'll take one right see how big this one is it's huge so then I'm just gonna grab it can you see a good picture of it and I'm just gonna slice it just like so so that we don't have to have these huge pieces in our dish okay see that just like this give me a second I'll be right back okay everyone sorry about that all right so now we have bite-sized pieces see that that's what I like to do all right we'll do another one all right see this it's huge all right so let's push this aside we're just gonna grab it just like so all right and you can use kitchen shears if you like okay I'm just gonna use my knife and cut it to bite-sized pieces okay so I'm gonna continue to do that as soon as I'm done we'll come back and I'll show you our first step in cooking the chitlins be right back okay everyone I'm back now I've cut the chitlins and I know right before I put the video on pause I said when I came back I'm gonna show you how to cook but not before we clean these okay so now here's what you do here's what I like to do we're gonna put some salt and we're gonna put a nice amount of salt in there okay because the salt is going to serve as our abrasive and what an abrasive is this kind of gives you like a sandy filling and help you to get off whatever's on the the meat okay so we put our salt in if we're going to put some baking soda in oh yeah this is how I clean mine guys they have to be clean you hear me and I'm putting a nice amount in there but trust and believe I'm going to rinse them very well okay and this baking soda also helps to tenderize the chitlins I got a smoke here from the baking soda all right and then I'm gonna go in with vinegar and I'm gonna use two capfuls whoops it is gonna fuzz because you're putting it you know in with your baking soda but it's okay let's clean these Thanks all right so and I'm gonna keep this vinegar out because I like to use a little bit of vinegar on my chitlins when I'm cooking now so then my hands are impeccably clean the sink is impeccably clean and what we're gonna do is we're gonna wash them and this is how I like to do mine okay use that salt as an abrasive and it does help the clean these very well and I'm gonna do this three times and I'm gonna rinse it okay and do it again and rinse it and do it again all right you know the third time I'm not going to use salt I'm just gonna use baking soda and vinegar this here guys if you want you some clean chitlins if you want to feed your man some chitlins your woman some chitlins make them this way they don't say oh my goodness or man things good beautiful and they're nice and clean look at them guys this is what you want nice and clean chitlins all right that's what you want put a little bit more baking soda in this one that's about it oh yeah I'm gonna press the pause button and rinse them okay miletto let's go ahead and start letting the water out when we pull that plug thing here beautiful so what I'm doing is I'm letting the water out when I come back I'm a crest pulse and when I come back I'll have new water in and then we'll do the same process all over again be right back okay everyone let's give this a second clean gonna go in with my vinegar once again salt again all right baking soda again in the third time remember don't use salt just use baking soda and vinegar all right so then go in and scrub them scrub them guys the third wash I'm just gonna do it without coming back to the camera because I don't want to waste camera time I don't want my video to be too long all right so I'm gonna go in and keep washing these just like so I'm gonna let this water out and do my third wash oh yeah these bad boys are clean you hear me this is what you want this is how you clean chitlins you hear me if you never clean them before try it this way that's salt and that baking soda really gets these clean yes they do [Music] I'm gonna put the video on pause I'm gonna continue to clean these and then i'ma clean on the third time and I'll be okay everyone I'm back I did my third rinse and wash and so now this is my walk you all know me you know I love to love I love to use my favorite walk here and I'm feeling this walk up with water and then I'm gonna put one crushed whole clove garlic in alright and then I'm going to take all right and I'm gonna throw that in there and that's gonna help with the smell alright just throw it in there it's not gonna fall apart in your chitlins or anything like that okay so now let me pour a little bit of this water off just a little bit let's see I might have to take let me get a little cup here out of here cuz then I want it to once it starts to boil I don't want it to bubble over alright I got some sunlight coming through hopefully you all have a great picture okay so I'm gonna turn this up on medium-high and I'm gonna bring this to a roiling boil okay now here's the thing I'm not going to season this because what I'm trying to do right now I want to bring this up to a boil and bring all those impurities out and bring the oil out of this and then once it comes up to a rolling boil I'm gonna pour that hot water off and then we're gonna start to cook it okay that's how I like to do mine you have to do that guys boil these first get all those impurities out get the fat out because you'll get a lot of oil from these believe it or not and then we're gonna pour all that out we're gonna start off with new fresh water then we're going to throw our beautiful seasonings in okay so let's get this on the stove on a medium high and I'll be right back okay everyone this is on the stove we have one large crushed garlic clove in that half of potato put the lid on it let it come up to a nice boil let that oil and everything come out of there that we don't want we're going to pour that oil off and that water off of here and then I'm going to show you how to make some chitlins it is a long process and but the reward at the end of so delicious guys it's trust me when I tell you this okay so once this starts to come up to a boil and I'm ready to pour the water off I'll be back okay everybody these have cooked for 35 minutes in there and a roiling boil now I can see the oil pulled out all the impurities are pulled out and now here's what we're going to do we're gonna come back over to the sink all right you're gonna drain that water off see I got some sunlight coming through and now we're gonna start over with new water we're gonna keep that potato because that potato soaks up the scent and in my house guys you cannot smell chitlins cooking in my house you hear me you cannot so here's what we're gonna do I want to rinse my pan out actually I'm gonna wash the pan out and get that oil out of there okay we get my dishwashing liquid I'm gonna wash that pan out meanwhile I'm gonna put the video on pause so I can wash this pan out and then we'll put the chitlins back in we're gonna season these bad boys up I'll be right back okay everyone I'll wash my pan out I'm putting hot water back in and I still got my potato that potat this potatoes to keep good smelling chitlins guys it's gonna soak up all that smell okay here we go now here's the thing remember I had three bags of chitlins you see how much we throw away but look how much it leaves you with guts just a little bit and that's okay during the holiday I'll probably do you know maybe like eight bags versus three today all right so then you want to fill this up just like so and that's hot water that I'm using all right so we're gonna come back over to the stove and then we're gonna season these up let me turn my music off guys and I'll be right back all right so here's what I like to do and make sure you have on your fan on top of your range have that fan on so it can you know pull up your your set here comes green bell peppers and we're only going to use half right now we're going to use half of the red bell pepper and half of the onion now the rest of this we're going to put this in later so that we can swing our finished product is done we can still have some texture and color to our chitlins because this that we put in right now oh it's all gonna melt into flavor land you hear me it's gonna disintegrate and give off so much flavor trust me when I tell you that I have one large garlic clove fresh garlic make sure you use fresh garlic guys put that fresh garlic clove in there just like so all right and then with our seasonings okay so we're gonna put the two chicken Boyan cubes in and I have the two large ones all right [Applause] there's that we're going to put two capfuls of apple cider vinegar in just like so just two capfuls and then we'll go back in and taste it later there's one there's two all right we're gonna put one of our chicken broths in the full the full container 32-ounce just like so alright then in with our seat first thing I like to use guys is when I make chitlins or when I make hog marks celery salt but be careful because it does have salt in it but put you some in there so you can taste it celery salt is a must put some sea salt in all right parsley for those that know me my parcel is not open I can't believe that let me get the other one there it is guys I have to open that other one that gets some more parsley out I got some onion powder here put you nice amount in don't be afraid to season only season you got to worry about his salt that was garlic powder oh that was onion powder here's the garlic powder nice and flavorful guys put you some in put a little bit of accent you all don't have to use accent if you don't want to ok it's really up to you put some hot sauce in these bad boys mm-hmm Sansom you all didn't know me you know I love me some sad zone but here's the thing I'm not gonna use a whole packet I'm just gonna put a dash or two in because I don't want these to be red in color ok so just just a couple - this is all I need that's about good enough and if you can see in there you see I have a whole packet left okay open this garlic's I mean that this garlic salt this parsley flakes I'm going to put this as the parsley that I opened with the hell of habanero pepper you don't have to use it ok you do not have to use it I'm gonna use it today but I'm not gonna cut it because if I were to cut that habanero pepper I would blow somebody's mind away right because it's so hot but what I do like to do is torch the end of the cooking process when it has maybe 40 minutes left I'm gonna put this down in there and just let it steep and what will happen is some flavor will start to come off of it but not too much okay just a little bit of flavor will start to leak out of this okay but that's how I do mine I never cut this when I use it because honestly I'm a person that doesn't like the heat I don't like hot stuff but I do like I have you know just a little tiny bit of heat and that what this will do if you don't cut it but now if you want to light somebody socks on fire cut this bad boy up and throw it on it all right so here's what we're gonna do I have it on medium high see the potato the potato is still intact and it's gonna stay like that through the whole cooking process all right now let's put our lid on all right and this potato here we want to put this potato right there is it gonna fall Geena no it's not gonna fall it's gonna stay right there and it's also gonna soak up some of the smell from the chitlins everybody I'm gonna let this cook for a couple hours when I get back I'm gonna tell you exactly how long this cooked I'll be back when the finished product is done a couple of times I'll come in and show you what it's looking like and I'll be back okay let's take a look at these beautiful chitlins okay look at those guys listen here I told you all I am I am seriously cooking in this kitchen you hear me if you want some if you want some good food a good recipe Hey here's where you want to get it guys look at this this is what it's supposed to look like and you know what it does not smell one bit in this house you hear me guys and I am seriously not even lying to you here's what we're gonna do let's go ahead and I like to take this potato out okay whoops I don't want him to fall apart let's take this one out right check me out guys check me out baby and then we're gonna go in and put this one in it's just one that I cut in half all right what I've done when the video was on pause I taste it in my broth my broth is beautiful but I did feel like I needed a little bit more flavor so when I head back in with the parsley with the garlic powder and onion powder I put another chicken boy on Kuban I put a little bit more apple cider vinegar in and I put a little bit more hot sauce what else a little tiny bit more celery saltier and we're just gonna let it go guys just keep letting it go be impatient remember patience is the key to good cooking you want some good cook and be patient with it you always have to be patient okay so this is what it's looking like is it's beautiful right it's so beautiful I like to have color and I like to have flavor I have to have those two things in order to enjoy my meal all right so we're just gonna discard that potato there all right and we have this in we're gonna cover this right back up and keep our potato right there it doesn't move it just stays there and then now this has been cooking for two hours I want to come back here in a little while and check it and I'm gonna taste the chitlin to see if it's nice and tender and if it's not then we'll continue to cook it but soon as it starts to get nice and tender what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and throw my habanero pepper in and throw these in oh and what I wanted to show you let me show you something so remember how I told you that these vegetables the onions bell pepper the red and green bell pepper like I told you they'll just disintegrate into flavor and they're gonna get so soft like I said they will disintegrate but then these ones that we're gonna put in that second batch will be able to taste it and we'll be able to see it by putting it in at a later time so that it doesn't disintegrate but it is just enough so it's gonna put all flavor also I'll be back everyone and when I come back we'll put our vegetables in be back okay now I'm just checking in on these beautiful chitlins check them out guys check them out and remember we did that boil that first boil and we wind up pouring that water off make sure you do that make sure you do that because it takes a lot of grease out of it and just Oh oh my goodness just trust me guys and do that alright so now we're gonna go in with our and you can see the other ones disintegrated now these ones are gonna go in we'll be able to taste them they're gonna let off flavor I know I said that before and we're gonna still be able to see them so it's gonna make our dish even more beautiful okay so now I'm gonna go ahead and put my habanero pepper in like I said I'm just gonna I'm gonna stir this around and I'm just gonna steep it down in there and just let whatever flavor comes right on out of there without touching it if you want to go in and stir this just stir around your habanero pepper you don't have to touch it cuz you don't want to bust it open okay so here's what it looks like guys doesn't this look like just a huge pan of flavor guys this is flavor for real you hear me and my house smells so good all right there's that and on this stove I have some water boiling because I'm gonna make some white rice all right let's cover this up I'm gonna put some right rice under it when this is done our mill is almost cooked so when it's done I'll be back everything's been cooking for about three hours now okay so when it can't win it when everything's done I'll let you know the exact cooking time and how long this took be right back everyone okay everyone it's time to take out our let's check on our chitlins and I want to take that habanero pepper out guys I do want to taste the broth let me taste the broth before I take it out cuz I know it's let off just the perfect amount of spice that I can take let's see hold on let me blow this guy's mmm oh my goodness mm-hmm perfect i'ma let it stay in there a tad bit longer let me show you let me show you guys something see how it's kind of I pierced right through it oh my goodness I'm not putting that back in there guys see what I did oh no it's not that's a green bell pepper okay awesome I thought that was my knife okay so see how it's shrunk and it's just slowly seeping out this beautiful hot flavor but but like I said don't cut it when you're stirring this don't touch it it's letting off just a perfect amount of spice that you need and these potatoes have done their job I'm gonna go ahead and take them out okay beautiful all right there's that one let's get this one out now these chitlins have cooked for three hours and 25 minutes I'm gonna let them go just a tiny bit longer and then when I come back I'll give these beautiful chitlins a try and I'll let you all know what they taste like look at this guy's let me see let me get a very good close-up for you all let's say something maybe I can make this my thumbnail picture and they beautiful this right here this is what you call chitlins chitlins 101 guys if you never made it if you never had it make you some guys I got a I got an easy easy recipe right here for you mm-hmm this right here and take you back this will take your memory back all right so now let them cook a little bit longer I'll come back and we'll give these bad boys a try be back everybody okay everybody let's try these first we need to take the habanero pepper out and you can see it's let all of its nice flavor out not too much because it didn't bust remember that I'm taking that out mix this around I got some white rice over here guys in my bowl then we're gonna pour these chitlins right over top of that rice right here give me one second I'll be right back okay let's make this Bowl here we go guys it's still boiling I just turned it off well i'ma show you how to eat you hear me if you all don't know how to eat you know how to eat tonight cuz this is some good eatin guys check me out lord have mercy get you some broth oh and see that's over white rice let's get us some vegetables and some of that bro Oh mm-hmm oh yeah I'm really cooking I'm really cooking in this kitchen guys I told you I told I told you that look at this hold on let me get a good picture I'm gonna turn this way a little bit chitlins 101 if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribe make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome videos okay I need to let this cool down for a second and then I'll give this a try okay everyone let's dig in hopefully it's cooled down enough so that I don't burn the daylights out of my mouth thank you Lord for another meal thank you for all your blessings and taking care of us Amy here we go guys take that first bite right there take that first bite right there guys so tasty so tasty yes this is what I'm looking for this is the flavor that I'm looking for when I think chitlins guys look at that rice and those vegetables take that bite right there guys oh yeah all you chitlin lovers out there take that bite right there [Music] so delicious now I'm gonna go in and get me some rice now with my rice I cooked my rice and chicken broth look at there mm-hmm take that bite right there guys mmm there we go that's a good picture mmm mmm so delicious so delicious make sure use your some chicken broth and use your some chicken bullion cubes guys that's the way to go that's the way to flavor you hear me this right here this and make you smack somebody you hear me this will make you smack the nearest I'm glad nobody's in this kitchen with me cuz I'd smack the daylights out of them is so good mmm and they say what was that for and I said cuz the food is so daggone good so good guys I have been listening to church songs all day today and all day yesterday it's really bringing my spirits up it really makes you feel good at down inside right turn you some church music go on mmm this is so tasty you hear me mmm give me some of that rice whoo so for all of you thanks for this video here you go and you can have this on your holiday table all of the fixings that you all need to have a wonderful Thanksgiving I've made those recipes for you I think you're all set for the holidays look at this mmm-hmm so good I'm gonna take one bite guys one more bite mmm this broth the broth is so good you can just drink it you hear me mmm and then mixed in with that rice mmm delicious and as always have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 1,145,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MFdNDu9kF8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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