Smothered Turkey Wings | Soul Food Turkey Recipe

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hey guys welcome back to cooking with tammy live i'm tammy and today we are going to be making delicious southern style turkey wings yes when i tell you these turkey wings are going to be absolutely delicious and tender and falling off the bone juicy trust me guys anyway without further ado let's get to cooking what we're going to do first is we are going to prep by cutting our onion obviously because we're going to be using onions for this recipe so what i'm going to do is as you can as you just saw i took the top and the bottom off and we're going to go in take the first layer off just going to slice our onions don't have to slice it too thin one more slice and of course this is a medium onion however you can use a large onion depending on the amount of turkey that you're going to be using i am going to be using let's see here we have five turkey wings about five to six and we're gonna start off after we take our onion and put it to the side we're gonna start off with adding some garlic powder you're gonna add the garlic powder and of course a frequent question that i always get is how much do i add how much tablespoon teaspoon quarter teaspoon let me tell you something when it comes to the seasonings that don't contain salt just add enough to cover the meat make sure everything is well covered because it's not salt based so it's like what are you worried about you know what i mean we're also going to add some onion powder we're going to add some ground black pepper once it's not spiced like pepper or salt just add enough to cover what it is that you're cooking we're going to add our paprika and the paprika is going to give it a nice color a nice hearty color it's going to contribute to the gravy once we make the gravy and everything else we're going to also add our montreal chicken seasoning if you don't have montreal chicken seasoning you can always substitute with using garlic and herb or poultry seasoning and of course when it comes to the montreal chicken seasoning because it does include or should i say it does have salt in it you don't have to add too much and we're going to add some italian seasoning add those herbs just like that we're going to add a little bit of crushed red pepper and this you're not going to cover the meat with it unless you're looking for like the spiciest smothered turkey wings known to mankind you're just going to add a little bit for that extra kick we're also going to add some all-purpose seasoning i'm not going to cover the wings with all-purpose seasoning because guess what it contains salt and we want to be able to control our salt intake all right that's perfect and we're going to add of course a smoked paprika now this guy right here is the smallest guy out of all the seasons that i just pulled but let me tell you he barks the loudest because guess what he's gonna add that nice smoky flavor to our turkey wings so we don't have to get carried away and add too much and this is gonna be perfect two different types of paprika one for color one for that smoky flavor we're gonna add a little bit of chicken bouillon just enough not too much and we are gonna go in there and we're going to mix it all up make sure we get the dry rub all of this turkey this turkey is going to taste so good make sure you spread it around the front as well if we need to go in and add some seasoning to the front as well of course we're gonna do so but you know what first and foremost i'm gonna add a little bit of oil because i want to be able to spread the seasoning throughout the turkey and that's why i always say like whenever i'm dealing with a dry rub i like to add my oil it helps to spread it so much better i hate to have to go in there and just keep rubbing and rubbing and it's like it's not spreading i need it to spread like butter and bread or should i say butter on bread just like that season it up really really good and because i have enough seasoning going on i don't have to add any to the back because i'm just literally taking what's on the front and adding it to the back just like that as you can see i was checking like all of my videos and i realized i was like oh my goodness i don't have a smoked turkey video what are you waiting for this was actually like a sunday staple in my house smothered turkey wings or turkey wings and gravy my grandmother this was like one of her favorite dishes always rocking with the turkey always some other turkey on sunday baked chicken i mean she did her thing so many different entrees and appetizers and side dishes to choose from and turkey wings was definitely one of them all right this is all mixed in and good to go i'm gonna add my salt because i forgot to add it just a little bit not much that's it i was looking for my salt in the mix and i couldn't find it i'm like piece of salt there's the salt all right we're gonna add some butter and the butter is going to definitely obviously melt on top of the wings and it's going to give it a nice flavor as well a nice creamy buttery flavor add the butter to the top just like that and we're going to add a little parsley and we're going to go in with some water and we're going to add the water along the perimeter of the baking dish just like that you're not gonna knock the seasonings off of the turkey wings but you're gonna add it around the perimeter and besides all of the dry seasonings that's at the bottom it's gonna pick up and it's gonna you know it's gonna work together and everything is gonna be absolutely perfectly seasoned so we're going to add the onions to the top just like this get it up in there add some to the liquid as well because you want the flavors from the onions to mix with the seasonings as well now we're going to cover it down with that aluminum foil place it on our 375 degree oven and allow it to bake and do its thing so every now and then i turn the heat up to like 400 degrees fahrenheit depending on the day and the time and availability that i have but you could rock out with 400 as well just be mindful to check it every so often to make sure you have enough liquid in there and it's not burning and with all of that being said i'm gonna show you guys how to make a delicious complimentary gravy as soon as we come back it's gonna be smothered and it's gonna be absolutely everything so anyway guys continue watching our turkey wing so far it's been going for about an hour and 25 minutes at 400 degrees i'm gonna show you what it looks like in two seconds but we're about to make our gravy so we have about two cups of water i also have some turkey gravy mix right here which we're going to add to the water we're going to add a little bit of bullion powder as well just a little bit i would say about half a tablespoon probably and we're going to add a tablespoon all-purpose flour i'm going to go in here give it a good mix make sure everything is perfectly dissolved make sure there's no lumpy pieces hanging around make sure it's nice and smooth because you want a nice smooth consistency when it comes to your gravy so if you got to go in there with a little elbow grease and keep stirring definitely keep stirring because you don't want no lumpy gravy trust me you ain't work this hard to end up with a lumpy mess no way jose is not happening everything is looking perfect so what we're going to do is it's about that time we're about to unveil our turkey wings what can't tell me those turkey wings don't look good let's bring it in a little closer so you can see it get a little closer hey turkey wings looking good right and believe it or not at this point in time it's done it's finished but we want it to be a little bit more tender and a little bit more fallen off the bone so i'm going to allow it to go for about 10 more minutes and what we're going to do is to the side the perimeter we're going to add our gravy just like that because this is what's gonna you know the gravy is what we're gonna use when we serving our delicious turkey wings whether it be with rice or mashed potatoes or mac and cheese whatever you prefer we're going to let the gravy thicken up we added the all-purpose flour as well as that turkey gravy packet the turkey gravy packet of course is not only going to contribute to the flavors that we already have in uh inside of the bacon dish but it's going to help with the thickening process as well we're going to place it back into the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes until our gravy is nice and thick uncovered i only had to go in one time to add more liquid you can add water you could add a little bit more chicken broth if you want to turkey broth if you want to as far as liquid is concerned but i added a little bit more water it was seasoned perfectly already so i didn't have to add any more chicken bouillon or should i say uh chicken broth but what i did add was a little bit more water after the first hour 15 minutes later and check it out check it out check it out stop the presses stop the presses our turkey wings are done absolutely gorgeous the creepy perfect consistency hey [Laughter] absolutely beautiful beauty full anyway guys you know what let me just show you exactly what i mean when i say tender and falling off of the bone yes i am going to take this one right here just like that look at that just just look at that so easy to break apart it is hot so i'm not gonna go under my fingers but boy look at that that right there that right there is everything absolutely gorgeous you
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 2,088,340
Rating: 4.9154234 out of 5
Keywords: Smothered Turkey Wings, smothered turkey wings recipe, how to make smothered turkey wings, baked turkey wings, turkey wings, soul food, smothered turkey wings recipe soul food, smothered turkey wings in oven, turkey recipe, turkey wings recipe, how to cook smothered turkey wings, turkey wings and gravy, turkey, how to cook, how to make turkey wings, smothered turkey wings and gravy, soul food recipes, easy smothered turkey wings recipe, recipes, cooking, southern turkey wings
Id: f0fmng-6-Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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