How To Make Sausage Breakfast Links At Home (DIY) | The Bearded Butchers

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] breakfast I know it's my favorite time of the day usually when we go places I try to twist Scott's arm into stopping for breakfast and he never lets me so today's pretty special because I think I get to eat some breakfast today we're making breakfast links that's right so we're gonna make two batches of our pork breakfast sausage starting out with 25 pounds of pork one batch we're gonna make with our base salt and pepper this is a proprietary blend a perfect blend of salt and pepper makes a fantastic um all-round pork sausage we're gonna mix in one pack of our salt and pepper and then we're going to stuff it into our breakfast links casings along with um probably make a few of the bulk packs too this makes a great base flavor not just for your breakfast sausage but also for additions to other recipes you might need a little bit of pork um say in like a meatloaf or something like that and with just this salt and pepper base this is something that we've had in our shop for close to 30 years you're going to have just the right mix to make a classic clean tasting pork breakfast sausage secondly once this batch is done we're going to get to our pork Maple breakfast links and we are going to add some frozen blueberries to a portion of those which is going to take those up a notch first now that we've got those spices nice evenly coated on our pork we'll do our salt and pepper let's get to grinding today we're using the made with meat one horse power dual grind grinder so with one pass we get a kind of a coarse grind and a medium all in one single pass Scott's got the foot pedal hooked up I'm going to put the meat in the hopper and he's just going to get to grinding this this meat's a nice probably about a 33 32 33 34 degrees some of these pieces are just a little bit Frozen it's going to be nice and ice cold as it comes through the grinder we're gonna grind out this batch first Scott's hot tip with something like this where we just have a very plain version of the sausage we can grind it first and then we can go right into grinding our next flavor without really having to clean our grinder because this won't carry over anything real dramatic into the next flavor so you can see with this pork sausage it's going to be about about an 80 20 or 70 525 somewhere in there grind a nice nice fat mixed in it's not going to dry out on you in the skillet you can achieve this by you know saving some pork trim if you're butchering a hog you can buy pork butts um you know whatever you want to do but that's just a real nice fat to me ratio so much the same way that we have our commercial Quality Clean ingredient DIY kits so in other words products that we know work well in the commercial industry the made with meat is commercial grade that you can do at home and we have in our butcher shop what we call a Gemini system that's a big grinder that has a coarse plate that's married to a smaller grinder that has a fine plate or a medium plate that Gemini system is what gets you this perfect grind which we love it's not too fine it has good definition and that's what we're getting out of this dual head is essentially the same thing that we use in our commercial setup so we're going to have a commercial-like product at the end of the day that all can be done right out of your kitchen or shop that's what's great about this process 25 pounds of pork and we're going to do our Maple seasoning it's already pre-measured for 25 pounds again a clean blend of real maple sugar so that's maple syrup that's been reduced down into a maple sugar it's got sea salt it's got some cinnamon some ginger a few other spices that we don't need to tell you about but only because it's proprietary and we don't want anybody thinking that they are going to produce their own this is one of our favorites just a great seasoning that we can make a whole plethora of products from that's right plethora of products if this doesn't scream delicious breakfast man maple and then Maple blueberry yes we're going to grind this out once the seasonings are mixed in and then half of it we're going to put frozen blueberries in so we have a blueberry Maple did I hear half of it did I hear you say you were going to make pancakes we can make some pancakes and you put this on the menu can you put some blueberries in the pancakes blueberry blueberry pancakes we can do chocolate chip pancakes we can do chopped chocolate choc choc chocolate chip sausage if you want can we do chocolate chip oh oh my maybe we should do chocolate chip blueberry breakfast links oh boy let's just make chocolate broth let's skip the pork skip the pork this is definitely my lucky day because as a breakfast connoisseur I'm looking forward to it what [Applause] [Music] put your head in here or you can just cut it off that's right got any jokes for us today Landon okay special you always have jokes [Music] 12 and a half pounds of our Maple is now ground out and that's going to get blueberries and then the other 12 and a half is just going to be our plain Maple I have a pound and a half of frozen blueberries that we like to take them out of the freezer let them soften up a little bit but we want them to kind of keep their shape and we're going to hand blend them in here of course you can use dried fruits as well dried blueberries are just much more expensive than frozen blueberries and harder fine your frozen blueberries are pretty much in any uh any part of your Market your frozen food section or your Supermarket typically hand blend that in there you don't want to grind the blueberries or you also have purple sausage tastes like blueberry tastes like blueberry my famous my famous saying tastes like beef that's hot tip tip I like to form a big ball with the sausage because when you go to put it in your stuffer rather just doing you know you can form a ball especially when they're 12 and a half pounds like this and then when you go to put in your stuffer we can just plop he hasn't even noticed I just didn't know you were doing that on purpose Spencer get this flop and I'm gonna be like flop see plop blop smash that down get the air pockets out of there this is our salt and pepper which we're gonna run first we are going to use our clear collagen 21 millimeter casing um we're gonna make some breakfast links Scott mentioned making some bulk I do want to mention 10 millimeter stuffing horn as mentioned in some of our previous videos that pairs up with the meat uh 15 pound stuffer we'll throw in an Amazon link you will need to go to Amazon to get this to be able to use 21 millimeter casings on the horn so just a little FYI so direction of fill you can see that end versus that end you want to put it on this direction and it will not all fit all the way on there so go ahead and just split it a little bit start your plunger down into the cylinder using this air release just get some of that air removed 15 pound stuffer is C-clamp to the table just to keep it in place and then we'll just start filling our 21 millimeter breakfast links twist cut double the length that you want your thing to be okay no no double the leg you can do it two ways you can pinch here and go to another one and pinch and then you want to twist them in opposite directions so the length you want to be pinch pinch and you twist them in opposite directions or you can do what Scott likes to do and just go double the length pinch here and go in opposite directions what bro what are you talking about once we have them pinched we can go ahead and cut them that way the ends will stay nice and close what I like to do at this point get out my Z Linker because I have one and this is a piece of equipment that we have used for thousands of pounds I like to revert refer to it as the Gatling gun of sausages [Music] [Applause] here's a pro tip for you if you are experiencing too much difficulty with your stuffing too much resistance you're blowing out your gasket on your stuffer or you just otherwise feel like you're getting too much resistance go ahead and add a little bit of water to your to your sausage grind not much and that's just going to add enough lubrication that you're going to have a lot better success with your grinding we went through two strands of our casing and then as mentioned it's nice to have some bulk sausage especially the salt and pepper variety because you're going to want to add that to your oh perhaps your meatballs your spaghetti your lasagna whatever bring in some nice flavor so now wait a second I do about a half pound in a pack you forgot to mention sausage gravy and biscuits oh oh I am getting hungry that's my goodness we said breakfast and now it's like what 10 o'clock maybe West Coast breakfast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a new category which is our DIY and it includes casings powders dried jalapenos dried fruit our base flavors for bratwurst for summer sausage for sticks are maple seasoning which is absolutely amazing and does some of our bratwurst and our breakfast sausages bearded butcher blend and our four main flavors and then high temp cheese what we have in front of us will do a majority of our white feather Meats products and we're opening it up to for DIY because we've spent the last 25 years developing these spices these are the ones that we use in our commercial setting we've also used these in our garage type environment at home whether you're making brats sticks you name it now it's time to take our favorite products get them into your hands so you can enjoy some of these incredible items as you see we've got everything portioned out real nice the only thing left to do is work on the uh vacuum sealing wall Emma eating um just a pro tip when you vacuum seal we did these on these 2s trays styrofoam tray and then I turned my vacuum sealer um from automatic mode to manual and I only did 20 seconds so I don't squish anything but yeah we've got salt and pepper we've got blueberry Maple we've got maple and we've got my backbone my belly button is touching my backbone because I am hungry let's go get some stuff on the grill then we'll finish the only thing left to do is get them on the skillet who's ready for breakfast are you ready for breakfast [Music] foreign now that we got this beautiful plate of breakfast sausage eggs plain pancakes chocolate chip pancakes blueberry pancakes blueberry chocolate chip pancake this time that we're gonna give the sausage a try she said this is maple do you want to explain why you're cutting each link in half when we came to the cooking portion for the sausage I was like that's a delicious portioned one pack of each flavor and Seth would have cooked seven packs of each flavor we're just trying to make it go around because we have a lot of hungry we're gonna get the sausage to try and then we're gonna take the rest of the food in all the staff can eat so so maple we'll go Maple we'll go Maple blueberry and then salt and pepper Maple bon appetit hmm maybe it's like Thanksgiving morning in a sausage thing made with real maple sugar no artificial ingredients now let's go for the blueberry tastes like blueberries no it's just got a really nice like I do like element you get the nice blueberry flavor Maple and then immediately you get the blueberry now we should have our classic breakfast sausage salt and pepper pretty simple salt and pepper good basic sausage there it is home cooking at its finest so Maple DIY kit added some blueberries got a wonderful Maple breakfast link salt pepper base flavor got a great salt pepper we've got some bulk sausage that we can mix in with some of our different stuff make some sausage gravy like Sesame if you want to make breakfast links you certainly can if you want to make some bulk you want to make some patties however you want to do it this is our breakfast sausage video and how to make them um we're gonna enjoy this breakfast hopefully you duplicate what we just did is so you can do the same we've got a bunch more videos coming until next time you know what we always say [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 186,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bearded Butchers, Sausage, Links, Stuffer, Pork, Blueberry
Id: yv0w4fesCPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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