Making Damon's Famous Smoked Sausage: The Complete Video

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hi everybody this is Brandon Cruz with Damon's real Texas barbecue again uh this video we're going to do about making sausage uh we make sausage here pretty much at least once a month uh so I'm gonna show y'all all the ins and outs all the secrets that we do to make our sausage um so what we start out with our sausage is half beef half pork uh this is brisket trimmings every time we trim a brisket here we save all our trimmings and it goes into our sausages so it makes makes it a lot cheaper than having to go and buy beef to make sausage um this here is pork butts it's the only thing we usually have to buy when we do make sausage now we also when we trim our ribs we keep those uh to see those trimmings as well and they go into it as well now we don't add any beef pork or we don't add any beef fat or pork fat or briskets we trim them because we save all the fat and make Tallow and use that for our tortillas so most of the fat has been taken off of this beef as far as the pork butts we don't trim them at all we just cut them into chunks uh what you have here is 50 pounds total 25 pounds of beef 25 pounds of pork so I'm going to with my knife here's my knife we'll uh okay so we're just going to mix this up so that way you have a nice even Pork and Beef mixture and you can tell how much fat is on this pork I mean there's plenty so there's no reason to add any fat uh get all your fat content for the sausage out of this pork and you can see the beef is pretty much trimmed out hardly any fat at all a little bit I mean just from the marbling because they're really high grade briskets so okay all right I'm gonna change my gloves real quick all right so now we're going to add our spices so this is the spice we use this is we've used this company forever long before we ever opened a restaurant I was using their sausage to or their seasonings to make our sausage uh this is German style smoked sausage seasoning with the Cure it's made by Oreo spices out of Huntsville Texas uh you can find them at they uh they make all sorts of sausage seasoning you name it they have it uh it's fantastic because they make 25 pound bags in 50 pound bags it's a 50 pounder uh so that means all you have to do is take 25 pounds of pork 25 pounds of beef add your seasoning to it it even comes with the Cure you just mix that into a bowl and throw it on your meat and it's perfectly done it'll come out perfect every time uh they are fantastic uh check them out usually any anything over fifty dollars is free shipping and it's at your door within two days I mean uh they're they're fantastic I get our casings from there uh anything dealing with sausage I usually get from Ariel so here we have in the bowl we have our our seasoning this is the cure so what you'll do is just add this straight to the seasoning now you can make sausage without cure but I wouldn't recommend it now if you're not going to smoke it then that's not a problem but if you're going to smoke it you want to add your cure to your your seasoning because what the Cure does is it kills any bacteria that could be growing in the meat while it's going through the smoking process for there are safe levels where you're supposed to keep meat at anything under 40 degrees or above 140. that area between those two is a danger zone so if your meat is within that zone for more than four hours that bacteria can grow and it can be harmful by adding cure to your seasoning that keeps that bacteria from growing because if you do a cold smoke that the sausage will stay under 140 degrees for hours until you're done smoking so it may not even get to 140 you might you might pull it before it gets to 140 and that could be really dangerous if you don't have cure in your seasoning so uh I advise if you're smoking always add cure but if you're not going to smoke what we call served green sausage where basically you stuff it and then freeze it right away then you don't really need to add your uh when you do add that it's going to turn your meat pink um it no matter how long you cook that sausage it'll always look pink we do a sausage burger here uh that we don't smoke what we do is we take this recipe we turn it into beef patties and then we throw them right on the grill now I add cure to that because we call it a sausage burger and to me sausage is always pink because it always has cure so naturally I want it to be the same the patties versus The Links so I add cure to it even though it's not getting smoked but uh okay so now we've added our cure and you're going to give it a good mix you want this to be mixed thoroughly now there is one thing that I do add to our seat to this seasoning and the reason for it okay so for years this is exactly what I would do I would throw this into my meat and start grinding but uh one day A friend of mine who has way more experience making sausage than me he was like you want to add some mustard seed to it and I was like sure what does it do he said I don't know what it does he said but man it just gives that sausage a nice pop so I tried it as soon as I did I fell in love with it so that's what I have here this is three ounces of mustard seed so you do six ounces for every hundred pounds of meat so this is half of that this is 50 pounds so this is three ounces of mustard seeds so we add that to our seasoning as well mix it up really well so now we have our seasoning our cure our mustard seed now a lot of people will grind all their meat and then mix their seasoning into it I don't do that uh to me that's a lot harder this is the simplest thing to do is just before you grind throw all your seasoning on your meat we're just gonna mix all of this seasoning into this meat it's a whole lot easier to mix it when it's big chunks like this and it is when it's ground into basically hamburger and as it goes through this grinder it's gonna mix beef and pork seasoning everything into it now if you were making jalapeno cheese sausage right now which we're we are this sausage is going to be pepper jack cheese no Jalapenos in it because the jalapenos are already in your cheese but if you were making jalapeno sausage or jalapeno cheese sausage or jalapenos would go in right now because a grinder is going to do all your mixing for you you don't need to worry about having to dice up jalapenos to tiny tiny little pieces because the grinder would take care of all that I learned this from a good friend of mine like I said the one who told me when I had some Mustard Seed he taught me this and he's taught a lot of people over the years he's the most experienced sausage maker I know that's the way he does it it's the way I do it I'm passing his knowledge that he taught me onto you I've seen him make a thousand pounds of sausage in one day I've helped him make a thousand pounds of sausage in one day and that's from grinding all the way to having a finished product ready to be vacuum sealed a thousand pounds all right we're all ready to grind um one thing you always want to do with your grinder at least an hour before you start to grind throw Your Parts into a freezer let them get nice and cold because as you're going through this this grinder is going to heat up uh it's going to have friction inside there parts are going to get hot you don't want it to cook your your sausage as it's grinding and it will do it I I've actually when you take this thing apart to clean it when it's done you will see meat stuck to it that is almost baked onto its parts so I always stick it in the grinder I usually do it the night before but at least an hour before you start throw it in your freezer and let it get really nice and cold all right and also get yourself a dedicated grinder and a dedicated stuffer if you plan on doing this often uh I used to have just a little grinder that hadn't a stuffer attachment and grind and stuff it'd take you all day it's a whole lot better to invest if you're going to make do this regularly invest in a good grinder invest in a good stuffer keep those separate that way and this is a Walton grinder it's a commercial grinder I went with Walton I I studied a bunch of different types of Grinders when I was looking for one I had I saw butchers make reviews about the Walton uh there's a Walton number 32 there was a grind uh butcher that says he'd been using his every single day for the last five years and if a butcher if it's good enough for a butcher then it's good enough for us so we'll get it going there we go okay so we'll start grinding this like I said it's all mixed up ready to go now and this big Walton number 32 will literally go as fast as you can drop it it'll grind it actually one time making sausage out of uh wild hog and uh gave something to my father-in-law and he brought me back a bullet the next day and was like uh here you might want this back I was like what is this he said a bullet that actually went through the grinder and it cut the bullet up never stopped just kept on going I still have that chunk of bullet somewhere that it's just a little piece you could see it perfectly sheared off didn't do one thing to my grinder and as you can see it's mixing beef pork everything together and then we're going to do a double grind anyway this is our first grind we're gonna send it back through the grinder again and by that time all the seasoning will be perfectly mixed the beef and the pork will be mixed and we didn't spend or make ourselves exhausted trying to to mix the two [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] we just finished the first grind of there's still meat in in the barrel of this grinder so to get that out there's two ways that I know of one is bread you can run bread through it it'll clean it out what I always do though is I use ice the only thing with ice sometimes it'll literally freeze up inside the barrel or the and it can stop your grinder so you do you want to just add it a little at a time and you can see it's pushing the sausage out the reason I use ice is because we're going to add water to this before we stuff it so of course this ice isn't going to do anything that the water is not going to do Also earlier I was telling you when to add jalapenos you add the jalapenos before you grind if you're going to do any type of cheese you do not run it through this grinder if you do you will not have cheese sausage it will completely disappear and you will never find it in the meat you might find little tiny pieces every now and then but for the most part you will not have cheese in your sausage so uh cheese is the last thing that gets added to this with the water right before we stuff all right so looks like all the meat has basically come out and we can go ahead and do our second grind which I won't Bore You by filming but uh we're gonna grind this one more time then put it into the fridge until later tonight when we're ready to stuff all right guys uh now we're going to show you how to get your casings prepped now there are several different types of casings out there these are natural hog casings basically hog intestines that have been cleaned out um they come packed in salt now there's also collagen casings which are basically fake casings that anybody worth their salt that makes sausage does not use a collagen casing uh you want to use a natural casing now there are uh exceptions that roll summer sausage if you ever notice that little plastic stuff that comes off of it uh that's not a natural casing so but these are natural casings they to me cook up better uh a lot less problems with collagen or natural casings so they are like I said they are packed in salt uh these right here this package will do 120 pounds of sausage we're doing 100 so this should be plenty this like you can tell this is just pure salt packed in there salt and water basically um let's say only had to make 40 pounds of sausage I could always when I'm done take this packet full of salt again add a little bit of water throw it in a Ziploc bag or my vacuum sealer bags and uh store it it'll be good for the next time so so if you don't use all of them and you want to save them just grab some salt pack it uh or you'll probably pour like half a can of salt just to get it right again so but anyway we have to get all this salt off of them before we do it we're about eight hours away before we're going to do any stuffing so I go ahead and do it now that way when we do start stuffing we've already they're ready to go so just take me a pot here and just need hot water and you're just gonna get start spraying them and try to get the salt off basically just washing it now you'll see this red plastic ring that is they tie it around the ring so you don't lose you know that way you can kind of somewhat keep it from becoming one big knotted mess it is gonna knot up on you don't fret uh just as you you pull these when you go to stuff and you're going to pull one work it all the way out until you get the knot out and uh it happens every time I've never done sausage and not had had them not up on me so we just constantly keep dumping the water put fresh hot water back on it hot water from the sink don't use boiled water or anything like that uh one time I told one of the guys here I was like hey uh pour some hot water on those uh cases we're going to start to clean them wasn't paying attention he uh he didn't know any better he put hot water straight from the coffee machine and when I realized what had happened I ran over there and dumped the water out unfortunately at most of those casings were ruined because it basically half boiled them and they were partially cooked so couldn't use them because uh they would pop as soon as you tried to stick them on the stuffer they would just tear they were but and you will see them start to rehydrate they start out really really dry kind of wrinkly but as you keep adding water and keep dumping it because you're dumping all this salt out and also what you want to do is once you've gotten most of the salt out you're going to untie this knot or move the ring to a different place because if you can see there on the knot where that was knotted up it's dry and stuck together so you definitely want to kind of let it get water everywhere and get the salt off of every spot including that knot [Music] we're just going to keep washing them you do this over and over again you can see the water is still Gray from the salt I'll just keep pouring the salt out keep adding fresh hot water you do this over and over again okay after I've done this probably about 10 times or better starts to look pretty fairly clean the water is nice and clear then I'll let it sit here on the I'll find a place to put it where it's not going to get bothered and periodically throughout the day I'll come and I'll add fresh hot water and just keep doing that all day long until we're ready to scuff now some people you will actually see them take the end of a casing and they will flush it out from the inside as well I've seen people take water balloon uh the things that you fill water balloons with that you can add to a sink and then and flush it out like that I used to do that it's a pain in the butt it really is so uh if you just constantly keep flushing it with fresh water over and over again throughout the day before you use it uh it'll be fine and then when I go to actually put these casings on the horn on the stuffer I'll put a little fresh water in it and then run it through that run it through the horn and you'll see that fresh water push all the way through the casing as you're sticking it on the horn until you have fresh water goes all the way through it so that there's no need to do the water balloon thing where you stick it on there or stick it on the sink because you will spend hours doing that this is a whole lot easier just constantly rinse wash and rinsing washing rinse and you can see as I'm filling in all these bubbles are coming from that salt you just keep doing it over and over again until you get less and less bubbles and the more you do it the cleaner they'll get and you can see they've kind of rehydrated now they don't look like they did when they came out of that Packaging foreign so basically right now water's starting to look a little bit better here I'm going to give it one more and then I'm just going to let these sit I'll put them on a shelf somewhere let them sit all day periodically throughout the day I'll I'll uh dump the water out of them and put fresh hot water give them a rinse again and leave them up on the Shelf until we're ready tonight I know a lot of people will do this the day before and uh let them sit you know all day or all night in the refrigerator after they've done the hot water for hours and hours or throughout periodically like like this they'll uh they'll stick them in the fridge before they go to bed in the morning they'll put fresh hot water on them again [Music] that water's starting to look pretty clean doesn't look like there's much salt left and you can see now they don't look like they did when they came out of that uh out of the packaging they were all wrinkly and kind of almost dehydrated looking now they've they've rehydrated and look a whole lot better so we're gonna add more hot water on here and just set them on a shelf and throughout the day I'll I'll keep rinsing them out you know periodically every hour or so until we meet them tonight all right we're ready to start stuffing our sausage as I said earlier we have to add water before you run it through your stuffer if not if you try to run this through the stuffer right now you are not going to be able to get it to come out this little horn you can crank and crank you're liable to break your stuffer because uh it's very difficult so what you want to do is add ice cold water if you don't have the benefit of a Drink Machine like we do what you can do is take a cooler put ice in it then add water and then get your water from that and add it to here because you want it to be cold you don't want your sausage to get hot at all your meat to get hot so and what you're looking for is almost like a meat Slough I mean you're you're adding a lot of water I know for a fact we're probably going to use this whole picture first then we're going to add cheese and we'll probably have to end up adding more water all right I'm gonna get my helpers here this is uh Burton Rose we're gonna mix this all up thank you it's nice to have a couple extra hands around it doesn't take a lot of people to make sausage but if you have a few people helping it goes a whole lot faster so you can see that meat is like soaking up that water this isn't going to change your flavor it's not gonna you know thin it out and it's going to thin out the meat make it easier to pump through the stuffer but uh it's not going to change your flavors all your seasonings still there and when you're smoking that water is going to evaporate right out of the sausage anyway you definitely want to have some big tubs like these you can uh you can order them online they call them meat loves still pretty firm we're going to add some more water [Music] all right so we can go ahead and add the cheese now um like I said never add cheese while you're grinding after you grind once you add your water you can start adding your cheese your ratio for your cheese this is 50 pounds of of meat so we're gonna put five pounds of cheese so if you're doing 100 pounds you're gonna need 10 pounds of cheese and so on this is a pepper jack cheese it is one of my favorite recipes to run you said earlier if you're doing jalapenos you would add it before you start to grind um then you would add your cheese after the grind if you want to do a jalapeno cheese with pepper jack cheese jalapenos are already in it so all you have to do is add your cheese is the last step before you stuff now this is a high temp cheese um the reason it's called a high temp cheese it can take a lot of heat before it starts to melt when you put it in your stuffer I mean put it in your smoker to start smoking you don't have to worry about this cheese melting and just going all over or leaking out of your sausage ending up on the the floor now a lot of people do use regular cheese I personally don't uh I've heard some bad stories of using it some people though also say that high temp cheese has a different flavor than regular cheese I personally I like it my customers like it um I'll continue to use it I've always used high temp cheese the guy who taught me had told me a story of one time when he first started experimenting with cheese he put it into uh into reg you put regular cheese in the sausage and he stuck it in the smoker to smoke and all his his cheese ended up kind of puddling out on onto the ends of the sausage the way he hung it that it all leaked to the very ends so he said that's when he found out about high temp and he's used it ever since now uh I've heard other stories like that before but then I've heard I then I know of people that use regular cheese and don't have any problems so I don't know I just know I've always used high temp does it need more water so after you add that cheese it'll soak up a lot of water itself uh what you're kind of looking for is you want it to get to the consistency where it's not so sticky anymore like you can kind of touch it and it doesn't stick to your glove or your hand some people wear gloves when they do sausage I I really don't because once you start running it through the uh the casing and everything it gets kind of slick and it makes it harder to twist uh it's easier for me bare-handed just wash my hands real good before we start running any sausage there are even some stuffers that you can hook up straight to a water hose turn your water on and it pumps water out as it's going through the stuffer those are really nice to feel good or do we need more it feels good all right all right so looks like it's ready got another helper here this is my wife Shelly she likes to run the stuffer she uh right before we opened we made 500 pounds of sausage and uh she ran the stuffer for pretty much all 500 and kind of fell in love with doing this part our casings are ready from earlier today uh they're completely hydrated salts out of them all I'm doing is undoing the knot around this little ring now and I keep the ring on there just so I know I can always find the end of the casings so this meat has been sitting in the fridge all day it's ice cold uh the water we add to it is cold you want to keep your meat as cold as possible through this whole process what she's doing now is wetting the horn uh so it's easier for the casings to slide on so sometimes you'll find yeah it'll twist you just have to kind of untwist it or take your time trying to get it on the horn before we got started what we did is sanitize this whole area with uh so we usually keep a bucket with sanitizer and a rag wipe everything down before we get started keep towels to because it's going to get wet because you've got water a lot of water inside this meat now you're gonna have water everywhere on your floors all right so as it's going to come down you're going to see the fill up with air before it starts actually pushing meat out and once you start getting pockets stop you want to pop those with your knife let some of that air out so as she's cranking these out they're going to spin this meat into a almost like a Target shape just a big circle a big wheel of meat [Music] so all they're doing is just kind of keeping it out of her way so it's not just falling everywhere so you just roll it into a big ball have seen people take one of these big wheels up she had a pop so whenever that happens you just cut it at the break throw your the meat back into the into the tub and just run it again in the next next run okay so what you're going to do here he's twisting the sausages so we're going to go a little bit bigger but yeah yeah you go ahead unroll that one I wanted to go about an inch or two bigger than the normal sausages we've been rolling okay so let's do them about about that big so so what you're going to do on your first one Whatever Direction you make that first turn the next one has to be the opposite direction because if not you will untwist these and what you want is your links to constantly twist so this one if you go that direction then the next one you just kind of pinch the casing until you kind of make it like a little uh weak spot there and then you can turn and you just kind of go the opposite direction now some people what they'll do is they'll skip this one and come and they'll just keep spinning the same direction the whole time and you see I pop them every time I do that so that's why I usually do one at a time I A lot of people are a whole lot faster than me when it comes to spinning or tying your links but uh all you have to do is if you pop one cut it out throw it back into your meat bucket and you'll just run it later there's no tying in this process uh you'll see people tell you all the time oh you got a tie sausage or I hate tying sausage I never tie sausage ever like even if I do full links these are what we call half links or short links uh I never tie these even when I do a full link I don't tie them either because once you start smoking these these casings are going to start to shrink the water is going to evaporate out of the meat uh they're going to shrink up and they're going to tighten up and any no meat's gonna come out of it okay see and I right there is a prime example I went the wrong direction on that one so it's backward on this one forward on this one and you just keep switching that process and they'll tighten tighten each other up you want to get a few links ahead before they start cutting and when they cut all they're doing is they're just spreading the the knot and then cutting it right on the knot and you can see the end stays shut and as it smokes it's gonna this casing is going to tighten up and this meat's not going to come out so there's no need to tie with string I think people that tie with string have probably learned it from their grandfather or have learned it from somebody who's they've been doing it like that for years there's no need to do it you know it's unless you're going to to hang them on a hook in your Smoke House and you need the string for that but other than that to me it's just a waste of time so you can see I'm just using my finger and kind of making a softer weak spot right there and that's where I'm going to try to do my to spin it and make my knot so you just kind of work that with your fingers and then spin it and all you need is about two or three spins because the next one you do is going to tighten that knot as well so if you do two or three on the next one you're going to end up with like six spins on one knot what I always do when I get to the end like this you can see this would be a really long link what I do is I just bend it in half find the halfway point that's where I spin it so you'll end up with two shorter links instead of two are one ginormous link and then we just stack them back into a bucket or another bin that bin is going to go into a refrigerator tonight it'll sit in the refrigerator all night and the reason we let it sit instead of going straight into the smoker is because by letting it sit in the refrigerator it kind of dries it a little the casing and that'll give you a better color it'll take the smoke better if you put it on right now sometimes end up with a little bit lighter colored sausage and we want that really pretty red or mahogany colored sausage so that's why we let it sit in the fridge tonight let these casings just kind of dry out on the on the outside of them and then uh in the morning we'll put them on the smoker all right guys uh it's the next morning after we did our stuffing last night uh sausages sausages have sat in the refrigerator they're nice and cold dries out that casing just little bit so they can take a really good smoke we got our fire going not a huge fire just I got a few pieces of wood a little bit of charcoal underneath that way we don't need a massive amount of heat this pit is really large it's a 500 gallon propane tank uh this little bitty fire right here should stay under 200 about 200 to 225 most of the day it's going to take us about four hours to smoke these sausages we'll flip them halfway through and you can see there that these casings look they're they no longer look wet on the outside like they did yesterday after making them they're just dried up just a little bit this will help get a really pretty color to them so we're going to load this sucker up we'll run it for like I say about four hours maintaining a 200 to 225 degree temperature we're looking for a 150 internal temp of these sausages that way we know they're fully cooked and they can go ahead and get an ice bath and then be vacuum sealed and ready to go so I'm going to load these up and we'll get going let's just this pit is so big it doesn't have any slide outs uh kind of the way I wanted it but it's so big I have to almost lay down in it to reach the back side of it um some people this would be a huge problem because of the constant smoke and Heat going in but I'm around the fire and smoke all the time it really doesn't bother me uh but if you have a pit that has slide outs or you're not used to this just be aware sticking your head all the way into a pit can sometimes have make you cough or your eyes start to tear up all right guys uh we're ready to pull the sausages off they've been on for about four hours now we flip them halfway through about the two hour mark we've kept the far basically under 250 degrees actually we've been running about 225 to 200 is where we've been keeping it uh like I say they've been on four hours they look fantastic they have a really pretty mahogany color um that's it get some gloves on and I'll show you one of these take this one and oh man you can just see how all that juice and the cheese they came out fantastic definitely really good and one thing one thing I forgot to mention to y'all yesterday which is very very important right before you stuff you want to take you want to take some of your uh some of the sausage meat make a little Patty throw it on the grill and taste it before you stuff because that's your last chance to add any seasonings that you might need to add to it um I don't all right because I've used this same recipe for hundreds of times I've cooked thousands and thousands of pounds of sausage with that recipe so I know the recipe it never changes for me only thing that changes is whether I'm adding cheese or jalapeno and cheese you know but other than that this is the exact same recipe I use for regular sausage jalapeno cheese sausage pepper jack done hatch and cheese uh everything's exactly the same so my measurements my weights everything so I know this recipe is going to come out the same way every time but yeah this this is my favorite one the jalapeno and cheese I love the flavor of the cheese it's not too spicy so young kids can enjoy it yeah to me this is the best one out of all the ones I make so what we're going to do now is we're pulling all of this sausage off and they're going to go immediately into an ice bath I'm already set up in the inside the building uh set up the bucket full of ice pull these off we're gonna go in there and dump them real quick all right guys uh We've brought the sausages in from off the pit we have our ice bucket here it's just ice and water they're going straight in there uh hot and immediately dropping the temperature of them the reason we're doing this this brings them down extremely fast it makes these casings really tight they basically shrink real fast around your sausage um so then when you go to reheat these sausages they will heat up but that that casing will snap it'll give you a way better snap like um I don't know if you were able to notice when I took a bite out of that one outside there's a little chew to it well that chew is because it has yet to be dumped into these ice buckets you always want to do this to really give your sausage a great snack we're gonna leave them in there about 15 minutes or so to really get that temperature below 40 degrees and then as soon as we pull them they'll be ready to vacuum seal and go right into the freezer so what I'm going to do now is get another uh pot or a bucket full of ice dump it here on top then I'm gonna go ahead and go start putting the next batch of sausage on the pit while I'm doing that I'm just going to let these sit when I get done I'll come back in here pull these off and they'll be ready to vacuum seal and that's it that's pretty much your whole process for making sausage and go over just real quick a few things uh that I wanted to remind y'all of is always taste your sausage before you stuff it always use natural casings natural casings are way better than collagen um keep your fire not too hot you want to stay depending on your pit if you know here at the restaurant I normally use a barbecue pit that we call Fat Amy Fat Amy runs really hot she's insulated takes very little wood to get her to 300 degrees or more she can smoke sausage but I tend not to use that pit because she's like a Ferrari I mean you give her just a little bit of gas and she's gone so I use that big pit that we pulled these off of because that pit it I can put a big fire in there and it it'll get up to 250 you know it's a struggle to get it up to 300 so that Pit's perfect for using for sausage making because I don't want to get over 225 degrees through the whole process it takes about four hours uh if you have a meat probe you want to pull your sausage once it hits 150 degrees you don't want to go any higher than that it's fully cooked by then um if you're cold smoke which cold smoking you could stay at a hundred degrees and go for hours and hours well that that sausage will never forget to 150 degrees so what you're going to want to do is always remember to fully cook that sausage before consuming it put it in the oven put it on the pit anything like that these are all have reached 150 degrees internal temp they could be I could pull one out now and eat it or vacuum seal it and throw it in the fridge and just pull it out later and take a bite and it's not going to hurt you but if you cold smoke which that is an option uh if you cold smoke make sure you fully cook it before you you consume it so that's pretty much most of the highlights for for making sausage um give us a like on our page like And subscribe if you have any questions you can always reach out to me I'll be glad to answer anything I possibly can I've showed you exactly how I make sausage for the restaurant I Have No Secrets when it comes to making barbecue uh sausage or anything otherwise so if you ever have questions feel free to reach out to us here at Damon's real Texas barbecue thank you all for watching like And subscribe God bless you and remember smoked meat not meth foreign guys I have another quick tip for you uh just got these all loaded onto the pit uh what I want to tell y'all is when you do put your sausage down don't let them touch uh the reason for that is you want the smoke to come in between each sausage link individually if you end up letting them touch once you go to flip them you will see there will be a white spot whatever it touched leave a white spot that's why you flip them because when we go to flip them in two hours you will have little white Checker marks from the grill so that's why we flip them over so that way we can get rid of those little white marks so just make sure don't let them touch uh don't try to pack them in there real tight make sure each one of them has their own space to breathe so that the smoke will come in between them foreign
Channel: Damon's Real Texas BBQ
Views: 354,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KsfRe0hnix0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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