How to Make Breakfast Sausage | Chuds BBQ

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hey what's going on everybody welcome back to chad's barbecue my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made this beautiful plump pattied and linked beautiful breakfast sausages for this beautiful breakfast spread coming up breakfast sausage everybody loves a good breakfast sausage it's definitely my top two for favorite breakfast meats but a lot of store-bought versions tend to be full of sugar which can burn up in your pan other versions can have really robust flavors and a lot of people aren't trying to bite into a piece of raw garlic first thing in the morning also a lot of store-bought anything can be full of different chemicals and preservatives and i don't know what those are but luckily making your own breakfast sausage is super easy to do and if you've never made any sausage before this is a really great place to start because you don't even have to case it i'll take a breakfast patty over breakfast link any day of the week you also don't need any special equipment you can easily just buy some ground pork and some spices and really dial in your own flavor and make your own version of this but today we're making an all-pork breakfast sausage and it's going to be delicious this is a pork butt this is boneless skinless and weighs about five pounds the beauty of making breakfast sausage is that it's not like a three-day process like the regular pork sausage video we're basically just gonna cut this up into slices that will fit into the meat grinder we're gonna pop those slices in the freezer first for a little bit just to make sure everything grinds up nicely on this really hot summer day it's a nice looking butt but no need to cure it overnight or anything like that we're just gonna grind it up throw some seasoning in and then we will have some beautiful breakfast sausage into the freezer they go while we wait for our pork to firm up in the freezer let's go ahead and get our sausage seasoning mixed together which starts out with some kosher salt two percent by weight dried sage this is kind of the flagship flavor of breakfast sausage some red chili flakes a little bit of heat and if you want a little extra kick you can add some more we're going to throw in some black pepper some granulated garlic we're also going to throw in some dry parsley just kind of more as a garnish than any flavor a little bit of sugar not too much and then we're going to throw in some ground cardamom and that's what's going to add that really nice kind of fruity floral flavor if you don't have the on hand then you can throw some coriander in there as well but that's it that's what's going into our sausage mix today just going to whisk this up and i'll have exact ingredient amounts in the description down below but just like anything else this is completely customizable you can add more or less of each ingredient i highly recommend just uh buying a five ten pound pork butt and do some test patties see if you like it change the flavor profile to make it your own now that our pork is sufficiently chilled we're just gonna send it right on through now we're just going to add in our seasoning mix we're going to mix this up thoroughly and then send it through a second time just to make sure we've got a nice consistent grind and the seasoning has been thoroughly dispersed throughout the meat and because we're making a sausage here you don't really need to worry about overworking the meat too much like you would with a like a burger or something it's another reason why you want to use really cold meat too because uh first of all it's about 103 right now and second of all my hands are you know warm this up quite a bit too and it's not cold the fat will kind of smear and it won't grind properly just gets messy clogs up the grinder sometimes back through it goes and i'm using the the smaller die on the meat grinder here as opposed to the bigger one i used in the other sausage video and there we have it some beautiful looking breakfast sausage oh yeah let's see how she tastes there's a real beauty of making your own breakfast sausage too is you can adjust the flavors as you go make a batch cook a patty oh it needs more sage add some sage cook another pad and you can kind of just test your way through the entire batch until you got something you're really happy with that's a good looking patty looks like a breakfast sausage all right let's give this little guy a try looks like a breakfast sausage ooh hot oh yeah that's super tasty one thing to note though is that these flavors are going to develop as the sausage chills and all the flavors kind of meld together and all the spices hydrate and all that so really this will taste better in a few hours or tomorrow morning but i think we're right there so at this stage you could totally call it done vac seal it up in little one pound bags always have breakfast sausage on hand it also makes a great gift because everyone loves getting some homemade breakfast sausage but if you're more of a fan of breakfast links these are sheep casings these are what you would use if you wanted to make a meat stick or a natural case hot dog or a breakfast sausage they're really tiny compared to pog casings and they're kind of a pain in the butt to work with but once you get them on it's just the same procedure as making regular sausage look at these little wieners it's a good looking little breakfast link i'll link in the description too for where i got these uh sheep casings they are cute though all right and there you have it some beautiful little sausage links these are ready to be pan seared off or you know i should probably smoke them see how they come out right in a perfect world you could leave these uncovered in the fridge overnight i'm also putting them together to try and kind of straighten them out so they're not nearly as curvy if i wanted to spend three days making sausage i wouldn't be making breakfast sausage what a perfect fit all right while we wait for this battle area to heat up i'm just going to go ahead and toss them on smoke away all right so i've been keeping this pit around 250 for the last 30 45 minutes and these little guys are looking really nice super plump nice and firm that means they're gonna have a nice little snap to them tempting they're right around 165 internal so i'm going to pull these off everybody loves a clean weiner you know what i haven't had a good bringer in a long time who doesn't love breakfast for dinner come on [Music] welcome back mr cicada all right let's see how these links came out oh my goodness that is a beautiful egg mm-hmm oh so good smoky but not too smoky they cooked a lot quicker than i was thinking obviously because they're a lot tinier than the sausages i'm used to cooking but the real trick here is to do the little maple syrup dunk um oh that's something special like i was saying earlier you could easily put maple syrup into the sausage but then when you're searing them off in patty form they tend to burn and i usually got some maple syrup on the breakfast table anyway so no complaints here let's see how this patty is oh yeah love me some breakfast sauces tell you what breakfast to champions right here i think it's a red pepper flake that gives it that signature breakfast sausage vibe it's just that it's not spicy but it's just got that little roasty heat notes on the back end that you always get from breakfast sausage so good the cardamom helps a lot too i'll see you about putting some lemon zest or orange zest in here too that'd probably be pretty good that's a nice egg i tell you what i gotta go for another one of these a little dunkaroo this one's for you mom i tell you what these uh breakfast patties would make one hell of a breakfast sandwich come on guys you definitely gotta give this one a try so good all right guys and that is it that is my version of homemade breakfast sausage in both patties and links and again i really hope you give this recipe a try because if you buy ground pork you don't need any special equipment it's real easy to do and you can tailor it to your own tastes and it's fun little project but if you learned something and you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe to the channel hit me up on instagram at chud's bbq if you give this recipe a try i'd love to see what y'all are cooking also let me know in the comments below what you want to see me cook next head over to for all smoker building information i got links in the description down below for everything i used in this video and every other video as well as exact recipes thank you so much for watching and until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 84,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sausage Making, Pork Shoulder, Backyard BBQ, Offset Smoker, Barbecue
Id: FK5ioMgmztQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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