Make Your Own Sausage At Home | Never Buy Store Bought Again!

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can you see the sausage can I see it yeah uh ready what are you doing just just film okay don't be afraid it's not dangerous it's not a Pyon snake it is smoked sausage homemade goodness and a green chili and every bite smoked brought worst Mexican sausage who doesn't like a sausage I'm not talking just a breakfast sausage patty I'm talking a link SA sausage but one of my most favorite sausages in the world is a brought worst usually it's made out of maybe pork and Veil sometimes Pork and Beef sometimes just Veil and beef you want to make the best kind that's why we going Cowboy this BR worst up we're going to make it a Mexican BR worst but you're going to need some things I'd say one of the most important things you're going to need is not the bathroom scales no just your a set of scales that you can weigh stuff out on because you got to have proportional rates here from pork to beef and fat you're going to need a grinder you know you ever walk down the street shannel and you see that guy and he's got the little organ and he's playing and there's a little monkey running around down there see my little monkey right here it's called a major monkey they put them in casings and there's all kinds of casings these are a natural hog casing they're sheep casings too but I've used these a lot they hold up well and we'll get into that a little more in a minute what do we got here we have a sausage stuffer I mean these things is so good it's got all the attachments that come with you we have to keep all this stuff cold while we're making sausage the meat we're going to chop after a while we're going to freeze but this sausage grinder if shannel get in here you can see the frost on it I have had it in the freezer make sure that everything is really chilled good and cold and you'll have a better sausage when you get [Music] through pork butt look at all this good marbling of fat it's got on here here one lound of bacon some beef with some good marbling and fat don't y'all get on to me too mad now I'm using a ribeye in mine cuz it's going to be really good wait but what kind of beef what kind of beef would you PR does it have to be a ribeye oh no you can get a top sirloin cap just something that's fatty you can use a chuck roast if it's got enough fat in it and then I've just got off leftover brisket fat that I'm needed a little more beef fat for so we got everybody here that we're going to need so we just got to chop this up to where you can get it in the grinder okay so when you slice that pork look at all that good fat that we're going to end up with in that sausage some of you may want to make this and you don't want to have to buy a grinder do you have a good relationship with your man at the butcher shop just tell him say cowboy Kent Rollins told me to come down here and ask you would you grind me some pork fat some bacon and some beef with some beef fat and then grinded it again because I need to make some sausage but I like to put it in a pot of beans I like to put it in stew meat you can have it for breakfast and when you grind this and you get it the way you want it you can save some of this ground meat and just use it as breakfast sausage patties so hey don't think it's just for smoked sausage it is a good thing it is bacon now if you've got a pork belly already on hand you can use that if not you can buy a sliced bacon and just get her cubed up again we really need this Bacon Fat to go along with that and who don't love bacon and I noticed you have thick cut there is that preference it I always buy thick cut if I can find it but any kind of bacon will work except what turkey bacon don't n don't be putting that in there and this beef fat it's been chopped up already so I'm going to go ahead and throw him in there from that brisket like I say traditionally this would have probably had some ve in it ve is a really tender meat so I figured riby would be a close second but you got to give it a really good good chill to where it'll grind a whole lot better cuz the warmer your meat gets when you're grinding it the sloppier it's going to become and you need all that collagen and all that fat sort of stay in place and not try to melt away so now if you're in a hurry to do this get you a big long flat pan scatter that meat out there to where it's just one level thick slip it in the freezer you could probably get by with about 20 to 30 minutes well we got all that meat there in the freezer it's time for another little deal get you some water not warm water just cold water you got to these casins I sort of like to separate them right when I first pour them in there you got to hydrate them a little to where they'll stretch really well and we'll finish up rinsing them in the house I love to rinse the inside of them as well so we'll let them soak about 45 minutes by that time the meat ought to be chilled enough we can power up the organ grinding electric grinder without [Music] electricity this is when You' be telling yourself man I'd love to have an electric grinder I would now I just keep me some pressure on there this thing just come out of the freezer remember meat and all is chilled really well it'll take it a while to get started this is when you ask for volunteers out of the crowd to come and turn the crank you know what I mean we're going to get all this ground up then we're going to chill it about 10 minutes ground and then we're going to regrind it that's where you get a better texture in your sausage so y'all rest I'll [Music] grind [Music] and my fingers is froze I mean can't feel this one this one or this one I think they're still on there but I can't feel them don't grind them well they're cold enough they fit in there and you wouldn't know it there for a [Music] minute through the grinder twice if you've got bad shoulders get you an electric one cuz woo and I let that meat chill just a little too long there cuz I mean my gosh it's hard to grind like that if you got electric grinder you liveing in what they call Tall Cotton you are you in good shape but now the most important part is we got to get all these spices mixed in there really well we're going to use about 2 tablespoons of kosher salt plus a little cuz it's coming out of the box in a different form and fashion that I thought it would we'll go with some coar ground black pepper Cletus I think I like that you think you'd like some of that Cletus minced garlic and then we'll go with some smoked paprika does this meet your approval Cletus I hope it does I really do whole Mustard Seed ground mustard powder this is from a favorite girl margorie her name is margarum when you smell this to me it's pretty like gardeny fresh when you smell it but folks it don't take much of this it's pretty stout oh look here what we got from I done ground me up some dried ancho chilies you're going to need you about 2 to three tablespoons of this now when you're making sausage and I don't know if you've heard of this word it's called emulsifier I like to use powdered milk now I'm going to do this in two hitches I am it's going to take about eight or nine tablespoons across here but we're going to mix Four in there right now and then we're going to go to mixing this by hand and then we will add some more but the reason you have to have this is when when you get sausage cooked and you're looking at it and you you want to hear that snap when you break it in half but also when you cut it you don't want it to be mealy you want it to slice that way that emulsification is holding all this together bonding it tight and that's what we got to have so just like kneading biscuits it's time to go to work go to kneading sausage hands got cold Shen I see that had to go get some reinforcements and it may not ever get these gloves on on top these other gloves but we might some more milk powder one of my favorite ingredients ever in the whole wide world that I try to mix in everything and if I could squeeze it in a dessert I'd do that too that are Hatch Green Chili it is my gosh don't get nothing better than that so we are going to put some hatch green chilies in here but not just any just regular old hatch green chilies no these are made by the fresh chili company y'all have seen me use these products before and not only have they just got hatch green chilies that are roasted and stuff like that for a salsa enchilada sauce all kind of red sauce I mean they got it all but hey it makes great Christmas presents as well it can be a stocking stuffer they got it all on there so be sure and check them folks out smells good I mean the aroma coming off that is fit to eat it is I remember at this time it is very important we're just going to pinch us a little bit off here and we're going to roll it up in a balll and you need to fry one piece and that way you can have a snack but really what you're trying to find out is do I need to change the seasoning in here of any kind do I need to add something that I'm missing too late once you get it in the casing ain't going to happen so make sure you fry a pieas taste it and see what what you need be the end of the video we'll make sausage no more we going to fry the whole thing I want you to try this Shin it is so good and delicious juicy M green chilies good they make a big difference they do but really the ratio you have from pork fat to beef fat keeps it really good and juicy yeah y'all will get something later and we're going to use our rough neck smoker run a temperature of about 250° burn in straight Cherrywood today but we're going to smoke that sausage to where it's sort of a slow smoke to get it come up just right so we have got all that made we got our sausage stuffing put together here but when you get this I need you to take that sausage stuffer and I need you to chunk it down in there mash it in the bottom we're trying to keep the air out of it we don't want a lot of air in that casing so just throw her down in there like you was just maybe gonna Spike the football you know after you made touchdown you can see where we're at right about to the Top If you've got yourself a sausage press before you start just put your finger over the end here to get it ready to go cuz when this gets down there so far we don't want none of that sausage to come out of there so just keep her there and you can see we're coming right here so let off that crank because we're forcing the air out here just keep it coming slowly and we'll let it go right to the end of that this is sort of a painstaking process at times it is get you some of this casing and you just got to thread it on there I like to wet this a little just finding the end to start now when you taking this always try to keep this casing just a little taut but not much and you can see how it's slipping on there but see where it's over here on the edge I like to try to keep it more towards the center or the middle it'll thread on there a little easier it will I just like to take this run her back over here in a knot and tie it try to push it straight up here as close as you can to the sausage stuffer itself pull it tight you need to sort of help feed it a whoa my gosh feed it along and depends on how big you want them but just let it keep foing to keep pressure you want to try to keep the air out of it that is the big thing and not having a table that wobbles helps a lot and if you blow a casing out or you split one don't think it is the worst thing that can happen because you can tie that back off and start again but as you see yourself getting closer to the end of the casing let off the crank handle here cuz we don't want to run a bunch out there and then just go to twisting that casing offer knot this up but you can see how that's tight and you have what a full roll of sausage if there's any air and we did a really good job I don't see a lot of air in here but if you was to find a little air pocket take your toothpick and just pierce it push the air out and just seal it back over so we want to get that out of there we're going to roll up one more and hey we're going to smoke us some sausage [Music] oh [Music] took about 35 minutes to get to that end result and folks the grinding the chilling all of it is worth the effort that sausage has got so much juice in it I'm going to go ahead and hand me a bite this might be the best batch of sausage I've ever made Shen why I think increasing the ancho chili and the green chili but straight Cherrywood is all it got too from the Smoky Woods company I thank them folks it'll give it such a good red color to it but it gives it so much flavor it's pretty mellow smoke but so good I'm going to have one more bite and you see how that sausage is sort of curled up there got that rolling round motion and sometimes you got to roll it the other way and you be feeling good and smooth like now folks when we did check that with our Chef's temp 165 is about what you're after you can go to 170 but hey that is the dness that is really needed to be and that's uh don't get no better than that it don't remember now when you get all that sausage made up and all your seasoning don't forget to fry you one little Patty to see what you think if you need to add something to it because once it's in here no more we thank y'all so much much for joining us today it was a great deal and it is with pride honor and privilege that I tap my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying back there we commend you all rest of you get on up in here really quick because me and the pups are hungry God bless you each and everyone and I'll see you down the smoked BR worst Mexican sausage Trail can you scratch my nose has a oh thank you color [Music] wa he [Music] [Music] came
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,123,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sausage, how to make sausage, homemade sausage, how to make sausage at home, homemade sausage recipes, sausage links, how to stuff sausage casings, how to make sausage patties, how to make sausage links, smoked sausage, smoked sausage recipe, how to smoke sausage, how to smoke sausage at home, easy homemade sausage, stuffing sausage, stuffing sausage with a grinder, stuffing sausage with meat grinder, sausage casing making, kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins
Id: CMrAoxCcyaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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